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In January 1990, I reported to duty as a US Navy exchange Officer to the French Navy. Due to my fluency in the language, I was to serve as navigator on the French Mediterranean Fleet Flagship. I was an average guy, with no knowledge of philosophy or the realm of objective ideas whatsoever. Perhaps this was due to my sheltered life.
My parents raised me a fundamentalist born-again, right wing conservative Christian. Guilt flowed through my veins. I even attended Bible college after graduating from one of those church-sponsored fundamental Christian high-schools, the type of which you may have seen featured in a news program.
To me, life was an endless cycle of short-term thrills in a search of happiness, followed by guilt and misery. To get "happy" again you needed to "get right with God." Then, more short-term thrills and the cycle continues.
One day, shortly after arriving in France, I received this Neo-Tech brochure in the mail. Being the person I was, I immediately ordered. After all, it promised to show me how to be happy, wealthy, and powerful with little or no effort.
And it delivered on its promise. However, rather than pursue that end, it showed me how to find genuine, lasting happiness through a series of techniques that anyone can practice--regardless of background.
While I did indeed learn how I could become rich and lazy, I also learned that this would be a misuse of that knowledge. For, to achieve true happiness, I would have to exert discipline, though, and control in a never-ending quest to create and produce values desired by others in society. As a bonus, I learned how to out-maneuver the lazy cheat at every turn.
Another aspect is that I acquired, read, re-read, and studied everything Ayn Rand ever published. For example, I personally have over 200 pages of painstakingly detailed notes I took from Peikoff's 1976 tape lecture series on Objectivism. This provided me with the philosophical foundations for the real-world, *dynamic* applications I had already begun to practice from Neo-Tech.
Can you imagine the value of a book like that? Some have complained about its $70 price. I actually paid $100. Complaining about $70 for this book seems to me like complaining about $24 for some useless island the Indians called Manhattan.
Let's see. I paid $100 for this book, which after the first 100 pages or less, irrevocably changed my life and shattered most of the false premises I held. Moreover, it gave me the knowledge to move beyond its study and into happiness and prosperity. At that time, I worked for the government and earned a modest, automatic paycheck. Less than 5 years later, I have a successful company which I started with $300 cash and which I run out of my home. In my first full year, my earnings were in excess of $250,000. As of this writing, I have earned over $95,000.00 and we're only 3 1/2 months into the new year. This is money I earn honestly, by using my knowledge to help financially troubled business avoid parasitic attorneys and bankruptcy--get back on their feet, stay in business, and preserve jobs for innocent and hardworking people.
Yes, $100 is a lot of money for a book--if you have no idea of how to *invest* it.
Currently, I'm 34 years old, *single* but searching, and am building my happiness daily. My high ambitions to continually do more are now far removed from my old life of holding out for that government retirement check.
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