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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Harold P., 493250-1

Since receiving the Cassandra's Secret manuscript, I have spent every spare moment reading. I'm on my 4th reading and all of a sudden I see life totally different. I can see why I have been a loser all of my life and why life has seemed to pass me by. ...No matter what I have done or been involved with, I just couldn't get ahead, (school, scientology, he Christian religion, etc.).

I realize that this whole planet is upside down or backwards or something like that. Everything on planet earth is set up so the average person loses, no matter what! I don't know anyone who is really happy, or if they seem happy, it's just temporary. If they seem rich, they lack in other areas of life. The whole world is upside down! I can now sit back and see how everyone accepts this situation and thinks there is nothing wrong or nothing they can do about it.

Somebody stole my money and happiness and it really angers me. I have seen the source of my lack of life. Everything from MTV to getting a traffic ticket is designed to drain the life of everyone, and the people who are in charge know what they are doing, and I'm angry that they have wasted my life.

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