The Author of Neo-Tech speaks from a Federal Labor Camp |
"Prison paradoxically both magnifies and hides the harm parasitical elites inflict on the economy and society. Today, armed bureaucrats and ego-"justice" courts are quietly incarcerating tens of thousands of political pawns in federal labor camps scattered across the United States. In its spiraling need to control and drain others through enforcement of political-agenda laws, the American parasitical-elite class imprisons a higher percentage of noncriminals than any other country in the industrialized world.
"Those political prisoners are victims of power-usurping politicians and bureaucrats. Such politicians and bureaucrats usurp their power through the bureaucracies they create, arm with guns, and then expand. Such bureaucracies include the ATF, DEA, EPA, FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, SEC. Politicians backed by those armed bureaucracies increasingly force their way into every citizen's life. Armed bureaucracies are used to control and drain the productive class in order to support the parasitical-elite class at the expense of everyone else, especially the needy.
"When those many thousands of prisoners and their families are exposed to the Golden Helmet, they will realize their sufferings were inflicted solely to advance the parasitical-elite class. Such political prisoners will realize they have broken no objective law and are not guilty of any real crime. Each will also realize that initiating force, threats, or fraud toward other individuals is the only objective basis of crime for which justice can be rendered. Then, angrily, each will realize the parasitical-elite class is guilty of initiating the force and fraud that cruelly crushed their lives...and the lives of their families.
For every political pawn jailed or destroyed, the parasitical elites cower a hundred value producers into submission. Those monstrous but hidden crimes violate objective law. ...Those perpetrators can and eventually will be brought to justice through the Neo-Tech/Golden-Helmet ostracism matrix."
"Today, only those prisoners and their loved ones can experience the full evil of the ego-'justice' system created by the parasitical-elite class. As a result, America's justice system is now controlled by a triad of deeply dishonest lawyers, malicious prosecutors, and falsely respected judges who disdain objective law, justice, and honesty. Indeed, ego 'justice' is increasingly draining all productive people without the public knowing the terrible price everyone is paying. That price is a deteriorating society."
"Consider federal judges Thomas P. Griesa, Milton Pollack, John M. Walker, Jr., and Kimba Wood. Each giulianied[ 5 ] innocent business giants for personal power and ego enhancement. Each such judge is a killer of innocent but unpopular people like Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley. Review the records of perhaps the most murderous political-agenda judges in America, Walter Smith, Jr., of Waco, Texas and Clifford Weckstein of Leesburg, Virginia. Such judges destroy objectively innocent individuals caught in the evil web of political-agenda enforcements. To garner ego-boosting publicity and to feel powerful, those humanoid judges crush their wrongly accused, media-smeared victims with false, inhumane imprisonments.
"Each such judge is an accomplice to the gun-backed crimes of political-agenda enforcement -- crimes of collective assault, pillage, murder. Such judges and their prosecutor cohorts must be held responsible for their crimes against individuals, the economy, and society. Moreover, their innocent victims must be freed, pardoned, and paid restitution."
"Through illegal use of RICO and seizure laws; through plea-bargain 'justice' based on threats, paid perjurers, and coerced betrayals forced even between husbands and wives, parents and children, this ego-'justice' system is setting the foundation for liquidating any opposition to political policies. ...Daily, one can see that triad's heinous crimes on the dying faces of innocent political prisoners. Many of those victims must helplessly watch their families die bit by bit until all love and life are lost."
"In that way, the Bureau of Prisons becomes a false target. A false target because the Bureau of Prisons is not run by professional value destroyers. Instead, it is a fairly benevolent, well-run system that tries to benefit those falsely imprisoned by a corrupt ego-'justice' system. ...Many prison employees, as well as many lower-tier government employees, are good-intentioned. They too are exploited and drained. They too can and will help vanish the parasitical elites. They too shall rise with anger to overthrow the leech class -- the devil class."
"From Plato's techniques evolved a devil class -- the parasitical-elite class. That class thrives by draining the value producers -- the working class. That devil class is the parasitical-elite class, which has grown to dominate the world through subjective laws, mendacious politics, destructive bureaucracies, corrupted professions, mystical religions, effete educators, dishonest media, and the carcasses of stagnant big businesses.
"Neo-Tech, meaning fully integrated honesty, has identified that parasite class as everyone's enemy. It drains the lives of all productive people as well as lower-tiered government workers, dependent entitlement clients, and slave-labor political prisoners.
"The Muslims, especially the Black Muslims of the 1960s as exploitatively promoted by Elijah Muhammad and then more honestly articulated by Malcolm X, sensed the two-millennia-old hoax perpetuated by that devil class. But, the Muslims were misled by demographics: Certainly, in recent history, the majority within the parasitical-elite class have been western-world, white-skinned demagogues. Yet, throughout history, other cultures, races, skin colors, religions, and nationalities have also produced the same devil class -- the same criminal-elite class. Even today, note how the Muslim theocracy criminally, murderously rules Iran today. Note the murderous Idi Amins of Africa. ...Race, color, religion, and nationality have nothing to do with being a devil -- a professional parasite. Instead, professional parasitism has everything to do with being an enemy of the people.
"Likewise, race, color, or nationality have nothing to do with the victim class. The exploited victims are always the productive working class -- regardless of race, color, nationality, economic status, or period of history.
"That devil class -- the parasitical-elite class -- can exist only in an unnatural, upside-down world."
`For there is no terror, cruelty, sacrilege, perjury, cynical theft, brazen robbery, or foul treason which has not been committed and is still being committed by representatives of the State, with no other excuse than this elastic, at times so convenient and terrible phrase, for reasons of the state. A terrible phrase soon as it is uttered everything becomes silent and drops out of sight: honesty, honor, justice, right, pity itself vanish and with it logic and sound sense; black becomes white and white becomes black, the horrible becomes humane and the most dastardly felonies and atrocious crimes become meritorious acts.'
"Hitler described parasitical elites as leeches, vampires, vermin, termites, maggots, bacilli. In his upside-down world, he then labeled the Jews as those parasitical elites. But Hitler's description of parasitical elites really applied to himself, his cohorts, and his guns-and-fists enforcers who empowered him through armed bureaucracies. By contrast, his targeted Jews were among Germany's greatest value producers.
"Likewise, to exist, all other parasitical-elite kingpins must also turn reality upside down. Mao and Khomeini, for example, used force to posit nonforce free-enterprise and individual property rights as unjust and parasitical, while positing Mao's gun-backed socialism and Khomeini's gun-backed religious fundamentalism as just and valuable. ...Such people can rise to power only in an irrational, upside-down world of force, dishonesty, and mysticism."
"One and only one reason exists to enforce political-agenda laws. That reason is to enhance the harmful livelihoods of parasitical elites and their corps of professional value destroyers. Be it in 100th-BC galley ships, in 12th-century dungeons, in 20th-century Nazi death camps, or in today's federal prisons, its innocent victims are purposely incarcerated and often destroyed just to indulge the bogus livelihoods of a few evil people: a few habitual, mass-destruction criminals ranging from Caligula to Hitler to today's parasitical elites with their legions of armed bureaucrats. "Only by directly experiencing prison does one discover the deep moral difference between evilly enforcing subjective political-agenda laws versus justly enforcing objective laws. With direct prison experience, many bureaucrats, prosecutors, and judges would stop pursuing, prosecuting, or adjudicating political-agenda law. They would reject such subjective laws and ego-"justice" support systems as evil."
[ 5 ] The verb giuliani means to use gun-backed, political-agenda law to criminally destroy honest businesspeople and illegally seize private property. Derived from Rudolph Giuliani who advanced in politics by illegally using RICO and seizure laws to crush innocent people and their businesses.
[ 6 ] Why federal? Most prisoners in state prisons are real criminals. Many prisoners in federal prisons are political prisoners. State and county trial judges and courts deal mainly with legitimate, objective laws and crimes. By contrast, federal trial judges and courts deal mainly with enforcing bogus political-agenda laws. The federal government in Washington gives its judges lifetime appointments so they never need be accountable to the public. Thus, federal trial judges can reign in their courts as government heavies with totalitarian power. Such judges practice ego "justice" with impunity. ...Eliminating the anticivilization justice system involves revoking all political-agenda laws and ending life-time appointments for Federal District-Court trial judges.
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