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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Dennis M, 9351-3

You have set my cobwebbed and mystified mind reeling and I thank you for it -- it needed a good shake-up. I've always been a rebel/non-conformist type and never did buy in to the sheepish and pathetic worship of religious fanatics and slithering politicians of the ruling leech class that infest our society. Now I have a direction and plan of action and am encouraged to see the layers of deception peeled away so effectively for anyone bold enough to accept rigorous honesty into their life and reject the mystic concepts force fed to them since the first light of self-awareness sparked in their being.

I love the idea of consciousness as the driving force and creator of all universes.. past, present and future. I am integrating that useful fact into my ongoing recovery from alcoholism and chemical dependency. The higher-power/god concept can be replaced with the mystic-free acceptance of a universal consciousness.

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