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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Nancy B., 493250-2

Dear Dr. Wallace,

I am a 46 year old business woman who has been reading your manuscripts since 1988. Since that beginning manuscript I have had a steady growth in my business and in my happiness. There were times during those growth years that I became stuck, so to speak, but it was because of my own laziness and mysticism. During those periods I have always been able to get comfort and direction from your writings, and then was able to push myself forward again.

Since my first reading of Cassandra's Secret in January of 1994, I have grown by leaps and bounds. I have literally grown by the hour. I have tripled my income honestly and guiltlessly.

I hold Neo-Tech very near and dear to me. I never pass up an opportunity to tell people about our revolution and point out the parasitic political class.

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