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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Geoffrey H., 595210-5

In the past two years since the initial purchase of I & O Publishing Co's ground breaking literature, I have experienced enormous leaps and bounds in every area of my personal life. Each and every major value currently in my life can be directly attributed to the influence, orientation and accoutrements of I & O. Mere words do little justice to the Herculean growth I've achieved in everything from mental health, psyche resurrection, physical fitness and love to family relations, education, creative works, and job power. I am now twenty-one years of age and in the short time which has passed I have stopped smoking permanently, cast off the throes of substance abuse forever, abluted mystical neurosis, begun a self-study regime, begun a lifelong physical fitness plan-of-action, enrolled in a community college to study business, developed a long-term romantic relationship with a beautiful woman (we will be married next July! ), and I am writing and copywriting original musical scores and arrangements. All this has been integrated into my own mini-day / powerthinking schedule. The metamorphosis has not been easy nor pleasant at times. But always, the results of implementing D.T.C. have yielded unlimited, lasting rewards.

Without the mystical blindfold I can no longer "turn the other cheek " with my hands tied. I & O has made me into a man of action, therefore I simply can not sit back and watch from the sidelines as the heroic Neo-Tech men and women push forward to annihilate mysticism. I refuse to allow my children to be raised in an up-side down, twisted society where individual life has no value and reality can not be discerned from falsehood. That platonistic philosophy destroyed my own childhood. It destroyed the honest, benevolent, compassionate, creative child within me long ago. My life has been ravaged by mysticism to the point of near-psyche-death. And now, empowered with the tools of Neo-Tech / D.T.C., I wish to join the growing ranks of mystic-busting bantam companies. I have absorbed the concepts within Pincers 1, 2, & 3 and am fully prepared to begin building upon those concepts to create my own empire of wealth. I wish to begin immediately, without hesitation, learning the business of collapsing mysticism.

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