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Index of Miscellaneous Pages
- What Is Neo-Tech? - Interview with Dr. Frank Wallace; Notes; Letters
- Dr. Frank R. Wallace Interview by Scott Long
- The Third Eye
- Atheism: The Route to the Kingdom of God - Atheism: The Route to the Kingdom of God by Drew Ellis Does the Kingdom of God actually exist? Would such a place be boring or exciting? Could we on Earth reach that place by following specific actions. This article is designed to identify the actions needed to reach a Kingdom of...
- Atheism Part 2: The Kingdom of God -- Yesterday's Metaphor - The Kingdom of God Yesterday's Metaphor The Civilization of the Universe Tomorrow's Fact by Drew Ellis Atheism's greatest value is also its disvalue. That disvalue is being totally Earth bound. Today, a major advancement needs to occur, and is occurring...
- Neo-Tech Bashing Advances Neo-Tech - Neo-Tech/Zonpower is not for everyone. Many people feel threatened by fully integrated honesty. Read the comments by the "Neo-Tech Bashers" below to see why they feel threatened...
- Stop Neo-Tech - The anonymous poster below is an unemployed government hireling who uses aliases such as KOAH and ACSE to "attack enemies of the Establishment": From: (Huge Cajones Remailer) KOAH Subject: OUTLAW NEO-TECH Date: 3 Apr 1997 14:11:53 -0500...
- The Dishonesty Machine KOAH
- IRS Destroys I&O Publishing Company
- Neo-Tech Art - Marc Gratas Neo-Tech owner Mr. Gratas has produced several pieces of art for Neo-Tech. Here he metaphorically depicts beautiful, powerful stallions (value producers) being bled to death by birds of prey (value destroyers). The rickety anticivilization has been parasitically eaten...
- Neo-Tech Comic Books -- Alan (Batman/Lobo/Anarky/Judge Dredd) Grant Interview - Kudos to Alan Grant and DC Comic Books. The Anarky series was bold, brave, and valuable...
- Winners of the Profound Honesty Contest - Announced February 28, 1997 Contest Winners Below are the first-place, second-place, and third-place winners for writing an Introduction to Profound Honesty. (unedited) First Place Tom Duterme Entry Introduction to Profound Honesty...
- Avoiding Copyright Infringements of Neo-Tech Properties - NTP encourages the honest, properly credited use of its copyrighted material on both free-and-commercial websites. Several websites are, however, unwisely infringing Neo-Tech copyrights. Those infringements are both poor business and easily avoided as per the following notice sent to a website...
- Business Gravity - ... the bogus Y2K problem vanished overnight as the real Y2K problem rose: With political scourges from Clinton/Reno ravaging Microsoft and hi-tech to Clinton/Blair ravaging biotech, the equity markets crashed. What about the future? Consider the two loci of gravity...
- A Neo-Tech Macro-Economic Model - A Neo-Tech Macro-Economic Model (Neil Lock, 8 January 1997) 1 Introduction This paper describes a very crude macro-economic model in which value producers and value destroyers interact in an economy. It: Classifies possible economies into six different types according to the model....
- Feedback Page 1 - Positive Comments recent past - J.H.,, 3/8/03 Neo-Tech is windshield wiper fluid. A.A.,, 3/7/03 I don't know how to thank you for what you have done for me. I'm not rich, don't have a job, but for the first time in my life THE FIRST TIME I am happy to be alive !!!!!!!! I want to live!!!!!!! I like who I...
- Feedback Page 2 - Positive Comments recent past
- Feedback Page 3 - Comments about the Neo-Tech/Zonpower Web Site
- Feedback Page 4 - More Comments about the Neo-Tech/Zonpower Web Site
- Feedback Page 5 - More Comments about the Neo-Tech/Zonpower Web Site
- Feedback Page 6 - More Comments about the Neo-Tech/Zonpower Web Site
- Negative Comments about the Neo-Tech web site - The overall hilarious theme of these comments is like: "How dare anyone reveal the obvious fact that I've believed so much rubbish all my life! ... I shall go on believing lies and nonsense... and you can all die and burn in hell!! ..."
- Negative Comments about Neo-Tech - The steady flow of strong reactions to Neo-Tech is not surprising. Also, not surprising but always revealing are the reactions of those people threatened by Neo-Tech. Occasionally, such people obtain copies of Neo-Tech even though, as stated in all its advertising, Neo-Tech...
- The Neo-Tech Glossary - (268 Terms) Compiled by W. J. Laurens of Neo-Tech South Africa copyright(c)1987 all rights reserved (fifth printing) Black and White Publishing Company Las Vegas, Nevada This glossary will help you obtain maximum benefits from the Neo-Tech I-V...
- My Experience with Zonpower - My Experience with Zonpower March - December 3, 1997 Dr. Frank R. Wallace C/O Neo-Tech Publishing Co. Inc. 850 South Boulder Highway Henderson, Nevada 89015 Dear Dr. Wallace: I want to begin by thanking you for making the discovery that has forever changed...
- Excerpts from the Illuminati Protocols - INTRODUCTION What is the Illuminati? What is Zon? Paranoid Conspiracy Theories Ever hear of the Illuminati? For the past two centuries, they have been condemned by nationalistic governments and mystical religions. How about the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign...
- Jesus' Secret Message - Jesus' Secret Message about Discovering a Neo-Tech Consciousness by Tracey Alexander In order to understand the New Testament and Jesus' message one must first know the distinction between the conscious mind and the bicameral mind. With...
- 10 Mega Tips - 10 Tips to becoming A Mega Successful, Wealthy And Romantic Neo-Tech Person (c) 1993 by JUSTIN PARKES From the Desk of Justin Parkes Dear Neo-Tech Friend, The 10 Tips below are a condensation of what is required to become a mega successful, wealthy and...
- Confessions of an Honest Neocheater - The Illuminati Mirror Image of Neo-Tech A Rare Glimpse into the Mind and Soul of an Honest Neocheater (edited, condensed version) Read the full, unedited Illuminati version Read an explanation of this Illuminati Illusion Neo-Tech: Enemy of the People...
- NeoCheater 2 - The following July 2000 posts (edited for brevity and clarity, not content) of "The Neocheater" on NTN #15 News Boards offer values similar to the posts of "The Honest Neocheater"...
- Insider Trading - Evil or Innocent?
- In Memoriam
- "There ought to be a law!" - Careful what you wish for...
- Business as Usual and Terrorism
- Neo-Tech Orientation and Definitions - Neo-Tech is Dedicated to The Producer of Values You are the good, the innocent. Yet, throughout history, you have been defrauded of your earned prosperity and happiness. You have been victimized by the politicians, bureaucrats, theologians, pseudo intellectuals, and the...
- Proof that Religious and Mystical Doctrines are Hoaxes - to religion seeking answers. I faithfully accepted religious teachings and submersed myself on an eight-year spiritual journey only to discover that the enlightenment offered was a deception. I felt angry and betrayed.' (As told by Tracey Alexander during a series of interviews with Eric...
- Raging Riches:
- Money Power and Romantic Love - bring Money, Power, Sex - Gates, Clinton, Trump - Stand Aside I am Going to Flood this World with Money, Power, and Romantic Love My name is Frank R. Wallace. I know the richest, most powerful person on Earth. Few on this planet know even a fraction of his wealth and power....
- I am Going to Generate for you Millions of Dollars - My name is Barbie Diamond. I am both a lover of men and an emasculator of wealth-destroying "authorities". I discovered the source of limitless wealth - millions of dollars in the first year. I discovered how to exchange my boring, stagnant existence for a life of boundless...
- Limitless Money and Sex - Outcompete God and Government for limitless Money and Sex *** First ya get the Money Then ya get the Goils Scarface, 1927 -- 70 years later -- First you Outcompete Government and God Then you get all the Guiltless Money and Romantic Love you Want - Dr. Frank R. Wallace, 1997....
- Comments on The Story
- Pocket Therapist - Pocket Therapist by Drew Ellis The Neo-Tech Cure Obsoletes psychotherapies as it cures emotional problems, co-dependency, lying, procrastination, neurosis, alcoholism, and drug abuse....
- Foreign-Language Neo-Tech/Zonpower Translations - Neo-Tech Discovery Arabic Chinese Dutch French German Hungarian Italian Japanese Portuguese Serbo-Croation Spanish Neocheating Book Chinese Zonpower from Cyberspace French Neo-Tech Stimulants French Cosmic Business Control...
- Thus Spake Zon - Thus Spake Zon by Drew Ellis People of Earth, unbeknownst to most of you, you are living like chained animals. ...You are chained to Earth's anticivilization an anticivilization that has wrought untold pain, suffering, and death throughout all of Earth's...
- The History of Love and Sex - Where does man stand today relative to love and sex? Where is he going? The answers to these questions come into clearer focus if one knows where man has been and the direction he is now moving. By objectively analyzing and studying the fascinating and sometimes startling history of love and...
- Explosive Love Eternal - Explosive Love Eternal by Maria (Translation from Spanish to English) The golden key to explosive love and sex eternal has been discovered. That gold key has been discovered in the psychology, physiology, pleasant and emotional nature of man and woman....
- Becoming an Irresistibly Sexy Man - BECOMING AN IRRESISTIBLY SEXY MAN by Maria (Translation from Spanish to English) Fully integrated honesty is the first knowledge that integrates science with philosophy, psychology, and physiology together because there cannot be a separation among facts,...
- Romantic-Love Contract
- Penis Size Chart - The primary variables in determining sexual pleasure are psychological in nature and related to one's character and value orientation. Penis size, however, can have both a physical and psychological effect on the initial degree of sexual excitement for some women....
- Deep-Muscle Vaginal Orgasm - Also from the Original 1976 Psychuous Sex: The Penis-Check Chart Aroused Sex Organs Tools of Pleasure The History of Love and Sex Romantic-Love Contract Exercise technique to firm vaginal muscle tone in order to experience vaginal orgasm and to massage an inserted penis:...
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