I always filed and paid and did not understate income. The IRS decided to "dis-allow" my deductions for 1993 and have since taken far more than they originally billed me for in their bogus "Notice of Deficiency" from a state I have never lived or worked. They have decided that my husband is responsible for the original bill (Plus interest penalties etc.) and I am also separately responsible for the SAME bill. The returns filed, were always joint returns, so how do they justify separating us and billing us twice for the same amount (plus statutory penalties etc. etc on both counts)??? My husband has PARKINSON'S disease, and the stress is terrible.
Damage: many thousands of dollars, medical retirement taken, 333 sick hours accumulated over many years of work paid for by employer taken in one lump sum. Disability pension levied. We have no property so they can't take something that doesn't exist.
I am very glad to have found this site. I feel I have been fighting a one man battle for twenty years against a devious, un-Constitutional govt. secret force which runs itself more along the lines of the Mafia than the U.S. govt. In my twenty years as a professional artist and writer I have never made over $20,000 per annum. I have often been below poverty level and yet forced to pay moneys to the IRS on bogus "field audits" and trumped up charges, fees and "back taxes" which they determine arbitrarily. I have been accused by them of hiding money, blatantly misrepresenting my income and etc. I have had bank assets levied and frozen on two occasions without my knowledge. This lead to two personally authorized Senate investigations into the IRS by Senator Pete Dominici and Senator Jeff Bingaman. After these investigations I would get a one year breather, then the audits and threats would return. Personally I see the IRS as a govt. armed force which stands above the laws of the govt. itself working outside those laws and as such is a black stain on the history of our country and an anti-American regime. I will continue to do all in my power to put a stop to their evil machinations. This site will help me a lot because now I know there are thousands like me out there crying in the wilderness for help from the abuse and treachery of their own democratically elected govt.
The following may not be of any interest to you but I will briefly pass it on. I am a former IRS, Internal Security Inspector that was removed from the IRS in retaliation for whistleblowing. My goal is to find someone who can benefit from my information and or who has a moral or ethical interest in seeing a wrong righted and justice done. These guys got away with a lot of illegal acts.
I have been trying to pay off past taxes. I could possibly pay all the back taxes with 7% interest, but the 40% penalties just make it impossible to ever pay off the bills. If I were the Mafia, I would get thrown in jail for charging these rates. Is there any help, or does one just leave the US and try to start over somewhere else, or just go hide for 10 years.
Since 1995, I have been receiving semi-annual 'monthly notices, penalties and interest on taxes due from 1993. Unfortunately, while the account assigned to me as an underpayer was cleared and closed last October when I paid the then current amount of $530.51, my tax I.D. was not credited, and now my 1997 return has been drug into the mess. I am still receiving increasing bills, and now, more threats that my paycheck and personal property will be seized. Having paid tax bill nearly a year ago, and with my account records in front of me, I was called a liar and a tax cheat on the telephone when I called the IRS for an explanation two months ago. So much for the 'new IRS.
They have collected over $26,000 on a 1986 debt of $10,000 and want over $18,000 MORE from us. We do not have it and we need someone's help. They did not let us know that we owed this money until July 1996. We were first made aware through a FINAL NOTICE sent to our home (7/09/96) We have paid taxes since 1972 and every year have had a refund. We were not hiding nor evading taxes.
I am currently on a payment plan for $100 dollars a month, and the amount that I owe them goes up more than $100 each month after making my payment. I have been put in a hole that I will never be able to recover from.
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