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IRS Abuse Reports

IRS Abuse Report #81
Date: Thu Apr 11 01:37:19 EDT 1996
From: JB

The IRS has decided to withhold refunds due me as they say I owe taxes back to 1981. After three years of dealing with these people, the IRS is trying to attach liens against everything I own. The problem resolution office will not even meet with me. I filed suit in the Tax court against the IRS. Since I constantly receive collection notices (totally incorrect) I though a law suit would finally settle the matter. WRONG. The tax court accepted a motion that the IRS filed to throw my case out as I did not have a proper NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY form. They can still send collection notices, and I have asked for a proper NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY form, but they will not give this form, just collections notices and attempted liens.

IRS Abuse Report #82
Date: Thu Apr 121 20:06:23 EDT 1996
From: HN

The killed my father and put my family in the streets.......must I say more?

I have been left with nothing and have nothing.......thank you America!!!


IRS Abuse Report #83
Date: Sun Apr 14 07:15:33 EDT 1996
From: RG

These thugs have to be stopped. The IRS through, fraudulent "Notices of Levies", have attacked my spouse and my wages, along with our bank accounts. And, because of these fraudulent leans, they have prevented me form getting credit for my daughters college education.

We are powerless to stop this tyranny and extortion.

IRS Abuse Report #84
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 96 12:14:10 -0700
From: JG

After I was laid off from my occupation of 22 years in the aircraft maintenance field. I found out that the Federal Govt classified aircraft maintenance as an obsolete career due to the number of mechanics and the faltering airline business.

I proceeded to try and find a new career. Now, the IRS tells me that all expenses I spent trying to find a new line of work, while trying to support myself, my wife, and 4 kids on unemployment, is not deductible because it's not in the same field I was working in -- which they themselves classified as obsolete!

On top of that, in order to feed and house my large family on $125 per week, and trying to find a new job, I had to cash in my K401 to save my house... Now I'm taking a $1476 penalty off the top off my return. Plus paying the taxes on unemployment..

No wonder I can't catch up or get ahead, I wasn't even allowed food stamps because I had a 1 year old Mazda MPV that I owed the bank $23,000 on -- that disqualified me...Where is the justice!

IRS Abuse Report #85
Date: Mon Apr 15 19:11:37 EDT 1996
From: GY

We have received liens on money they say we owe them! They have taken money out of credit union saving! And, they are trying to take money from my pay check!

IRS Abuse Report #86
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:02:54 -0400

My parents committed suicide the first of this year to avoid further problems from the IRS.

IRS Abuse Report #87
Date: Tue Apr 16 21:37:37 1996
From: MD

The IRS went after my brother and assessed him $19,000. He owed about $3000, so the balance was penalties and interest. Further, the IRS agents have refused to let him deduct his children, even though he has a court order that states he is the sole guardian. They also will not let his ex-wife deduct the children. This case proves they are not above breaking their own laws or above using harassment against others. By the way, my brother has been unemployed for the last two years and the $19,000 they took from him is from his retirement that he spent 20 years working for.

IRS Abuse Report #88
Date: Thu Apr 18 11:36:37 1996
From: VN

I received a refund of $57.00 for 1988. Now, for the past four years, the IRS has insisted that I did not file. They have been adding interest and penalties continuously. I have been continuously sending them copies of the forms I originally sent to them. They refuse to admit they are wrong.

They have threatened me with all kinds of things from garnishments to taking my possessions. Where do they get the right to take more than they should. I have been paying taxes for many years and my ancestors paid before.

IRS Abuse Report #89
Date: Thu Apr 18 22:27:50 1996
From: Anon

The IRS Has:

All at a cost of time and money (a hell of a lot more than the bogus assessment).

IRS Abuse Report #90
Date: Sun Apr 21 16:40:49 1996
From: JH

The IRS does not respond to any of my inquiries, letters, or statements. I have only received unscheduled visits at my home and office by agents threatening to charge me with crimes, stating that they do not have to respond to any of my questions. They sent summons to my banks, and credit card institutions.

IRS Abuse Report #91
Date: Mon Apr 22 10:11:08 1996
From: TV

The IRS lost or misplaced my tax return for 1992 and then two years later notified me that I owed back taxes and penalties -- the penalties are approximately $6,000. When I pointed out that I had filed my return, their response was PROVE IT. How can I prove that I mailed a return? All I can do is show a copy of what they claim I did not send to them to begin with!!

IRS Abuse Report #92
Date: Fri Apr 12 13:22:58 EDT 1996
From: anonymous

They claim I owe $75,000 and if I don't come into their offices to take care of it that they will begin to garnish my wages! I told them that I have never even earned that much money throughout my whole life as I have been a college student until this year. The majority of their claim came from a stock purchase of my fathers that had erroneously ended up with my social security # on it during a time while I was in Japan for two years doing volunteer missionary work with no pay! Letters were already on file with the IRS documenting the error and placing the tax liability with my father. All they were apparently doing was trying to discover something to come after my father with and scared the hell out of me in the process.

If that is not harassment then I don't know what is! They came after me for something they already knew wasn't my liability. I've had probing calls before, but that threat was just going too far!

I would love to give the IRS a taste of their own medicine but don't feel I can afford to because they have so much influence over my family's life. As we run a family owned business, they cannot only hit our personal lives, but come directly after our companies as well, so we quietly grin and bear it while shaking in our boots everyday.

No one is safe from the IRS!

(scared to give my name!)
P.S. I'd like information on the lawsuit, but I really don't want the IRS coming after me or my father, so I don't want U.S. mail sent to me on the subject. I'm not even sure e-mail would be safe. I'm really paranoid. The IRS makes life a living hell! I think I'd just as soon deal with the KGB.

IRS Abuse Report #93
Date: Fri Apr 26 18:44:22 1996
From: GW

Here is a list of IRS abuses inflicted on me and my family:

  1. My 1993 taxes are currently "under audit" by an IRS Revenue Agent. He has been auditing our tax return since November, 1995. It is now near the end of April and we still have not gotten the audit finished.

  2. At first he said the audit would take about two half days. Then he wanted two full days. I run a business from my home, just me, I did not want this guy holding up my business for two full days.

  3. Neither we nor our attorney heard anything from him until a month later, when on February 29, 1996, I got a phone call from our attorney saying that the IRS agent had 13 questions he wanted us to answer. The questions were all answered in our amended return - which apparently he did not even look at.

  4. The IRS Agent then said there would be an additional $9000 plus my self employment taxes all payable in 10 days. I had to stop work for an entire week, trying to track down information to document his requests.

  5. When the 10 days were up, my husband went to the meeting between the IRS agent and our lawyer. The IRS agent was pretty hostile. He basically disallowed everything. He refused to look at any documentation my husband tried to present.

  6. From what my husband could figure out, it sounded like our tax bill was going to be even bigger than the $9000. So, the more we tried to comply, the worse it got for us. Now, we don't know what is going to happen. The IRS Agent even said that I had committed some kind of crime because I paid my kids to work for me in my business (which he doesn't believe--he said we just put the money back in our own pockets). My kids filed tax returns and paid taxes on their earnings, as well as tax on the interest in their bank accounts

  7. We live in a small town, our tax lawyer has to do business with the IRS all the time. Plus, he has been audited three times himself. He doesn't want to rock the boat.

  8. It's now April 26, I have no clue what's going on with our audit. I've paid my taxes for 1995 but filed for an extension because I don't know what's going to happen.

IRS Abuse Report #94
Date: Tue Apr 30 11:16:24 1996
From: MR

I was a member of a partnership that was audited back in 1984.

The case took six years to settle. I signed an agreement accepting the settlement. Nothing happened for over a year. Then out of the blue the IRS came at me with both guns blazing. Assessing all kinds of penalties and claiming that the time to reply to their claims had elapsed.

This same event happened to everyone in the partnership, however, all members had signed and filed the paper work prior to final agreement. Each member had to individually prove to the IRS that the IRS had made the mistake.

It's very involved and involves several instances where the IRS misplaced, lost or outright deceived us. This also precipitated a nervous breakdown for me. The financial distress was enormous and to this day I haven't recovered from the problems the IRS caused due to their negligence.

IRS Abuse Report #95
Date: Tue Apr 30 23:26:54 1996
From: PM

The IRS confiscated my wages. I was working on an $80,000 year job and had to quit, dispose of all I owned, and have not been able to work since, except odd jobs. I did not owe IRS the money they said. It was due to a tax shelter that went bankrupt and not only did IRS come after me, but about 200 other people. I filed bankruptcy against the IRS and was discharged of my debt. However, I still owe for the past 4 years and feel it is unconstitutional the way they harass me. I have not been able to get a real job or own anything because of the IRS.

IRS Abuse Report #96
Date: Thu May 2 1:23:54 1996
From: CCl

"The IRS has harassed me for 16 years".

In 1980 a previous employer erroneously reported my income by reporting that I earned $10,000 in 1980. I explained to the IRS that I did not earn the $10,000 because I only worked two weeks in 1980 at the rate of $750 bi-weekly. I further explained that I was the accounting supervisor for that company that reported the error and it can be very easily corrected. To no avail, the IRS ignored my request to ascertain the facts and eagerly tried to destroy me. the IRS subsequently seized my house, my car, my retirement account, and everything I needed to sustain life. The IRS has hounded me for 16 years. This year in 1996, the IRS seized my bank account, and tax payments I made. The IRS told me the seizures were for payments on the 1980 taxes that they say that I still owe. The IRS seized everything I owned making it almost impossible to cope and they are still harassing and intimidating me.

I'm not rich nor do I own anything worth having. The IRS has really hurt me in a very serious way. I mean in the way that you hurt inside where the pain is so deep that all the tears stop flowing and all that remain is the moan! I remember on one occasion the IRS came on my job and thus caused me to lose my job. I have not been allowed to get credit, or live a comfortable life for 16 years. I am a Vietnam veteran and I have not been able to use my G.I. bill to buy a house because of what the IRS has done to me, my name, and my credit. The IRS has caused me and my wife to suffer great depressions in our marriage and the IRS has caused disharmony among me and my friends.

IRS Abuse Report #97
Date: Thu May 2 16:06:48 1996
From: Anonymous

I just received a tax examination change report for 1993 and 1994 which bills me for $25,000 due to disallowing alimony I paid. I didn't even get a chance to show my canceled checks, court order, etc. I was presumed guilty without the right to show proof.

IRS Abuse Report #98
Date: Sat May 18 0:54:48 1996
From: T.M

We are being audited for 1993 and 1994 in spite of losses totaling $ 70,000. We have already been billed for almost $ 6,000 plus penalties and interest. They are also accusing us of hiding income due to $ 25,000 in loans from relatives. All this has caused much stress and sleepless nights so far.

IRS Abuse Report #99
Date: Sat May 18 9:31:27 1996
From: PB

I am being persecuted and harassed by the IRS -- have been for years because I am trying to stop their abuses which are the same tactics and methods used by gangsters, the Mafia, the Gestapo, Al Capone -- collect through fear. I have written to Congressmen, the IRS Commissioner, the president, everyone I think could help and called for a Congressional Investigation into the abuses of the IRS and its collection methods. Without exception, they passed the buck and in effect laughed at me.

I am a tax accountant for many years -- have seen abuses first hand in my family and clients. Now for the tenth or 11th time I am being audited -- have had a deficiency judgment issued against me and am in the process of filing a brief in the tax court. This will do no good. How can we get justice in the tax court when the judge him or herself is in the pay of the same entity we are fighting. It is to their interest to find for the government for their paycheck is at issue. We do not have the right to a jury trial guaranteed us by the Constitution. The IRS violates every constitutional right - they are the Gestapo run rampant. I expect to lose everything for there is no justice here and I will go to jail before I will pay a tax I do not owe. In the audit and appeals court I provided every proof of my deductions they called for, answered every question -- yet they disallowed everything.

I am not against paying taxes and in the last two years I was audited, I paid over $10,000 in taxes willingly but the IRS is trying to collect $10,000 more and I am just a small wage earner -- very middle class. Please enter me in this class action law suit.

IRS Abuse Report #100
Date: Thu May 23 14:38:12 1996
From: BW

My mom works for the IRS. She has told me numerous stories of how the IRS has taken things from people and even put them in jail. One particular story really made me hate the IRS:

An elderly woman lost her husband in 92. She had never written a check or paid a bill in her life. Her home was completely paid for. Her family was helping her pay her bills. In 1994 the IRS seized her home and all of her worldly belongings for back taxes. She died two months later. Her family fought with the IRS for a whole year to find out why no one was notified of this seizure before it occurred and why the family had no idea what was going on. After 5 months of investigation the IRS has sent the family a letter stating their apologies for a miscalculation which in turn made it look like the elderly woman owed $1750 in back taxes when it should have read a $17.50 due to her. Because of their misrepresentation and false information the elderly woman died of a heart attack at her home the day it was sold. The IRS has gone too far...these people think they are the answer to GOD himself. They need to be stopped.

IRS Abuse Report #101
Date: Fri June 7 1:42:57 1996
From: CW

I owned a cleaning business as sole proprietor. Incorporated after first year. Neglected to vacate first employer ID number, so IRS decided that I have two identical businesses simultaneously and estimated my so-called unreported income for two years. After six years I ran out of money to fight them and had to pay $16000 for a business I never owned?

IRS Abuse Report #102
Date: Sat June 8 12:26:54 1996
From: RB

My uncle made a mistake over a period of ten years concerning deductions that should have been extracted from his farm workers wages. After repeated threats to take everything he had, and put him in prison, he committed suicide leaving a wife and children to fend for themselves.

He was goaded into it by the IRS, the GESTAPO and STORM TROOPERS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I have since found out that the threat of prison was used falsely.

I personally believe my uncle killed himself because of the shame he thought he'd endure by going to prison. He was wrong. To go to prison because of the IRS is a RED BADGE of COURAGE! Down with the IRS. If you work for the IRS, never let your shadow darken my path!

IRS Abuse Report #103
Date: Sat June 10 23:19:06 1996
From: LT

Consider the "people" who are working for the "IRS". What makes them so heartless, so eager to destroy and cause pain and loss to so many. I don't consider these beings human in any sense of the word except that they appear in human form.

IRS Abuse Report #104
Date: Sat Jul 13 17:14:31 1996
From: Anon

What happened with myself and the IRS is unforgivable. For the first time in my life I truly know the feeling of hatred for another.

If you ever want to be free, then realize that the IRS must be destroyed. Shame them, turn your backs to them, make them and their families hate to go out in public, make sure they feel unwanted, let them know they are not welcomed anywhere. Stand up and fight with anyone who will stand with you against these monsters.

Anyone that has ever had any contact with the IRS must wonder what type of people they are. Just patriots following orders? So were the guards in the concentration camps. How do they look at themselves in the mirror? They provide nothing to society but misery and despair. They can look at themselves because they enjoy the limitless ability to abuse power.

If there is evil in the US, it is the employees and judges of the IRS. Do their neighbors and family know were they work? If they don't, they should. We should all know their ID's. If we are successful and true freedom is restored to every citizen of the US, do we simply forgive these parasites? Do the former IRS elite simply to go out among us as if they had done nothing but follow orders? Why don't you post lists of these employees with pictures, names, and addresses so we all know who they are? I don't want my children playing with the children of parents who think nothing of stealing food from the mouths, along with the shirts off the backs, of other people.

If your neighbors son or daughter works for the IRS, shouldn't you know? You would want to know if a pedophile came to visit the neighborhood, wouldn't you? Send them statements that they are not welcome in the USA any longer. Post their pictures and their identity in their neighborhoods. Ostracize them and their families. Start making them miserable for a change. Force them out! Don't feel pity for them. No one forced them to work for the IRS. They did it willingly, all on their own. They are not good people. If they were, they would recognize the evil in what they do for a living. If they had an ounce of decency in them, they would never have taken a job with the IRS. Don't hold your breath waiting for a politician to give up their greatest political tool just to end our suffering. Like the IRS agent, if the members of the congress and senate had an ounce of decency in them, their first priority would be to free us, repeal the 16th amendment, and brand the bastards working at the IRS as criminals, jail them and take away everything that they bought with the money they stole from us.

Until we stand together against them, they will continue to intimidate and harass us and we will never realize freedom. All future generations of children in the US will be born into slavery. Never to realize any form of hope, prosperity, or the right to privacy.

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