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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Chuah G., 3901-C5, Malaysia

Ever since I received your N-T Discovery, I have never had a sad moment. I am able to perform my job very well. I am very happy, confident and most important of all guilt-free. After N-T, I discovered that my boss was the one who makes me feel guilty. Now, I know how to handle him. I no longer feel guilty. I am free. I did this by purging mysticism out of my mind. I no longer fear my boss or anybody in this world. I can feel the power building up inside me. I no longer feel tired for now I know that I am working for myself and not for my boss.

Since reading Cosmic Business Control, I have overcome the White Collar Hoax. I carry out my job better by working on the nitty gritty detail task of my operations. I practice mini-day/power thinking. Now I can see so clearly all the White Collar Hoax existing in my working environment. I am working hard to expose the White Collar Hoax. There will be no more limitations for me. I could go on and on.

Thank you for making me a more productive person. Thank you Dr. Wallace, Mr. Mark Hamilton and all the members of Neo-Tech Publishing company for doing such a superlative job. No company in this world can match your work.

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