I worked for a company for four year that had two restaurants. When the IRS closed one of the restaurants I was sent a notice by the IRS. I went to the company attorney and gave him the notice. He said not to worry I was just an employee and not a officer of the corporation. A few months later I received a judgement from the IRS for $80,000 I went to a tax attorney and he said it would cost me 15 to 20 thousand dollars to take care of it and I should wait for 6 years and it will go away. I went back to the company lawyer, he said he knew nothing about it. I went to the State bar association, couldn't help me. I the company gave me two thousand dollars to help with the attorney fees. My wages got garnished. I was summoned to the IRS in Riverside CA, This lady should of had a nazi uniform, because she acted like one. She yelled and threatened me. I said just let me have a hearing I know I can clear it all up. She said it was too late we have a judgement and you are ours. I cried, she just laughed, I was forty eight years old and she humiliated me. I got a letter the next week. They were taking possession of our house and cars the following week. We were trying desperately to sell the house and find a place to stay. The day we were suppose to be evicted, they didn't show, however they said they could come any day. My wife went crazy and we had to leave the house that week, we sold the house and the IRS got 7,000 we lost 30,000 dollars. They kept hounding us I would have to take work where I got paid cash, We were like fugitives, My marriage went to pieces, and I must tell you for the first time in my life I was contemplating violence.
Six years went by, I paid my taxes, started a job and started to get my life together. Another call from the IRS, six years has been changed to 10, here I go again, another fours years of hell, my wife left me, and more hell. Finally I got a good job, life started looking good I had three months to go before the ten years were up. My wages were garnished, 40% of my pay gone. If it hadn't been for the company I was working for giving me a loan to get through those three months, I honestly feel I would of gone over the edge. Ten years were up I called the IRS. They said it was over. I will swear to you that if I owed that money I would of made arrangement to pay it. The only thing that saved me was that I never signed anything. I have been raped, sodomized, and humiliated. I will never forget what the IRS did to me and my family. If you need data I am more than willing to give it to anybody that can get this to the IRS. I would still like my hearing.
The IRS is absolutely out of control. The abuse of power is simply unbelievable. My own problem with the IRS seems insignificant in comparison to other stories I have read so far. They seem to take sadistic pleasure in ruining people's lives. I have little faith that the recent hearings will lead to anything since this agency seems to be such a wonderful tool for the government to suck its citizens dry.
My problems with the IRS started a couple of years ago. I could write books about their ignorance, rudeness, incompetence and their ability to act above the law, but choose to only show you the most recent incident. In the beginning of February this year I noticed, after trying to withdraw money from an ATM machine, that my bank account had been completely emptied out. I contacted the bank and found out "somebody" had levied my account and literally took every penny in it. They gave me an 800 number, the only information they had regarding this levy. I proceeded to call this number and found out that it was the IRS's Collection Agency. Though the circumstances of this levy was highly dubious, I caved in and did not dispute the levy. The bank, after a waiting period, sent a check to the Ogden UT office at the end of February. A few weeks later I received a statement from this office, letting me know that they applied my refund check to my account. I called for a couple of weeks straight trying to get some information on what happened to the money taken by the levy. Both offices initially blamed the other office for the problem. I was then told that it simply was my problem to find out what happened to the money. The bank confirmed that it was sent out. The IRS was not willing or capable of tracking the check. Without their help, it is impossible for me to straighten this out. As it stands now, the IRS stole that money from me and only God knows what account they applied this money to. I am filled with anticipation on when they will place another levy on my account to suck me dry again. And who knows, maybe they'll loose that money too. And so on, and so on....... I cannot afford a lawyer and for now all I seem to be able to do about this is to keep building up anger.
My wife and I had a severe run in with the IRS in 1988 over the order in which our social security numbers appeared on our 1040 form. Apparently, it makes a significant difference if, after many years of filing with the husband's name and SSN first, that if the wife's name and SSN are placed first on the 1040 return form, they have no way of verifying that you have filed. We were advised that we hadn't filed and we said we did, and they said we didn't. This went on for a year. We sent them a copy of our return after they said it was lost. Finally, they said "our problem" (actually, my wife and I's problem) was, in fact, that my wife's SSN was first on the return line and "how dare we file a return in that manner and that we should have known better."
I worked for inspections within the IRS. As I was trying to get a company audited. The IRS went after me, at the time I never thought that requesting an audit of a company could cost me my job, but it did. They found someone to lie and make allegations against me that were not true. The Dept. of Treasury IG did an investigation five years after my allegations were made, the investigator was ordered by his bosses not to find in my favor. The witness that could totally clear me was never contacted. I have a sworn statement from the woman that the investigator told this too. Inspections never investigate, they cover up. If you need more, or would like to check this out please contact me.. My bosses received a bonus for hiring me, keeping me on, and then one for firing me. I did an audit in Feb. 1989 that hit the Wall Street Journal. No one else wanted to do it because the taxpayer benefited and there would be no bonus for the work, so I did it.
Personally: I worked for a company as a secretary/bookkeeper. During my employment I was added to the bank account as a signator authority so I would obtain balances for my employer otherwise the bank would not disclose information to me. After being laid off almost a year later, I start getting notices from the IRS that I am liable for the payroll taxes the company never paid. I told them I never signed any checks or performed any transactions but they said too bad we think that you had the ability to pay the payroll taxes being a signatory on the account. Now they have filed a $25,000 tax lien on me and subsequently any future refunds or potentially any assets I may obtain or whatever are in jeopardy of being seized or garnished.
This past January, I filed our federal tax return as usual. After I completed our tax return and triple-checked everything, we were due a refund of $670. We filed our return. Three weeks later we got a letter from the IRS - the FIRST such notification that we had EVER received - indicating that our $670 refund was being applied to back taxes. In the same mail run there was another envelope from the IRS informing us that we owed $4,590 in back taxes, interest and penalty for 1988 and $1,750 in back taxes, interest and penalty for 1992. This was certainly news to us and the first we'd EVER heard of such. There was a notice claiming the IRS had attempted to collect the amount we allegedly owe (Really? When? We NEVER received ANYTHING before this at ANY time) and informing us that if we did not respond the IRS ... may seize your paycheck, bank account, auto, or other property....may also file a Federal Tax Lien.' Terrified and shaking, I immediately called an 800 number for the IRS. I explained that we had a modest income for the last thirteen years after my husband was "down-sized" out of his former job in 1985, own no property except our 1989 vehicle, have no interest bearing accounts, stocks, bonds or other assets except our household furniture. I was a nervous wreck. She told me that the IRS had no record of our 1988 or 1992 tax returns on file and had therefore calculated them for us, hence the amount of back taxes, interest and penalty owed. I was shocked. How does the IRS lose your tax returns and then tell you they were never filed?
I made copies of our 1988 and 1992 tax returns and mailed them off in two separate envelopes. I waited six weeks and phoned the 800 number at the IRS again and went through explaining everything all over again. This lady, not the same one, indicated that the copies of our 1040s I'd mailed in had not yet been processed into the computer. She asked for my social security number as well my husband's, she then informs me that IRS records indicate there are also delinquent taxes (of an outrageous amount) under my social security number for 1985 and 1986 to the tune of $17,000+ with interest and penalty. If you think I was a nervous wreck when I opened the first IRS envelope, you should've seen me at that point. In 1985 I made $15,000 with my employer withholding all the taxes from my paycheck (I claimed single and no dependents on the withholding to ensure we'd never come up at the end of the year owing taxes), there is no way we could possibly have any unpaid taxes for those years. Every Monday I call to see if they received the copies I mailed. They were to send proof that I owed taxes for 85 and 86. So, here we hang in limbo.
Here we are on the verge of the 21st century living in what is supposed to be a democracy where all citizens are guaranteed due process and presumption of innocence and we find ourselves stashing our savings, grocery and rent money in a box under the bed because we're too afraid to leave it in our bank accounts for fear the government will levy it for taxes we can't possibly owe. (But of course, whether we owe taxes or not, if the IRS ultimately determines we owe them, then we owe 'em, right?...plus outrageous interest and penalties at a rate the Mafia's own loan sharks can only envy from afar, of course.) Unless and until Congress deals with the IRS and strips it of its arbitrary power to ruin the lives of honest American citizens, we will never be free of this fear.
We have made and paid our own way, paid our share of taxes through payroll deductions and we are good citizens. But now, every day of our lives we live with the fear in the back of our minds that we could lose what little we do have because of a single government agency that has all the power of Hitler's storm troopers coupled with zero real accountability. What and when will Congress tangibly do something to bring this horrible malignancy called the IRS under control and to a level of accountability beyond itself so that the rights of American citizens cannot continue to be demolished without due process? This is America, once truly a great democracy whose citizens enjoyed certain inalienable rights, one of which being the presumption of innocence unless and UNTIL proven guilty. Today, I fear what the IRS can do to me and my husband immeasurably more than I fear what this cancer in my physical body can ultimately do to me. We still love our country and we will continue to obey the laws of our land as we always have, but now we know what it is like to live in never-ending fear of our own government every single day of our lives.
I was alerted that I had been subject to review of my 92 Head of Household status as I was divorced during that time. Then without warning the IRS seized all my bank accounts and levied everything for a $5500 assessment.
I was married to a general surgeon for 18 years. We divorced in Sept. 1993; as part of the divorce settlement agreement he was responsible for federal taxes owed for one year (1991) we filed jointly. By March 1994, 6 months to the day, he filed bankruptcy. He has not paid a dime on the 1991 taxes to date, he did not pay me one dime of alimony or the distribution that was part of the signed agreement. The IRS does not pursue him. They find it easier to come after me. I have called problems & resolution offices and have been told to simply pay the bill; that is the only way to eliminate the problem. You talk about maddening; I feel that I am truly at wits end.
I was forced out my job as IRS auditor because I complained about illegal penalties. My favorite quote, from my manager, about taxpayers: "A little fear is good for them."
Damage to me: four years of fly specking and hiding my cases. Illegal surveillance, stalking, extortion, common-law assault. Damage to audit customers, observed by me: illegal penalties; extra interest due to delaying my cases; Please see my racketeering lawsuit against IRS bosses, at www.ixpres.com/lancewill. It has 20,000 words about the Behavior of IRS Bosses, observed during my eleven years on the job. /s/ Lance Williamson, Attorney at Law (I should hand my case over to a different attorney, instead of doing it myself). You may quote any part of my web page statement.
We must remove the power of the IRS to destroy people's lives. Such power is not given to a common merchant who must take action through the legal system to collect monies owed. The IRS should follow the same rules as apply to the merchant. The outrageous penalties they charge are not only unreasonable, they would be criminal if a commercial entity assessed them.
I resigned as partner in a small business due to irreconcilable differences with my 2 partners. At the time of my resignation the company was profitable and was current in all its tax liabilities. Over the course of 9 months following my departure, the company came under severe financial pressure. Unknown to me, they ceased paying their obligations, including taxes. Within 12 months the company and the 2 partners were bankrupt. Even though I was not involved and had no control of the company (nor was aware or interested) in their operations, the IRS held me responsible for their failure to pay taxes and penalties. They attached my home and made my life miserable with threats, notices and meetings at the IRS office. After two years of legal battle, and attorney's fees of several thousand dollars, the IRS finally admitted I was not liable. I received no apology from the IRS, much less reimbursement for damages. I suffered legal expenses, stress, anxiety and a black mark (IRS lien)on my credit report.
Note: This is the only Abuse Report that compliments the IRS. Here, the IRS stiffed this snitch out of his blood money. Congratulations to the IRS. |
The IRS has a Form 211, which basically is a 'snitch' form that 'promises' to pay a person who has accurate and qualifying information about a tax-cheater, to be rewarded for their information. I submited such a form. The person was audited and given a substantial penalty. Contacting the agency they claim: 1) They lost the paper work and could/would pay. 2) I required proof that such a form was submitted...so goes the 'promises' made by US government... ...an agent who wishes not to be identified said, 'One would only receive the reward, if litigation was actively pursued.'
1) divorced 1994 from an attorney, 2) separated Oct 92, 3) sold residence 1996-bought smaller, cheaper home, 4) full custody 4 children, 5) put all the cash from sale of previous home into this one after paying off my debts, 6) less than a month after we moved in...IRS slapped an $83,000 lien on me for his unpaid taxes for 92, 93. (He also hadn't paid taxes in 94,95,96), 7) My divorce decree said I wasn't responsible for IRS taxes, 8) My ex-husband is self-employed and always kept his own books, 9) I knew when I bought this house I would have to access the equity at some point to be able to pull off staying here until my youngest was ready to leave for college, 10) at this point, my house is falling apart, I'm on the verge of bankruptcy, have no money to hire a tax attorney, 11) My divorce attorney said to file suit and hold my ex in contempt...I tried for 2 years to divorce him and never saw the inside of a courtroom or receive any temporary support, 12) If I file suit it will be years before I see the inside of a courtroom and I will have lost everything by then, 13) In the mean time he is paying IRS $500. per month less than the interest due, 14) He also has completely redone his home inside and out, landscaped his yard, owns numerous vehicles, a boat, see-doos, etc., 15) to my knowledge IRS has never even checked on the worth of his home or his assets, 16) I have not worked since he got out of law school and only have my alimony and child support to live on. I will never have that kind of money, 17) Have tried to talk to IRS...have been transferred to every department that exists I think, and yet have gotten nowhere. Did finally talk to someone in Memphis who basically laughed in my face, 18) ...don't know where to turn...my credit is already ruined but I can't loose this house, it is our home. The kids have been through enough.
I have been out of work for 2 1/2 months. I have paid the IRS $9000 over the past 8 years on a $4500 tax debt. I am living with a friend as I had to give up my residence due to lack of work. When I called the IRS on 5/20/98 I got the usual 12 person shuffle.
When asked by me why, due to my circumstances, couldn't we call this account satisfied, being that I had already paid $9000 on a $4500 debt. The agent said he wanted to collect as much as he can. How can we allow this abuse to go on? Let's dismantle this power hungry machine.
To whoever can help, I am being forced to pay 84 percent of my take home pay to the I.R.S because I owe them $3700 dollars. They have kept me from paying my rent this month, as well as my car insurance, and I am backed up on numerous bills because of this!! I can't get them to resolve this until they get information which they lost!! I am at totally the end of my hopes. This can not be right!!!!
In January 1986, I was deployed to the North Atlantic while serving in the US Navy. Before I left, my ex-wife and I discussed the fact that I would do our 1985 income tax when I returned in March.
I returned to find out that my spouse had "done" the taxes herself, having never done them before, and we were going to get a $300 refund. She admitted forging my name and sending in the document but had not made copies for our records. I called the IRS office and was told there was no problem and I did not have to refile. We received a refund (I never saw the check) for $300 and bought a washing machine.
2 years later, after leaving the Navy and getting divorced, I received a notice from the IRS that I owed them over $3000 due to an incorrectly filed return for 1985. I promptly went to the offices of the IRS in Arlington, VA to clarify that I had only received $300. I was "enlightened" and told if I did not pay, I would lose everything. I was also told that my ex was not liable for this debt because my name was listed as head of household.
I requested several times copies of both the return and the canceled check. I received neither. I was told to contact a tax crimes investigators office, which I did in writing and numerous times by phone. I never actually got to talk to a person or received a response.
I paid the bill in installments over almost 3 years.
My taxes prior and since have been extremely accurate, even when, like this year, I owed a substantial amount. I just happened to be the easiest one to harass and the most likely to pay.
Rec'd a tax levy unknown to me. Years in question are 1986, 1990 and 1991. They seized my bank accounts and did not make an accounting for what they claim I owe. In 1990 and 1991 it appears that I owed no taxes and then in 1994 there is an entry that shows I owed something like $1300...the person looking into this said either I filed these years late (which is not the case) or they audited me...if that is the case, aren't you suppose to KNOW about the audit?
They also claim I did not file in 1994 and when an accountant came to me showing income earned, they have income listed twice in several instances to make it look like I made more then I did...how can we ever trust these people?
We received a letter from the IRS stating that we wouldn't be receiving the refund because they said I hadn't filled my return for the year 1989 and I'd "likely owe money for that year. I contacted them, they finally found the 89 return, it was accidentally attached to the 90 return. I received a check a week later. Then about three months later, the Controller at my job approaches me with a Levy of Wages from the IRS. I called them and they said it was for taxes not paid on my 89 return. They claim I never paid the $2,100 owed. I don't have any records back that far to prove otherwise. The criminals now claim that with penalties and interest it's gone from $2,100 to nearly $7,000 and if I didn't agree to pay it, they'd levy my wages. So, I'm stuck sending them $100 a month I can't afford to be sending them. This is outrageous!
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