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Golden Helmet Overture

Chapter 1

Armed Evil

In the "Neo-Tech Newsletter", volume 3, number 5, the author of the Neo-Tech Discovery, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, published an article about the Golden Helmet and its wide-scope accounting. That article included an ostracism matrix of the most socially destructive people in America. The publication was then released to its armed IRS targets at 8:00 AM on March 29, 1990. An hour later, a huge, electrically lighted billboard spotlighting the IRS was unveiled in front of the federal courthouse concealing a bevy of armed IRS agents. On the same day, twelve hours after releasing that publication and the unveiling of that electric billboard, those armed agents attacked the author of Neo-Tech, violating his First-Amendment rights.

Under cover of night, those IRS agents assaulted Dr. Wallace at his writing office. They threw copies of his just released publication against his body while screaming obscenities. "How is Neo-Tech going to help you now?" their leader shouted. Wallace's only response was to ask for a minute before being jailed to feed his two aged cats. "F_ _ k the cats!" came a screaming reply. Then, in violation of the First Amendment and free press, they shackled Dr. Wallace's hands behind his back and jailed him. ...The newly published pamphlets disappeared and the electric billboard came down.

Later, the federal prosecutor described Wallace as a most dangerous man because of his Neo-Tech literature and espousals. The federal judge characterized Wallace's Neo-Tech work as "a task of terrifying proportions".

Yes, in fact, Frank R. Wallace is a most dangerous man publishing terrifying literature -- dangerous and terrifying to the professional value destroyers whose careers will eventually be ended by the Golden Helmet, its wide-scope accounting, and its ostracism matrix.

The Ostracism Matrix

Today, cyber communication and computer technology provide an inescapable ostracism matrix. At the deepest roots, that matrix exposes destructive people and their harmful careers. Over 2450 American and foreign parasitical elites are already locked into that computerized matrix. Combined with wide-scope accounting as described in the Neo-Tech literature, that matrix identifies professional value destroyers in government, business, and the legal professions. That matrix will eventually reveal to everyone the world's most harmful people. Against Golden-Helmet accounting, they can no longer hide behind their deceptions and illusions.

Wide-Scope Accounting

After years of quietly building the Neo-Tech/Golden-Helmet dynamics, the public is awakening to a monstrous fraud -- an awakening first reflected across America in its 1994 elections. Eventually, all professional value destroyers from left-wing property usurpers to right-wing spirit usurpers will be driven from their jobs -- jobs used to commit crimes against innocent people, the economy, and society. With the parasitical elites gone, America and the world will prosper beyond imagination. But, how will the parasitical elites be vanished? To answer that question, the nature of a class overthrow based on wide-scope accounting must be understood. With that understanding comes the knowledge for a peaceful overthrow of socially harmful politicians and bureaucrats.

But, first, review again that morning of March 29, 1990: Newly published documents written by Dr. Frank R. Wallace were placed in newsracks in front of two targeted IRS buildings. An hour later, a huge 16' x 48' electric billboard was unveiled in front of the federal-court building. Neither the documents nor the billboard were directed at the public. The time had not yet arrived to begin the public revolution. The documents and billboard were directed at several-hundred professional value destroyers identified for the first time in print by name -- destructive persons already in a computerized ostracism matrix capable of itemizing the net destructiveness of each individual.

Those published names ranged from criminal-minded persons holding various-level positions in government, religion, big business, and the professions. In addition to names of IRS officials responsible for committing objective crimes, other names ranged from nefarious political-exploiter Rudolph Giuliani[ 3 ] to barbaric drug-czar William Bennett[ 4 ]. All published names were people who used armed bureaucratic enforcers and self-serving ego "justice" to promote themselves and their careers while discarding objective law and justice (Ref: The Neo-Tech Protection Kit, B & W, 1991).

Also published were the names of bureaucrats and lawyers who are professional value destroyers. Their jobs were based on harming the economy, society, and the productive class. Such jobs must be backed by armed enforcers who threaten, harm, pillage, jail, and eventually destroy their victims -- victims who are often the most courageous and talented of the value producers. ...Such entrepreneurial victims represent the future prosperity of any economy.

Those newsstand documents not only published the specific names of those in the ostracism matrix, but described how that matrix would function once it were released to the public. Those documents described how the matrix would eventually remove each professional value destroyer from his or her harmful livelihood. ...Seizing those documents in the morning, armed IRS agents attacked Neo-Tech and jailed its author by nightfall.

Parasitical Elites Depend on Guns and Jails

Armed bureaucrats assaulted and jailed Frank R. Wallace. He was then "silenced" in a federal labor camp. Three months later, in an attempt to stop his writings from prison, Dr. Wallace was shackled in handcuffs, waist chains, and leg irons. He was then spirited to a more isolated prison atop a windblown, desert hill.

During their violent destructions several years earlier, on November 3, 1986, those same armed bureaucrats beat, kicked, and hospitalized the personal editor of Dr. Wallace. Next, they destroyed irreplaceable original research and literature manuscripts. They pillaged the hard-earned property of I & O Publishing Company, its writers, its editors, and its customers. Gleefully, they carried off the precious biomedical research funds of the Research Institute for Biological Immortality (RIBI). They put I & O Publishing out of business. ...Four years later, those same gun-carrying bureaucrats caused the death of Wallace's pet cat.

Pillaging, injury, destruction, death -- why? To survive, the parasitical-elite class must increasingly harm and destroy Earth's innocent creatures -- men, women, children, even pets and animals. Indeed, while in federal prison, Dr. Wallace witnessed daily the deterioration of political prisoners and their families -- hundreds of innocent men, women, and children being slowly, insidiously stripped of life. They were being murdered as surely as if being killed by Hitler or Stalin. ...Through wide-scope accounting, all parasitical elites are revealed as killers -- murderers of political pawns by either open Hitler/Stalin style or hidden Bush/Clinton style.

Today, in America, innocent political pawns are increasingly broken or jailed in order to support an expanding parasitical-elite class. Tomorrow, without Neo-Tech, those victims would be one's own children, parents, brothers, sisters, friends. ...Eventually, everyone who is not a parasitical elite or an active supporter of the leech class would become a victim.


[ 3 ] See Giuliani's footnote on page 17.

[ 4 ] William J. Bennett's best-selling Book of Virtues (Simon & Schuster, 1993) is a full-blown example of camouflaging evil with illusions of virtue. Close examination of Bennett's book of "virtues" reveals a maudlin collection of non sequiturs that mostly contradict mankind's only two objective virtues: (1) fully integrated honesty and (2) producing competitive values for others and society. William Bennett is nothing more than a totalitarian theocrat who advocates, for example, public beheadings of those who violate bogus political-agenda laws involving drugs.

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