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Negative Comments about Neo-Tech

The steady flow of strong reactions to Neo-Tech is not surprising. Also, not surprising but always revealing are the reactions of those people threatened by Neo-Tech. Occasionally, such people obtain copies of Neo-Tech even though, as stated in all its advertising, Neo-Tech Publishing Company refuses and rejects orders from mystic pushers (including their followers and "true believers"), neocheaters (including their followers and cohorts), and all other professional value destroyers.

After reading the Neo-Tech Advantages, reread the negative commentaries [also more here]. Nothing underscored more clearly the immaturity, ignorance, and impotence of those still smothered in the mystical/neocheating world. For that world is from a bygone guilt-filled era in which one sacrifices his or her life and happiness to the nothingness of mysticism -- the stupidness disease manipulated by professional mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers.

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