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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Lana P. 795140-10

Neo-Tech was (for lack of a better word) my salvation; the end of my lifelong search for the logical, understandable truth. I am electrified at the prospect of being a part of the Civilization of the Universe. I have experienced tears of happiness from reading certain portions of the manuscript. I am spotting deep-rooted mysticism in myself and others and work on collapsing it daily. For example, a few weeks ago, I removed a set of Xmas lights that were already on the house my family and I moved into. At first, I was carefully loosening the set from the house as I planned on selling them in my next garage sale. I then realized that I would only promote and condone Xmas by doing so -- I started smiling broadly as I tore them down, breaking them apart in several places. That felt so good that I held them over my head and shouted triumphantly 'MYSTICISM COLLAPSE'!!!! I could write on and on about my personal changes and realizations; suffice it to say, I now have a renewed love for myself, my life, and life in general.

I feel as though my state of atrophy as a conscious being is reversing, never to occur again! Finally, my eyes are really open and I have a renewed purpose for living. Thank you is not enough, but please accept it as the only words I have.

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