I visited an IRS field office in Jamaica NY and I was the first one in there; nobody else but staff were there, and I was treated so badly, was yelled at and they acted rude toward me when I asked simple questions. I finally got a person to sit down and talk me. What an ordeal!
I am almost at the point of marching into the 1st IRS office I see and expressing my contempt for them for the effect they have had on my life and career. And I am not sure what they are going to do with me...I have been told so many things...but I cannot live the rest of my days in fear of being able to live/work. I have No Money...No Assets...No Vehicle...No Nothing. If I can't find help, it looks like I'm headed to the nearest IRS office( and may God help us all if they attempt to take my freedom on top of everything else). Two years ago I got a "Notice Of Intent To Levy", I called within the specified time...the person seemed real nice. I didn't hear anything for a while...then I got another "notice"...I called the given phone number...and spoke to a "Ms. H". She told me that they "wouldn't take away a carpenter's hammer"...in MY case...My "Hammer" is my guitar. I sighed with relief and she immediately said in a very "wickedly powerful manner"..."It isn't OVER Yet!" She and I agreed to a "tentative" payment plan ...I called the IRS office the following day at the same toll free number and asked to speak to her again...they said that there was "no such person" working there....BUT they had the "tentative agreement" in front of them and refused to give me that agreement in writing... I have been a Musician/Singer since I was 17...I am now 42...somebody else always handled taxes for me because I do not understand them...and I never even made enough to "owe" taxes. All I know at this point...is...my wife divorced me because I was afraid to go back to work for fear of losing my equipment...Still, I have had to sell ALL my musical equipment just to stay alive the last two years...I can't live like this anymore...this is WRONG! I have spent most of my life trying to do something that is good and real...something that has brought a smile and happiness to many people. I feel like I am being persecuted for it...and for my ignorance of tax laws. I am not just "Good" at what I do...I have dedicated my life to making music...I am "Damn Good", everyone who know me believes in my ability to make it in a Big Way. But I can't with the IRS on me like they are.
Help me! The IRS killed my cat, took my car, my money, and everything I own. IRS agents won't stop threatening me, they park their cars in front of my house and sit their all night. They vandalize my home when I go to the corner store I can't even pay for a phone to call the police. I can't even work, I have to live off of what my family gives me, my life is a living hell. One of the only things that helped me keep my sanity was my cat Cartman but about a
week ago I found him lying dead next to his food. His bowl smelled like bleach.. All this because the IRS paid me more on my taxes than they should have. Now I am paying for their mistake.
When I married my husband, I knew he had a tax debt. $30,000 to be exact. We have been trying to pay it, but the interest and penalties are 20% +. We are hard working people, what will happen if or when THEY decide our monthly payment is not enough? They are the rudest people I have ever dealt with. NO MERCY!
Even though it's done and gone now, I am still amazed at ho and why the IRS, under the disguise of trying to get cheaters, go after little "Mom and Pop" businesses and run them into the ground. I would still be in business today if it weren't for the IRS.
In 1991 after the last of our 12 foster children left I decided to open up our big house and turn it into a Bed and Breakfast. Things were fine until '93 when I was audited for '92. The auditing took almost a year with all the postponements and then the auditor wanted to come to the B&B. The auditor was hostile, very hostile. She asked for a tour. She asked how much money I had in my purse. She asked how much money I kept in the small safe/file cabinet. She refused to give me a fair market value for the gourmet breakfasts I served our guests. My business was built on my reputation. She did everything but say to my face that I was lying. I was a nervous wreck. I cried for days. My accountant told me that she was looking for between $18,000- $30,000 of undeclared income. I was in debt up to my ears, I only wish I had the cash stashed that she had imagined. She asked personal questions like "if the roof leaked where would you go to get the money to get it fixed?" I told her the Bank on Monday morning for a loan. She asked why we didn't go to our parents or our siblings. She asked if our siblings had enough money to help us out with the roof problem. I was just so frightened. After the visit she had etched out that we owed the IRS $1800. My accountant told us that there would be more audits and that she was sure we were hiding money. The following year I put the B&B up for sale. I couldn't sell the B&B and ended up selling the property for much less, taking a beating on the sale. Afterwards we were zapped once again by Uncle Sam for all the monies we had claimed for depreciation for the property - another $7000. I had to cash in my 401 to pay the IRS again.
People wonder why small business can't stay in business??? We don't get those tax breaks big companies get nor do we even get a fair and equitable deal during an audit. I gave up the business and moved to Florida to work for the University system. I gave up my dream of being a business woman and yes, I BLAME the IRS.
My husband and I are 50, have been working hard and honestly since we were 14, all the while paying our taxes. In 1990 I bought a partnership in a business that had tax problems I was unaware of (I admit to being naive business wise back then; I paid for it dearly) I had to remortgage my home to pay off back taxes from my slime ball partner - and finally bought him out to get rid of the filth. The IRS came in, threatened to lien my house, my car, my business, and to make a long story unbearable, added penalties and interest so that the IRS took my husband's 25 year annuity, his money for retirement, of $50,000. Shortly after this our house that had been in the family for 50 years went into foreclosure. Wanting as always to do the right thing, rather than let it go to foreclosure, we sold it, at not a penny profit. Now the IRS tells us we owe $17,000 in capital gains. On a house we didn't make a cent on, that we were forced to sell because the IRS took every cent we had.
Only in America, folks. I still can't figure out how, with just about 4 years of financial difficulty, how we lost everything we worked 25 years for. We now live in a rented cottage with no retirement money whatsoever. I rather think we should have been welfare recipients, drug dealers, or embezzlers. Why did we work hard and honestly all our lives, for this? The IRS makes every day of our lives petrifying. We never know when they'll come at us again.
But guess what, if I decide the pain is too much to bear, I'll call a press conference at the top of the Tobin Bridge in Boston and I'll invite every newspaper and radio and TV station to attend. I'll present my story for all these people to hear. Then I'll jump off the bridge, and the IRS and the state can fight over who gets my life insurance, and all these diligent collections people can get their names in the newspapers.
I really didn't think the odds were against me. They were. First, the IRS claimed that I had made an error in calculating the amount I expected from them. Well, that may be possible, as I felt confused about some of their strange calculation games. I couldn't afford an accountant to help me and I distrusted IRS personnel to help me figure this out. In July, the IRS sent me a message in a large white envelope to notify me that I had been audited. I immediately contacted the auditor whose alleged name is Ms. L. I told her that some of the information they expected from me might take time. By September, I sent in copies of this information. The IRS contacted me in December, claiming that I failed to comply with their demands. That is, they claim that I didn't send them the information, as I understand by the wording of their letter. They told me that I forfeited my right to earned income credit. I used my head to avoid homelessness without going on food stamps. I went hungry to feed my child. I went without medical and dental care. I've been wearing the same ragged out shoes and clothes for years. I got my clothes in thrift shops after old clothes proved beyond mending. Most of these clothes are more than eight years old. The last time I bought myself a new pair of shoes was in 1989. It is not for frugal reasons, but for lack of resources. I complied with their demands. I'm tired of the hunger pains. I'm tired of going without medical and dental care. I'm tired of struggling. If it weren't for the love I have for my son, I'd sacrifice my life to make a public statement. I can't sleep. I can't concentrate on anything.
I am a proud, self-employed citizen who manages two successful businesses, an advertising agency and a color copy shop, altogether 9 people on pay-roll (and these aren't chump change salaries either). Together my wife and I built these businesses from scratch (since 9/91), working ungodly hours, not to mention hardly any money to pay the bills let alone a pay check for ourselves. We've finally arrived at a point in our lives that where we're actually living a modest life-style, (Some of our employees live a better life-style than we do!) also, (please note: if you've never been to Dover, it's not the premier town of NJ). At this moment with our presumed tax liability at hand, my wife and myself are waiting for the IRS Ax to fall. We've already been subject to an IRS bank levy (without any notification, we found out through overdraft notices on our account) and now we feel we're going to lose it all, and WE'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG! I can't help to think that our U.S. Constitution is nothing more than a fairy tale that I'll tell my children at bed-time when we've been relocated to a rented trailer home on a Western Pennsylvania farm
I am a single-parent who resides in Upstate New York. I have been filing Head of Household status for 7 years. Recently, in 1999 I was informed that I was being audited by the IRS, and I was obligated to prove I was financially responsible for my daughter for the years 1997, 1998, and 1999. When the audit began I no longer lived at the residence the IRS has on record. Therefore, due to their not being able to locate me, the results of the audit changed my filing status to single, and instead of receiving a refund of over $2,500, I owe the IRS over $3,000 for each year. This is unacceptable!! Now I am in a never ending battle, to retrieve funds that are mine!!!
I got an accountant, realized that mistakes that I made on quarterly taxes totaled $9,000.00. Contacted problem resolution made them aware of these mistakes. Caseworker did outstanding job. Closed the case penalties were not to be assessed. Turned case over to local agent, Oct. 98. Did not receive any correspondence until Jan. 99 This was a notice of intent to levy for $30,442.00 in unpaid taxes, penalties (120%),interest compounded daily. Called IRS was informed that agent had case in Oct.98. Called agent set up meeting, signed agreement was under the impression that all actions were halted as long as I upheld my end. Made my payments without ever receiving a copy of the agreement. Finally requested copy of the agreement. Instead I received a Notice of lien on Apr.12 immediately contacted the IRS was given a 911 hardship appeal form. Faxed it that evening, took a copy to the office Apr.13 8:30am Lien was placed 9:05am. Appeal was never filed. Bank to foreclose loan immediately.
Yesterday, I received a notice in the mail from the Dept. of the Treasury. It stated that my refund was being sent to the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement. This came as a shock as I have sired no children and have been faithful to the same woman for over 13 years. Of course the notice simply states my money has been turned over to this bureau and don't bother calling them as they have nothing to do with it. I received no prior warnings or notices from either agencies. They just DID it. And of course, the burden of proof is on me that I have no children and this whole mess will be taken care of at my expense. And of course, nobody will tell you the right people to talk to in order to file a complaint. So now I must wait lord knows how long to receive a proper refund due me because the government's computers have me listed as a convicted "deadbeat father". What is an honest, hard working citizen to do?
My wife is being audited for a company she and her ex-husband owned together. At the time they setup the company, they were advised they could pay the taxes when they received payment for the services they provided. Now the IRS has changed that allowance, and requires that companies pay taxes on the services provided when the bill is sent out, NOT when they collect payment on that bill. This seems absurd: how could you collect taxes on money you haven't even received yet? Furthermore, how could the IRS change its stance and not at least grandfather in companies that were going by the way the rules were setup at that time? Now, we face a personal audit which will involve her less than accommodating ex-husband, which will complicate things greatly. On top of that we have babies due in a few weeks and a brand new home, as we deal with the death of my mother. The recent "kinder gentler" IRS marketing promotions are a bunch of BS. The IRS loves nothing more than to screw the backbone our economy: small business
The IRS says I owe them over $11,000 and I don't owe them anything. My ex-husband claimed our children illegally and they didn't do any thing to him. I have had full custody of my children ever since the divorce and he has no right to claim them. My children are now ages 9 & 7. I filled my 99 taxes and I have a refund of over $3000 coming but they are going to apply it to the money they say I owe. This is wrong of them to do this, it is my ex-husband who should be in trouble not me.
I was notified that I was being audited for the years 1995 and 1996 due to my filing of head of household and earned income credit, even though I had claimed those for several years.
Well, I've contacted them on the phone on several occasions and sent letters and I finally got smart with my last mailing and certified it to prove that I sent it in the first place. They've threatened to garnish and steal money from my bank account and I've sent them so much information proving who I am and who my children are and where they live and the fact that they live with me and always have and blah, blah, blah. They are aware that the reason I was audited in the first place is because my ex-husband illegally claimed the children on his tax returns and may still be doing this. Who knows? I don't have contact with him and haven't since 1998. The thing is that no matter how much the IRS is contacted and corresponded with and how much information and proof they receive, they are never updated in their information the next time I contact them and no one there seems to know what the hell is going on or what the hell their job is but they do know that they can garnish my wages if the matter isn't cleared up by another department (examinations) and no one has any control over any other department and the communication that doesn't exist is immeasurable. If a private sector business tried to manipulate people the way this one does, it would be out on it's ear in no time. They lose documents and they are incredibly irresponsible with other people's lives. I am at the end of my rope and am not above going berserk.
They may be legally able to steal every material thing I own but they will never steal my dignity and I will find a way to survive and raise my children to fight this machine.
In 1998 for tax year 1997, the IRS would not allow me the EIC refund due me. Then they allowed me my dependent, then changed their mind, I couldn't even claim my own son, which lived with me all year. I even sent them the receipts and records of legal custody and school records showing he lived with me for all of 1997. They were not satisfied with that. So I ended up paying over $500.00 in taxes which I couldn't afford, but had to come up with. Now for the 1998 tax year, they still won't let me get any EIC refund and saying that I owe over $1000.00 in taxes. I don't have the money. The mental stress of trying to feed my family of 4 on a low income, I am disabled and can't work like I used to, and now the IRS wants money I don't have. I realize My problem isn't as bad as some other people have, but the mental stress and the anger is the same.
I prepare tax returns for a living. I have been in business for over 25 years doing this service for the public. When the taxpayer is audited, the IRS does not follow the written instructions set down in writing by Congress and the National IRS Office in Washington DC. Because I am very good at what I do the IRS is now on a rampage to run off all my tax clients and put me out of business.
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