I am a practicing CPA. I have worked for the IRS in the past as a Revenue Agent and Appeals Officer. I always had the highest rating for my work. I have been in private practice for the last 11 years. I now represent taxpayers who are being harrassed by the IRS. Currently, the IRS is attempting to take away my ability to practice. They have audited my Federal Tax Returns for years, and they are doing it under a cloak of secrecy. I cannot find out who my accusers are, even though I have a right to know, under the law. I have hundreds of stories of abuse and misconduct by Revenue Agents and Revenue Officers alike.
My father and I are self employed in the insurance industry. At this time I am paying the IRS $200 dollars a month of which $102 is penalties and interest on a balance of $2200. My father on the other hand owes $16000. He worked out a plan with the IRS to pay $600 a month. When he got his first statement to pay, the penalties and interest alone were $800. How can this be legal? They are a bunch of ruthless bloodsuckers. I know my story is not near as bad as some I have read about here. Being self employed I am scared to death that they will audit me. There are no other agencies or banks or any other kind of financial institution that is allowed to charge the penalties and interest that the government charges. There needs to be another tea party.
Back in 1977 I had run into cash flow problems and was delinquent on my estimated tax of $750.00 I responded to a mailed notice and requested additional time to pay, but things just didn't get better so 60 days later I was instructed to go to the IRS office on Midway Rd. to meet with an agent. Big mistake. He harassed me there at the office, harassed my then wife on the phone into tears of terror and gave me 8 weeks to pay double the $750.00 debt, claiming he was going to get me on time with my next estimated tax debt. If I didn't pay on time, he said they would Levi my bank acct. I made every payment on time and at the end they still levied my bank account causing checks to bounce. I called them up they said if I wanted the lien released any sooner I would have to go their downtown office and walk the papers through which I did myself. At the time we lived in a measly 2 bdrm. apt. had 1 baby girl and another child on the way and I was just eeking out a living in my small business. They didn't give a damn. I think of the traumas that heartless bastard IRS Agent put my wife through while she was on the phone with him. The power freak loved watching me cringe in his little torture cubicle.
Despite the fact that we were a family of 5 and our income was $18,000 annually ($15,000 the previous year), we were audited. The IRS would not allow one of the deductions our tax preparer used, and they instructed us to pay $9,000 (approx.) in back taxes. We could not keep up, and before long our tax debt was $15,000. There was no money for food. I could not believe how hungry I was. Only our children ate. We could not afford a car, so I had to walk a mile to the washeteria, carrying the laundry and my children. I became very ill from lack of food and I weighed only 104 lbs, even though I'm 5ft 7in. We lived liked this for years. But we never gave up. I could not believe what was happening to us, but we were too poor to try to start a law suit. We were told we would loose anyway, since we had signed the papers. (But, we had only signed the papers because they said they would put my husband in jail if we did not!) It is many years later. My husband and I have worked very hard. He has received an international award of excellence in his field, he has coached our children's soccer teams, he is a scout leader, and is the treasurer for the PTA at one of our children's school. When the children were a little older, I went back to school and became a teacher. One of our sons is a national merit scholar finalist and our other son is working on his eagle scout badge. Our daughter plays cello for the conservatory and has gotten academic recognition for her test scores in school. We are good, hard working people. But we have never been able to recover from the financial blow that was dealt to us by the IRS when we were just beginning our lives, and our children were so young. My husband and I would like to buy our first home, after 20 years of marriage. But we do not have enough money for a down payment. The $15,000 that we borrowed from our grandparents to pay the IRS, so many years ago, was meant to be the nest egg for our home. Since then, we have always been a day late and many dollars short. Perhaps there is nothing that can be done now, but when I was 26 years old, with three small children, the IRS took away my dreams. And no matter how hard we've worked, we can't seem to get them back. T. L. S.
In 1982 I purchased shares in a record partnership "Raindrop records". Its purpose was to market and collect royalties from B.J. Thomas's (one of my favorite singers) recording of "Pretty Country Woman". Years after the investment, congress passed a law on what they called abusive tax shelters. The IRS sent me a notice of tax due. On three occasions I went to the IRS and paid them in full. Only later to get another bill, I've gotten so many conflicting bills, I have no idea what they want, unless their purpose is to drive me crazy.
They have lost my return, I've given copies to them on multiple occasions. I have a 6-inch stack of papers on this tax problem. As investors, we just made an investment that was put together by tax professionals, a record company, accountants and lawyers. It was legal at the time. For many of us, this has destroyed our financial futures.
I only made a $4500 investment that was legal at the time. Should congress be able to pass a law two years later that ruins my life? For 18 years I've done all I could to reach closure on this matter, Now I must confess its impossible. I feel helpless dealing with this out of control, irresponsible, gigantic, terrorist organization.
I too am afraid to speak out on the issue but I have to. The department of treasury (IRS) are very scary. They have tapped my phone lines. They can intercept and read faxes that I send. They have been following me around and video taping me wherever I go for the past 3 years. This is an invasion of my privacy. I did not do anything illegal. But I am afraid that I will get a notice in the mail and that I will be thrown in jail. The IRS has too much power. They can basically go up to anyone they want and seize all their assets. They can throw anyone they want in jail for tax evasion. They can do this even if you have not done anything illegal. Something has to be done to stop the IRS from seizing peoples assets and throwing innocent people in jail.
I was TCMP audited by the IRS in the 80's. I submitted documents to prove that I did not owe the taxes they claimed were due. But they threw out the documents. The documents were police reports and Official Broker forms for the sale of a prior business in which the new owner ran off with the receivables and business equipment and I lost a great deal of money. I claimed the loss but they threw it out and demanded payment. They made me sign the tax forms that they prepared and re-filed. They hounded my wife and I continuously. I finally declared bankruptcy. Eventually my wife couldn't take it anymore and she divorced me and our family was broken apart. The IRS is an evil and destructive force in American society. They break down the family structure and the constitutional basis for American society.
I don't make a lot of money. Someone at the IRS thinks I do? Back in 1985 I had a small business driving a taxi in NYC. In 1990 I was contacted by the IRS and said, I was being checked for that year and found that I owed $8,000 dollars. I had written and called many times and always been told there looking into it and would get the standard letter of 45 to60days they would notify me on there decision, well it never happen, this ended up going on for years every year during which time they took my refund and also took $100 dollars per month to pay for the penalty and interest. I almost lost my home. I now have a new accountant who cleared the matter Up, but the IRS said that too many years have gone by to get any money back. Even when it was proven that I never owed the money in the first place. This has caused me great financial hardship.
My story starts in 1990 when the IRS contacted me about an audit for my 1987 tax return. Once the audit started it took almost three years of my going back and forth to the IRS offices, with the IRS audited 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. The IRS charged me with Tax evasion on my 1985 return and fail to file on my 1987 return. They told me if I would plead guilty to these two counts they would not charge me with 4 other charges, then they had me sign a form stating that they had made no threats to me on accepting these charges. RIGHT! I would like to make note that the majority of these years I was self employed and the IRS disallowed the majority of the business expenses I deducted. Bottom line they said I owed them $55,000 covering the years of 1985 through 1990. We went to court and I plead guilty to the two charges. The guidelines for these charges were and recommended to be house arrest so that I could keep my job and support my family but the IRS wanted nothing less than prison time and a judgement for $55,000, which was granted to them. My attorney told me that since they asked for and were granted the judgement that this would be the amount I had to deal with. Within three months after I had completed my prison sentence, the IRS contacted me about coming into their office for assessments, they said the federal tax judge did not have the authority to place a judgement against me because they had not assessed me at that time. When they finished assessing me the figure was over $240,000. The current figure is over $500,000. -----------------------------------------
I am a 32 year old mother of 3 young children. It all started with an audit back in 1991, they went back to 1988. I was threatened into taking a plea or they would put me in prison. My audit took 3 three years, mind you my accountant went to prison and I was 22 years old, I had no idea this accountant was a cheat. In 1994 I had a 1 year old and a 2 year old, the thought of prison terrified me, my children needed their mom. The out come was still terrible, I owed $26,000 due to a accountant who thought he did me a favor. I took a guilty plea and received a felony, 5 years probation, 6 months home jail, and to top it all off I now owed $144,000 after penalties and interest .How do you start over after that. For the sake of my children I found the strength. In 1994 I worked very hard to get rid of the debt. The IRS took a compromise and offer and they were paid in full! Try getting a job with a felony, what a joke. In 1998 they let me off Federal Probation 1 year early for good behavior, but at my dismay I found out they never stopped investigating me. They had me take that plea on purpose so that when they came after me this time I would already have a record. The IRS went to grand jury to indict me for taxes, they lost. After they lost they pulled me in their office and told me in front of my attorney to go back to my accountant and find the $80,000 dollars missing. There was not 1 cent missing. That was blackmail. They said if I didn't take there plea they would charge me with money laundering. That's not true, I didn't commit any crime I was just a target and always will be. Again they go back to indict me again, then another plea offer charging me on someone else's merchant account. How do they get away with this extortion and abuse. I have spent 10 years fighting with the IRS and defending myself from lies. I would have really liked to have spent those years enjoying my 3 children. The Government took that from me.(just another thing they took) Why does the government allow them to have this power and to be above the law. Let's go after the special agents and others that are corrupt. I will not stop now, I will fight this time till the day I die. They must be stopped
From the late 80s to the early 90s I had a knock down drag out battle with the IRS over taxes I never owed. The original hassle started over a failed business and escalated to monstrous proportions. I was hassled , threatened, garnished, robbed from, and abused for years. Even several people from the IRS said my case was a mess. Papers were lost, information confused, numbers and dollars mishandled and misapplied, and abuse repeated by new agents on the case starting all over again several times. My case was duplicated within the IRS as were the amounts claimed owed many times over. I finally had my tax lawyer offer a compromise even though I didn't owe them. It was cheaper then standing up for my "rights" (?) and I wanted it to end. Even that took forever and I was humiliated by the process. Privacy? I had none. Rights? I had none. The IRS did what ever it pleased and I suffered from each of their many mistakes. My health and my personal life was damaged as a result. I lost everything and had to start over. It is an experience I shall never forget. I now take few deductions even though I am entitled to, and over pay because I don't ever want to be "noticed" again. The system is BADLY broken and even though I have always strived to be honest and do everything right, I suffered the full brunt of this terrible incompetence called the IRS. It's not the people I hate, it's the system. IRS employees are the losers of the earth and can't help it. I am 100% for a sales based system. I am NOT a radical nor camouflage wearing nut case, but after this terrible experience I have been eyeing remote property in Montana......
I was advised by IRS that I owed $26,000, so I wanted to get into a payment plan, I could only afford to pay $130. a month and that was set up by the IRS after reviewing my financial statement. A month later I received a letter which stated that my monthly payment to IRS was raised to $480 a month. I called them to advice them that I could not afford this payment, that my salary was reduced due to employer related problems and that my wife no longer had a job. I asked if I could make payments of $150 until things get better. They told me NO that they were going to levy my checking account and take the money straight from my pay check. I GOT NEWS FOR YOU IRS, I'M MOVING TO THE MOUNTAINS WITH MY FAMILY,I'M SELLING EVERYTHING I OWN, I PLEDGE TO YOU THAT I WILL NEVER PAY ANYMORE INCOMETAX, I'M BURNING MY SOCIAL SECURITY AND MY DRIVERS LICENCE. I WILL LIVE OFF THE LAND, I WILL NOT WORK AGAIN, I WILL NOT DRIVE, I WILL BE A HAPPY MAN !!!!!!!!!
The IRS has ignored the injured spouse claim that we have filed each year for the past year on behalf of my wife. They have STOLEN her tax return to satisfy a debt that I incurred some 17 yrs. prior to us being married.... This particular debt was claimed in a bankruptcy that we filed over 10 yrs ago.... and was discharged, but still the IRS STEALS her tax return...
In 1996, Best Buy and Circuit City moved into my town with service facilities. I didn't foresee the loss of all my technicians to a large company which publicly acknowledges they don't make any money on service. No problem, that's America and the market place. I lost my service business even though I had thousands of customers. Toward the end of my companies life, an employee, embezzled $35,000 through the payroll account (we will skip the circumstances but the event was very well documented). K C, my IRS agent, told me that even though their were charges and lawsuits etc. that I would still have to pay the withholding on the stolen money.
KC has very enthusiastically pursued me through the years. I gave power of attorney to my lawyer and he had said that KC would not contact me personally. After I had lost everything, I returned to some old friends to beg for a job in electronics at a local retailer. After lunch the sales manager and I walked through the parking lot, I was thinking that I had the job. At that point, IRS agent KC jumped out of the bushes (in front of several members of the Brandsmart staff) and started screaming about me not paying my taxes. KC and I had a heated exchange while he had put papers on my windshield. There are many witnesses to this entire episode and needless to say, the retailer, terrified of the IRS did not give me the job.
Since then, I have lived in my car while trying to start another business. KC to this day still terrifies my wife and in-laws on their doorstep. I have not been able to live with my wife, see my children, for three years. Although I had paid almost $200,000 in after tax money through the years.
Last July I slashed my wrist and didn't die. The American Govt. would accept this I know. My grandfather was machine gunned in the stomach and mustard gassed in Bellau Woods in 1917. My father was at Pearl Harbor, fought at Leyte Gulf, Savo Islands, Coral Sea, Midway, I was drafted and served form 1969 to 1973. I HATE THIS COUNTRY! The IRS with the enthusiastic support of other state, local, and federal authorities along with the current zeitgeist, that calls for the destruction of fathers through any means necessary have made me a pariah, an outcast, and a man on the run with warrants out for his arrest. I have never broken a law. My crimes, are not making enough money fast enough. Keith Cummings and his ilk, don't gravitate to the IRS for the same reasons we came to our professions. They really are, the Spanish Inquisition, the Gestapo, Stalin, Mao, and every thing that our fathers and forefathers fought against for centuries. America is dead, God rest her once beautiful soul.
I was subjected to an audit which lasted 5 years and cost me $ 150,000 to defend against. I eventually received an apology from district commissioner in LA -- but I am still out my money.
They have harassed me for the last 10 years. They took my last years $3400 refund for 1988 taxes.
Based on real income and expenses my 1980 and 1981 tax debt was $42,000. An audit concluded with as assessment or $474,000. Collections began immediately; then came the liens, one for $928,000. I Lost the business, the residence, the pension and the college fund. The family disbanded. There were health and credit problems. A 1986 Offer In Compromise (OIC) was finally rejected in 1991. Why? I did another OIC in 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 and 1999. All were rejected because it was determined that I had the ability to pay the tax, which reached $1.7 million and increased by $150,000 per year. I'm unemployed. Until recently I was living with my mother. An IRS letter stated that if I gain employment, my tax status will be revoked, meaning the IRS will get the bulk of my wages. So, here I sit. What to do? I was 39 in 1980. The IRS may be waiting for a small inheritance, which will be my only source of income. Unbelievable!
My husband was illegally investigated for over 3 years and then charged with willful failure to file. At trial the Magistrate threw out ALL of his evidence without even looking at it. He denied expert witnesses and then as a part of his jury instructions he proceeded to tell the jury that my husband was required to file. He used the governments figures to increase the sentencing guideline from a level 6 to a 13 which resulted in a longer sentence and numerous fines. My husband is a successful businessman whose 28 years of work will be destroyed if these criminals, the IRS AND THE DEPT.OF JUSTICE, are not stopped. Can anyone justify to me why an honest man who has broken no laws must give up a year and a half of his life?
I did not file a return for 85 86 87 88. I had Payroll taxes with held and enough deductions to not owe at the end of the year. I began filing again in 89 The IRS called me in on unfilled taxes. I filed an appeal and said I would go to tax court, The appeals officer MH said there was no reason to go to court, that the IRS was eager to work it out with me and it would be no big deal. I and my wife contacted the IRS several times over the next 2 years, each time BH said there was no reason to do anything and the IRS would contact me to work it out later. Well, later finally came. They harassed the life out of us, I'm now stuck paying more than I can afford, living in little 1 bedroom working to pay what I did not owe.
I purchased a home on a 13 year land contract in 1989, then married a few years later. We needed a bigger house & bought in 1997. The man I bought the land-contracted home from died shortly there-after & it went into an estate. There were five children who inherited from him. When we finally sold the house two years later, April of 1999 for 35K , we owed only approximately 9k, ten years payments of the thirteen year contract, we get right down to the closing & the title search & find out that one of the five kids has a 55K IRS tax lean & the IRS has attached it to our property!!!! ' We have been fighting them now for two years, have lost big financially & seem to be no closer to being able to release the property now then we were two years ago =(( The land contract was recorded in the county courthouse & no-one has disputed the fact that we have paid according to our contract. I want to sell my house!!!!!! It is ours, we can come up with the pay-off amount & yet we cannot get a title.
It started 5 years ago when I was notified that the IRS wanted to do a routine audit for 1995 and 96 tax records. I cooperated fully with the audit. The auditor disallowed all my business expenses. He asked my support friend to leave the audit interview, said he was not needed? He came to my place of business several times without an appointment, even on Christmas Eve. The IRS is trying to take my property now. I have 4 kids and make about 25,000 a year, working as a care home nurse. They say I owe $700,000 this was for 1996 tax, which I filled, and it was done by an accountant. I never received a notice of deficiency, and recently a lien was placed on all my assists. I am a good American citizen and family man, I love my country, but the IRS has to go!
I filed a tax return for the year 1987. The IRS "lost" this return. This was the year they "lost" a bunch in the trash because the implemented a new computer system for the worker processing returns that failed miserably and most of these returns ended up in the trash. On that return I thought I would get about 200 dollars back. It never came. The IRS 5 and 1/2 years later notified me that I failed to file a return. After many threats from the IRS I filed a return from that year from some receipts and memory. They disallowed moving expenses. This left me owing $700+ dollars. for which the IRS charge me $3500 dollars per year in negligence penalties + interest and other penalties. They seized money from my bank accounts which I was forced to pay each bank over $1500 dollars for each one of these seizure transactions. They called my co-workers and threatened them saying that they better get me to pay my taxes. All in all they took over $33,000 dollars for them losing the return.
A year or so later my first wife died in a car accident in November 1994. We filed a late form in august, after an extension, and it showed we owed like $450 dollars. The accountant said to wait till next year because the following return would cancel the amount owed. When she died in November I notified the IRS as required, that she had passed. The first conversation with them they said that they showed an amount owed to them and that i could take my time paying them. 2 weeks later a levy and seizure notice shows up for 750 dollars. i find my bank account is frozen. I call the number and get a collections officer. I asked why the harsh treatment my wife just died for god's sake. He answered. "We know about your and your past problems. I am glad she's dead so now I can go after you with impunity and extreme prejudice." Going after me with "impunity and extreme prejudice" I could only interpret as a physical threat of violence or death.
My own IRS nightmare began about eight years ago starting with the lies, threats and liens for back taxes. My wife and I did finally pay in excess of the taxes owed, but by the time we did so, the interest and penalties had tripled the original amount! And to make matters worse, the IRS applied all the money we paid towards the old I & P. Selling our business to pay them off...another big mistake. Because you never get out from under the pressure of it. After 8 years and 11 IRS Collection Power Specialists later, we were talked into making a Offer in Compromise. What was submitted was rejected and because it was, The IRS added another year of collectibility to each of the liens. If you want to take your case to court, that is also a waste of time. It will be heard in a federal court and who do you think will win? When you lose and you're case is considered to be without merit, an additional $25,000 will be added to what you already owe! They need to wake up and realize the tragic consequences they are creating by pushing ordinary people over the edge. The man in Boston who killed 7 workers because the IRS forcefully took his income, is an example. Another is myself, not working for the last four years, I gave.
The IRS levied our bank account and sucked up all our money for food, our house payment, and medicine for our child who has asthma. (we have no health insurance). The agent telephoned my home and left me a nasty screaming message on my answering machine, and one on my cell phone (both of which were recorded and I have retained). The agent also called our current employer, and spoke to another employee, and told the employee about our tax problems. This employee is one of our peers! We already agreed that we owe money, and have already agreed that we will make monthly payments. The agent is just being vindictive. If the IRS wants us to pay, why do they jeopardize our job like that? No employer wants problems with the IRS. It appears that I have absolutely no recourse.
My husband lost his job of 15 years May 14th. Since May 14th, I've been the sole support for us. I make barely over $1000 net a month. We have savings, but that is going quickly. When we filed, we knew we owed $1,350 for year 2000. I sent in a $100 payment and wanted an installment agreement. I was going to send another payment in May, when he lost his job. I did send payments in June & July of $100 each. Now the IRS sent us a letter saying that they were going to put a tax lien on my earnings. This, after I wrote a letter with my last payment telling them of our circumstances. I am currently trying to salvage the little money we have in our savings account so we can make the rent at the end of the month. They really are a heartless entity, made up of cold and uncaring individuals. We don't owe that much, in the scheme of things, but when you are living on an income of $250 a week, that is a great deal indeed. They're treating us like we owe millions. I am thoroughly disgusted and disheartened. Not only am I constantly depressed, but my husband feels like a worthless piece of ---- and our marriage is in serious jeopardy. How dare they ruin our lives! What can be done about it? Now, next month, we might be homeless. I can't believe that this is happening to two people who have always given their fair share of taxes.
My wife and I are engineers, we are employees of major corporations, our combined take home pay in 97 was about $65K and in 98 about $68K (we are low paid). Our assets included our house ($125K), our 401Ks ($125K), and about $50K in the stock market. Other than that, we are no different than any other American family, we do not operate any business or have other assets or income. Pretty average. I got behind in my filing for 97 and 98 returns, I guess the reason was my stock market trades were rather complicated (but no gains there), but no problem, the IRS was more than happy to file a return for me. They demanded an additional $170K in taxes, penalties, and interest for those two years.
In 1992 a back tax was owed supposedly for 1991 and 1992, which we were only told about in1998, can you believe it they waited all this time. And let me tell you why folks why they do this so they can charge you thousands of dollars in penalty and interest all to their benefit this is why they wait 8 years or longer to tell you. When you finally get the letter of how much you owe there is no way you can possible pay this amount and they know this so they charge you more interest. We have tried our best to pay for ten years but it keeps getting worse everything we make in our business goes to the IRS for money we do not owe. Every year they come up with fictional amounts we owe on money that was already paid several times over. We have lost 3 properties one house and another store they just confiscated it. It has ruined our lives beyond anyone's comprehension, these people are cold blooded parasites. They are corrupt beyond our imagination. We do not know how much longer we can fight because basically we are just working to pay them constant money we do not owe. In this country it is better to be a bum you have nothing they want or they can take. This is why so many people are moving out of the US, and our politicians wont help.
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