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10 Tips
to becoming
A Mega Successful,
Wealthy And Romantic
Neo-Tech Person

(c) 1993



From the Desk of Justin Parkes

Dear Neo-Tech Friend,

The 10 Tips below are a condensation of what is required to become a mega successful, wealthy and romantic Neo-Tech person. They may, however, raise new questions in your mind. I have, therefore, added a bonus Tip 11 -- For any unanswered questions, see my bonus Tip 11.

Best Wishes,


Mega Tip 1

Work to gain a thorough understanding of Mark Hamilton's formula for happiness. That is:

Productive Work
(the source)

Value Reflection

(primarily with your romantic love partner)
(the experience)


A full understanding of the above formula can take months, even years to develop. A full understanding is only developed by putting the formula into practice. When the above happiness formula is applied to all facets of your life, then you are guaranteed to become a mega successful, wealthy and romantic Neo-Tech person.

Mega Tip 2

The key to success in your work can be expressed as follows:

Successful Productive Work =
Rational Thinking
Rational Action

I will give you some tips on what is required for both of these. Since all rational actions lead from rational thinking, lets give priority to your thinking. The first tip for being a rational thinker is:

Live by a consistent set of principles.

Here are the two broadest principles available to conscious beings (they also guarantee mega success in every area of life):

The First Principle is the key to the Civilization of the Universe

a) Originate all conscious actions from the Civilization of the Universe and,

b) Ignore everything in the anticivilization as nothing.

In this way, every harmful aspect of the anticivilization is dismissed and vanished.

The Second Principle guarantees your success not only in our current anticivilization, but also that you will successfully evolve into the Civilization of the Universe for a natural life of ecstasy -- forever!

I call it the Principle of Neo-Tech:

NEVER allow a
thought to pass by
an action to occur
without putting it through
the fully integrated honesty


Mega Tip 3

Continually develop your mind. Never leave questions in your mind unanswered. By taking this approach, you will find yourself digging into deeper and deeper levels of knowledge and understanding on many broad, but interrelated areas. This continual process will give your principles content and meaning. It will bring them to life, acting as guideposts that are concrete and directly applicable to your life.

Especially for conscious beings caught within Earth's transitional period from anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe, one of the most important requirements for achieving everlasting happiness is to learn what rational thinking is. Here is a condensed formula of what rational thinking consists of:

Proper Concept Formation
Use of The Method of Logic
Thinking Based on Reason

See Tip 11 for some excellent reference material on the above crucial formulation.

Mega Tip 4

My last tip on rational thinking is a technique used to weed out the destructive effects of anticivilization.

Keep An
To Attack List

Be honest with yourself, and use the Principle of Neo-Tech, to become acutely aware of your own irrationalities and weaknesses. I personally keep such a list, and attack all weaknesses head-on. It is important to emotionally integrate the growth that this will represent to you personally (rather than thinking of it as a negative -- we all have our irrationalities/weaknesses).

Some examples of the areas covered on my list are: My handling of personnel at work, my personal work practices, my numbers area in my work, and some weaknesses in my personal realm.

Continually developing your mind while weeding out irrationalities, will move you closer to operating from my number one principle, the key to the Civilization of the Universe.

Mega Tip 5

It was stated earlier that all rational actions lead from your rational thinking. This is true. As conscious beings, our minds are primary, the control room -- and our actions follow. Priority in these tips therefore been given to mastering the use of your conscious control room.

What follows are my personal action-principles for success in business. (Readers of Mark Hamilton's revolutionary works on success in business will immediately recognize who has been the major influence in this area):

Actions For Success In Business

Burrow In
(suck up details, increase personal and company-wide efficiency)

Operate With High Energy And Intensity
(both physical and mental)

Continually Go Back And Forth
(tapping on roots)

Dig Into The Littler And Nastier Versus Dreaming About The Bigger And Better

Seize Control By Taking 100% Responsibility

Mega Tip 6

The personal realm of your life is made up of the following areas:

Romantic Relationship
Other Relationships
Personal Health/Fitness
= Personal Realm

Of these three areas, one's romantic relationship is the most important. Referring back to Tip 1, you will see it is a crucial element in the formula for happiness. Without generalizing to all men, in my experience I have seen that most men give their romantic relationship less attention than it deserves -- opting, in the most part innocently, to put 100% of their energy into their productive work.

A Conscious Being Has Three Main Areas Of Need:
Emotional/Romantic/Family & Friends
Physical/Health & Fitness

See Tips 9 and 10 for one's physical needs. The first two areas translate to productive work and value-reflection time. The main tip here, (which in my experience is directed to men rather than women), is give your romantic relationship the status it deserves. Treat it with respect -- as the most precious commodity you have. Nurture it with thought-out efforts, and it will deliver an indescribable happiness -- ecstasy -- as stated in the formula for happiness.

Mega Tip 7

Tip 7 follows on from an understanding of the crucial importance of a romantic relationship to your life. This Tip is two-fold:

If you don't have a romantic love partner -- get one.

Easier said than done, I know. But, the point is to never give up the search, and put real thought-out effort into your pursuit of a romantic partner to share the joys of living with. This is just too important to ever give up on. Eric Savage offers some excellent advice on this pursuit in his book Wealth Power!

Realize also that you do not need to carry around with you a 50 point check-off list of traits a potential partner must possess. Self-honesty in a man or a women surfaces in just a few key character traits. Does a man focus on building his value-creating essence? Is a women naturally happy from day to day? These are tell-all signs of many other factors at work within an individual.

If you do have a romantic love partner -- set aside time daily for "the celebration". (see Mega Tip 8)

Mega Tip 8

Again, without generalizing to all men, Tip 8 is mainly directed toward men -- and their struggle to "let go" of their value creation dynamics during their "celebration" time with their romantic love partner.

Even though a man carries with him "24 hours" a day integrations on his value creation dynamics, he must emotionally "let go" of these integrations during value reflection time. Value reflection time cannot be allowed to suffer due to worries about work. The very nature of value creation is that there will always be unsolved problems on one's mind. The constant solving of problems, and new one's arising (due to new dynamics), is an indication of growth. Emotionally integrate this growth, and enjoy your earned rewards.

In the presence of one's romantic partner, during the precious "celebration" time that you both set aside, simply relax! This is your time to reflect. A time to refuel yourself. A time to lay-back and freely receive the most profound pleasures available to man. Freely give and receive affection (the hallmark of two people in love). This is the time to guiltlessly enjoy your earned rewards. Shower your Princess with passionate love -- the type only available to mega successful, wealthy and romantic Neo-Tech men.

Mega Tip 9

Let's look quickly at personal health and fitness. The first issue is that of diet. I do not profess to be a trained nutritionist or doctor, and I am not in the business of giving medical advice. For myself, I follow some simple rules for eating healthy foods.

I call my diet the "Whole Foods Diet". I eat only whole foods, while avoiding any food that is damaging to my body. The obvious ones are caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. Since sugar is the most destructive of these, I have listed it affects:

Sugar is an addictive sedative drug which exhibits long-range toxicity toward the body and organs. It gradually and irreversibly damages the metabolic system and internal organs. It immediately causes metabolic distortions which leads to fatigue (and low productiveness), headache, and that "pit-in-the-stomach" feeling, and also leads to obesity, hypoglycemia, diabetes and heart-disease.

Make extra efforts in shopping to read labels and avoid sugar. Remember to also look for sugar in it's disguised forms such as corn syrup, fructose, dextrose, and lactose. Also, other foods can have the same effects as sugar (such as fatigue and that "pit-in-the-stomach" feeling). Since everyone has different food "allergies", a good guide is if a particular food has this affect on you, it is best to avoid it.

Mega Tip 10

Personal health and fitness would not be complete without daily aerobic exercise. Daily aerobic exercise keeps your body and mind healthy, increases productivity, and makes you more attractive romantically. To me, it is a daily "fix". You don't need to spend a lot of time or money to stay in shape. Just 20 minutes a day, and a good pair of running shoes will suffice. For the magnificent "tune-up" effect aerobic exercise has on your body, see The Neo-Tech/Zonpower Discovery and Aerobics, Kenneth Cooper, M.D., Bantam Books.

Mega Tip 11

This is my bonus Hot Tip. To guarantee your journey to becoming a mega successful, wealthy and romantic Neo-Tech person, thoroughly read, and re-read for an integrated understanding the following books:

Justin Parkes' Short List of Suggested Titles

Neo-Tech/Zonpower Discovery
Dr. Frank R. Wallace (Neo-Tech Publishing, 1994 Edition)
Cassandra's Secret Kit [Out of print]
Dr. Frank R. Wallace (The Zon Association, 1994)
The Self-Leader
Mark Hamilton (Neo-Tech Publishing, 1993)
(3rd printing), Eric Savage (Neo-Tech Publishing, 1993)
Kick-Start Report [Out of print]
Mark Hamilton (Neo-Tech Publishing, 1992)
Happiness Forever
Mark Hamilton (Neo-Tech Publishing, 1990)

Recommended For Defense Against Parasitical Elites

The Neo-Tech Protection Kit
Dr. Frank R. Wallace (Neo-Tech Worldwide, 1992)

Final Recommendation

Objectivism -- The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
Leonard Peikoff (Dutton, 1991)

This final book is a masterpiece by Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff. In the words of Dr. Frank R. Wallace, "After thirty years of preparation and six years of writing and editing, he crafted Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism into 180,000 words. Those words link the entire Civilization of the Universe to all existence, throughout all time." In the words of Eric Savage, "After reading Objectivism -- The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, a person understands explicitly how to identify reality and how to act rationally. Mankind has finally been given the axiomatic grounding and necessary proofs. ...All of the countless contradictions and deceptions promoted by mystical and neocheating intellectuals throughout the ages are swept away."

Mega Tips Summary

Mega Tip 1 Productive Work + Value Reflection = HAPPINESS
Mega Tip 2 Successful Productive Work = Rational Thinking + Rational Action

Establish and live by a consistent set of principles.

Mega Tip 3 Continually develop your mind. Discover what rational thinking consists of:

Thinking Based on Reason = Proper Concept Formation + Use of The Method of Logic

Mega Tip 4 Keep An Irrationalities/Weaknesses To Attack List.
Mega Tip 5 Enact actions for success in business.
Mega Tip 6 Personal Realm = Romantic Relationship + Other Relationships + Personal Health/Fitness.

Of these three areas, one's romantic relationship is the most important.

Mega Tip 7 If you don't have a romantic love partner -- get one.

If you do have a romantic love partner -- set aside time daily for "the celebration".

Mega Tip 8 During the precious "celebration" time with your romantic partner, simply relax, reflect, and freely give and receive the most profound pleasures available to man.
Mega Tip 9 Eat a healthy "Whole Foods Diet".
Mega Tip 10 Keep your body and mind healthy, increase productivity, and make yourself more attractive romantically with daily aerobic exercise.

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