Leonard Peikoff's recently published book Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand is a philosophical masterpiece. Dr. Peikoff acknowledges that all of the principle ideas in his book originated from Ayn Rand. Peikoff, however, is the first person to pull together into a complete, integrated work the full system of Objectivism. That required enormous nitty-gritty effort and wide-scope integration.
Dr. Peikoff is uniquely qualified for such a task. As a professional philosopher, Peikoff has spent his life learning about and teaching philosophy at universities. He commands a full scope of the discipline. In addition, Peikoff spent 30 years as Ayn Rand's closest associate. He spent hours upon hours discussing philosophy and Objectivism with Ayn Rand. Peikoff's probing caused Rand to bring out for further clarification crucial philosophical issues. Without Peikoff's in-depth questioning, Rand's ideas about Objectivism probably would not have been so well developed.
Although Ayn Rand was a prolific writer, she never wrote a definitive treatise on Objectivism. Thus, Objectivism could never really take hold as a philosophical system and make a major impact upon civilization...not until someone exerted the enormous effort required to organize and write down a complete, hierarchically structured treatise of objectivist philosophy. That is what Leonard Peikoff has done. Objectivism now stands as a fully matured, complete philosophy with the power to change the world.
Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand brings to fruition, for the first time, a completely reality-based, non-contradictory system of ideas. Objectivism is the only philosophical system axiomatically grounded to reality, without any contradictions. Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand shows why reality exists and why no alternative to reality is possible (i.e., why no form of mysticism or mind-created realities are possible). Peikoff proceeds to systematically demonstrate why there are no alternatives to the use of our senses to perceive reality and the use of consciousness to integrate our senses and act accordingly. Building upon fundamental axioms, Peikoff demonstrates why existence exists, why man's senses are necessarily valid, and why only our senses can ultimately validate reality. Peikoff then builds a spiraling proof to demonstrate how this leads to the validation or non validation of every other aspect of reality and life. Peikoff demonstrates how to use the mind to determine what is rational (i.e., consistent with reality) and what is irrational (i.e., not consistent with reality). Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand builds a non-contradictory road map to the fundamental topics of philosophy -- Reality, Sense Perception and Volition, Concept-Formation, Objectivity, Reason, Man, The Good, Virtue, Happiness, Government, Capitalism, Art.
After reading Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, a person understands explicitly how to identify reality and how to act rationally. Mankind has finally been given the axiomatic grounding and necessary proofs. In the process of building a complete foundation of the objectivist philosophy, Peikoff is forced to show the contradictions and invalid premises of every other major philosophical idea system. Thus, all of the countless contradictions and deceptions promoted by mystical and neocheating intellectuals throughout the ages are swept away.
A philosophical system that is completely consistent with reality has never taken hold in any society. Every civilization on Earth has been shaped and guided by idea systems full of mysticism and contradictions. Objectivism is the first philosophy based completely upon reality without any compromises, without any contradictions. Thus, the contrast between reality-based Objectivism and all of the other non-reality, mystical-based idea systems that have guided the thoughts and actions of essentially every human being since the dawn of mankind becomes strikingly clear.
Objectivism, as a complete philosophy, is the most powerful tool for identifying reality and acting rationally a person can have. Once an individual grasps Objectivism, it becomes clear how most people have little idea how to identify reality and act rationally. Worse are the high-placed mystics and neocheaters that rule over us (i.e., politicians, media people, academe, clergymen, union leaders, environmentalists, and other activists). As documented in The Neo-Tech Discovery, their livelihoods are dependent upon obscuring reality and creating deceptions. Thus, they actually become epistemologically incapable of identifying reality. That is why we live in an upside-down anti-civilization. We are ruled by blind, anti-reality pip squeaks and clowns.
Few people today, if any, can cognitively function in a completely non-contradictory, reality-based manner. Many individuals cannot accurately identify reality beyond a perceptual level. Thus, most people yearn for a leader. Consciously or subconsciously, most sense that they are not capable of identifying reality and acting rationally upon that knowledge. They seek an authority to tell them what to do. Mystics and neocheaters rush in to fill that authority position.
Now that Objectivism has been presented in its entirety, all of the countless irrational and destructive idea systems guiding mankind are destined for the dust bin of history. People can now acquire the tools to clearly identify reality and act rationally upon that knowledge. All other reality-evading idea systems of the past and present will eventually be laughed out of existence. The implications of Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand are profound. Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand marks the beginning of the end for institutionalized mysticism, irrationality, and rule-by-force on this planet.
As the reality-based, rational philosophy of Objectivism slowly spreads throughout society, dramatic social, political and business changes will occur. Forward-moving individuals will learn how to apply Objectivist principles to other professions. For example, forward-essence movers in business will learn how to apply Objectivism to accurately perceive reality, to think rationally, and to integrate concepts into a non-contradictory hierarchy. This will lead to specific, philosophically grounded approaches for developing new values and moving forward the essence of a business. The results will be spectacular. The draining, white-collar hoax now rampant in many long-established companies will be uprooted while the groundwork for a permanent, systematic development of values and markets will be set in place. The world will prosper like never before once it learns how to think and act upon reality rather than upon mysticism, deception, and wishful thinking.
To fully realize this goal, the reality-based concepts of Objectivism must be combined with the fully integrated honesty, high-effort business mode of Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech will take the concepts of Objectivism to their furthest limit in order to create a new civilization based upon the primacy of existence (i.e., based upon reality). Because all civilizations on earth, past and present, have been based upon the primacy of consciousness (i.e., based upon mysticism), all current societies have been structured upon false, anti-reality foundations. Thus, all civilizations on earth today are corrupt at their core. A corrupt system cannot be fixed. It can only be replaced with a new, uncorrupted system. That is what Neo-Tech will do. Combining the philosophical principles of Objectivism with the business/action mode of Neo-Tech will push mankind into a new, reality-based civilization of the universe.
Upon examining the life of essentially every significant intellectual, one glaring fault jumps out -- intellectuals are incessantly jealous of others who compete with their ideas. Well-known examples afflicted with this "academic disease" included intellectuals such as Sigmond Freud and Isaac Newton. Freud viciously turned upon his closest associates once they advanced from the role of student to that of developing new ideas in their own right. Similarly, Isaac Newton was an incredible genius who made enormous contributions to science. He certainly did not need to feel jealous of or threatened by anyone. Yet, Newton became neurotically jealous of the German mathematician Leibnitz. Leibnitz made important breakthroughs in calculus at the same time Newton did. As a result, Newton devoted great energy and time in an attempt to destroy Leibnitz' reputation. When Leibnitz died of a heart attack a short time later, Newton commented that he hoped he was the cause of Leibnitz' death.
The list of accomplished intellectuals who felt threatened by and as a result attacked other intellectuals working in fields related to their own stretches on and on. In almost every instance, an intellectual who achieved significant "forward movement" within his field became extremely jealous of others in similar fields whom he felt competed with his own accomplishments. This included destructive intellectuals such as Karl Marx. Marx, whose only goal supposedly was to overthrow the bourgeois and install socialism, viciously denounced various socialist groups of his day that had branched out and were not directly under his control. Leading socialists of Marx's day were often assassinated by other leading socialists out of professional jealousy.
Unfortunately, yet quite predictably, Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, and other leading objectivists were and are afflicted with this academic disease. Objectivists viciously attack other free-market, pro-reason intellectuals. Especially vicious and unjust are objectivists' attacks upon modern libertarians. Objectivists have officially stated that libertarians are worse than the communist dictators of the Soviet Union and Red China. They back up such out-of-context accusations by linking modern libertarians with the anarchists of the Nineteenth Century. True, 19th-century anarchists were Marxists at heart. Their goal was to eliminate government in order to let mob rule destroy civilization. But, to apply that definition to today's libertarians is completely out of context. The modern libertarian movement was founded by sympathizers of Ayn Rand and Objectivism. Libertarians do not seek to abolish government in order to destroy values, they seek to limit and, if possible, eliminate the evils of government rule-by-force in order to uphold and build values. These are the same principles and goals espoused by objectivists.
The modern libertarian movement has made great contributions toward advancing the cause of freedom and reason. Yet, it is precisely because libertarians are contributing to fields that objectivists are concerned with that causes objectivists to jealously attack libertarians. And, vice versa, many libertarian intellectuals unfairly attack Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, and Objectivism out of professional jealousy. Quite predictably, both objectivist and libertarian intellectuals feel threatened by and attack Neo-Tech by the very virtue that Neo-Tech is making enormous contributions within their areas of endeavor.
Why do academic intellectuals succumb to such irrational mysticism? As identified in The Neo-Tech Discovery, academic intellectuals base their self-esteems on ideas held, not on values produced. Yet, it is the production of competitive, marketable values from which comes a genuine sense of self-worth or self-esteem. Holding pro-reason ideas, on the other hand, takes relatively little effort. Merely holding an idea does not require the nitty-gritty, continuous effort that producing values in a competitive business mode does. Thus, academic intellectuals who base their self-esteems on ideas held feel psychologically vulnerable.[ 18 ] They will attack others who are making advancements in areas similar to theirs as this threatens their own feelings of importance. On the other hand, a person in a high-action business mode does not feel threatened by others who can advance his goals. His self-esteem is secure. Such a person will cooperate with and, when possible, will team up with any person or organization that can advance his goals and expand his business. He won't viciously put down their accomplishments.
Because our current civilization has been built upon a corrupt, primacy-of-consciousness (mystical) foundation, an unnatural dichotomy exists between intellectuals and competitive, marketplace businessmen. That is why even reality-based, effort-exerting intellectuals like Rand and Peikoff succumb to the academe disease of professional jealousy. In a reality-based, primacy-of-existence civilization such a dichotomy between intellectual achievement and competitive, business-like value production would not exist. The two functions would be integrated together. Intellectuals would be forced into a competitive, business-like mode of value production and marketing. Intellectuals would then be in control of their success. They would not have to depend upon their "reputation" for success. Thus, the spectacle of intellectuals immaturely attacking peers out of professional jealousy would cease. Likewise, businessmen would be forced to think and act on principle in contrast to the self-destructive pragmatism practiced by many businessmen today.
Fortunately, Neo-Tech integrates the intellectual mode of thinking and acting on principle with the business mode of producing and marketing values in the competitive marketplace. Thus, unlike objectivists, libertarians, and other intellectuals, those developing and applying Neo-Tech do not become jealous of or feel threatened by other intellectuals who genuinely help advance the goal of collapsing mysticism and building a reality-based civilization of the universe. Instead of immaturely attacking such individuals and dismissing their legitimate values, Neo-Tech recognizes and benefits from their achievements. That is why Neo-Tech will succeed when other intellectuals stagnate as they cut themselves off from everything that falls outside their "bubble of reality."
[ 18 ] Another contributing factor to the professional jealousy so often exhibited by academes is that, by not being in a business mode, academes are not in direct control of their success. Their success instead depends upon their academic standing and reputation. Hence, a jealousy of intellectual rivals develops.
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