The IRS has made my life a living hell. I had been in business for 20 years, then In October of 1996, I was forced out of my lease by my landlord. I had less than 3 weeks to close up a 20-year business, meaning to empty out a store of inventory, equipment, shelving, etc. with the help of friends that deadline was met. I found a location within three weeks, but it took at least a month of negotiations before the lease could be signed. After that, electrical work, painting, refrigeration work, and plumbing work still had to be done. In all, my business was down a good five months. Because of the time spend in re-modeling, I lost most of my customers. I was working with "small business development" to get bank financing.
Out of the blue, I got a letter from the bank stating the IRS had put a lien put on my house. Small Business then says "sorry, we can't go for a loan with an IRS lien hanging over you". I entered into the deepest depression I had ever been in my life. I had used all my money in renovations. On opening day, I had $45.00 cash left. A huge 5,000 sq. foot basically empty store. Some customers came in, they all said very nice, but are you going to put inventory in here? It was cold outside now and even colder inside, my new landlord neglected to tell me the heat really didn't work that great. I worked that store 7 days a week--all by myself, 7:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night. I had no money for inventory, let alone money for a payroll, so I worked alone. I took credit from every vender who would extend it. I signed every plastic card I could get my hands on. It was now may, the heat started, for 5 months it was constantly 110 degrees inside the building --no exaggeration. The brand new (and very expensive) refrigeration unit I had purchased with "plastic" could not keep up with the constant humidity. People bought dairy items and returned them the next day spoiled. The bread turned green, the bakery items couldn't stand up under the excessive humidity, the candy bars all melted, the cereal ceased to be crunchy. Customers would come in once, gasp for air as soon as they walked in, purchase whatever it was they needed, but they never came back. I endured 5 months of this hell. At the end of September, the humidity finally went away but then the cold came back. Still, I came to work every day and opened that store. I woke up every morning and threw-up, and before I went to bed, I did the same thing. Every night I prayed to God to let me die. Exhaustion beyond belief. Each night I had maybe 10 minutes before I would completely collapse. What should I do with my precious 10 minutes? Wash my hair? Take a bath? Get something to eat? My home was a shambles. I was an emotional wreck.
14 months after signing the lease, the landlord agreed to put in an hvac system, after all this time, my store was finally going in the right direction. When I started out, my sales were so low there wasn't even a cash flow, I couldn't pay bills, couldn't buy stock, every time there was money, the rent was due. The electric bill was 5 months in arrears, every bill was 5 months in arrears. Everybody was saying I wouldn't make it. I was constantly in this ever-present deep state of depression.
Now, two years later, I am still here. I survived the worst. The store is stocked, all past due bills have been taken care of. Everything seemed to finally be going o.k. Three weeks before Christmas, with $4000 in the bank, I went and ordered $6,000 worth of wine. The bill would come due in 45 days. But, I had money in the bank, no problem. Then, all of a sudden I had a huge problem. Again, out of the blue, I get a call from the bank saying that the IRS had just levied my account. I never got a registered letter informing me of any attempt to levy. I didn't know there was any problem. They had levied me for payroll taxes not being paid 5-6 months prior -- back when I wasn't even in business!! All payroll forms had been sent to them by my accountant with "zero's" written on them. I owed them no money and all forms had been submitted to them.
Obviously I had no idea this was going to happen. My landlord came to pick up the rent check, it was already written. It was good when I wrote it, but now I had to hand it to his wife and tell her to please give me some extra time to make good on it. I was absolutely mortified, I had to tell venders that I couldn't pay their bills. Checks I had written and put in the mail -- were now no good. I was on the phone every day barraging my accountant with phone calls. He would say not to worry--that I didn't owe them this money and that all forms had been filed and up-to-date. The major problem was, that on beer and wine, you only get 30 days credit. If you don't pay the bill, then they contact the abc, and the abc puts you on the delinquent list, you then receive NO more beer or wine from ANY supplier, everything comes to a screeching halt.
You would have to stand in my shoes to actually know how I was feeling. Finally, after two years of struggling, I was starting to feel a little more confident and starting to see a little bit of light. I was knocked flat off my feet, right back to the very bottom again. And, on top of it all, I now have a very expensive accountant's bill to pay. I feel like I am a complete jerk in the eyes of my landlord and other creditors. After numerous phone calls, my accountant finally talked to some "nice" lady in the buffalo office. She said the money would be released that afternoon. That was December 17th, after taking almost three weeks to find this lady. The day prior to the release of my money, my bank forwarded my money to the Denver IRS office. I called the "nice" lady in buffalo, she said that there was absolutely nothing she could do. The money was now in "the system". It would be another 30 days before the paperwork was straightened out.
As of today, I still don't have my money. I would like to know exactly where my money is? Who has my money? I would like to know the name of the individual who stole my money? And who gave him or her that right? They took that money for a reason that was completely unjustified. Are they going to write letters to all my creditors saying they made a mistake? NO. Through all this, I didn't reach the point of attempting suicide, but in my mind, I would have preferred being dead as opposed to the living hell I had been going through for two years. If the IRS hadn't put that invalid lien on my house in the first place, I would have gotten the small business loan right from day one, and would have never endured this incredible struggle for survival. All of us victims must unite. This agency is out-of-control!!!!!
In 1987 a business I owned with a partner failed because of my partners actions, he left the country leaving me with the business in bankruptcy. I had no way of paying this debt and the IRS put the debt in an uncollectible status. In that same year I had applied for several jobs and was turned down on all of them, (and in the past 11 years I have applied for more then 800 job positions some hired me but as soon as it was known that I owed the IRS through employee credit checks I was soon let go). I have had to live the last 11 years solely dependent on my ex wife, my child support payments are now $20,000 behind, I pay my way living with my ex-wife by doing the cleaning the cooking, the laundry, the yard work, taking care of my son, and odd jobs from time to time. I don't even make enough to file taxes each year that is less then $2,000 a year.
In 1990, after my mothers death, I inherited $15,000. I owed the federal government $23,000 for 1987, and $10,000 for 1988. I called the IRS to set up a meeting. When my mothers estate came in, I told them how much I received and asked what could be done with my debt.. I was told that they (the IRS) could help me by applying $10,000. of the $15,000 to the 1988 and $5,000 to the 1987 debt, and that they would release me of the entire debt in total. This took place in 1990, the first debt was not released until the statuary deadline of ten years had pasted in march of 1998. I just now in 1999 received another demand for payment. It has been 11 years since the debt occurred, 11 years without gainful employment and no way to pay the debt, 11 years I have had to live with my ex-wife and the fear of the IRS. 11 years the IRS has made it impossible for me to work, 11 years I have had to live with the fact that the IRS took my money, let me believe it was going to pay my debt in total only to find out that I had been lied to.
Now, with this new demand, my ex-wife has had enough, and I am about to become homeless, just another lie by the IRS another life ruined, and another homeless person put on the street by the IRS. I tried to be honest , I tried to pay a debt I didn't create. I am fifty two years old, I have no job no place to live, my car will be taken away and I have no future. 11 years of my life has been stolen from me because I was lied to. I will never again know the joy of family life, a home, my children's laughter, or holidays together. No job no credit no place to live. soon to be homeless in Arizona.
I used to work for the IRS as Taxpayer Service Rep. You would be amazed at what money (taxpayer's money!) was wasted in "assemblies", "classes", and what have you. I saw people sitting at their desks doing crossword puzzles (and even just moving chairs back and forth!) and getting paid, because the IRS had to meet a "BUDGET". I overheard many people giving the incorrect answers to tax inquiries, as well as our IRS instructors admitting they weren't sure about the correct procedure regarding certain issues. Many times, a taxpayer would call with a question, only to have their call monitored by a "Quality-Assesment" person who was loudly munching a snack in the background, not to mention being inattentive in the process. Calls that merited the Problem Resolution Program (PRP) were turned down at least 50% of the time. Courteous behavior via the phone was not the rule. I overheard a fellow worker being quite rude with a taxpayer who had phoned concerning a notice received. His response to the taxpayer was quite blunt: "Look, lady, you got the bill. Just pay it." He then proceeded to disconnect, and continue talking to his neighbor about his "Civil War" memorabilia. I later learned, after I resigned, that this man had been promoted to agent. Ironic, since he was the butt of many jokes throughout our first-year IRS classes (he was cruel, self-righteous, un-deodorized and your basic all-around jerk). On top of it all, the IRS follows a ridiculously-ruled tax code system that was basically incomprehensible, with arbitrary changes delivered at a whim's notice (The Motto: It's written in STONE until the next day!). Is it any wonder that when I resigned (yes, I did have a conscience!), that barely two years would elapse and I would have my wages garnished for underpayment of taxes? We need a drastic over-haul of the law and we need it NOW!
My life has been ruined by the IRS. I have for years been
very careful about receipts, etc., as a self-employed
person, filed timely taxes, paid my quarterlies and relied
on the services of a CPA. This terror started approx. 10
years ago with what was called a "random" audit and it has
not let up. The ugly path of where I have been started when
a rogue agent made sexually inappropriate remarks to me and
to my husband about me. I have been physically assaulted by
two agents and the police were called in. I am not anything
to notice or be bothered about. I am just an average, but
educated female, who worked in a profession with her
husband. A female who knew nothing and still knows nothing
about the financial workings of a business my husband was in
long before we met and married. He is now dead. While he was
ill and dying, I received threats from an IRS agent that if
I did not meet personally with him that he would go to the
hospital and interrogate my husband and he, ...did not care
if it killed him.'
I was the constant subject of calls from this agent to the
effect that if I did not cooperate with his demand, he would
put me in jail. This is now about to happen due to the sick
and unchecked power of this agency. Because the misconduct
by the IRS agents came to light due to the police
intervention, the IRS agents spent years and years using
threats against third parties and other dishonest methods to
gain anything and everything they could in order to get me.
They have done this. I have had computer equipment disappear
from my office, diskettes suddenly were not where they
should be and old computer hard drives in a "junk" closet
were suddenly gone or removed from old computers that no one
had used in years. I have had documents taken from the trunk
of my car
I have been told by several friends and former employees hat
they would like to help but the IRS had threatened them.
One friend was told that if he or his wife helped that he
would be "prosecuted". Another friend was told that if he
did not change what he had told the IRS agents that they
would consider filing "obstruction of justice" charges
against him. They also turned my former CPA with threats
against him due to his own tax situation.
I was told by my attorney that I would only make matters
worse by complaining or trying to bring to light what had
been done to me. This post is vague and so the IRS cannot
identify me. I have seen them sitting in their cars by my
home, driving by, and I am still receiving the ugly
threatening phone calls from them. I see no way out but
suicide at this time.
The sad part is that when the tax matter is looked into, the
IRS owes me money.
Like no doubt most of the people who have read your IRS abuse files I felt disgust and intense anger. Over here in England, it appears as if we too will shortly experience similar horrors. The productive, middle-class and up-and-coming, will no doubt be the target. I must say that I feel the reactions of these fine and innocent people, considering what has been done to them UNJUSTLY, are just too damn mild. The goons act like they are the Lord God almighty? As revealed in these reports, these people are MURDERERS. They have caused the deaths and the suffering of innocent hardworking people. Think of the widow whose husband worked to provide life's necessities and who had a fatal brain hemorrhage brought about by the stress of IRS harassment, she opens a letter saying: due to the lack of payment for the last 6 months, the mortgage company will be repossessing the family home, so she and her 3 children will effectively be on the streets. Justice MUST be demanded.
We arranged a payment plan of $100/month. I have made 4 payments ($400) and managed to reduce my balance by $2.00. I find it absolutely unconscionable that there is not a better way to deal with people in trouble. I often wonder if I'll ever manage to get ahead again. If the IRS has it's way, I'll surely end up on some kind of public assistance program!
I have rented my home, given my dog away and I have made out my will and taken care of any financial matters that I am able to supervise. (What little I have left after what the IRS has done.) My next letter is a suicide note. This is all due to what the IRS has done to me. I have been convicted of IRS crimes. The real criminal is the auditor who did not meet a filing deadline and to keep his job, turned this matter over to the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS.
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