An informant (I thought he was a friend) introduced us to a person who, unknown to us, was an undercover agent for the IRS. This person (agent) claimed he would make our taxes disappear and provide documented proof, all for 10% of the dollar amount owed in taxes. Because of timing and slow business, four people fell for this trap. They are now going to jail and are subject to large fines. Until this happened, these people had never done anything wrong or illegal regarding taxes. Is the IRS so desperate that they have to entrap people, encouraging or bribing them to cheat? We had no intentions of not paying our taxes until they came to us with the idea. Please let the people know that the IRS is setting up sting operations. Since this happened, over four years ago, we have all paid our taxes along with penalties and interest. Yet, we are still going to jail. I will not use my name here because they are vindictive and will make it worse for me. The country must know that this sort of thing is happening here in America.
My x ran his own business in 1987 and 1988 and didn't pay taxes. I filed a joint return knowing I had sufficient taxes taken out. I paid the IRS monthly installments from 1987 through 1991 when the court ordered him in the divorce decree that he was 100% responsible for these taxes (what a joke this court document has turned out to be). The day I got back from my honeymoon (with my husband of 5 years) the IRS called and said I again had the ability to pay because of my new husband's profession. They have never garnished my x's wages in all these years. I have paid $4,400 on an original debt of $3,000. Now after a failed offer in compromise and appeals, my new husband is going to have to pay (because I'm a homemaker with no income) an additional $6,200 to the IRS for my ex-husband's taxes. Where is the justice in this???
The IRS did not hesitate to take our two children's savings, every dime out of our checking, and attack our wages. The result of many months of this we have had a car repossessed, we can't keep our utilities turned on, we are on the verge of losing our house. I am so stressed out about where we will come up with the money to keep from having everything taken that we have worked so hard for. The IRS knows that the money they took is due to us instead.They are taking their own sweet time returning it. This has been dragging on for 9 months and our file still has not left the auditors desk. The audit showed that we didn't owe the money, yet I received a letter stating that they were going to start garnishing my paychecks.
In 1981, I worked overseas in Indonesia. Taxes were paid on my behalf to the Indonesian government and reported as income to me to the IRS, but I was not told about them. After repeated instances of abusive letters, I was conned into signing forms at an IRS office which were apparently a waiver of going to Tax Court. I finally found out that I could have filed an amendment showing the amount due in taxes; when I did, the IRS refused it saying it had been too long since my original filing. I now have a tax lien that I have no hope of ever paying off hanging over me and ruining my credit. If my amendment had been accepted, the IRS would have wound up owing me money.
I have read some of your material on the IRS and am quite interested. I am personally going through a nightmare situation with them. They mistakenly placed a $100,000 plus tax lien on my property without my knowledge. I started getting turned down on credit card and loan requests and I didn't know why. finally I requested a copy of my credit file and found out. I had paid my taxes up and yet someone with the IRS put the tax lien on me anyway. My credit report used to be very clean and now I cant get a loan for anything. I am self employed and depend very heavily on a good credit record of which I have worked very hard to maintain and now my whole life financial efforts have been destroyed by someone that I don't even know. It is a much longer story than what I have wrote here. Probably a horror movie could be written about what I have gone through. I contacted my US Senator and quite frankly didn't get anywhere.
I was informed in 1994 and 1995 that I could claim as dependents my mother, sister, and nephew because all three are handicapped. In 1996, I was audited. At the time of the audit, I was informed that I could not claim my mother, sister, & nephew all three are handicapped. I produced evidences in both arguments but was denied dependents. I went to the office that assisted me in the filing of the returns. I was treated like a criminal. I was told to get various documents and that if I did not have them not to come back (Employees Name: Brenda. ) I finally had the case presented to a reviewer. The individual that reviewed the case went on leave and did not place the account on hold. I then received a call from the bank saying my account had been seized by the internal revenue service. Also a letter from the IRS was faxed to my employer. I owe $1811 and that it is to be deducted from my pay. I had to Pawn my Vehicle to come up with the funds to pay my utilities. Now I'm further in debt. How can the government take from people like this?
Please see my web site It is my first filing in federal civil suit 980318H (San Diego, California). I posted the court filing because I want more evidence before serving the Secretary of the Treasury with the complaint. I was forced out of my job as an IRS auditor. I believe I suffered retaliation for my complaints about illegal penalties imposed wholesale, on mostly farm workers. The lawsuit says the Secretary of the Treasury was negligent in training and supervising IRS managers. The lawsuit indicates: IRS managers were negligently permitted to "hijack" the IRS and keep control through unlawful acts; Some of the unlawful acts were in violation of the federal racketeering statute (extortion and assault).
The following report is technically not an IRS Abuse Report. But, its 13 suggestions to FIX the Internal Revenue is included among these reports.
1 EFFECTIVE OVERSIGHT: Present IRS Oversight committees do not work. The public needs people who have never received special handling from IRS. Real taxpayers should make the judgments on the appropriateness of IRS decisions; people who have filled out their own forms and attempted to communicate with IRS as just ordinary tax payers. Current congressional oversight committees are mostly made up of "IRS protectors" who are either protecting themselves from IRS audits, or more interested in revenue than basic justice for the general public. There can be no effective oversight of IRS as long as IRS can use 6103 to effectively block real examinations of IRS conduct. Anyone affected by an IRS agreement or policy should have a right to see what that agreement or policy is; currently, that is not true.
2 FAIRNESS: The de facto motto of the IRS is currently "There's nothing in the rules that says we have to be fair." Although "fairness" is the last word in Internal Revenue's own mission statement, they ignore it at every opportunity. Tax law should be changed to make fairness a requirement, and punish those agents that cannot conform.
3 ATTITUDE: The majority of IRS people have one - a bad attitude. The "how dare you question what we do" attitude from inept and unreasonable IRS people is exasperating to deal with. Until Congress can get it across to these bureaucratic people that the public is their customer, and they are NOT above the LAW and over Congress - until then, we must endure their unacceptable insolence.
4 DRUG FREE: With IRS people selling dope from the local (Covington) IRS building, and drug impaired IRS policy makers working inside the DC beltway, it is obvious that the IRS has a major problem with drugs! Total entry-hiring screening, along with random drug testing should be required. The testing should start with the Commissioner and go right down the line. People operating with less than their full faculties are a menace; the public has a right to deal with only sober government workers who have not damaged their thinking process with dope and alcohol. Industry tests for sober workers, so should government.
5 ACCOUNTABILITY: The most feared word at the IRS. That's why they won't post mark their letters, sign the return receipt on certified letters, put anything of substance in writing, or face the press when they have been caught. The masterful ways of covering itself from investigation and wrongdoing must be stopped. IRS works very hard at not leaving any paper trail; this should be made a criminal offense when it is done to cover-up IRS abuses.
6 RESPONSIBILITY: IRS must be held responsible when they unjustifiably foul up peoples lives. The IRS individuals who fail to do their job properly should be held responsible for improper activities. IRS individuals (not taxpayers via government money to defend IRS criminal acts) should have to pay to defend their unlawful acts. Both those who give the orders, and those who do the dirty work should be responsible - and jailed, as appropriate.
7 PROFESSIONAL: Congress should not tolerate the amateurish and unprofessional conduct which permeates the majority of IRS personnel. IRS should be employing people who can read and write English, and who have professional business and finance backgrounds. Get rid of the political science and law majors who don't know the first thing about business and decency. The IRS should not be run by the political hacks.
8 ETHICS: The IRS should stop their lying. If they won't answer, they should so state. This "we can't" and "unfortunately" stuff MUST be stopped. Ethics means an end to taxes on moneys never received. Ethics means no longer dating time-critical letters a week before they actually go to the post office. Ethics means being honest! Ethics does not mean waiting almost three years to notify someone of a mistake, hoping that the taxpayer has lost their backup! Ethics does not mean making late determinations and charging a usurious rates based on the amount due from some date years before the taxpayer is notified. Ethics does not mean telling people you will do something, and not doing it. Intentionally embarrassing, harassing, and humiliating people are acts of a bully, not ethical professional people. As an enforcement agency, IRS demonstrates no visible ethics; it's frightening.
9 HIRING: The IRS must start hiring qualified people. For years, they have been hiring people for every reason, except their ability to do the job. These non-qualified people are difficult to train and unable to deal reasonably with the tasks before them. Union seniority assures inept managers and drives out the good people. IRS needs people with accounting and business skills, as well as big dose of common sense. They don't need more people with law degrees! Diversity is great - but not if it means hiring unqualified people who ultimately will abuse the public.
10 WORK ETHIC: Most of us in civilian work put in at least 40 hours of actual work time (as opposed to cooler-time or telephone time). Real jobs don't pay for "travel time" (driving into work) or include lunch time as work time. Is it too much to expect government workers to put in something that approaches 40 hours for their regular weekly pay? Much of abuse coming from IRS is just a matter of laziness and poor work ethic; it's easier to not listen, not look, and not care.
11 TRAINING: Instead of training employees how NOT to answer questions directly, or how to NOT answer at all - IRS employees should be trained by people who really know the tax system. H&R Block, or someone outside their sick system should assist the IRS in teaching how to competently answer questions, operate computers, and answer the telephone. This should put an end to the IRS's non-sequitur check-off box forms.
12 INTEREST: Interest should be interest, not penalty. The old policy of the IRS paying what they charge helped to keep them honest; now IRS intentionally waits almost three years to rip you with their so-called "interest". Interest should be pegged to the 4-year car rate interest (or some real-world interest rate), and be charged at 1/2 that rate (or zero), up until the IRS actually decides to notify the taxpayer.
13 BILLING: When someone owes money, or at least the IRS thinks they do, the IRS should be required to provide a proper bill. That means a statement of the error, the date and amounts of interest. A simple, and complete accounting of how the final number was arrived at. The taxpayer should not have to put up with anything short of this. The IRS doesn't know how to send a proper invoice; or if they do, they certainly have never done it. Internal Revenue's unexplained bills are just part of their "normal" devious and corrupt operation. It must be changed.
In 1989 My wife died of cancer and in the same year I retired as a police officer (22 YEARS). I filed my taxes. The IRS said I owed them money from insurance. Now that I have retired, I pay $2000 a year in taxes, I had to get a job to make ends meet. All I want to Know is what is going on with our government. The IRS has more power than your local Police department in a murder case. There is something wrong in the USA. The murder suspect has more rights than the average city and or country people of the states. But IRS can come in and sell everything you have (AND LAUGHT ABOUT IT). They are above the LAW.
In 1991 I received notice from the IRS that I owed self-employment taxes from working in 1988, 89 and 90. It took me 3 years to prove to them that I was in fact an employee and not an employer! Because they could not locate my former employer to get them to pay my FICA, they tagged me with it. They said I originally owed $1500 but after penalties and interest accruing over 5 years, I owed near $9,000. My file was lost several times and I was threatened with tax court and garnishment of wages. I was a single mother earning only $16,000/yr.. They wanted to assess my personal belongings and take my only car. I told them my furniture was purchased at garage sales and held no value. I had no money in the bank at the time so that is why they wanted the contents of my apartment. Including my children's belongings! They placed a tax lien against me instead. It ruined my credit and I filed for bankruptcy soon after. I was humiliated and intimidated for several years.
I want to start by saying that what I have read on these pages has horrified me. I am beginning to have problems with the IRS, and it looks as though it will probably get worse. It seems to me that if any "ordinary" citizen tried to do what they are doing, that person would immediately be arrested. Why is our government allowed to get away with actions like these? Is the government not for the people, By the people? Why has this been allowed to escalate to these proportions? How can we call ourselves free when we have to live with the knowledge that every year we may be subject to inhumane treatment by our own government? Living in fear makes me wonder how free I actually am. I am, or was proud to be an American. I stood up for the government as a whole. But why have I wasted so much time, energy, and hard work, just to satisfy a fiendish government office? I now sit sickened by what I have seen. Hoping, and praying that it will not continue on its live destructive path.
In my mailbox today (March 10, 1998), I received notices that the IRS recently audited me for 1982, 83, 84, and 85. The notices included bills totaling $26,000. The IRS has also (this year) RE-audited me for 1986 (the original audit was in 1989) and sent a bill for nearly $10,000. The IRS kept my refunds for 92, 93, 94, and 95 ($15,000) ... and each year has rebuffed my inquiries with the attitude "resistance is futile". I have an audit for 1996 scheduled for next month. Does something seem a little out of whack, here? Isn't there a statute of limitations on tax audits? I can't possibly take the IRS to court over each of these tax years. I doubt even Bill Gates has enough money to do that, nor Methuselah the time. I work 60 to 70 hours a week on a salary of about $50,000 a year. Just responding to all this intense harassment is ruining my life. This nonsense is originating from the Sacramento office of the IRS. The fellow causing all this is N. J.. Is there any way to put a leash on him? I have been trying to get in touch with someone who is a Problem Resolution Officer. It's about like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The PROs are probably tied up trying to assist N. J's 1100 other victims! By the way, one of those people is a 90-year-old widow. She exhausted her life's savings beating Mr. J. in court, only to have him place a lien on her house when she was 93 years old. I am deathly afraid of anyone who can and would financially ruin someone no longer able to earn a living. Pretty cold and heartless, wouldn't you say? The real rub is, he was wrong on the tax issues - just as in my case. This kind of abuse is too much for a private citizen to handle. I sincerely believe I cannot take much more.
I am tax practitioner: An attorney friend told me this story a few days ago while we were visiting: He was retained briefly to help a bar owner out of a tax audit assessment. His client had owned a bar for some 20 years in Palm Springs. She [in her 70's] was now going out of business [for health reasons], but was informed that she owed something like $700 in taxes, but that she only had $200 to pay immediately. The attorney called the local IRS office, and requested a payment plan from the IRS officer taking the call. Before the attorney could finish his call with the IRS officer, was asked to hold for several minutes, while the IRS officer checked out the attorney. It turns out that the attorney had a pending dispute with the IRS for some $20,000 in tax assessments against him personally. When the IRS officer came back on the line, she told the attorney that he owed the IRS $20,000 and that she was coming over to his office to collect a check. The attorney said he didn't have that type of money on hand, but that he was working with the IRS on a resolution of the dispute [the attorney had already retained a tax attorney to represent him, and a Power of Atty. was on file to that effect], and that he was not interested in discussing his problems while calling for a client. The attorney said there was a correct time and place for any such discussion [and that was with his representative], and now was not the time to discuss his matter. The IRS officer refused any further discussion on the phone, and within 48 hours, the IRS officer was at the attorneys office door with a policeman and a tow truck. The IRS officer demanded the full payment, which the attorney said he couldn't pay just then, so the IRS officer then ordered the tow truck to hook up the attorney's auto, and tow it off. The police stood by to ensure law and order.
The attorney was represented via a power of attorney on file specifically for this dispute [and he was actively engaged in resolution of his dispute with the IRS via his tax representative], but the local IRS officer completely ignored that power of attorney and commenced collection activities without contacting the taxpayers representative. Secondly, the IRS officer refused to discuss the taxpayers' client underlying case during the inquiry, which would have helped the original client to get out of her initial problem, that being the bar owners tax problem. The IRS officer was retaliating against the attorney for representing his client.
Refund disallowed, "$4,634". IRS showing date received not date mailed. One days past 3 year limit, mailed Apr. 14th (certified) IRS received 16th Apr. States this on letter received from IRS. !!!IRS NOT GOING BY THEIR OWN LAWS!!!
When I was living in Virginia, my best friend lost her home. She had 3 sons and 2 daughters and they moved in with my daughter and me. I claimed her sons on my income tax return because they stayed most of the year. I was the sole provider, but only claimed two of her children. Upon moving to Ohio I learned that I was being audited by the IRS. I was not well and was scheduled for surgery and I told the IRS of the situation. The audit went forth without me ... I lost, of course, and have been losing returns ever since. My daughter could be in college, but I get no returns. I could pay some debt off, but I get no returns. Keep in mind that I have paid the original "tax owed" several times over. It is the penalty and interest that will keep me from being able to receive my tax refunds. This year I needed surgery and was unable to work. I have medical costs and can not pay my rent, and my refund would really help me right now. I was in ICU for three weeks.
I have not been able to put my daughter in college. I have not been able to pay rent this month. I have not been able to get anyone to listen to me. I am paying the same debt over and over ... a debt I do not owe.
I and my husband have been paying back taxes for the past 5 years. My husband and I were self-employed providing shoe repair to our community. We have three children and didn't make enough money to support our family. We filed late and were charged penalties. We owe for 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992. We are currently paying penalties on the 1989 taxes. IRS sent us a letter saying that we could ask to have the penalties removed and so we did. IRS sent us a letter back stating that we had to pay these penalties. We inquired about the 1992 taxes and the penalties are over $5000. On that year. I was not employed for 6 months yet, the next year (1993) we owe over $10,000 to IRS. We filed our taxes for 1993 but, IRS said that we didn't, they added more penalties for that year than the taxes due. IRS placed liens on the home. We are going to lose our home in February of 1999 due to a balloon payment being due and the property will go back to the owner.
The IRS is totally out of control, with agents capitalizing on targeting poor people who are unable to fight back. We should ask for severe criminal penalties to be brought against all those involved in abuse of office.
Since 1984, a tax liability of less than $500 has BALLOONED into a geometrically impossible debt that we will never be able to satisfy. The IRS has taken about $10,000 dollars from us since then and the debt hasn't shrunk. They refused to allow us to make payments, telling us we couldn't afford the monthly payment, but that "we should make payments to minimize failure to pay and interest charges". Is this double talk nonsense or what? They have acknowledged that we don't owe the calculated amount but say we MUST PAY IN FULL before we can have the matter adjudicated (someday). This action by the IRS has caused us significant hardships for 13 years with the promise of a LIFETIME more to follow. This is an injustice of overwhelming proportions, especially in light of new evidence that IRS agents are getting easy commissions by targeting impoverished people such as ourselves. We have got to do something to those elected who don't fix the IRS now, this situation is intolerable.
The IRS has no one they are accountable to. My congressman tried to intervene for me, and they sent him a very condescending letter about how they are handling my case and I shouldn't be concerned it will be taken care of. It's been 13 years.
Since 1986, when I returned from serving my country for 8 years in the U.S. Marines, I was forced to: 1) Go homeless for 6-months. 2) Lose my bank/checking accounts. 3) Forfeit every refund to pay off a debt that NOT ONE IRS person can even inform me as to what/when I failed to file. 4) I've proven through my DD-214 and pay check stubs from my service days that I never did fail to file. 5) To this day I get letters that are more of a threat than an offer at a resolution. 6) In spite of proving my case it has only landed me in hotter waters than before.
There is no question that the IRS needs a bloody nose! I love this country -- risked my life in the military, when called. Only to come home and fined that the IRS is bent on destroying a taxpayer with disregard of human rights! The IRS errors and delays were responsible for creating a terrible tax audit and erroneous tax assessment. My audit and appeals was on for 9 years in which the assessment was greatly reduced -- but in doing so -- I was buried with interest, which was greater than the tax bill! my tax advisor was a wimp! You see, the IRS doesn't hide the fact that they are not too fond of professional tax advisors. Why? because they save people money. so the IRS often terrorize tax advisors by threatening to audit all their clients, bar them from practicing and a host of other frightening possibilities.As a result, some tax advisors will actually incriminate you before they risk an IRS vendetta. I finally took out a bank loan and paid the erroneous tax bill in order to stop the clock from running and filed a 'petition' to go to tax court. guess what? The IRS made a motion to block me from going to tax court to argue my case. the tax court (thank god) overruled their motion and allowed me to go to tax court. the date for trial has not been set yet.
When we divorced, my husband was self-employed and agreed per divorce decree to pay all due taxes. Not only did I not sign the tax papers (someone else signed without my knowledge), but my ex-husband did not file for several years. After being audited, they said he owed them over $6000. The IRS insists that I must pay for my ex-husband. Every year the IRS takes my refund and the interest and penalties just keep adding up because my refund is less than the accrued. The IRS has threatened to garnish my wages. My ex-husband has not filed taxes since 1988. Why do they not go after him? I know that he works for someone else now.
IRS PLACED UNJUSTIFIED LIENS AGAINST MY FAMILY FOR 1983 returns in 1992. Even though the liens were released shortly after being placed against us. The IRS will never admit they wrongly accused our family of not paying our taxes. They will never provide a letter stating such so we can have the local court docket expunged from our credit reports. Even the Credit Bureau's and Banking institutions pile on US Citizens when IRS Officials abuse their powers. No credit, no life in this country, I can't rent a car, and a hundred other civil rights violations are removed due process due to the unjustified IRS lien on my financial record. The courts and congress both ignore the abuses by hiding behind the rule of law they created to empower abusive and arrogant IRS employees. For our Vice President and President to defend these people and their organization is a criminal act in it self.
I've only read a few of the abuse reports, I intend to read them all, but for now I've heard enough to reinforce my hatred for the IRS. I formed my negative opinion of the IRS a long time ago. I am glad that people are starting to speak out against the IRS. I've always felt that the IRS was much to powerful. They could do whatever the wanted to whoever they wanted. I've also wondered if the IRS agents had to have their conscience removed when they started their jobs. I think the IRS should be completely abolished, because it does more harm than good. Plus, the agents are non-human life forms. Doing away with them would end much pain and suffering of the American people. I apologize for the way this sounds, but I'm so angry I can't think rationally. But it felt good to say whatever came to mind. Thanks.
An Internal Revenue Agent without looking at any of my records sent me a Notice of Income Tax Examination Changes indicating a balance due the I.R.S. of $259,372.50. I worked as an Internal Revenue Agent from 1965-1970, so I know this is totally inappropriate to issue a notice before an examination is started. It is a scare tactic, totally abusive and it nearly gave me a heart attack when I received the notice.
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