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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Mike M. C-1026

This letter is to inform you of my continued satisfaction and amazement with the literature purchased during the Summit meeting. Satisfaction in the precision tool at my disposal and amazement at the powerful integrations revealed. I would also like to comment on the Summit itself.

So much of my personal life had been in turmoil as a result of mystical knots wrapping around me. `Reasoning' my way through the `complexity' of achieving guiltless happiness only entangled me further. Neo-Tech/Neo-Think allows me to cut through the crap with clearly formed facts, as well as, integrated actions. It has become fully evident that I had not the means to pull my life together. Life is truly the ultimate value and happiness is it's truest complement. The world as a whole desperately needs this information. It becomes more painful to watch the mental and physical oppression of millions now that I see how simple happiness can be accomplished. Mystics and their crafty lies are now very easy to identify and bypass. I am also relieved to know my children will not be shackled with flawed thinking processes as they grow and shape their world.

It makes me shudder when the beautifully simple truth is laid out in such a manner that it screams in ones mind. ...How many centuries have intelligent creatures stumbled around? Once the door of ignorance opens however, the rest comes bursting through. As long as one remains strong in mind, Neo-Tech/Neo-Think pulls all the old lies out of the thinking process.

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