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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Erik F 795140-15

Hello there fellow Neothinkers! My name is Erik and I thought it would be nice to welcome new Neo-Tech men and women. To begin with, I happen to be a 16 year old teenager living in the big old city of New York. I am currently a junior in high school and I can tell you now, Neo-Tech really works!

Your friends will most assuredly be against Neo-Tech, but, let the knowledge held in the manuscript show you an alternate path. At such a young age, people are always telling me that I'm too young for this stuff. Am I? Well then, I guess they are just too old and stubborn to live such a great life as Neo-Techers are destined to live!

Also, if you have access to email, join the Neo-Tech Mailing List. Consult the Neo-Tech Worldwide Web Site at I'll be there soon! (By the way, my name will probably be Neothinker16.)

Have a great life and see you there!

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