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The Neo-Tech Glossary

(268 Terms)

Compiled by
W. J. Laurens
Neo-Tech South Africa

all rights reserved
(fifth printing)

Black and White Publishing Company
Las Vegas, Nevada

This glossary will help you obtain maximum benefits from the Neo-Tech I-V information package. Gaining maximum advantages depends on knowing the author's meaning for each word. This glossary defines the various specialized Neo-Tech words.

This glossary will let you collect the full advantages of the Neo-Tech Information Package more quickly and effectively.

ABSOLUTES: fixed and unchanging concepts, standards and laws.

ACADEME/ACADEMIA: the world of scholars, professors, and teachers in the academic world.

AEGIS: protection, sponsorship.

AEROBICS: any form of exercise (running, swimming, biking) aimed at increasing the body's intake of oxygen.

ALLITERATION: the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of each of a series of words (e.g. Coca Cola, Moral Majority).

ALTRUISM: the practice or policy of sacrificing one's own well-being ostensibly to help or benefit others. A destructive ethical system (see Neo-Tech II, pp. xxxi - xxxv.).

AMBIGUOUS: having more than one possible meaning or interpretation; vague, uncertain.

AMORAL: not caring about morality; having no interest in questions of right or wrong.

ANALOGOUS: similar in one or more ways.

ANALOGUE: a word, thing, situation that is similar to another.

ANALOGY: a similarity or likeness; a comparison.

ANECDOTE: a short account of an interesting incident or event.

ANTITHESIS: the complete opposite (of).

ANTITRUST: opposed to large combinations of capital, monopolies.

APHORISM: proverb; short sentence stating a general truth.

APOCRYPHAL: false; of doubtful authority or origin.

APPENDIX: an addition at the end of a book or document.

ARBITRARY: based on one's own wishes or desires. Not according to any law or principle.

ASCETIC: a person who denies himself pleasures or comforts (for religious or other reasons). One who practices strict self- denial.

ASCETICISM: extreme self-denial.

ASSAILABLE: open to attack. That which can be attacked.

ASSERT: to state positively. To declare firmly.

ASSERTIVE: (too) confident and certain. Firmly positive.

ATROPHY: a wasting away. A halting in growth.

ATTRITION: wearing down.

AUGURY: prediction of the future (originally by studying the flight of birds, the organs of sacrificed animals).

AXIOM: a self-evident truth which requires no proof because the truthfulness is clearly apparent.

AXIOMATIC: accepted as true without proof being needed.

BEGUILE: to deceive or trick.

BENEVOLENT: wishing or intended to benefit others.

BESTIALITY: animal-like nature or behavior; brutality. Also, sexual relations between human and animal.

BICAMERAL: having two chambers, parts, or divisions (see Neo-Tech III, p. 65).

BLACK-HAT NEOCHEATER: one who uses Neocheating for personal gain at the expense of honest producers/players; a Neocheater who deliberately victimizes the innocent and uninformed producer/player.

BLUENOSE: a very prim and proper person; a prude.

BUREAUCRAT: an official in a government department; any official/administrator who insists on time-wasting rules and procedures that slow down production and result in unnecessary paper-work.

CAJOLE: to persuade by means of flattery, false promises or pleasant-sounding but deceitful words.

CAPRICIOUS: fickle, unpredictable. Not behaving according to any law or pattern.

CAUSE CELEBRE: a famous case of law. A hotly debated issue.

CELESTIALIZATION: the turning of a person or thing into a god.

CELIBATE: a person who takes a vow not to marry, or have sex

CHARISMA: a special gift or mysterious power such as that possessed by great leaders, popular entertainers, or others who have large followings.

CLIQUE: a small, exclusive, or snobbish group.

CLIQUISH: like a clique. Tending to form a clique.

COERCE: to force to do.

COERCION: the use of force to compel action or inaction.

COGNITIVE: having to do with awareness, perception, knowledge.

COLLECTIVISM: control of the means of production and of all economic activity by the people as a group or by the government, as in communist and socialist systems.

COLLUDE: to work together by secret agreement to deceive or defraud.

COLLUSION: secret partnership aimed at deceiving or defrauding others.

CONNOTATION: what a word suggests (in addition to its basic meaning).

CONSUMER ADVOCATE: a person who pits the consumer against the activities of businesses.

CONSUMERISM: a dishonest movement claiming to protect the consumer from unsafe or defective products.

CONSUMMATE: complete, perfect. Accomplished and well qualified.

CONTEXT: 1. the parts directly before or after a word or sentence that influence its meaning. 2. the immediate environment. Background: circumstances and conditions relating to (and/or explaining) a fact or event.

CONTEXTUAL: having to do with the context. Depending on (or explained by) the proper context.

COP A LIVING: to live parasitically by draining values from others.

COURTLY LOVE: romantic love relationships conducted in the manner or style of a royal court. Refined, dignified romantic love.

CRITERION: a standard by which a thing or person can be judged and evaluated.

CUNEIFORM: a primitive form of writing developed in Babylonia, Assyria and other places. The characters were wedge-shaped marks pressed into clay tablets.

CYCLAMATE: artificial sweetening agent banned in foods after excessively large doses were found to cause cancer in rats and mice.

DACTYLIC HEXAMETER: a poetic term referring to the regular rhythmic pattern used in poetry. Each dactyl has this form: DUM dah dah (one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed ones). Hexameter means: 6 dactyls to each line of verse.

DE FACTO: in fact, in reality; actually existing (regardless of legal or moral considerations).

DEIFY: to worship as a god. To elevate to the status of a god.

DÉJÀ VU: the feeling that one has already seen or experienced something one can't remember having seen or experienced.

DEMAGOGUE: a popular leader who stirs up the people by appealing to their emotions and prejudices to achieve selfish ends.

DEMAGOGUERY: the methods or principles of a demagogue.

DEVIOUS: deceitful, underhand, dishonest. Also, roundabout, using an indirect approach.

DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM: Marxist theory (held by all communists) that social and economic evolution is possible only as a result of stages of class conflict ending in a classless society in which everyone is equal.

DICHOTOMY: division into two (often opposing) parts.

DISPARATE: various different or incongruous elements.

DISSOLUTION: a dissolving, disbanding or destruction.

DIVINATION: act of foretelling the future (usually by interpreting signs or omens).

DON JUAN: a legendary Spanish nobleman renowned for his sexual conquests and carefree lifestyle.

DOUBLESPEAK: speaking (or writing) intended to trick and deceive.

DOUBLE STANDARD: a standard applied more leniently to one group than to another.

DUPE: fool, trick, deceive.

ECOLOGY: the science dealing with the relationships between living organisms and their environments.

EGALITARIANISM: the doctrine that all citizens should have equal political, economic and social rights, regardless of their productive capacity or willingness to contribute to the economy.

ELITE: the best or most skilled members of a given (usually social) group.

ELITISM: (Belief in) rule or domination by an elite.

EMPIRICAL: 1. relying upon or derived from observation or experiment. 2. guided by practical experience rather than theory.

EMPIRICISM: 1. the belief that experience (esp. of the senses) is the only source of knowledge. 2. the use of empirical methods. 3. an empirical opinion or statement.

ENDORPHIN: a chemical compound secreted in the brain that has a morphine like effect. Usually released during moments of pain and during prolonged exercise or running.

ENGRAM: the recording of a moment of pain in the unconscious.

ENTELECHY: the condition of a thing whose essence has been fully realized. Actuality as opposed to potential (see also title page of Neo-Tech II).

ENTREPRENEUR: a person who organizes and operates a business venture, and who assumes all the risks involved.

ENVIRONMENTALIST: a person devoted to the preservation and protection of the environment (land, water and air, as well as all living organisms).

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency.

EPISTEMOLOGY: the division of philosophy that investigates the nature and origin of knowledge. A theory of the nature of knowledge and thinking.

ESP: extrasensory perception. Psychic powers.

EUPHEMISM: the use of a less offensive or inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit or blunt.

EVANGELIST: a preacher or missionary who attempts to convert people to his faith by means of zealous preaching.

EVASION: the act of evading or avoiding.

EXCORIATE: 1. to tear or wear off the skin. Abrade. Chafe. 2. to criticize severely.

EXISTENTIALISM: a modern philosophy based on these ideas: 1. human existence cannot be explained. 2. individual experience is unique and isolated. 3. the universe is indifferent or even hostile to human existence.

EXORCISE: 1. to free (a person) from evil spirits by means of religious ceremony. 2. to free the mind by expelling wrong ideas.

EXORCISM: The act or ceremony of exorcising.

EXPLICIT: 1. stated precisely. Clearly expressed or defined. 2. outspoken in expression. Direct.

EXPROPRIATE: to deprive of (property, ownership). Especially, to take from the individual owner and put into government or public use.

EXTERNAL AUTHORITY: any person or thing (real or imagined) that controls any part of a person's life, with or without that person's consent.

EXTOL: to praise highly.

FASCISM: a strongly nationalistic movement in favor of government control of industry and labor. Fascism permits private ownership of property, but in a fascist state, industry and labor are regulated strictly, and opposition to the government is strongly suppressed.

FCC: Federal Communication Commission. The U.S. government commission that regulates all systems of electronic communication.

FDA: Food and Drug Administration. The U.S. government department that regulates drugs and other chemicals as well as foods and food additives.

FETISH: 1. any material object supposed to have magical power. 2. anything regarded with unquestioning devotion and reverence. 3. any object or body part arousing abnormal sexual excitement.


FLAGRANTE DELICTO: while the crime is being committed. Caught in the act.

FLIMFLAM: cheat, trick.

FLUXING: a flowing. Flow.

FOIST: to palm off as genuine. To impose slyly.

FOMENT: to stir up, incite.

FORNICATION: voluntary sexual relations between unmarried persons.

FRS: Federal Reserve System. A system of banks controlled by the U.S. government.

FTC: Federal Trade Commission. A U.S. government commission regulating trade practices.

FUNDAMENTALISM: the belief that the words of the Bible were inspired by God and should be believed and followed literally.

GENERIC: having to do with a class or group of similar things. Not specific.

GENRE: kind. Sort. Style

GENUS: kind. Sort. Class. In biology, a group of related animals or plants.

GESTALT: an integrated group of actions or experiences, which function as a whole over and above the sum of its parts.

GESTALTISM: a school of psychology based on the gestalt concept.

GLOSSOLALIA: the power to speak in strange, foreign languages. The gift of tongues.

GRATUITOUS: 1. freely given or obtained. 2. without reason or cause. 3. unnecessary; uncalled for.

GURU: spiritual guide or leader.

HEW: Health, Education and Welfare (a U.S. government department).


HIERATIC: 1. having to do with the priestly class. 2. having to do with a form of Egyptian writing used by the early priests.

HOMILY: a moral lecture or sermon.

HUCKSTER: 1. a peddler or hawker. 2. a mean and unfair trader.

HUD: Housing and Urban Development (a U.S. government department).

HYPOTHESIS: something assumed because it seems to be a true explanation. A theory.

ILIAD: the epic poem about the Trojan War. Attributed to Homer.

ILLUSION: 1. an erroneous perception of reality. 2. an erroneous idea or belief.

IMMUTABLE: unchanging. Not capable of change.

IMPUNITY: no fear or likelihood of punishment or retaliation.

INALIENABLE: that cannot be given away or taken away.

INDIGENT: poor, needy.

INITIATORY FORCE: force deliberately initiated against an individual or group.

INIMICAL: harmful, destructive.

INNUENDO: an indirect hint, suggestion or reference, especially a negative one.

INQUISITION: 1. a searching enquiry. 2. an official investigation. 3. (The Inquisition) a court appointed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1227 to suppress heresy.

INQUISITOR: an investigator.

INSIDIOUS: 1. sly. Crafty. Treacherous. 2. working secretly or subtly; more dangerous than is apparent.

INTEGRATE: 1. to put or bring (parts, ideas) together to form a unified whole. 2. to remove separations between race groups.

INTERNAL MYSTICISM: mysticism coming from within the individual rather than being imposed on him by external authorities. Self-created mystical illusions.

INTROSPECTION: the examination of one's own thoughts or feelings.

INVERSE RELATIONSHIP: a relationship in which one element decreases while the other increases, or vice versa.

INVERSION: a reversal of the normal order; a turning upside down.

IRS: Internal Revenue Service (the U.S. government department that collects taxes). The November-3rd guns-and-fists Empire.

LETHARGIC: unnaturally sluggish, drowsy, lazy.

LEVERAGE: 1. the action of a lever, or the increased power obtained by using one. 2. increased power or advantage.

LIBERAL: (originally) a pro-individual thinker who opposed government force of any kind. Modern "liberals" label themselves as such to create the illusion that they favor individual rights. In fact, they are Neocheaters who favor the use of government force to usurp values and power from producers.

LIBERTARIANISM: a philosophical movement which favors liberty with freedom of thought and conduct.

LITIGATION: legal action. Law-suits. The act or process of suing another in the law courts.

LOBOTOMY: to surgically cut nerve fibers in the brain in an effort to modify behavior.

MACHINATION: evil or crafty plotting. A devious scheme.

MAOISM: the Communist ideology of Mao Tse Tung, late Chinese communist leader. Maoism was characterized by strict adherence to Marxism.

MARXISM: the political, economic and social theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. These theories favor continuing class struggle aimed at the establishment of a classless, egalitarian society and communal ownership of all natural and industrial resources.

MATRIX: a situation (or surrounding substance) in which something originates, develops or is contained.

MEDIA: the various systems of mass communication, e.g. newspapers, TV, and the radio.

METAPHOR: a figure of speech in which two dissimilar people, things or concepts are implied to be the same. An implied comparison or analogy.

METAPHYSICS: the branch of philosophy that studies the nature or origins of the universe and tries to explain reality and knowledge.

MODUS OPERANDI: method of operation. Method or manner of working.

MEMENTO MORI: any reminder of death or mortality, e.g. a death's-head emblematic of death.

MYSTICISM: the use of irrational and/or deceptive ideas to create problems where none exist. Any mental, psychological or physical force attempt to change or distort reality by means of dishonesty or rationalizations (see also Neo-Tech II p. xiii).

NANOTECHNOLOGY: construction or technology operating on the molecular level. Equals a billionth of a unit.

NASCENT: developing. Not yet fully grown or developed.

NEOCHEATING: The new cheating for usurping values earned by others. Intentional, normally undetectable use of mysticism aimed at misleading or manipulating others in order to extract values (money and power) from them (see also Neo-Tech II, p. xiii-xv).

NEO-TECH: fully integrated honesty. The gaining of maximum unbeatable advantages in competitive situations by: 1. reducing mysticism within oneself and 2. rejecting mystical influences from others (see also Neo-Tech II, p. vii).

NIRVANA: the Buddhist concept of heavenly peace. A state of perfect happiness.

NON SEQUITUR: a tool commonly used by neocheaters and mystics, non sequiturs (literal Latin meaning "it does not follow") are statements, arguments, accusations that do not follow logically from anything previously said or written, on that subject (see also Neo-Tech II, p. i).

OBFUSCATE: to confuse. Bewilder. Obscure.

OBJECTIVE REALITY: that which is objectively real or true, regardless of any opinions held by any person. Objective reality is real for all people. Subjective reality is real only for one individual (although he may be able to get others to agree with his subjective perception of objective reality). Subjective realities, if they are in conflict with objective reality, routinely lead to problems.

OBJECTIVISM: any philosophy which holds that all value-producing thoughts or actions arise from accurate perception of objective reality.

ODYSSEYGreek epic poem attributed to Homer. It describes the wanderings of Odysseus (Ulysses) during the ten years of his journey home from the battle of Troy.

OPA: Office of Price Administration (a U.S. government department).

OPPRESS: to govern harshly. To use force cruelly in ruling a group or nation.

ORACLE: 1. (in ancient Greece or Rome) A person from which mystical answers to questions are obtained: A priest, priestess, or babbler through whom the answer passed. 2. divine revelation or prophecy.

ORIGINAL+SIN: Catholic doctrine that the sin of Adam in the Garden of Eden has been transmitted to all men, whose nature is therefore innately evil.

OSTRACIZE: to shun or ignore. To stop communicating with.

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (a U. S. government department).

OUT-OF-CONTEXT: not in proper context. Separated from the context that can explain it.

PAPAL BULL: a formal announcement or order by the Pope.

PARABLE: a brief story teaching a moral or lesson.

PARADIGM: a pattern or example. Model to be initiated.

PARANOIA: a mental disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur.

PARANOID: displaying the symptoms of paranoia.

PEDAGOGIC: having to do with teachers or teaching.

PEJORATIVE: making worse. Tending to belittle or condemn.

PERPETRATION: the act of committing a crime, fraud, trick, or foolish action.

PERSIFLAGE: light, joking talk or writing.

PERVASIVE: tending to be or spread throughout.

PEYOTE: a stimulating drug found in certain species of cacti.

PHILOSOPHY: 1. the study of the truth or principles underlying all knowledge. 2. an explanation or theory of the universe. 3. a system for guiding life, as a body of rules of conduct, religious beliefs, etc.

PHYSIOLOGY: the science dealing with the structure and normal functions of living things.

PK: psychokinesis, the power to move objects using the mind alone. (A mystical fraud.)

PLATITUDE: a dull or commonplace remark, especially one spoken or written solemnly as if it were fresh or important.

PLETHORA: a superabundance. Excessive fullness. Too much.

PLOY: a sly action or remark aimed at obtaining an advantage over another.

POPULISM: the principles and policies of the populists -- also known as the People's Party (founded in 1891 in the U.S.). These policies included government control of various industries, increased taxes, limitations on private ownership.

POSIT: to lay down or assume as a fact or principle.

POWERCRAT: a politician seeking to increase government power over the individual.

PRAGMATIC: concerned with practical results or values. Not concerned with moral principles but with the practical results of actions.

PRECURSOR: a forerunner. A person or thing which precedes.

PREDESTINATION: the belief that God or fate has decided beforehand the exact course of one's entire life, and that one has no freedom of choice.

PREMISE: a statement assumed to be true and which is used to draw a conclusion.

PROMULGATE: announce officially. Proclaim formally.

PROSCRIBE: 1. to prohibit as wrong or dangerous. 2. to put outside of the protection of the law.

PROSELYTIZE: to make converts; to convert (someone) to a belief or religion.

PSEUDO SCIENTIFIC: falsely scientific. Appearing scientific on the surface.

PSYCHE DEATH: as opposed to the death of the physical body, the "death" of awareness, interest, mental growth. Mental stagnation.

PSYCHUOUS: a new word describing integrations that combine the activities of the mind, body and emotions to continuously increase prosperity, happiness and romantic love (see also Neo-Tech II p. vii-xiii).

RATIONAL: sensible, reasonable. Based on clear reasoning and accurate perception of objective reality.

RATIONALIZATION: 1. the act of rationalizing. 2. the finding (often unconsciously) of an explanation or excuse for. 3. a seemingly acceptable explanation or excuse. 4. a rational explanation.

RATIONALIZE: 1. to make rational or reasonable. 2. to treat or explain in a rational manner. 3. to find an explanation or excuse for.

REACTIONARY: 1. showing a tendency to return to a previous state of political affairs. 2. an extreme conservative.

REDUNDANCY: Unnecessarily repetitive.

REGRESS: 1. to go back. Return. 2. to return to an earlier or less advanced state.

REGRESSION: 1. backward movement. 2. (in psychology) a reversion to an earlier stage of thinking, feeling as a way of escaping difficulties in the present.

RENAISSANCE: 1. the great revival of art and learning in Europe during the 1300s, 1400s, 1500s. 2. renaissance -- a revival; a new birth.

REPRESS: 1. to prevent from acting. Check. 2. to keep down. To force down (as a painful memory or impulse may be forced from the conscious mind into the unconscious).

RETARDANT: something that delays an action, process, or effect.

SACRAMENT: any of certain solemn ceremonies (Baptism and Matrimony) and religious acts of the Christian church.

SCHIZOPHRENIA: a mental disease in which the patient is unaware of his present-time environment and may display a split personality.

SCION: a descendant or heir.

SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission (a U.S. government commission which is supposed to protect investors from malpractices in the securities industry and on the Stock Exchange).

SECULAR: having to do with worldly affairs, not religious matters.

SIBYL: a (Greek or Roman) prophetess or oracle.

SKID ROW: a slum street with saloons and cheap rooming houses frequented by the dregs of society.

SOCIOPSYCHOLOGICAL: having to do with social psychology (the study of man's behavior in social groupings).

SOPHISM: clever but misleading argument. Argument based on false reasoning.

SOPHISTIC/SOPHISTICAL: 1. clever but misleading. Based on false or unsound reasoning. 2. using clever but misleading or false reasoning.

SORTILEGE: divining the future by the casting or drawing of lots.

SPECIOUS: seeming desirable or reasonable but not really so. Appearance in order to deceive.

SPURIOUS: not genuine or authentic. False, sham.

STOICISM: a philosophy based on the idea that virtue was the highest good, and that man should repress his feelings and be unmoved by life's happenings.

SUBJECTIVE REALITY: the individual's own personal perception of objective reality. A perception which may be distorted by his emotions, attitudes.

SUBJUGATE: 1. to conquer or subdue. 2. to bring under complete control.

SUBLIMATE: 1. to purify; refine. 2. to change (an undesirable impulse or trait) into a more desirable or acceptable activity.

SUBVERT: 1. to overthrow. Ruin. Destroy. 2. to undermine or corrupt.

SUFFRAGE: 1. the right to vote. 2. the exercise of this right.

SUPPRESS: 1. to put an end to; to stop by force. 2. to prevent or prohibit the publication or circulation of. 3. to keep in. Hold back. 4. to subdue or control (a feeling or habit). 5. to keep secret. Refrain from disclosing or revealing (facts, truth).

SURREPTITIOUS: acting by stealth or secretly. Done, used, obtained in a secret or unauthorized manner.

SYMBIOTIC: having to do with or involving an association or living together of two unlike organisms for the benefit of each other.

SYMPTOM: 1. a sign. Indication. 2. a noticeable change in the normal working of the body that indicates or accompanies illness.

SYMPTOMATIC: indicating. Being a sign of a disease.

SYNDROME: a group of symptoms considered together as characteristics of a particular disease.

SYNERGISTIC: of or having to do with synergy.

SYNERGY: combined or correlated action which increases the power of that combination beyond the additive power of each separate item or force.

SYNTACTICAL: having to do with syntax. Conforming to the rules of correct syntax (see syntax below).

SYNTAX: the arrangement of words to form sentences, clauses or phrases. The correct use of words in phrases, clauses, and sentences.

TAUTOLOGY: saying a thing over again in other words without adding clearness or force.

THEISM: belief in a god.

THEOCRACY: 1. a government in which God (or a god) is recognized as supreme ruler and religious laws are taken as the laws of the land. 2. government by priests.

THEOLOGIAN: a student of or expert in theology. The study of God and religion.

TOTALITARIANISM: a political system in which one party controls the government and no other political groups are allowed to exist.

TRUISM: a statement so obviously true that it does not require discussion. A self-evident truth, especially one that has been endlessly repeated.

UFO: Unidentified Flying Object.

UNASSAILABLE: immune to attack. Safe from attack.

USURP: to seize and hold (power or position) by force and without right.

VANQUISH: defeat. Conquer.

VASSAL: 1. in the European feudal system, a tenant farmer working lands of a superior. 2. a servant; person subject to some influence; slave.

VILIFICATION: slander. Badmouthing. A vilifying.

VILIFY: to speak evil of. Slander.

VIRULENT: very poisonous or harmful. Deadly. Bitter.

VOLITION: 1. The act or power of choosing, using one's own will. 2. A conscious choice. The power of choosing.

VOLITIONAL: having or exercising the power of volition, proceeding from volition.

WHITE-HAT NEOCHEATER: An honest person who cheats the cheaters to benefit their victims (such as bankrupting other cheaters).

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