There have been literally thousands of replies on the Internet regarding the class-action lawsuit espoused by Wallace Ward. And, this is important as your responses to the Internet regarding class action initiated by Wallace Ward are being seen and heard in Washington, D.C. But the politicians are not listening. There lies the value of the class-action lawsuit. The fact that the politicians are not listening is crucial. The politicians in Washington are treating your complaints more with the attitude that the American taxpayer is ignorant and the elected politicians know best. Some politicians cannot say they are unaware of your Internet posts because books containing your replies to the class-action lawsuit are being placed in front of all United States Congressional Representatives and Senators (Your names have been edited to protect you).
It is important that each American taxpayer know that your United States Congressional Representatives and Senators are the only source of all tax laws. Each tax and each penalty imposed on you by the Internal Revenue Service was approved by the United States Congress. The Internal Revenue service must by law inflict these penalties on you, the American taxpayer. Basically the Internal Revenue Service is nothing more than a collection agency. Once you realize that the Internal Revenue Service is a collection agency, then all you can do is give the Internal Revenue Service the same respect you would give to anyone employed at collection agencies in your area.
This collection agency mentality of the Internal Revenue Service is even more dangerous then your local collection agency, as the Internal Revenue Service has the laws of the United States behind their actions. And, these laws imposing high taxes and extremely large penalties were mandated by your Congressional Representatives and Senators. Let your United States Congressional Representatives and Senators know you do not approve of these taxes and life-destroying penalties.
This is why the class-action lawsuit is so important. Wallace Ward is leading the fight against tyranny by taxation in the United States. It is necessary to clarify that the term Class-Action lawsuit is being used by Wallace Ward as a generic term. Actually there will be numerous separate class actions and individual actions. The reason that this broad litigation approach is used is that the Internal Revenue Service has thousands of code sections. The number of code sections of the Internal Revenue Service that is published in my tax service is nine thousand eight hundred and five code sections and this code is amended daily with court decisions. The Internal Revenue Service code also must be implemented with one hundred fifty one thousand seven hundred fifty one regulations which are updated weekly. Then the Internal Revenue Service has various additional operation manuals that the agents are required to follow. Now, all of the 9805 code sections and 151,751 regulations passed were indirectly approved by you when you elected your United States Congressional Representatives and Senators. No practical way exists for you, the American taxpayer, to know all the tax laws of the United States. And, when your United States Representative or Senator informs you, the taxpayer, that there is nothing he can do with the Internal Revenue Service collection agency, this United States Congressional Representative or Senator is not telling you the truth. Your United States Congressional Representative and Senator passed these tax laws and they can obtain relief for you from their own Internal Revenue Service collection agency. Your United States Congressional Representatives and Senators can also initiate private bills that can be passed to give you individual relief.
As explained earlier, there are numerous class actions being prepared as well as individual actions to attack certain areas of the tax law. It is also important to point out that class action must meet the requirements of Federal Civil Judicial Procedure and Rules, Rule 23 "Class Actions" and in particular F.R.CV.P., Rule 23(a) and Rule 23(b). Individual copies of this Rule can be obtained by sending a E-mail request or letter at the address specified at the end of this letter. Wallace Ward at the present time has a test case at the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that is directed to the issues of law relating to double jeopardy, cruel-and-unusual punishment and the correct procedure to credit seized or levies to alleged penalties. Wallace Ward vs. United States of America, case #96-70117.
This test case on these three issues demonstrate the care that must be taken to define the issues very carefully. A large general class-action lawsuit will be quickly dismissed by the courts. It is important to keep upper-most in your mind that the courts will generally support the Internal Revenue Service. This really means that your United States Congressional Representatives and Senators will pass a law authorizing extremely high and unfair taxes with vindictive, life-destroying penalties. Then, the President of the United States will approve these tax laws and penalties and the United States Courts will enforce these tax laws and penalties. That leaves the Internal Revenue Service free to take extremely aggressive action to collect these taxes and penalties from you.
There are certain situations where the class-action series of lawsuits cannot be addressed by Wallace Ward's class actions and they are as follows:
Even if you do not participate in the class-action type litigation, Wallace Ward prepares a representative composite of the various IRS abuses, keeping the names anonymous, and they are routinely sent or hand delivered to the many United States Congressional Representatives and Senators, so your voice is heard and appreciated.
In conclusion, you must remember who is really passing the laws to force you to pay unfair taxes and outrageous penalties. Those people responsible for that cancerously destructive IRS bureaucracy are your United States Congressional Representatives and Senators. Now that the elections are over, the United States Congress and Senate will continue to pass more unfair tax laws and penalties. Then the United States Congress will spend your money recklessly, and will forget about the American taxpayer until the next election. The issues of flat tax, easier filing, and all the wonderful tax relief ideas are now forgotten -- at least until the next election. When you take time to calculate all the federal taxes, Social Security, licenses, pass through taxes, and then include all the state and local taxes, licenses, sales tax, you end up paying approximately 50% on every dollar. Ultimately you can expect to pay nearly 80% of your earnings into the various governments, federal, state and local. And, even if you have money left when you die, the federal and state government's take a large part of your remaining estate in estate taxes. We must stop the out-of-control federal and state governments from taxing the American taxpayer into insolvency. You must contact your United States Congressional Representatives and Senators by letter and telephone. Until the United States Congress hears your voice they will continue to assess unlimited taxes. The best way is to vote out of office all United States Congressional Representatives and Senators who keep voting for high taxes and cruel penalties.
Thomas J. Caenen
General Counsel
Neo-Tech Publishing Co.
P. O. Box 93924
Las Vegas, NV 89193
For a comprehensive report of IRS abuses and illegalities visit the World Wide Web site
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