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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Charles T. R-6234, U.K.

I have never been so sure of myself, so effective in my business and so secure in the knowledge that there is no reason for my success to end. Business is booming, my wife is blooming, and my son (14) is reading the Discovery!

I have given copies of the Discovery to three of my senior employees and I find it amusing and exciting to observe the changes in their attitude and the new commitment that has effected them and their work, producing positive results both for them and for the company.

My personal life has never been better! My 18 year romance with my wife has been rejuvenated and strengthened and my son will become a producer because after reading Discovery he will understand why it is so important that he create values. We will teach him right from wrong with such a clarity that has not been possible prior to Neo-Tech.

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