The avoidance of integrated thinking and forward-essence movement undermines all business. Examples are every-where, especially in several-generations-old, stagnating companies.
In a first-generation company, top management (the founders) always consists of integrated-thinking, forward-essence movers. Exerting integrated thinking is the only way to successfully start a competitive, profit-generating company. But, most managers brought in after the essence-moving founders have established a company slip into specialized, handle-the-details-only jobs that are not integrated with moving forward and building upon the foundations of that company. At this point, a company begins slipping into an avoid-integrated-thinking mode.
When a company's original founders retire, their void is usually filled by specialized, detail-handling managers. After several generations, that business, from upper management to lower management, becomes filled almost entirely with nonintegrating, specialized managers. That phenomenon initiates the white-collar hoax. (See Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control for a definitive analysis of the white-collar hoax.) As those specialized managers take over, more and more business decisions are based upon a path-of-least-resistance, non-integrated-thinking mode. The powerful, prestigious, and well-paid positions of top management become filled with managers who are not exerting the intense effort required to build upon the foundations of their business and to move their business forward. Those managers are not turning out increasingly competitive values that will enable their company to grow and prosper for generations into the future. Instead, such managers ride off foundations built by previous generations of integrated-thinking, forward-essence movers.
Yet, exerting intense integrated thinking and forward-essence movement is precisely the kind of foundation-building effort required for such high-powered positions. A non-integrating, non-essence-building management becomes vulnerable to, and can be outflanked by, integrated-thinking essence-building competition.
Because of that vulnerability, white-collar-hoax managements of long-established, stagnating companies increasingly turn toward the government to protect their high-power, high-prestige positions. Such managements turn to the government to protect them from competitive Japanese companies, or dynamic upstarts like Preston Tucker, or T. Boone Pickens-type takeover men.
In the name of their corporations, white-collar-hoax managements provide the support pillars for government regulations that stifle integrated-thinking, essence-building competition. White-collar-hoax managements do not seek to build the essences of their companies; they seek regulations to protect their livelihoods.
Although early American government was not as powerful as it is today, ever since the earliest days of America non-essence-driving businessmen constantly pushed for regulations against essence-building competition. Why? Because non-essence-building businessmen seek the path of least resistance. They seek to avoid the integrated thinking necessary to carry out competitive forward-essence movement. For example, during the railroad empire years of the late 19th Century, second and third generation white-collar-hoax railroad managements flocked to the government to legislate protection against first-generation railroad entrepreneur Jay Gould and his highly-competitive integrated thinking.
Consider a current example: Ontario, Canada recently held a proposal to finally allow businesses to remain open on Sunday. But, a vicious campaign was launched against that proposal. That campaign was headed not by religious zealots or anti-business Marxists, that campaign was headed by established, big business. Fortune 5OO companies ran full-page newspaper ads and formed committees against the Sunday-shopping proposal. Their entrenched managements did not want to deal with the added competition Sunday business would bring. So, they turned to the government to forcibly stop those competitive variables from arising. For, those new variables opened opportunities that would be seized by harder-working, more competitive entrepreneurs.
Such examples are a microcosm of how all force-backed external authority gets its support. At the root of all external authority are individuals seeking to avoid competitive integrated thinking in their livelihoods.
In entrenched, white-collar-hoax companies, integrated thinking has been removed from most employees' responsibilities. Specialized employees are managed by specialized managers. If a worker or manager never learns how to integrate with the money-making essence of his company, he cannot perform the integrated thinking necessary to break out on his own and move his company's money-making essence forward. (See Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control.) No matter how physically hard he works, no matter how conscientiously he works, that employee's job will always remain dependent upon someone else's thinking, decisions, and orders. Thus, that employee's livelihood remains dependent upon someone else--on an external authority.
Consequently, the first layer of the external-authority affliction is born. Vast numbers of workers' livelihoods remain dependent upon specialized managers. But, those specialized, nonintegrating managers, too, remain dependent upon an "external authority." They form the second layer of the external-authority affliction; those specialized managers remain dependent upon top management to make sure that their work, too, is integrated with the company's money-making essence and moves it forward.
But, if top management is no longer exerting integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, if that management instead is riding off foundations built by previous managements, then the third and most devastating layer of the external authority affliction is formed. Non-integrated-thinking, non-essence-building top management inevitably turns to government regulation to protect their livelihoods.
If a person is not an integrated thinker, his livelihood is always vulnerable. His job or his company can be taken over by more integrated, essence-building competitors. Integrated thinking is the only way to create and continue business amidst wide-open competition.
The avoidance of integrated thinking makes workers dependent upon management. If a worker is not exerting integrated thinking to identify the money-making essence of his company, then he has no way of knowing which of his actions are profitable and which are unprofitable. Thus, his livelihood remains dependent upon management to make sure that his work is integrated with the company's money-making essence and is generating an overall profit. But, if that company's managers are also not exerting integrated thinking to aggressively push forward their company's essence, then their livelihoods become dependent upon government to protect them from integrating-thinking, forward-moving competitors. That interconnected chain of livelihoods dependent upon force-backed government authority leads to the Nothingness Drain. As identified by Mark Hamilton in his book Neo-Tech Business Control, the Nothingness Drain occurs whenever large amounts of resources are spent on activities made to appear important, but in reality activities that produce no net value. The ultimate purpose of such deceptive activity is to protect uncompetitive jobs and to provide livelihoods and prestige to value usurpers.
The epitome of the Nothingness Drain is exemplified by politicians and the media. The media, armed with millions of dollars worth of the latest high-tech equipment, descend upon politicians in a great flurry of activity. The politicians, in order to appear important, are scurrying about devising a maze of laws and regulations in the name of some trendy cause. Those laws and regulations are then forced upon productive individuals. For what net gain? The bottom line is that absolutely no new values are being produced for society. In fact, all of that unproductive political activity serves only to consume vast amounts of time, energy, and capital from society's real value producers.
Although the Nothingness Drain is pervasive today, no master conspiracy exists to orchestrate the vast Nothingness-Drain empires existing throughout government and the media. The Nothingness Drain exists simply because great numbers of people fail to break into competitive, integrated thinking. Thus, they remain dependent upon external authority to protect their livelihoods. In turn, everyone is forced to pay ever increasing amounts for the vast Nothingness-Drain empires that result.
Ever since the Greek philosopher Aristotle, fundamental identifications have been made about the immorality and destructiveness of force-backed external authority, i.e., of government creating and enforcing political policies and collecting taxes through threat of force, in contrast to preventing all forms of force and extortion against individuals. But to no avail. Force-initiating government has always prevailed. Why? Because its support structure has prevailed. That support structure is the avoidance of integrated thinking.
Even the philosophical and political systems of Objectivism, Libertarianism, and Voluntaryism that identify the irrationality and evil of government initiating force, rather than preventing force, fail to make meaningful headway. The reason is because the real nemesis of mankind is the avoidance of integrated thinking. The avoidance of integrated thinking keeps individuals dependent upon force-initiating external authority.
Objectivists, Libertarians, Voluntaryists have all identified the hoax of force-backed external authority. But they have never succeeded in ending that force-backed external authority. Why? Because they, themselves, with rare exceptions, do not exert competitive, money-making integrated thinking in their own careers. Thus, in the end, their livelihoods too are dependent upon others. They, too, are ultimately dependent upon external-authority. Objectivists, Libertarians, Voluntaryists will never be able to eliminate the forced-backed external-authority institutions they denounce, for without competitive, business-like integrated thinking, no person or group can ever collapse the foundation of force-backed external authority.
When a person starts integrated thinking in his career, he never again depends upon others to maintain a livelihood. That independent, money-making thinker, by his very nature, is laissez-faire, leave-me-alone oriented. Such integrated thinkers naturally dislike and subvert Nothingness Drains, force-backed external authority, and white-collar hoaxes.
Regardless of how clearly intellectuals identify and expose the immoral, destructive nature of force-backed external authority, they will never be able to stop such neocheaters.[ 14 ] Competitive business pressures that push more and more people into integrated thinking and forward-essence movement are the only mechanisms that will eventually collapse the hoax of force-backed external authority.
An integrated thinking, forward-essence mover never feels a sense of livelihood vulnerability. He inherently knows that he will succeed anywhere, for he is integrated with the essence of money-making and value-production. Other competitive essence-builders do not represent a long-range threat to an integrated thinker. For, the integrated thinker ultimately utilizes and builds upon the values created by other forward-essence movers in society.
If the world were populated with forward-essence moving integrated thinkers, even if they did not explicitly identify the hoax of external authority, all force-backed empires, all institutionalized mysticism would collapse. Their support pillars would no longer exist. The integrated thinker is a profit-generating essence-mover. He is not dependent upon anyone else, especially not government value-usurpers, to protect his livelihood.
In contrast, a constant and pervasive resistance toward integrated thinking exists in society today. Even if a person is enthusiastic about eliminating force-backed external authority, that person will still seek to avoid integrated thinking in his job if he has not been previously exposed to hard, money-making integrated thinking. Money-making integrated thinking is completely alien to most people. (See Eric Savage's book Global Wealth Power!)
Resistance to integrated thinking results in that unpleasant huffiness one sees all around in business today. When people become huffy in the workplace, their huffiness almost always signals a resistance against doing something that requires integrated thinking. To win the integrated-thinking battle a person must cut through that huffiness and focus on a business' essence. A huffy employee is almost always attempting to avoid actions that are a hassle upon himself rather than diving into and taking care of any business matter that crosses his path. An employee is paid to build his company's essence, not to avoid things that are a hassle upon himself.
Whenever a manager encounters huffy resistance against integrated thinking and forward-essence movement in an employee, he is encountering their personal mysticism -- a deep-rooted, camouflaged laziness and dishonesty. That manager must aggressively put a stop to such huffiness. He or she must get the focus back on forward-driving essence movement -- not easy-to-follow detail tasks. That manager must stomp out any prima-donna attitudes, integration-avoiding tactics, and "that work is not my responsibility" excuses.
Most workers do not exert integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Instead, they continually perform routine business details. Nearly everyone's potential stagnates as the average person sinks into a mediocre life. Most people fail to capitalize on their greatest power--integrated thinking. They have not discovered their forward-moving, essence-building capacity. Just how will people discover their enormous power to move the world and acquire great wealth? For a revealing analogy, consider bicameral man. As identified by Julian Jaynes in The Origin of Consciousness, until about 3000 B.C., man was not conscious in the way that he is today. Man was bicameral. Bicameral man was like an animal man. He automatically reacted to his environment; he was essentially controlled by nature. That contrasts to today's conscious man. Conscious man can introspect and conceptualize. Conscious man can think out and plan his actions. Conscious man controls his environment and his life. Bicameral man was guided by external stimuli.[ 15 ] Conscious man is guided by conceptual, introspective thinking.
Yet, bicameral man had the capacity to do conceptual, introspective thinking. But, bicameral man would not break into the conceptual, introspective thinking mode. Automatic, bicameral thinking was too ingrained in everyone. For them, bicameral thinking was the path of least resistance. Eventually, societies became too complex for bicameral thought. At that point, societies began collapsing. People were forced to do conceptual, introspective thinking or perish. Thus, man began exerting conceptual, introspective thinking to survive. But, people did not switch into conceptual, introspective thinking voluntarily.
Today, one-step-at-a-time, nonintegrated thinking represents the path of least resistance. To do integrated thinking requires breaking out of a details-only, one-thought-at-a-time, nonintegrated thinking mode. Wide-scope integrated thinking represents the natural evolvement of the human mind. Integrated thinking is what the human mind was designed to do. (See Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control.)
Imagine a Fortune 500 company with 200,000 employees. If each employee exerted integrated thinking to pack their days with high-intensity, money-making essence actions, that company would become the most productive, powerful force on Earth.[ 16 ] Such an organization would be like capturing 200,000 Henry Fords together within a single company. That company would take over world business simply through its superior competitive dynamics.
Regardless of such potential competitive power, unless workers are compelled into integrated thinking, the majority will remain dependent upon someone else's integrated thinking. Someone, somewhere has to make sure employees' actions are integrated with the bottom line and are contributing to their company's money-making essence.
As explained in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control, businesses can be structured so that every manager and every employee is forced to do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. But, most individuals become downright huffy when pushed to do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. For that requires vigorous, competitive thinking and action. A person must move ideas into actions, then into profits.
Integrated thinking is exciting. When a person exerts integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, he or she soars. He or she prospers.[ 17 ] So why is integrated thinking and forward-essence movement tenaciously avoided by most? The reason is personal mysticism. As with all personal mysticism, if a person can rationalize around effort, he or she will do that. Personal mysticism makes people seek the path of least resistance. But, if a person's mysticism is cornered with survival pressures, he or she will finally give up that mysticism.
Neo-Tech Business Control reveals how a manager must corner a traditional employee with survival pressures to force that employee to do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Until that employee is cornered with survival pressures, he or she will not give in. That employee will make excuses as to why specific money-making essence actions cannot be done or will rationalize that certain detail tasks he or she is performing are money-making essence actions. In the integrated-thinking and forward-essence battle, a manager must go on a hunt against the avoidance of integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. For, the average person becomes a genius at avoiding integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Like an alcoholic who becomes a genius at making up rationalizations to deceive himself, his employer, and his family, the average worker becomes a genius at figuring out how to avoid competitive, money-making integrated thinking and forward-essence movement in his or her job.
When people corner and then eliminate their personal mysticism, i.e., laziness and dishonesty, to exert integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, they evolve into powerful wealth-producers. Dependence upon external authority vanishes. Thus, integrated thinking and forward-essence movement represents an apocalypse for external authority. All external authority, whether force-backed government, white-collar hoax managements, or organized religion is really nothing -- mere hoaxes supported by individuals who do not exert integrated thinking and forward-essence movement.
If a business were to establish all jobs so that employees must do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, that business would grow so rapidly that competitors would be forced into a similar integrated-thinking, forward-essence format or perish.
Great foundation-builders of the past, men like Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, J. Paul Getty, Howard Hughes, and so on had lawsuits filed against them and government regulations passed against their companies because of their competitive, integrated-thinking. Likewise, lawsuits today are filed against and government regulations are passed against competitive, integrated-thinking business movers like Michael Milken, T. Boone Pickens-type corporate takeover men, as well as Japanese companies. White-collar-hoax managements, the government, and entrenched special interests are scared, whining, and huffy.
Non-integrated-thinking, non-essence-moving business leaders furiously try to get integrated thinking, forward-essence-moving competitors blacklisted or even thrown in jail. For, those integrated-thinking, forward-essence movers are breaking the silent code "Let there be no integrated thinking in business so that everyone can compete on the same low-effort level." What is really happening is that integrated-thinking, essence-moving competitors are removing personal mysticism in their own careers and businesses to soar past others stuck in a low-effort, avoid-integrated-thinking mode.
To radically increase income, the average person must blast out any avoidance of integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Next, that person must blast out the avoidance of integrated thinking and forward-essence movement in all who come to work for him. (Specific tools for implementing integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, first in oneself, then company-wide, are detailed in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control.) A person will then evolve into a money/power giant. Nothing can stop the competitive advantages of forward-essence-moving integrated thinking. Forward-essence-moving integrated thinkers simply outcompete everyone else.
[ 14 ] See "Why Neo-Tech Succeeds When All Other Philosophical Idea System s Fail" by Frank R. Wallace in The Neo-Tech Discovery. Fully integrated honesty combined with effort leads to the widest-scope integrated thinking. All other philosophical systems contain some element of laziness and dishonesty that truncates increasingly widescope integrated thinking. Whenever increasingly widescope integrated thinking is cut off, people eventually become defenseless against, even dependent upon, force-backed external authority.
[ 15 ] Frank R. Wallace's Neo-Tech III expands on the bicameral man phenomenon. Wallace identifies how vestiges of bicameral man's need for external guidance act as a cancer seed for mysticism in
[ 16 ] Money-making in business means self-supporting value production and growth.
[ 17 ] A manager who carefully studies his business will find that a few basic actions generate almost all income. Those actions are what really matter. Yet, most managers fill their days going through details, supervising others, handling employees' problems, holding meetings, and doing errands that have nothing to do with making money. The one or two actions a traditional manager performs in a day that do make money keep that business going. But, if a manager intensely focuses on money-making essence actions all day long, he can increase his money-making actions from one or two a day to ten, twenty, or more in a single day. That manager will then increase his wealth power from a corner-store capacity to a wealth-tycoon capacity.
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