Taxes not paid because the person responsible for paying the taxes was not paying them but telling us that the taxes were paid. The same person with held any information the IRS sent about paying said taxes. An offer in compromise was made (just trying to end the abuse and verbal attacks) the offer was to be a five year contract which has now extended to 6 years because of wording in the contract.
Through all this my wife who was the second income in my family became very ill with a cardiac disorder (which, not proven, could have been accelerated by the stress from years of abuse by the IRS.) she was told she could not work any more or it would kill her . I have to replace her income now, and the IRS will get 50% of that because it is over what I was making myself in 1991.
Since 1987 when this all started, we have been through audits, inventories of personal property, levies, liens, 9 IRS agents, 2 attorneys, an appeals process that was a joke, and a hearing with an agent that told me he knew I was not responsible. But he said the person that was responsible is to old to go after and he will die soon. He said I have a lot of years left to work, and he would haunt me until I was 65." I have paid more than the amount the IRS felt I was responsible for. but the abuse and seizure of my income and my life has not stopped. I am a firefighter with three jobs to replace my wife's income and to pay the IRS. I cannot afford to pay this amount, but if I don't, the IRS will take everything I have worked so very hard to build including income I need for my children's future education and my wife's health.
The IRS is abusive and I feel I was emotionally raped and physically robbed of all my money.
My father died in late 1988 when I was only 18 years old. He left me an inheritance of life ins. proceeds, stock portfolios and real estate. I did not receive these until 1989. I did file my tax forms and paid the tax that was due. 3 Years later I received a letter from the IRS saying that I owed them a few thousand dollars more. I was unable to pay this according to the terms they demanded. Penalties and interest was assessed and the amount grew rapidly. I consulted a tax attorney and he agreed that my taxes were done properly, but he was unwilling to represent me for fear that the IRS would retaliate against him. My wages were garnished and my bank accounts were seized and I was left to support my two babies on $25.04 a week. The IRS pushed me into Chapt. 7 and onto welfare. My life, reputation, credit worthiness, and children were ruined. We still suffer great humiliation every time we try to buy something.
Our name was given to the IRS by our bookkeeper along with every client she had (why, you ask - makes you wonder huh). Along with these clients, we were subjected to an audit that started out as a 2 year and ended up being a past 10 years audit covering the years 1984 through 1993. Each and every year was audited and if we were unable to produce receipts for any item, it was disallowed. The audit took approx. 2 years to complete. however, each year completed, we received a huge tax bill for. The end result was a meeting in the IRS office with our tax attorney (by then, we had hired someone to help relieve the burden of the IRS being in our place of business) and our CPA (who cost us $35,000 per year). We were told by the IRS agent 'well, we have decided not to file criminal charges against you'. My immediate response was well that's good because we haven't done anything criminal, at which point I was taken aside by the attorney and told not to say another word, be grateful. an agreement was reached between our attorney, accountant and the IRS that we owed over $176,000 based upon the IRS audits. we were told to refinance our home and give IRS the proceeds, a lien was placed on our home and all property and we were to pay $50,000 per year with 'after tax' money only.
After paying this amount for three years, we still owed $152,000. our business was suffering because we were draining out the operating money, paying personal tax on it and giving it to the IRS. Our attorney knew what was happening and talked to the IRS, even sending them a letter stating we were headed for bankruptcy unless the payments were reduced. The answer was absolutely no. We sold property, the IRS took the proceeds, we sold our condo, the IRS took the proceeds, there was no place left to go after we cashed out our retirement, borrowed on our life insurance and sold personal belongings.
In the end, we had to default on the agreement and file bankruptcy on our business. Now we were left with no source of income (along with our 15 employees) after 15 years of building our business. Therefore, we now had to file personal bankruptcy. however, since we had refinanced our home, now the payments were twice as much as they were when we bought it and without an income source, we were forced to sell more of our personal items just to eat and make house payments. The bankruptcy court assessed our situation and made the following plan: we are to pay the bankruptcy court $700 per month for five years. The money will be distributed as follows -- $45,000 to the IRS and the balance to the trustees for costs. No other creditor will get one dime. we have no health insurance, no business, no savings, no property and no relief after all. God bless America and our rights to the pursuit of happiness. If this is where hard work and 10 hour days building one's future get you, guess welfare is a better option.
1st worked for man having open heart surgery, paid all taxes on his business, while he was in the hospital. After about 3 months of being in the hospital, he closed the business. So the IRS came to me and said I owed $2,500 because it covered the months I was there. I didn't own the business, I was only there to help out a sick friend. I asked why didn't they go after the owner of store. They said he had moved and had no forwarding address for him. but they could find me. I told them I could find the owner but the IRS said (we don't need him we got you) quote!!!!! They are like Loan Sharks they never leave you alone, I would never open a business in this country, the IRS will close you down.
After having served four years active duty in the US Navy I was attending college using the GI Bill benefits. During my sophomore year I lived at home with my parents, and worked to pay for additional expenses associated with commuting to the University. I worked part time and earned just enough to meet those expenses. When I filed my tax return a refund of around $50.00 due me...for some reason I was audited and required to report to the IRS local office where a 'Gestapo like' snotty IRS agent took great delight in informing me that I owed $74.00 and was not getting a refund. (I did not agree with this, but based on his tone and demeanor arguing the fact would have been futile)... I only had a few dollars with me and I didn't have a checking account at that time, which I explained to the agent. Naturally I asked if I could pay it the next day which seemed a reasonable request to me...but not to this little 'Nazi' who DEMANDED I pay immediately, before I left his hole in the wall office, or he would get on the phone and cancel my GI school benefits.
It was frightening and extremely upsetting...It is still clearly impressed in my mind how close I came to punching him in the face...which if I had done I would probably be writing this from Leavenworth.. I called my Dad and he came down and paid the $74.00...he also had a few words for the agent, who asked my father if he would like his return audited...a not too subtle threat, and in fact for the next three years my dad was audited without fail.. As a side note: He seemed obsessed with the fact that my car was 'newer' than his, and he commented several times that a student shouldn't be driving such a 'new' car. It is hard to understand how such an evil jackass could represent the US Gov't, but in light of the recent hearings I expect this little snot nosed 'nazi' agent is probably a department head somewhere in the IRS's bureaucracy...
Because we were new to the business world, we didn't understand many of the IRS forms that applied to business. We put everything on a 1040 IN. The IRS should have corrected us the 1st year, but in fact we believe they purposely did not do this so they could build interest and penalties.
The stressful moments between my wife and I during this time has been hard. How was I impacted? There's no way to even count the hurt and the pain that the greed of the IRS has caused me.
My brother is having a horror story with IRS. He is in the low income bracket ... poverty level. He, with good honesty, completed his 96 taxes claiming EIC because he has a dependent child and not married. He went to the local IRS office to be sure that he qualified. The IRS now says he does not qualify, but will not tell him why.
There is no way he can pay back $2000 and the IRS wants him to pay up. There is no way he can ever pay it. Besides, he doesn't know why he does not qualify. He has no resources to pursue the case. Currently he receives no state or federal aid. He feels that he will have to go on welfare. He feels he is an innocent taxpayer who is a victim of the IRS making up rules as they go along and picking on the low income people who have no resources to fight back and don't know what to do. He barely scraps enough to minimally feed his son and himself. He believed that the EIC was designed for honest people like him who are good citizens and try to do right. He no longer has any trust in the US government.
IRS has refused to allow me to make a settlement with them in the past on "mistakes" that my ex-husband made on our joint tax returns back in the 1980's. Now penalties and interest have increased the amount owed to $63,000 plus. And I have been informed that now that the amount is above the $50,000 mark, that it will be twice as difficult to resolve my case.
I can't get credit, my house is in jeopardy, my life will never be what our founding fathers envisioned, I am facing old age with the real possibility that I will be out on the street. I have no money. It occurs to me that IRS's investigative agents are waiting to see if I ever have anything....then they will swoop in and take it. It surely removes any hopes for better days. What can I do?
I have been a victim of IRS abuse since the 80's. My husband and I separated in 1990. The IRS just garnished my check because they claim they could not get payments from my husband because he ownes a business. I applied for a loan to consolidate my first and second mortgage. I discovered the IRS had audited my husband and attached $25,000 onto my mortgage. This made my loan higher, but it was still approved until Mrs. A. H., from the IRS went to court and obtained a subpoena to force the loan company to see if there was enough equity to add another $25,000 to the loan. This caused my loan to be denied because I no longer qualified with this extra sum of money added to it. When I confronted her to have her remove said amount, she was very rude and told me she was not going to let me have the equity in the house. I am held responsible for my husband's taxes, yet no one at the IRS will discuss anything with me because I am not listed on his tax return. At the present time my house and I are being held hostage by the IRS. They have consantly been trying to hold me responsible for my husband's taxes. The stress of all of this has caused me to have high blood pressure, asthma, and I have had two blood vessels break. No one will lend me any money until this lien is paid. I worry daily thinking that they are going to take my house.
At times it seems easier to escape the wrath of God than it is to escape the wrath of the Internal Revenue Service. In fact I fear them much more than burning forever in damnation.
My husband and I have tried repeatedly to resolve things with our tax debt, but the harder we try the worse things get. To date all we have lost through levies was the balance in our bank accounts which amounted to 60 dollars.
We have been told by IRS workers to apply for food stamps and disability. My husband is unable to get work due to his health. He has suffered several heart attacks in the past few months.
We have been constantly lied to by IRS representatives, one telling us one thing and another saying that what the other said was not true. I set up a payment plan while I was pregnant and the official said I could call back after the baby was born and have my payments lowered since there would be another dependent. When I called back to have my payments lowered, the representative I talked to said it was impossible to lower the payments.
At this point I can understand why so many have opted for suicide rather than deal with paying forever on a debt that can never be paid and that only grows with time. My daughter lives in a shed in the backyard because we are unable to get decent housing, we often go for long periods of time only eating potatoes and pancakes during the winter when there is no income and every year we get further in debt paying taxes on money that goes to the IRS which is non tax deductible. I would like to see anyone working as a representative for the IRS live for one year in my shoes. Only watch their own loved ones go without, and watch their own spouse dying before their eyes as they open the notice of levy against the last $60 to their name.
I have been through a 15 year battle with the IRS in which there were great periods of despair for my family. They have insulted my wife and myself. They have called my employer and have taken my salary. They have broken agreements and caused me to file for bankruptcy . We have to end this now.
If you need more write me. It is a long sorted story.
In 1992, my wife and I filed separate 1040 returns. On 4/1/95, we filed amended 1040X returns for the tax year 1992. Nearly 18 months later, IRS adjusted the returns and came up with over a $3000.00 balance owing. During that 18 month waiting period, I was forced to call IRS every 4 weeks so they could place a temporary stop on any collections. During that 18 month period, 3 levies were placed against my wife employer. Three times they were lifted due to the pending 1040X returns. Countless number of calls resulted in the most rude and incompetent people I have ever come across in my lifetime. I find my calls eventually getting disconnected. No one seems to know anything. It appears that most of the operators are using alias names.
It seems too long to write about. Too painful. The result is that I just quit! I don't 'work' for wages, I don't plan, I exist in the here and now. IRS ruined my life and my future. I did nothing wrong. Nothing. Sleazy expensive lawyers advised me that it would cost too much to fight them. Even though I would eventually prevail, in the meantime I would have to finance the war -- which I wasn't able to do, given that the entity I was battling had the power to disempower me in the process.
Friends: Far too many of them, good people, formerly 'main stream professionals, have quit also. I vowed that they would never suck another dime out of me, never tap another of my phones. I would never have another business for them to send their goons to take over, employees and clients to harass and intimidate and never own another piece of real property, bank account or safe deposit box or any tangible personal property for them to steal. There are many of us out here who just 'dropped out', forced out because of this enemy. The ultimate reality is that I'm not unhappy. I'm just leading a very different life than that which I was raised and educated to believe in and live within/for. IRS targets widow(er)s! Sometimes they make you one. It's a frightening organization, worthy of RICO action. Do we all have to have zero assets so we can collectively just say: 'Go ahead, repossess my body?' I think that a National Sales Tax should be enacted and all tax collection action should be caused to cease with amnesty given to all individuals who have not committed criminal acts which have been proven to be prosecutable. And let our people go.
I was on the verge of being homeless, ready to file bankruptcy, and had filed for food stamps, just so I could pay the IRS. I lost my home, relationship, school, and would have become homeless if I did not have relatives.
I am a lawful citizen who has always paid my taxes but have been forced by the IRS to go 'underground' and become a fugitive. Due to illness in my family I was forced to sell a rental property in a very stressful situation which I later found out resulted in a large 'paper' profit. I ended up owing the IRS taxes on money I never got and did not have. The IRS has offered me a payment plan which doesn't even cover the interest so that the more I pay, the more money I owe the IRS. The IRS has forced me to be a fugitive and is 'punishing' me with monthly payments (that contribute nothing to what I owe the IRS) by threatening my only means of livelihood (my pension). This is a Lose-Lose situation for both myself and the IRS. It is unfortunate that people in my situation (and similar situations) cannot openly complain and therefore this abuse will never be heard in an IRS hearing or open forum on the tax system and will probably never be fixed. How much of the $120 Billion in 'uncollected' IRS taxes could be collected and how many people could be 'honest' taxpayers if the IRS's objectives were to maximize the collection of revenue rather than punishment.
This is in reference to my client. He is among the many taxpayers I represent with problems with the IRS. This case is the most serious I have encountered in my 10 years of practice. I will be brief here but have aprox. 100 pages of testimony and documentation.
This client has endured 18 code blue audits, 2 attempted audits, one audit from Ogden Utah, since 1970. Twenty seven years later we are still doing battle with the IRS. The current disputed years are the result of records that were stolen and could only be partially reconstructed. The local IRS office is currently attempting to enforce collections, without regard to the age health and financial status of the taxpayers. They have separated the taxpayers, who have been married and filed jointly for over 35 years. The IRS refuses to acknowledge receipt of their returns, although they are sent certified and in some years they have sent as many as three copies. The details are to many to list here, we will be happy to provide copies of this case.
The IRS took $900 of my refund this year to pay my ex-husbands debt from last year after he forged my name on the taxes. The IRS sent me letters threatening to garnish my wages, etc. even though my ex has a job, too. Not one letter to him. He had set up a payment schedule with them and never paid so I guess they decided to get it from me and my wages. Why they never garnished his, is a good question? Of course, IRS won't address that question. I retained a tax atty. and after submitting my signature for verification as requested by the IRS and a lot of letters, etc., it has been at least 6 months and they still haven't refunded my money or have acknowledged any further correspondence sent them by my tax atty. I went into their web site and asked their procedure on such a matter and they even responded to me via e-mail that I would be due a refund of the money. So where is it? Now that they owe money, they just ignore the taxpayer. To top this off, my new husband's refund was used to pay his ex-wife's debt that she had incurred 2 years before he even knew or met her, that he was not even aware existed. They make me feel like in past history when the tax collector would just come take every goat and child in payment for back taxes that they just think you owe or that someone else owes or burn down your house. Just so they can get money, it doesn't matter who they hurt or get it from. It is like stealing.
I can't believe that there is not one person who can fight the IRS. Why is this?
My mother died of cancer two years ago. About one year before her death, she went through a divorce after 42 years of marriage. She had no income and many bills to pay. Her first priority was to sell her house, which was LEGALLY in her name only. At the closing of her home, the IRS came and took 1/2 of the money she was supposed to live on. They took it because her husband owed business taxes. And they claimed since she was married to him they were her responsibility. (Even though she had a piece of paper proving non-attachment by the IRS) They stole her money anyway, because they knew she would never come back for it. Well, through all of the heartache with divorce, sickness and no money, she had no will to live and passed away. Its been more than two years, so by law we can't fight it even though we would win the case. And if we went to court, it would cost more money in attorney fees than what the money is really worth.
I am at the point with the IRS that I am ready to take my own life. I figure that maybe they will "feel sorry" for my husband and kids and finally resolve this case. But of course it would make no difference to the agent handling our case...he undoubtedly would serve my husband with a levy at my funeral! In 1993, my husband and I went bankrupt, losing our farm and livestock, and all we had worked for all our lives. We take full responsibility for this. At the time of our bankruptcy, we owed the IRS $26,000 in back taxes. We did not dispute this either. Due to incompetent lawyers (one embezzled money from the estate), and the fact that we were broke, the case took 2 years to come to resolution. But it finally did, and the IRS received all of what was left..$31,000. During this 2-year period, we would occasionally receive notices of taxes due from the IRS, and we would always, ALWAYS, call and try to explain the situation. One time , they would say, "Oh, okay, well we see where it's in litigation, and we will put a 'hold' on this...don't worry." The next time, it would be, "You are liable for this amount, and if you don't pay the $26,000 RIGHT NOW (plus ballooning interest and penalties), we will immediately levy . After the payment from the bankruptcy court, we heard nothing for several months, and thought everything was resolved.
I'm beginning to think that once you have a problem with the IRS, it is never resolved. We moved to another state to be closer to my husband's work, and to start over. We had been here just a few months, when we received a notice from our new state's IRS office, that we owed over $60,000 in taxes!! And the agent disputed the fact that the IRS had ever received anything from the bankruptcy estate. He will not return our calls, and has levied our paltry bank account 4 times in the past year. As I write this, he has levied my husband's employer. When that happens, you have no income. I fully believe that this agent would love to make us homeless. He marched through my house, and smirked at my tears. He also made the comment that we were "scum" like 95% of people who don't pay their taxes, and that we were "not going to get away this time." We have filed faithfully since the bankruptcy, and have nothing for this man to take. We finally employed a tax advocate, but he refuses to acknowledge the paperwork she has sent him...even sending it back to her and slapping a levy on us because she misspelled one of my children's name! This man is not a professional. He is retaliatory, and almost rabid in his pursuit. He is about to break me emotionally, and of course that is his aim. If I had the money today, I would hand it to him, just to end this agony, and clear our names. And that is just what he wants me to do...whether I owe it or not. We are so very very tired.
Thank you for appropriately citing the criminal acts of a monstrous cancerous appendage clinging like a parasite to the spine of the greatest nation under the stars.
With 12 children in our Family my father worked very arduously to provide opportunities among the necessities to each of us. So after his untimely death with the youngest at 12 months the strains of my educated and devoted mother were overwhelming. After years of uncertainty concerning finances she ventured to invest some of the life insurance benefits into projects of her developing children. After the investment and tax period the IRS came in saying she owed a monstrous sum. If she did not comply within 90 days of the notice, confiscation of her house would compensate for unpaid dues. ( and what leave her and her children fearful, and homeless). Get a consumption tax!
Most IRS Agents are non caring people. An agent once told me that they have nothing but time and that they can wait you out until the penalties are so high that there is very little that you can do.
My brother in law has been fighting the IRS for five years. He worked as an independent contractor for a builder, and paid the taxes he thought he owed. Two years later, the IRS came calling, wanting four thousand dollars. The tax amount was less than a thousand, but the IRS can charge interest and penalty amounts that would embarrass a loan shark. I researched the matter for him, and found the exact page in the tax code that said he didn't owe this. During the next three years, we amassed a stack of documents two inches thick, including one copy of the exact same tax code page, sent to him by the IRS, with a different passage circled that had no relation to the problem. Unfortunately he was unable to afford a tax attorney, which seems to be the type of person they go after -- ones with a job so there is some money to be had, but not enough money to fight them. We even got one letter from an IRS employee -- a handwritten note actually, explaining that she'd reviewed the matter, and he didn't owe anything. Two weeks later, he got a collection notice, so he sent the problem resolution office (what a joke) a copy of the note, and they said, sorry, that was only her personal opinion, not an official position.
I am a mother of 4 children, I get no support for any of them and up till 1994 I could barely put food on my table. My sister died in 1994 and left me money which was from her job it was a saving plan from her work. I have never had to deal with money or the IRS except in my early teens my father would file an income tax return because I had part time jobs. I not only was in a state of shock at losing my sister but also at getting the money. I filled my taxes that year with a local tax man and he told me that I didn't have to claim the money it was an inheritance gift how did I know. 2 years later I get a notice in the mail from the IRS and they ask me why I didn't claim the money. I immediately notified my sister's old CPA he said he would take care of it. Yet, so far I have had to send the IRS $60,000 to avoid any further penalties and the CPA has got me for $3,000. The IRS still hasn't decided what I owe and if any penalties will be charged I am scared. How can they do this to people? I have 4 children and myself to support besides the fact I should not be penalized. I didn't purposely avoid them, it was an honest error, I couldn't think straight, my sister had just died.
This is a nightmare just beginning, I am afraid. Friends of mine lost a business about four years ago and apparently were unable to pay about three thousand in taxes. In Jan of '96, she was in a car accident which left her a quadriplegic. They have three kids and he quit his job to stay home and take care of her and the children. (The youngest just turned four ...) She apparently received a visit from the IRS last week and was told that she would be receiving a statement indicating a lien against their property. She received it! For $71,000 -- give or take a few dollars. They are in no way rich people -- in fact one might put them close to poverty level. What more can be taken from them?
I have had an ongoing battle with the IRS since last summer. In 1994 the IRS started the additional earned income proof sheet. I don't even remember anymore what this is called. It is an additional sheet that you must file with your taxes with your child's social security #. I filed my taxes that year with H&R Block. IRS took away my head of household and dependent exemption until I could prove that I was responsible for most of her living expenses. I am the only one listed on her birth certificate and am the only one who has always paid all of her living expenses. Not only that, she is 9 years old and I have claimed her every year. I have spent numerous hours sending them all the papers they say they need and I still have not had this resolved. I have sent them her birth certificate, school records, doctor records, bank account records, child care records, personal affidavits from friends and family members, canceled checks, old tax statements, etc.... They still never seem to have enough. I am so sick of this. I have spent lots of money sending them duplicate copies because it is never the same person working on it. Not to mention the long distance bills.
The IRS has taken money from every year's tax refund to pay this enormous amount of taxes that they say I owe them. They have deducted from 1993 1994 1995 and even deducted from my new husband's refund for last year! This is abuse. I have sent them all that they could possibly need and even made a personal visit to the IRS office to make sure that they have everything. So far they say that I owe them $3,000. They actually owe me $84 from that year $400 from 1995 and $500 from 1996 and this stupidity continues. They are stealing money from single mothers and the small children that are supposed to benefit from this money. I only made $17,000 that year as a single mother and this is the insanity that they put people through. They are stealing from the poor and the children.
The IRS is attempting to collect on tax years 1991-1996. They sent me a bill recently and I responded with a where, when and how much? They didn't respond other than to send an intent to levy notice. When I went to the local office to clear up the confusion, I was told, no problem, we will wait until you get the information you need to file an amended return and to file a missing return. Two days later another letter of intent to levy and garnishee. I hired a lawyer, he says he has never seen anything like it in 30 years of dealing with the IRS, they sent me a letter of intent to levy based on my 1996 return!! We have been making payments of over three hundred a month since we first received the bill, in good faith, in hopes of stopping a levy or garnishment. After each contact with the local IRS office, we get a notice of levy or garnishment. Our lawyer talked to the local agent handling our case and she assured us that they would wait before doing anything drastic and then I received another letter of intent to garnish my wages. Our lawyer was stunned and is meeting them again tomorrow. They say one thing to us and then go right ahead and attempt to tie-up my income. We are on the verge of filing Chapter 13 or applying for a medical retirement, but those are last resorts. We are determined not to loose our home! But right now we are one step away from serious damage.
I been working for more than 20 years, but I never get to earn more than $18,000 a year until just recently. I work I filed my tax every year, but yet I was audited by IRS twice and was forced to pay the IRS about $3000. My English is not so good, so when I receive the letter from the IRS, I was not so clear why I got the penalty. In order to stay out of trouble from the IRS, I decided not to question or challenge them and went ahead pay them, even though I was not so happy about it and have no money to pay. Now, every time when the tax season come, I feel like the nightmare is about to haunt me again. I just don't know if I am going to receive any more of that letter "demand for payment" from the IRS. I wonder if I better off working under table!! That way I will never have to deal with the IRS again in my life.
You can't deal with these people. You never get a real person to talk to, you only talk to a touch-tone computer. There is no recourse and no one to go to about problems like this. I cannot believe how corrupt our governmental system has become in the last few decades.
Everyone I know has either been through an unpleasant experience with the IRS (not just owing taxes) or knows someone who has been screwed by the IRS. This BS about the congress just finding out (and apparently buying into their contention) that there have been "a few abuses" in how the IRS deals with taxpayers is insulting and is evidence of congressional incompetence (or just plain stupidity).
I've been through several audits. The worst was the first. It was an office audit. The agent refused to tell me the notes he was making in my file ('these are my notes and none of your business'). After several hours reviewing my records (I generally keep good records and receipts) and not finding anything substantial, I was told that the agent would 'settle' for $800--not based on any particular items, just a 'general' settlement. When I asked to have my accountant review the information, the agent became agitated and abusive, slammed my folder shut, and retracted the offer 'unless I agreed to it immediately.' I ended up walking out of the audit as the shit would not continue our 'conversation'. They sent me a bill for about $1200 and I figured it was not worth my time, effort, anger or frustration to fight it.
I am supplying my name and address. That way I can, in some small way, register myself as a member of the resistance to this very real danger to America and Americans.
My parents are in their mid-sixties. They have worked 10-14 hours a day since they were in their teens. Their philosophy has always been to give to others, and to do an honest days work for an honest days pay. Their integrity has been unquestioned by everyone except the IRS in all these years. About 6 years ago, during some sort of feeding frenzy, the IRS got the name of my father's construction business, and evidently targeted it for a collections blitz. During the past 6 years my family has had their checking account levied, their property liened, and had 'scare' packets left at their front door by IRS agents. This has not been a single incident. When one round of requests has been fulfilled, the IRS finds something else to look for. You should also understand that in none of these incidents has the IRS ever found that my parents ever missed a tax payment. They have had to go back 5-10 years and find paperwork that would support their payments, and have done so. At one point in time, they actually paid the IRS $6000. because the agent said '...well, it appears that you paid these returns correctly, but understand, we are paid to bring in money. If you don't pay us something now, I'll just come back with another list of requests...' My parents logic in paying was that 'maybe now they'll leave us alone...'
Now it's 1997, and a new batch of requests was delivered to my parents home. Seven pieces of paper going back seven years. All items listed have exact amounts, indicating that the IRS has the returns. But my folks were told, unless you produce these documents you are liable for the taxes listed. The IRS then put a lien on my parent's home, in August 1997. The family accountant dug out all the documents and faxed them to the IRS office three separate times. The agent refused to acknowledge that they had been received. Finally, in September, my mother suffered a complete mental breakdown, and had to be hospitalized for a day and then placed on a 24 hour "family supervised" suicide watch, which is still in effect. I took over as spokesman for my parents and began dealing with the IRS agent. I have now been told that the paperwork is in his hands, but that the agent is "too busy to get to it for a while, and that at any rate, even after he 'gets to it', it will take 30-60 days to lift the lien" IF he is happy with the way we submitted the documents.
I am afraid to proceed in the normal "let me talk to your supervisor" method, because of what I have been led to believe about IRS power. In other words, I believe these people can, without provocation, initiate a collection campaign against anyone they wish. It's their word against mine, and until I have proved I'm right they can make my life as miserable as they want to, to the point of total attachment of property and income. Well, I think it's time to fight back. The IRS collection operation is out of control, and the agency has a perverted reward system, i.e. "you are rewarded for collecting money in any way you can", as opposed to "you are rewarded for collecting money from those who owe it, using the due process of the (as yet unwritten) law." Thanks for providing a forum for me to vent.
The IRS has made our life a nightmare. But the most recent incident is simply typical of this screwed-up group of legal loan sharks. The interest on our payment plan is so steep we decided to double our payment when possible & try to pay this off sooner. We doubled our payment and sent in a check for the doubled amount. Within a month our accounts were levied for non-payment of our payment plan. When I took off work and spent 6 hours talking to people from this group I was finally told their computer can only read the amount scheduled therefore, by sending double the amount it appeared we had not made a payment. The checks that bounced and bank charges were my responsibility and I was also responsible for the reinstatement charge due to the IRS. Don't try to be sensible. They can't compute.
The IRS fabricated a $15,000. tax on me and confiscated my home, car, van, business, all bank accounts for not paying the phony tax. then when I had the phony tax discharged in a chapter 7 bankruptcy their agents appeared in court and petitioned the judge not to grant the tax discharge. But the judge granted the discharge. To get even, the IRS made up a new law just for me that no tax attorney has ever heard of. The IRS taxed me with a punitive tax on the discharge of $15.000, claiming the discharge was a capital gain.
The IRS has literally destroyed my life in a sixteen year long battle forcing me to file five bankruptcies to stop their horrible, unrelenting harassment of liens, garnishments, bank account seizures, stealing my car from my driveway, threatening letters & phone calls, audits, and destruction of my credit rating preventing me from ever buying property, or cars, or renting apartments. all to prove they can hate bigger and better than anyone.
In 1983, I became a limited partner in an oil and gas venture. I became involved in the venture with the belief that it was above-board and the intent was to drill for oil and gas. This was during President Carter's administration whereby there was widespread talk about oil shortages and the need for creating underground storage facilities for emergency situations. Consequently, under these circumstances, I certainly did not have any reservations about investing in a venture that had purposes of discovering a much sought after commodity. I gave the prospective to my accountant to insure that the venture was a legitimate investment and was informed by him that everything appeared to be in order. However, he did emphasize the risk in oil and gas drilling and the possibility that it could result in 'dry holes'. Being this was the only concern I might face, I decided to invest a total of $16,000 in the venture. In December of 1989, I was informed that the tax deduction for the year 1984 was being disallowed, and I can say that this was the beginning of what has been an 8 year nightmare. I ended up paying approximately $28,000 on a $6,000 tax debt. This resulted in my having to pay $800 per month for 3 years. Consequently, this burden forced me to file for bankruptcy. The point to remember here is that I was informed 5 years after the filing of the 1984 return and there was no mention of any problems with the 1983 return.
In March of 1996, thirteen (13) years after the original investment, I received a letter from the IRS informing me that I owed $65,000 based on a disallowance of a tax deduction on my 1983 tax return. This represented $16,000 of original tax with the remainder being penalties and interest.
On January 1, 1997, a Notice of Levy on Wages was sent to my employment whereby they were advised to hold all income other than $800 a month. Through endless hours of trying to receive some type of understanding, an agreement was reached to set up a payment plan of $500 a month which, based on my calculations, will take twelve years to satisfy.
Since I am 55 years of age with very little retirement, I feel this tax burden will force me to live off of the government which I do not want to do. In addition, a Federal Tax Lien was issued in February 1997 and because of this lien it has made it impossible for me to purchase a home after my job relocation in April 1997, not to mention what it has done to my credit rating. I am more than willing to pay my taxes but feel there is an injustice to burden me with 13 years of penalties and interests of which I had no knowledge. When assessing interest and penalties some consideration should be given as to the nature of the tax debt, how it was incurred and under what circumstances. The objective of the IRS should not be to cause as much misery as possible on a citizen of this country who has obeyed the laws and contributed the maximum to the tax coffers over a period of 35 years. To summarize the situation:
Due to an investment that I made which I thought was legitimate, I am being forced to pay 500% more than was originally due on my taxes, forced to declare bankruptcy, ruin my excellent credit rating and endure personal embarrassment with my employer due to the filing of a tax lien on my wages. I really don't believe that a taxpayer who has religiously paid his taxes for 35 years should be treated in this manner. I trust that the investigation into the conduct of the IRS and their unlimited power will bring about changes to the system and how taxpayers are treated. I also would appreciate any assistance that your office may offer to reduce the financial burden and hardship that the IRS action has created in my life.
My family was put through "hell" by the system to the point of almost a nervous-breakdown. The IRS "dogged" us for years, demanding that we pay money, (money that we didn't owe to begin with) or they would seize our house and other assets. When you are struggling to feed your family, these threats can be devastating to your mental health. By the end of the whole fiasco, I was left with doctor bills and medical bills that were brought on by the system.
My husband & two daughters are victims of the IRS. The IRS stated what we owed, we offered to pay them, they refused. Our daughters house was sold by the IRS because they were told that they would be held responsible for our debt. The house was bought for $55,000 The IRS sold it for $29,000. Before the IRS sold the house, our daughters had a buyer for the house for $55,000. The IRS would not let them sell the house. Our one daughter was called at work by an IRS agent in Washington, (who's name I have), threatened her, told her that he was suppose to be taking his children out Halloweening, but instead he had to call her, when he called, he identified himself as an IRS agent to her manager.
Within two weeks, our daughter was fired from her job. My husband's disability check was taken from our account, his check was electronically deposited on the 3rd of the month, I send out our bills on either the 3rd or the 4th of the month, on the 4th of the month, we got a notice from our bank stating that the IRS had levied our account, which left us with nothing to live on for the rest of the month, plus try to make up what we had sent out to pay our bills. The IRS agent stated that "It was fair game", once it was in the bank, it was fair game. We borrowed money from our daughter to hire an atty. to file bankruptcy to try to settle the debt with the IRS, the IRS agent told our attorney & myself in a 3 way conversation that this would be the best thing to do to settle the debt. When the bankruptcy was finalized, the IRS would not accept the bankruptcy, this ruined our credit & still did not settle this case. An atty. that we had had in 1986 was threatened by the IRS agent in Washington DC. That agent told him & my husband that he was going to make an example of him. Since then, my husband has had a heart attack, our nerves are shot, we didn't know which way to turn. This is only a little of what they have put us through. I'm hoping that something will be done with the IRS.
May, 1985 I was in an accident in Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina. As a direct result of the accident I was out of work for one year. Lost my employees/business, lost two condominiums, lost 4+ acres of property contiguous to my residence, used up all my savings to live on until I was devastatingly broke. I applied for unemployment but was refused because I was self-employed; I applied for welfare but was turned down because I owned a home, etc.
In December the IRS froze my Bank accounts and attached my wife's wages. In order to protect myself, my family and my property I filed a chapter 13 plan. The IRS rejected the plan because the initial tax debt with penalties and interest added had increased the amount by $8K. The plan was revised in January to accommodate the IRS demand for $33K. The plan was again rejected by the IRS because the amount was now $50K. My accountant prepared an offer in compromise for $20K which was rejected by the IRS.
In September 1994, The IRS sent notice of levy on salaries and wages to my employer for $99,890. In December 1996 the IRS again sent notice of levy on salaries and wages to my employer in excess of $100,000.
In January 1997, I was fired from my job. I collected N.Y. State unemployment ($300 per week) until it ran out in July. In July, the IRS again froze all of our accounts and garnished my wife's salary and wages for $98,734. (We received $21.70 a week since August 22nd, until this coming October 17th.
On September 12th, we received notice that a Sheriff's sale of my home is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, October 14th.
I have been warring with the IRS since an audit in 1981, and was so out gunned that in 1993 I committed financial suicide by trying to rob a bank with the thought of paying the IRS debt that they just wouldn't let go. Even after losing my business, my career, and my pride the IRS is still in pursuit of moneys from me. I would love to get involved in a lawsuit against the IRS and wonder how I could get involved and help put an end to this runaway death train called, the IRS. Any and all information is greatly appreciated.
IRS has levied my bank account again! I can't even count anymore how many times this has happened to me. I am having problems because of a past business that I owned with my ex-husband. Back in March 1993 I was divorced. Gave the house to my husband and walked away with nothing from 28 years of marriage. I gave him the house to settle the IRS debts. IRS this past September seized the house. My ex-husband was living there at that time. They sold it and received the money from the proceeds. He then proceeded to do an offer and compromise with them. I also proceeded to do one. His offer and compromise was presented mine was not. My divorce decree states that my husband is totally responsible for all these debts!!!
I know for a fact that divorce decrees do hold up. But unfortunately I don't have money to pay big attorney's to fight this case. So instead they go after a Divorced woman who is just trying to make a living. Now they want my car. It is a 1992 Chevy with 80,000 miles on it. I sell Real Estate for a living, how am I suppose to work? I offered them my life savings of $1500 even though I shouldn't be doing this. How does this government really work? Do they want people killing themselves. Do they really sleep at night?
I was involuntarily separated from the US Army in 1988, for non-selection to the grade of Major (Thanks to Senator John Glenn's committee downsizing the active officer corps). As I was a USAR officer, OCS graduate, I had a Statutory Entitlement under Title X, USC to reenlist, which I did, in my previous enlisted grade. Being Released From Active Duty (REFRAD), I became a Dual Component soldier (officer in the reserves, sergeant on active duty) and I received a Separation Pay of $30,000 (minus $6,000 in withholding), net $24,000. I continued to serve until June, 1993, retiring at my officer grade, USAR Major. I had served the last four years and ten months at the grade of Sergeant E-5 and Staff Sergeant E-6, a 55 percent pay reduction. I retired with twenty years active duty (eleven as a commissioned officer) and three years active reserve, for a total of twenty-three years of my life. Under Title X, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service "recouped" the $30,000 from my retired pay starting with the first check and continuing until they had collected the entire amount (June 1995). The $30,000 was reported in my income for the 1988 tax year and I paid Income taxes on that amount (approximately $8,400 at the 28 percent tax rate). For the 1993 Tax year, I called the IRS "Hotline" for advice on how to recoup the taxes paid on the amount that I was repaying to DFAS. I was told first to file a 4558 to extend the tax deadline while they researched the problem. I did so, and they called back and told me to use IRS Pub 525 and IRC 1341 "Repayments" to determine the deduction for the amounts repaid each year. I got the Publications, figured my tax deduction and submitted my returns in 1994, 1995, and 1996 (for the previous tax years).
In August 1996, I received the first letter from the Austin, Texas IRS "Service Center", they asked for additional information about my IRC 1341 entry and sent a "Business Depletion" form to fill out. I sent another complete copy of my tax return and the letter I had enclosed each of the previous years. Five weeks later, I received my notification that my deduction was denied, and that, due to my letters, my 1993 and 1994 returns were being audited with the intent to deny the deduction. Letters to the Austin, Texas IRS go unanswered, they don't have a phone listing, and the "Help Line" is not able to give out their phone number. An ATT Operator (after four tries) finally gave me a number that is an answering machine that tells you "You've reached the Austin IRS Service Center. No one will answer this phone.", then hangs up. Meanwhile, we received the usual, "Pay Immediately, or "LIEN, SEIZURE, GARNISHMENT, ATTACHMENT!!" letters. They say I owed $11,300 with penalties and interest. I went to Oklahoma U.S. Congressman J.C. Watts Lawton office, his staff took the complaint and sent it to the Congressional Liasion, the reply letter came from the Oklahoma City IRS office. Basically it said that I hadn't "repaid" anything, and so, I wasn't due a deduction. I continued to try to get an answer based on public law about the "Claim of Right" cited in IRC 1341. Congressman Watt's staff said, "All we can do is refer it to the Liaison Office" and "You know, the IRS is a law unto themselves."
They did, I think, manage to get my wife and I an appointment with a Mr. Baty of the Oklahoma City IRS office to hear our grievance and "try to explain the IRS's position". Mr. Baty would not listen to the simple facts that I was being taxed on money that had been repaid to the Federal government. At the end of two hours, he handed us his prepared reply that he had not shown us, but had when we came in. I went to the Lawton IRS Collection Agency in February, 1997 and entered into an agreement to pay $2500 initially and $700 a month until my tax, penalties, and interest are paid (now approximately $12,800). I make my payment each month by the 5th, because they have filed a Lien against my house. At the end of the day, the DFAS has back their $30,000 and the IRS will have their $12,800 for the four-year, $24,000 loan Uncle Sam made to me. They've made my wife cry, they've eroded my faith in the Constitution that I swore to guard, and they've shown themselves to be the "Law unto themselves" that Congressman Watts staff told me they are. I thought that this country was established on the basis of the rights of the individual over the rights of an oppressive government. I guess I'm wrong; "The rules are what I say they are!", as the Red Queen said.
In my business, I had government contracts with accounts receivable of $100,000 per month on one side (not paying me for sixty days) and the IRS on the other side (charging penalties every two weeks for late payment of taxes). Contract default was not an option, as it carried a million dollar penalty. After $60,000 in late tax payment penalties and interest, we were forced into bankruptcy and lost the entire business. All taxes were paid. However, the IRS has liens against my wife and me and we are sending them $230 per month out of our social security for the next ten years or until age 75. Penalties and interest continue, and every month we go deeper in debt.
I've had an ongoing problem with the IRS over the last two years. When I filed my 95 tax forms I forgot (or so they tell me) to put the amount of tax that I paid when I was figuring out my tax return. In the end I figured I owed them 26 dollars, so I wrote the check and sent it...everything should have been fine. While doing my 96 tax return, my payment center advised me they had received a letter from the IRS to withhold over 2K from my paycheck! But they gave me a chance to call the IRS to take care of it before they held my paychecks. After calling the IRS and getting the run around and sending several letters describing my predicament, I did receive some satisfaction.
They finally believed me, and sent me a letter stating that everything was okay...Last week I started to get letters again from the IRS about the same account....The really ironic thing is I work for the federal government. I'm in the Navy. For the IRS not to think that I paid my federal income tax is nuts!! The first thing that comes out of my check is federal taxes....I've called and waited forever on hold, to finally have someone get on the phone, who I have to tell the entire story to again, and again....They seem not to care...and they never believe that gee maybe it's there mistake!!! I'm guilty until I prove myself...but I did, and now I'm going through the same thing all over again....sometimes I wonder why I'm in the Navy protecting our rights and freedoms while getting shafted by those I'm trying to protect.
After being laid off in July and collecting unemployment, I contacted the IRS in response to a 'Notice of intent to Levy'. I am paying back taxes and interest for several years, beginning in 1987 when for most of the year I was unemployed and lived off of a retirement fund from my previous job. Around the first week of October, a representative said they would hold any action until the end of the month when I was to contact them to report whether I was back to work. On October 21, they cleaned out my account thereby causing my rent check and several others to be returned for insufficient funds.
My mother who is 62 years old has been abused and harassed by the IRS. It started when she filed the wrong tax forms in 1992. At that time she was separating from my dad and was emotionally stressed. It might have been overlooked by her. The IRS hounded her for years about the taxes she owed. She has long been retired and is on disability. She is not in the best financial situation. She was not able to pay the entire amount, so they garnished her disability pension. Now she works in order to live because they garnish her pension. Yesterday (October 22, 1997) she received a letter from her employers stating that the IRS will garnish her paycheck of 25%!!! This action is supposedly from the 1995-96 taxes that she paid off in June (from her minimum wage job in the kitchen of a restaurant). She is not in her best years of age to work. Her problem with the IRS has existed now for five years. We are trying to get a summary from the IRS to understand the amount they claim she owes. Because the IRS keeps finding another reason to send letters saying they have found more taxes that she still has not paid for. So where are they finding this unpaid and owed taxes??? She has suffered unduly by this situation.
It seems like this period of her life should be her golden years. Yet, when she sees an IRS envelope in the mail she shakes from fear. When she received the letter from her employer saying that the IRS was going to garnish 25% of her paycheck, she broke out in tears and had to take her high blood pressure medicine to maintain her heart. I've seen this happen many times. Please HELP.
Good Afternoon, If I did not have experience fighting for clients who have problems with the IRS, I would think these accounts were about people in Hitler's Germany or some communistic country. But, my experience with clients helps me to believe every word I read in your abuse reports. When you see that 52% of our income is now being paid to taxes, where do normal people go, those trying to make a living, mostly with both parents working??. Where are businesses going to be, when every penny made is going to pay some kind of tax ?? As management consultants, we are asked time and time again, "What is wrong with businesses today??? why can't small businesses make it" ??? Our findings points directly to excessive taxes on businesses and abusive tax collectors. Thanks for allowing me a few lines. I have so much to say, but for now, I'll be still.
I am accused by the Internal Revenue of not filing taxes for two years 8 years ago. They were totally wrong. So far they have cost me my marriage, ulcers, sleeplessness, and a massive case of depression. For 18 years I worked to raise two children on my own and pay my bills and taxes, they now claim I owe them $85,000 in back taxes, and penalties. They refused to supply records of what they based their figures on and also refused to cross reference 1099 information that was filed by me at the time in question....I now own nothing but the clothes on my back and am struggling to make a living and get back on my feet from my marital separation. After filing what they asked me to provide. I was not given a chance to prove my innocence. Then they gave me two days to provide more information -- information I had already given them. I am sincerely ready to commit suicide. What is the sense of having a job and trying to work and be honest all your life if this is what you get?
I had been divorced a few years. Around 1988, I did not receive my refund. I called the IRS, and a woman informed me that I had been notified they were keeping my refund because my husband lied on our 1986 joint tax return. (I never received such notice.) This was quite a blow. I had divorced him because he not only had begun beating me, but molested my daughter. I gave the IRS his work number, work address, and any other information I had on him. I told them to go after the guilty party and leave me alone. She told me they could not do this. They kept my refund the following year also. I sent them copies of my divorce decree and court papers proving he was barred from seeing my children. I had been through so much, and just as I was trying to make a new life. It seemed that he was reaching out to antagonize me again through the IRS. Somehow they accidentally sent me his address. I was terrified that somehow, they would accidentally send him mine. The IRS wrote me that they put a lien on his property. Then they wanted to know what I had of any value. Since I was afraid of him and his abilities to find me were so good, I had very little (which allowed me to put everything in my car and run at a moments notice). All I had of any value were an antique bed my mom paid $10 for at a yard sale, and an LTD which I had paid $400 or so for. I was told they would leave me alone for the time being, but if I ever bought anything of any value, they would put a lien on it. The last agent told me this collection process would go on for 11 years. I still to this day can hardly stay put for any length of time, and am terrified he may find me. I still own very little of any value so I will not have to pay for his lies. I can't tell you how hard it has been to try and have a life without wondering if the IRS is going to come after me again, or accidentally send him my personal information.
Up until about 10 years ago I was a dumb and happy taxpayer. Play by the rules, pay whatever they say and all will be well. That was until my paycheck was seized, along with all other liquid assets, meager as they were. Seizing my assets was the IRS's first attempt to contact me. After calling them, it turns out that this person, new at the job, and with the stroke of a pen, forced me to the brink of bankruptcy. Her first words I will never forget..."I guess we have your attention!"... I almost lost my job.
I am a self employed attorney. My accountant did not pick up that I was earning more than anticipated. At the last minute we [wife and I] learned to our astonishment that we owed a payment of $19,000 more in taxes. We obtained a home equity loan, fired our accountant, and sent in our return with a bank draft in the correct amount enclosed. Prior experience caused us to obtain proof of mailing, take pictures of the draft, and send by certified mail. A month passed. Then we received a letter from IRS claiming the draft was not enclosed. The bank draft had not been cashed. We sent the proof and got back a letter threatening awful things. We began calling IRS. One cannot reach the agent you talked to last time. You get IRS's random choice. Talked with another agent based in Phoenix. This lady found the return and proof of mailing. She was not impressed. She said that the Post Office must have lost the draft. Inasmuch as IRS was not at fault we would have to pay the $19,000 again together with penalties and interest. Penalty for what ... borrowing money so that I could timely file my tax return, and sending everything in plenty of time? More calls. We reach a brighter employee. She pulls up file on computer. Says that our file shows that the draft did arrive. Though some error at IRS the draft was never cashed (nor returned). The lady promised to get us out a letter that day. A month has passed. The draft is at the IRS service office. I expect another letter outlining penalties and interest. I know this is just the beginning of a nightmare.
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