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Winners of the Profound Honesty Contest

Announced February 28, 1997

Contest Winners

Below are the first-place, second-place, and third-place winners for writing
an Introduction to Profound Honesty.

First Place
Tom Duterme Entry

Profound Honesty

The vast majority of people have enormous potentialities of thinking, far beyond anything ordinarily suspected; but so seldom do the right circumstances surround them to acquire their actualization that the vast majority die without realizing more than a fraction of their powers. Born millionaires, they live and die in poverty for the lack of favorable circumstances which would have compelled them to convert their credit into cash.
- A.A. Orage

Are you poor? Have you lost the passion and excitement of life? Do you feel so old it is difficult to remember your childhood? You are not alone if you answer yes. Most people in the anti-civilization lead safe, static, unhappy lives.

Earth is currently trapped in the anti-civilization. The anti-civilization is a civilization based on dishonesty and ruled by a parasitical elite class. Childhood dreams quickly drain with age. Few achieve happiness within their brief life. People grow increasingly toward death.

Just what circumstances was Mr. Orage alluding to? How can you discover those circumstances to tap into wealth and power within this lifetime? The combination of Profound Honesty and Neo-Tech unveils those conditions.

Neo-Tech provides the knowledge and perspective to break free from the anticivilization. Neo-Tech is the conscious controlling force powerful enough to collapse the anticivilization. Once collapsed, the Civilization of the Universe based on Profound Honesty arises. Everything moves towards increased order. The majority of the people lead exciting, happy lives leading toward expanding prosperity. They continue growing towards life. Boundaries do not exist in the Civilization of the Universe.

Profound Honesty contains metaphors and contextual facts woven together to ignite the mind. Once lit, the mind quantum leaps into the Civilization of the Universe. Forever leaving behind the anticivilization ridden with its stagnation, unhappiness and death. Forever open to limitless prosperity

Second Place
Terry Prueher Entry

Profound Honesty

As a reader, you may be asking yourself:

"Why should I read this book exploring the benefits of PROFOUND HONESTY?"

In order to arrive at a reasonable answer to that question, you ask yourself the following questions:

If your answer is YES to the above questions, then you must pay the price for what you want. You can never get something for nothing...everything you want in life has a price. That price is profound honesty in all that we are, in all that we do, and in all that we have. We can not have profound honesty without effort and work. We must earn our beingness, doingness, and havingness by learning reality within the context of the laws of nature, and working with self-determined knowledge toward achievable destinies. The more responsibility we take for our destiny, the more freedom and happiness we will earn. In this context, this book about PROFOUND HONESTY is a design for our new found freedom and happiness.

Consider profound honesty in marketing. Marketing is persuasion to invest in a product or service that satisfies human wants and needs. Benefits that really improve the survival of a person are the essence of good marketing. However, much of the marketing hype, especially by governments and religions , is based on the greatest hopes and fears of mankind. In this way, governments and religions control the life of the average person by promulgating hopes and fears with false promises.

The quickest way to make enemies is to promise something, and then not delivering it...i.e., a false promise. False promises are the basis of most lawsuits, wars, and economic recessions. When you promise something make very sure you can deliver it. Do not make false promises. False promises are made by false authorities.

There is more to life than hopes and fears. When you make an important survival decision disconnect from or set aside your hopes and fears. Then decide rationally how to gain honest advantages, especially in health/fitness, productive prosperity, and romantic love.

The most honest way to gain advantages is through consistent work, and not through irrational investments in someone else's ideas. The definition of power is work per unit of time. Honest work will give you all the power you need to excel in health/fitness, productive prosperity, and romantic love.

Our freedom and happiness can be blocked by false authority. False authority is based on laziness, dishonesty, and envy...the idea that we deserve something for nothing. False authorities called parasitical elites are based on this nothingness principle. They promote this nothingness drain through the unreal illusions of force, coercion, and fraud. When you follow parasitical elites you end up with nothing, while they usurp your hard earned values of health, wealth, and love. The parasitical elites have convinced us that we need them to survive, when the opposite is the case. In doing this the parasitical elites throughout recorded history have created an anticivilization of waste and stagnation.

When you disconnect from every aspect of this anticivilization you will experience the greatest mind empowerment possible and enter the new civilization of the universe where profound honesty reigns supreme. You will eliminate laziness, dishonesty, and envy from your life forever. In doing this you will never become vulnerable to force, coercion, and fraud. You will be free to act on your own self-determinism toward survival and happiness.

Some of the freedoms you will experience when you disconnect from the anticivilization created by parasitical elites are:

With these new freedoms you will enjoy a long, happy life with profound honesty.

Since all knowledge is contextual, profound honesty is fully integrated honesty.

Consider the following example of fully integrated honesty:

There is a puzzle in which ten pieces must fit together to form a beautiful picture. You first identify each piece as it exists without change or alteration. Next you consider the relationships between pieces, or how they fit together.

When you have five pieces correctly placed, the puzzle is only 50% complete. To use this as a complete answer would lead to a false conclusion. You must fit all ten pieces together correctly to make the puzzle work and come to a fully integrated honest picture.

When you read this book you will discover new freedoms that come from fully integrated honesty with your own mind and will not need false authorities. You will put together a beautiful picture or a congruent symphony for your own happiness. Then you will be all you can be forever.

Third Place
Willy Desaulnier Entry

Profound Honesty

Wilfred E. Desaulnier, Jr.
December 31, 1996

The immediate family all gathered around my father's hospital bed and watched him take his last breath - thereby exiting the Earth's anticivilization. It was the culmination of a long series of mounting illnesses and degenerative diseases including hypertension, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke and finally coma. Equally tragic, my father-in-law and mother-in-law both quickly withered away and died of cancer after being subjected to the orthodox surgery, radiation and chemotherapy treatments and exhausting their finances. Ever wonder if it's really necessary for your loved ones to die that way? Ever wonder why after decades of existence that our medical research institutions still haven't discovered true cures for the common degenerative diseases? Ever wonder if it's really necessary to age or die at all? Ever wonder why you can't choose a holistic doctor or chiropractor as your primary care physician in your HMO? Ever wonder why we have so many off-the-counter and prescription drugs - most with side effects? Ever wonder why people are so frightened to take responsibility for their own health care? Are you happy and motivated in your workplace? Ever wonder why a single athlete should get a contract for $60,000,000? Ever wonder why the contributions of scientists and engineers are not similarly valued? Ever wonder why people choose which presidential candidate to vote for based on which one they think will win the election? Ever wonder why terrorists hijack and bomb planes and buildings killing innocent people? Ever wonder why we have battles and wars? ? ?

PROFOUND HONESTY provides the true answers to these and most of life's questions. Through Neo-Tech philosophy and Neothink business value production dynamics, it gives the true answers to death, aging, health, love, human value, life's purpose, philosophy for life, self-esteem, competitive business advantages, reality, truth and honesty. PROFOUND HONESTY provides the perspective from another world, the Civilization of Universe, to understand the foil, fraud, folly and futility of our Earth's anticivilization which is based on irrational, mystically distorted, force-oriented views of life and reality. Thus the true universal answer to the above questions is that most conscious beings are presently operating in the Earth's anticivilization instead of the more natural and inevitable Civilization of Universe. PROFOUND HONESTY starts us on the path to change all that. It lays the yellow brick road out of the anticivilization into the Civilization of Universe.

PROFOUND HONESTY is composed of: (1) the foundation of Neo-Tech Objectivism or wide-scope fully integrated honesty, (2) conscious control of the present and the future, and (3) the goal of endless riches and prosperity from another world (the Civilization of Universe). The Neo-Tech Objectivism foundation, or fully integrated honesty, provides the general tool for clearly seeing the deeds and idiocy of the Earth's anticivilization. Through Neothink, a whole-picture-thinking process, it also provides the tool for honest business value production to outcompete, undermine and combat the mystical lazy value destroyers in our institutions. The world's networked computers, through the Internet and the World Wide Web, provide the unprecedented tool and forum which ensures reality, honesty and justice in the perception of the world and the conduct of life relative to all conscious beings. Tell a lie on the Internet and see how far it will go before you are corrected, flamed or ignored. Propose something which you cannot prove and see how much it is accepted or adopted. Since no one rules cyberspace, fully integrated honesty rules cyberspace. Neo-Tech, through its liberating philosophy of Objectivism or fully integrated honesty, shines the "light" which identifies and isolates the anticivilization thus making it easier to banish. Neo-Tech also identifies the anticivilization and Civilization of Universe as two inescapable facts derived from the two fundamental choices conscious beings can make concerning their perception of reality. The basic choices each and every conscious being must make is between honesty and dishonesty or ultimately between life (prosperity) and death (stagnation). Only conscious beings can distort reality thus contributing to the Earth's irrational and mystical anticivilization. But conscious beings can alternatively perceive it honestly and assert honesty and justice to control their existence within the laws of nature thus contributing to the Civilization of Universe. The Internet and the World Wide Web, together with the inherent collective nature of mankind, ensure that reality and justice will ultimately prevail. Good will win. This clear immutable vision of two alternative worlds gives rise to the Neo-Tech stimulants which serve to identify and isolate each anticivilization perpetrator to banish them from our life. Then the wide-scope Neo-Tech accounting tool called the Golden Helmet provides a model protocol for vanishing an archetype institution (such as the IRS) in today's Earth's anticivilization.

PROFOUND HONESTY is a right-brain document delivered from a Zon living in the Civilization of Universe but residing on Earth. It gives one the tools to see the two worlds, identify anticivilization perpetrators, and eliminate them. To think, if this knowledge had been available 50 years ago my father and others may still be here on earth but in the Civilization of Universe.

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