Many managers will find, after a quick analysis, that throughout their normal work day they usually perform only one or two actions that directly make money. In fact, many days may pass when a manager does not perform a single money-making action. Yet, those money-making actions are the foundation of all wealth creation. Those actions are what your business was founded on, they are responsible for all its income, and they are the key to future wealth generation.
Now, concentrate on those handful of actions that directly make money--they are essence actions. A business is full of details on which a manager can spend all of his or her time. In contrast, only a handful of essence actions make money in business. Hone in on those essence actions. By consciously focusing on money-making essence actions, a person can suddenly expand two-fold, five-fold, even ten-fold the number of money-making essence actions he or she performs in a day. That manager will then realize that he can pack all his days with direct, money-making essence actions. Suddenly, his money-making capacity will skyrocket as he pushes through stagnation barriers and into a world of wealth-generation.
Focusing on essence action creates a high money-making intensity within a person. With that high intensity, a person will find himself or herself rifling through business details that previously filled an entire day in a couple of early morning or evening hours. Most of those details can be condensed into tight mini-days and efficiently handled within specific time slots. (See Mark Hamilton's Rapid Power and Wealth, Neo-Tech Publishing Company.)
If a manager does not pack the non-money-making details of business into short, specific time slots, those details will expand to fill a full nine-hour day. But, when a person instead packs his day with money-making essence actions, his intensity multiplies many-fold. Suddenly, he or she can push through in a few hours or less business details that take most managers a full day to handle. The man or woman consciously focusing on money-making essence actions becomes a superman in intensity and accomplishment next to his or her peers.
By understanding and then focusing on money-making essence actions, a person is transformed from a mediocre career person with limited potential into a money-making titan. As that person performs direct, money-making essence actions at high intensity, he or she begins accomplishing daily in bottom-line terms what others accomplish in a month. In a month, he or she begins accomplishing what others accomplish in a year. In a year, such a person can accomplish what takes others a lifetime. In several years, such a person can truly build a wealth empire.
By focusing employees on money-making essence actions, an entrepreneur can create a whole cadre of money-generators. But, implementing money-making essence action among employees is difficult. Yet, it is the key to vast wealth.
The original founder of a business implicitly understands and aggressively pursues money-making essence actions. To initially create a competitive, value-producing business requires considerable essence-action movement. However, the original founder can begin easing up on high-intensity essence action after his company has become established. Through the path of least resistance, he can begin substituting money-making essence actions with less mentally demanding business details. But, by focusing with high intensity on money-making essence actions, that original founder can permanently snap into an essence action focus. By doing that, he can build his business into an empire.
Employees, however, are usually in a different mode. Sustained money-making essence action is more difficult for employees to achieve because it is more alien to them. Traditionally, employees are hired to handle mostly business details. As a founding entrepreneur's business grows, he brings in help to handle responsibilities that he has already established so that he can move forward. To be certain that crucial responsibilities are done correctly, that founding entrepreneur usually hands over to a new employee only a few money-making responsibilities. The rest of that employee's day is then spent handling non-essence details. But, that employee, too, is capable of packing his day with money-making essence actions.
The reason few employees aggressively pursue money-making essence action is that such essence action requires integrated thinking. Unfortunately, most individuals stubbornly resist integrated thinking. For, the process of integrated thinking requires a constant mental exertion. To carry out integrated thinking, a person must constantly seek to acquire new pieces of knowledge. This can only be done through a continuous process of expanding one's business experience, formulating new ideas from that experience, and then testing those new ideas in the real-world market place. Then, that person must actively review those new pieces of tested knowledge. When enough new knowledge has been accumulated, that person can then make integrations of related facts into completely new, money-making ideas.
Harvey Firestone, founder of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, stated, "There is no limit to the extent a person will go to avoid hard thinking. In business, a person will attempt to fill his schedule with details in order to avoid hard thinking." What Firestone implied by "hard thinking" is integrated thinking. Integrated thinking is required for all money-making actions.
Integrated thinking requires DTC (Discipline, Thought, and Control). The DTC method was first developed by Frank R. Wallace in his book The Advanced Concepts of Poker. To perform actions that increase the bottom line, an intense focusing of one's brain is required. Money-making essence actions by their nature are self-initiated actions. Thus, such actions can only be orchestrated by an individual's own thinking. No one else can tell that individual what to do. One must break out of a following mode and think on his own. Yet, most employees have been in a following mode all their working lives. They report to work and do what they are told. They perform pre-set responsibilities. They do not create new, money-making work for themselves.
For most people, the inherently independent and creative nature of integrated thinking is a difficult, new way of thinking. The integrated thinking necessary to enact money-making actions requires constantly reviewing and integrating situations throughout the day and into the night as new pieces of information become available, as feedback is obtained through a constant testing of ideas. Unlike most business activities, there is no pre-set format or routine to follow with integrated thinking. Correct, brain-sweating thought must constantly be exerted by that individual alone.
For example, to carry out money-making essence actions at Neo-Tech Publishing Company, a manager must wake up in the morning with his first thoughts reviewing and integrating the business outlook for that day and beyond: What new mailing lists are coming onto the market today? Who should I be talking to about new names? Who should I be meeting with to arrange special list deals? Where can I search for new lists? What new variables should I be testing to try to increase response? What are previous test numbers revealing? What new opportunities are emerging in product development?
To generate money, a Neo-Tech manager must carry around all such variables in his head and constantly integrate any new variables that arise. By their very nature, money-making essence actions are fluid, changing day to day, even hour to hour. Each new piece of information must immediately be reintegrated with the whole picture. A change in one variable can affect everything else.
Such an integrated-thinking mode contrasts with a non-integrated-thinking mode in which a person comes to work and performs routine details, one step at a time, that someone else has designed and implemented. That person then goes home and puts work out of his or her mind until the next morning.
Money-making essence actions are never pre-set business details devised by someone else that require no wide-scope integrations to carry out. Yet, such routine details fill 90% or more of most managers' days.
Neo-Tech's general manager originally identified the concept of filling one's day with dynamic, money-making essence actions instead of pre-set, stagnating business details. When a manager fills his day with money-making essence actions, his money-making power multiplies many-fold.
As Neo-Tech Publishing grew, other managers joined the company in the traditional way--to handle business details. Thus, they were filling their days with business details while making little progress on integrated, money-making essence movement. Thus, Neo-Tech's general manager restructured those managers into independent bantam companies. Each bantam company head essentially became his own independent company. His pay was based on the profits he alone generated out of his own money-making essence actions. Thus, each bantam company head suddenly had the incentive to focus his entire day on money-making essence actions, rather than stagnating, go-nowhere details.
After studying each bantam company, one fact became apparent: By spending just two or three hours a day on an intense money-making focus, each bantam company head could increase his or her pay several-fold. Thus, all of Neo-Tech's managers were set up as independent bantam company heads and turned loose. But, to the general manager's amazement, this plan did not work. The new bantam company heads simply could not break out of a fill-your-day-with-preset-business-details routine. In fact, a few bantam company heads actually sabotaged the success of their own bantam companies in order to avoid integrated thinking and forward-essence action. Thus, Neo-Tech's general manager was forced to put them back into their old handle-the-details-only, salaried positions. After a lifetime of being molded into non-integrated-thinking jobs consisting mainly of pre-set tasks, those bantam company heads were afraid of integrated thinking. They were unable or unwilling to constantly carry in their minds -- from waking up in the morning, throughout the day, and into the night -- the focused, integrated thoughts necessary to plan and execute money-making essence actions.
Day after day, week after week, the new bantam company heads offered excuses as to why they did not perform money-making essence actions that day. "This came up and prevented me from performing these essence actions today," they pined. The one underlying characteristic of such "This came up and prevented me..." excuses was that the "this" was always a series of business details that required no integrated thinking to perform.
Frustrated, Neo-Tech's general manager developed Daily Essence Reports. Every day, a list of money-making essence actions to be performed had to be submitted to Neo-Tech's general manager. The following morning, Neo-Tech's general manager inquired as to whether each bantam company head had performed the money-making essence actions listed on their Daily Essence Reports. If a bantam company head had not performed a particular essence action, that essence action was to be acted upon first thing that day, no excuses. Nothing else was to be done by that bantam company head until all of the essence actions listed on his Daily Essence Report had been acted upon. This was necessary to prevent a bantam company head from turning to business details in order to avoid performing money-making essence actions.
The Daily Essence Reports finally began to push bantam company heads into a high intensity essence-action mode. One bantam company head tripled his monthly income after just two months of Daily Essence Reports, but others were unable to handle the integrated thinking required. Such thinking was simply too alien for them after a lifetime of unintegrated thinking -- after a lifetime of reporting to work to perform pre-set, routine business details. Those managers had to be let go or transferred to limited, detail-only jobs with much less potential.
The next maneuver in the integrated-thinking battle was to alter the hiring process. Managers (bantam company heads) were brought into promising new areas without pay. They had to have a second job to support themselves before Neo-Tech Publishing would bring them in as a bantam company head. A new bantam company head had to depend on his or her own money-making essence actions to survive. Previous managers brought into Neo-Tech Publishing and placed on a salary would go to great lengths to put off or avoid performing even a single, money-making essence action. Such managers instead filled their days with business details. But, for a new bantam company head, his or her only hope for success was to focus intensely on money-making essence actions.
Thus, when those new bantam company heads came to work for Neo-Tech Publishing, they focused on money-making essence actions. Suddenly, details which filled previous managers' entire days were efficiently rifled through on the side. Details just got done as a natural offshoot of money-making essence action. Business details did not become the job in themselves, as they do in most traditional, stagnated jobs.
Neo-Tech is based on removing mysticism, i.e., laziness and dishonesty. If mysticism is removed from within an individual, his or her mind will flourish. If mysticism is removed from within business, great wealth will be generated. The avoidance of integrated thinking required to make money is the single biggest mysticism in business. Remove that mysticism and a business will flourish beyond all expectations.
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