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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Bruce N. CB-101

It's hard to believe that a single publication could have such a major impact on how one looks at life and oneself. The affect on me has been remarkable. The highlight of my summer vacation was reading the Neo-Tech package. It's as if I had a total house cleaning of my mind, ridding myself of all the unnecessary garbage accumulated over my 45 years.

Neo-Tech was able to change my thinking processes. Now, I'm more attentive to detail, with a greater interest in reading, listening and reducing commentary to its "real" meaning. It's like having a dull blade sharpened; or a mind that was dulled by mysticism and neocheating to one sharpened with objective reality. The mist has been lifted from mysticism!

I have much to thank you for, and appreciate Dr. Wallace's exceptional works and your business concepts. Thanks to Neo-Tech, there is optimism and strength from within. It's nice to know that one can obtain this strength (power, prosperity, happiness, and romantic love) from honesty and anti-mysticism.

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