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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Randal S. C-9

Having anticipated receiving Neo-Tech, I promptly set to task reading (no consuming) the Instructions, Neo-Tech I and subsequently Neo-Tech II. For the first time in my life I was clearly able to label the force of malevolence (neocheaters) that I had known existed in life from childhood. The comprachicos who schooled me in self-doubt, the looters who stole my earned values, the gray figures who immortalized mediocrity and made virtue out of intellectual laziness. To nail them down and then to disarm them is the coupe de grace for all men (women) who could neither fight nor surrender. Heroic indeed!

Upon completing Neo-Tech II I did not immediately read III-V. Instead I began to assimilate the entelechy into a current concern regarding career. Here Neo-Tech proved itself in all regards by allowing me to logically and scientifically evaluate and correct errors. Upon returning to the last three packages, I found the matrix aspect of Neo-Tech which is providing me with the impetus for new challenges and a richer, guilt-free life.

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