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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Luis M. 2921-4

Even though I lost the books, the concepts were strongly engraved in me and my successes were and are determined by the effort put forth by me, based on honest rationalization of objective reality and the ridding of mysticism within myself.

While many years of searching for answers, I and my friends have been reading some mystically based books, I would always mention Neo-Tech, telling them how incredible and real the concepts are. But, I was always left with the excitement having once owned such a valuable book. Disappointed, because I didn't have the book with me to give a clear interpretation and explanation in Spanish (I was in Puerto Rico at the time.)

One day I walked into a used book store and on the book shelf was a book titled Neo-Tech COSMIC POWER NOW! (manuscript #60TU 981090). My tears ran down my face because of the great joy I experienced at being able to buy the most valuable work of hard honest integration with reality, again in my hands. As I read through pincer #1, life rushed into me as I integrated my experiences with Neo-Tech advantages, causing the dead like mysticism to lose its illusive power over me

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