While working as an office manager, an audit was done, the IRS claimed we owed more money than the accountant had figured. Next thing we knew, an IRS agent came into the office , asked to see the Dr., I told him the Dr. was with a new patient and could he wait. It would be about one hour. He waited about fifteen minutes, he then came and told me that I would wish I had told the Dr. to come see him. He said we would now do it his way on his terms and time. He told me, do you see that truck and car outside the building that belong to the Dr. "Well all that will be gone when we close your doors." We will audit you, the rest of the staff, and even your parents. Then over a period of months, he continued to send letters of demands for moneys, collected some by attaching the bank account. Finally one day my nerves just went and the Dr. put me on work comp for nearly two yrs. I took medication for nerves and lost my job. By the time work-comp checks started coming in we were too far behind to catch up and had to declare bankruptcy. I had to undergo one yr of mental health counseling to get a grip on things. No one should have the ability to do this to another human , I don't care who he is. It was not money owed rightfully and he was not within bounds to threaten us in this way.
I was crying earlier after coming home from work and receiving a hefty envelope containing IRS documents. I feel a little less frightened and alone since I read several of these articles. I pray the IRS is abolished. I am all for a flat tax.
I was divorced 5 years ago. Not only did I suffer from an abusive ex-husband for 17 years and endure his reign of terror for eight months following our separation in which he threatened to kill me and our two children. I have two bullet holes in my ceilings to prove it and an old newspaper clipping describing the "hostage" situation in which we found ourselves. I ended up on welfare because no one would hire me for fear he would come to my employment and "cause" trouble. On top of this I was also left with IRS debts. Two years out of the 17 where I filed jointly with him the IRS states a balance is owing for 1988 + 1990. Since then the balances of $1200 and $3800 have escalated to over $43,000. I have a lien against my house which is my only property. The house is old but paid off so the IRS wants it. The market value is approx. $25,000. This is nowhere near enough to cover the total tax. For the past five years they have been more than repaid for the original tax amount (of which I am only liable for half) but my ex-husband is physically disabled due to heart disease and has had two open heart surgeries. They know he owns no other property. An agent came recently to check out my status. I explained that I filed an offer in compromise four years ago with another agent but it was turned down. He said it was because they knew that I had this house and they could therefore collect more than what I offered. I am remarried, finished my Bachelor's degree last year and thought life would start to improve. I was looking to the future with hope. NOT ANYMORE. My new husband is standing by me but I ask myself "HOW LONG?" before he can't take it anymore. They want me to sell my house or they will seize it. My ex-husband and I went bankrupt in 1990 so I don't have any credit and only work part-time. I don't have any means to pay except sell the only thing I own. We can't afford to move out, pay rent and fight this thing. My new husband has helped me out financially to keep my home, but he has his own bills to pay. I can't get a loan even if I wanted to because of the IRS Liens. My expenses exceed my income and that's by their own agent's analysis. Despite what they have received from me they say past moneys do not count towards the amount owed. That paid interest only. I don't know what to do except abandon my home. Even if I do an offer in compromise again it will only cover my share. My ex-husband's name is on the house and the liens are in place so if I pay my "share" his half will be unpaid and qualify them to seize my home. I know its only a matter of time. The agent told me a good lie - he said that the IRS realizes how bad they look right now and will probably not turn down any reasonable amount. Then stated that a reasonable amount could not be less than 60% of the value of my home which is what they would sell it for it they seized it. I explained I have no credit so how can I get that kind of money. He just looked at my new husband. I told him forget it. My new husband was not going to pay for debt's owed by the old "no matter what". He left saying that he would do his report and that he would recommend the IRS just let this ride out until the Statute of Limitations rides out. That was two weeks ago. I just received this packet which contains an "Offer in Compromise" form, a form waiving the normal Statute of Limitations that they want me to sign so they can extent collection time until the year 2006, a 433A form so they can determine if I have any other assets they want to seize. So much for "riding it out." That was just another lie. Because their knowledge of my new husband raised their interest in me considerably and I know they won't accept anything less than my 90 year old home.
It seems too long to write about. Too painful. The result is that I just quit! I don't 'work' for wages, I don't plan, I exist in the here and now. The IRS ruined my life and my future. I did nothing wrong. Nothing. Sleazy expensive lawyers advised me that it would cost too much to fight them. Even though I would eventually prevail, in the meantime I would have to finance the war - which I wasn't able to do, given that the entity I was battling had the power to disempower me in the process. Friends: Far too many of them, good people, formerly 'main stream professionals, have quit also. I vowed that they would never suck another dime out of me, never tap another of my phones. I would never have another business for them to send their goons to take over, employees and clients to harass and intimidate and never own another piece of real property, bank account or safe deposit box or any tangible personal property for them to steal. There are many of us out here who just 'dropped out', forced out because of this enemy. The ultimate reality is that I'm not unhappy. I'm just leading a very different life than that which I was raised and educated to believe in and live within/for. IRS targets widow(er)s! Sometimes they make you one.
It's a frightening organization, worthy of RICO action. Do we all have to have zero assets so we can collectively just say: 'Go ahead, repossess my body?' I think that a National Sales Tax should be enacted and all tax collection action should be caused to cease with amnesty given to all individuals who have not committed criminal acts which have been proven to be prosecutable. And let our people go.
After several years in an abusive marriage I contemplated suicide and went into therapy which helped me to leave. At that time I found out that my ex had not paid taxes on income that he earned as a self-employed contractor. Levies where placed on my income. At one point my take-home pay, after being levied, was $44 week. I was unable to pay my rent, utilities, and car payment. I sold anything I had of value to survive, which did not amount to much since I left everything when I left my husband. I borrowed money from family for an attorney which did not help at all.
I am constantly worried about where I will live, what I will eat, my car only has 2nd gear and bald tires. I pray every day that it will just hold out until I can figure out what to do. I found out that the IRS is not attempting to collect from my ex because my income is easier to get to. I don't understand how that justifies what the IRS has done to me. I am a registered nurse and have always filed with excess withholding at the hospital so that I would not owe taxes at year's end. I do not see an end because penalties and interest keep piling up. Don't know where to turn, totally lost.
I used to own a business. I sold it. The lady who bought it did not pay the taxes she was supposed to. She used my tax id number. Several years after I sold the business, I got a notice of intent to foreclose and threats of seizure of property. I contacted the IRS and sent them a copy of the contract between me and the party that bought the business. It showed that the taxes were due after the business was sold. But they said I have to pay, and the 120% penalty and the interest. The whole time I had the business, I paid my taxes on time and in full. This other person was already in debt to them for tens of thousands of dollars and they were having trouble getting it from her. I now send them a check every month and keep my mouth shut for fear of repercussions. I work on a farm and don't make a whole lot. It seems strange to me how anyone that works at the IRS can live with themselves.
This EVIL EMPIRE had threaten me with garnishment and declined my offer of payments methods, they put a LIEN on my house, interest continues to accrue.
They damaged my reputation beyond recognition since 1993. No wonder many of us are rebellious toward these EVIL EMPIRE. They are nothing more than a pack of hungry WOLVES, eager to chew up anything that comes against THEM.
We can't pay our bills. My wife and I work 40 to 80 hours each week to feed, house and feed our children. The IRS has too much control of the American People, we are no longer a free country. The IRS is rude, insensitive, and not caring. Our country is in trouble and the IRS is a large reason.
My home was sold in 1994 for an alleged assessment not owed by myself and husband. I continued to fight them and they sold the homes of all of my brothers and sisters and my parents in June of 1995, who had been retired and on social security for over 6 years at the time. They alleged that my parents owed $958,000 during the years they had no income and claimed my siblings owed as much as 1.25 million dollars each. The agent involved violated the IRS disclosure laws by submitting statements to the local press to defame my parents and family. My parents won their home fight in court. We were lucky enough to have a judge who went by the law! However, it's been so costly, they now have nothing for retirement. The agent perjured himself on the witness stand, as verified by the files we obtained. He has bragged of selling over a hundred homes in Idaho.
We did testify at the hearings in January of this year- but nothing came of it and we were informed by Congress that the IRS is not even bound to the Administrative Procedures Act and apparently not the law. If Congress will not address renegade agents who have violated their own laws and the Constitution- who will?!
My father is dying of lung and heart disease, and this battle without foundation in law, according to our family Dr., has cheated him out of even more time with his family.
The laws have been clearly broken and tromped on, the hearings and these inclusive horror stories have proven that over and over. No wonder these agents feel themselves to be above the law. If our lawmakers and courts refuse to demand enforcement of those laws- then they are! We should be demanding performance from our leaders and judges. They're the ones at fault here for allowing this agency to continue to run wild- even with the facts made clear. I have not heard of one indictment against an agent to date.
They have violated my wife's civil rights by refusing her the extra exemption for being blind she has been getting all her life. Proper forms were filed with them. Also, they have broken federal law by not allowing her the extra exemption allowed under federal law. I have sent them 2 certified letters demanding my wife's legal rights and her refund as a result of their "decision". They have not replied to my letters. My wife is blind and they took away her rights and have broken federal laws. They "STOLE" from her what is not theirs!!!!!
Happy to know we are not alone in our struggles against the IRS. My heart goes out to all that have suffered, we have been homeless on 2 occasions from their actions.
We did owe the IRS taxes. They forced us to sell our house for money owed. They were not willing to settle. They had a lien against us for $56K and at the closing received over $66,000. We disputed the $56000 showing dates money paid, they said their dates were typos! and I really did owe the money sometime. 8 months after they rec'd the $66K, they filed another lien against us that stands today for $34,000 for the same taxes. Only now the amount is over $66,000 again. They had 2 years from the close of the business to get the figures together to collect from our home sale. The newer lien shows the same amounts that were collected from the Title Company. They call it "our sad old woes" now and have no paperwork to back up what they are trying to collect.
Incredible factual stories.... Somebody should make a movie about this abuse...
In 1993 I "won" legal and physical custody of my 2 year old son, after a rocky marriage. Shortly after that, I was filing returns (like a good slave) and claiming head of household with my son as a dependent. I didn't put his social security number on the returns as I didn't have it or know it. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Well here it is 5 years later and I'm still fighting the IRS over my son's existence. They don't believe that he exists, they claim that he could be my dog or something, I am trying to get the deduction. I have given them his social security number about four times now. I have sent them court papers, school records, and birth certificate. To no avail, they have removed my head of household status and penalized me with interest and penalties.
My parents always filed joint returns, my father decided to file a second return filing single (for a rapid refund). The IRS said he owed over $10,000 in back taxes. My father and mother maintained separate households and my mother did not know my father had done this. The IRS put a lien on my mother's salary for my father's IRS debt. My father died in 1994, mother is paying $150 per month. She's 71 years old and wants to retire but is afraid of the IRS coming to take her house and pension.
From 1980 to 1994, my husband and I were victims of the IRS. We didn't file our taxes on time for 78,79,80 and turned them in on time in 1981, and 1982, and the IRS came back and said we owed hundreds of thousands of dollars, a total of $293,000. My husband lost his job due to IRS liens. The IRS has followed us all these years. We were harassed by calls to our home, work, tenants, my family and even tenants of my sister. They took rent money directly from tenants living in my brothers house, which they thought was mine. The money was taken illegally and with no cause. They liened all of our paychecks, and we were unable to pay bills, rents, etc. We lived on borrowed money for those years. My husband was only able to get odd jobs, but he was in a very depressed state and could not really work. I had to get a lawyer to help us (of which we still owe $9,000), and he was able to get a settlement for $48,000, of which we I borrowed from my sister to pay them off. This was still incorrect, but I had to get them out of my life. We kept asking where the amount came from and they would not answer. They kept moving us from one agent to another, starting over, audits, etc. They then said they just put in an amount and then added a percentage over the years to assign to our debt. I can tell you much more of the horrors, but this is a brief description. The reason I am writing is that I still have them in my life. Even though all of the liens have been paid off, they are still on my credit report and I cannot buy a home.
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