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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Bret M. R-7114

I have only read the Neo-Tech information package once thus far. I intend on using it as well as any future manuals I order as my personal life, guidance library. The information is in my opinion, the most valuable commodity to the human race today. They say that time is our most important commodity. However, with the spread of Neo-Tech and the future acquisition of Biological Immortality, time will most certainly be a resource we won't have a shortage of.

I commend everyone who is involved with Neo-Tech and I & O Publishing. And I must extend my deepest gratitude to Dr. Frank R. Wallace. You all have brought perhaps the most important discovery ever into a world that is in great need of information and positive education. I shall one day raise a family on Neo-Tech.

I am only 20 years old. I consider myself so very fortunate to have acquired this information so early in life. Neo-Tech has made me realize that I myself can control my own life and destiny. I can be a leader rather than a follower. I can truly lead a happy life as a progressive individual and I don't have to become a suppressed conformist.

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