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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

M. Q., Australia, 3901-C6

I have always thought of the world, since being quite young as a stagnant place -- full of potential, yet stagnant. We never seemed to be advancing as fast as we should, in all aspects of life, and I never knew why. Thanks to Neo-Tech, I know why!

The Neo-Tech products are remarkable pieces of work and extremely thought-provoking. The only trouble with them is they take me forever to read because after reading a page or two, I spend hours thinking about the various implications and applications of the knowledge I have just gained. At the same time, it is also extremely frustrating to have the `curtain of mysticism', lifted -- to see clearly for the first time -- and see what the neo-cheaters have gotten away with and are getting away with now!

The only consolation I have, is in knowing that the Neo-Tech Research Centre has the power and commitment to spreading its knowledge around the world, and to all corners of the globe!

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