The IRS has been badgering me for more than three years for a tax debt they say I owe. We were audited for tax years 1990 & 1991. They say I am liable because I signed a joint return with my husband (he is self employed.). They treated us like criminals and decided that there was civil fraud, so they doubled the amount they said was owed and added interest and penalties to the tune of $40,000 they have threatened to take my house, levy my pay and drain my bank account. I don't have the money to fight them in court, I went into bankruptcy and listed them. the bankruptcy was discharged . My lawyer said I didn't owe them anymore. they even sent me my income tax check. I thought it was all over. well, "surprise" . I just received another letter from them . They are threatening me again. I called my attorney who did my bankruptcy who in turn called them. He was told that they decided that we still owed them this money because they say it was fraud. I am sick over this. they want to attach my pay. Now I have to file motions against them. I don't know where I will get this money, I am back to round one, where will this all end??? is this America???
The IRS auditor and I played tug-a-war, he said, "the federal government does not lose records, nor do they owe you money. You owe them, and you should feel bad you are not paying taxes like everybody else". I knew I was in trouble, and it got worse. He said I owed $180,000 and didn't want to discuss things with me. He told me I shouldn't be in business, and needed a new accountant. He even discussed my problems with my landlord, who had been wanting my business since he bought the building. Thus enabling the landlord to take my business from me. He wouldn't take payments, talk about or work out this thing, called me a total and complete liar. Needless to say, they had everything taken from me. I lost ten years of sacrifice, my honor, and nearly my life. Not to mention my wife's and my heart attacks, I had major neck surgery on my 4th and 5th vertebrate. Money has been taken from my wife's accounts under her maiden name, under our name, and from her paycheck at Princeton University where she has been employed over thirteen years where taxes are already deducted, my records have been mixed with others lost or whatever.
The IRS is trying to collect for a debt that has been paid in full by my Ex-husband. I was assured by SS of the IRS that the taxes owed with my Ex-husband for l984,85,86,87,and 89, 90...were paid in full. While my ex was in bankruptcy...SS came after me and my current husband. They wouldn't listen to me that the debt was being paid in full. Due to lack of communication with the computer system's...there are several liens on our property that the IRS is suppose to release and haven't done. It is creating great stress and putting our marriage to the test. I want some closure to this matter, we have two small children to raise, and we don't have a lot of income as it is. It's pretty hard to keep going when the bloodsuckers are draining our sanity and livelihood for no good reason except for the harassment of it all.
My partner's bank account was levied, leaving us with five dollars with which to feed and clothe us and our child. Loud amateurish phone taps were used to determine our whereabouts prior to serving a summons. The summons was issued as far as we can tell without proper authority as required under federal law. Financial threats were made against us by IRS officer at that summons. We were refused permission to record the details of the summons. Our house was seized using the mortgage company to provide a smokescreen for the IRS. The mortgage company claimed payments were missing which was nonsense. It appeared that the IRS was short-circuiting the payments into its own accounts. The house was auctioned from under us and my family (including a 3-year old boy) were evicted. Fifteen months later in another summons against my (financially uninvolved) partner, the I.R.S. admitted it had caused the foreclosure, seizure, and eviction.
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