Scene 3
Now, Collect Your Riches
For twenty-five centuries, the world's value creators remained unable or unwilling to win the War of Two Worlds -- the war of "value creation versus value destruction". On September 11, 2001, a handful few realized that, without victory, Earthlings would perish in a 21st-century swirl of biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear detonations. Furthermore, they realized that Americans are committing intellectual and spiritual suicide via (1) escalating beliefs in pseudo-sciences, occultisms, and paranormalisms along with (2) escalating faiths in politics, scriptures, and religions. They also realized that Americans are committing financial and physical suicide via (1) populist/socialist "gimme" parasitisms yielding economic-and-social destructions along with (2) self-indulgent ravagings yielding sickness-and-obesity destructions.
After September 11, 2001, that handful few discovered what is implicitly feared by nearly everyone, familiar or not with Neo-Tech: That fear is of a vividly expressed responsibility to achieve limitless freedom, prosperity, and happiness here on Earth. Anticivilization citizens cannot psychologically abide the idea of limitlessness. For, who in the anticivilization will accept the responsibility of living without limits -- living without rulers, gurus, or Gods -- living without sickness, aging, or death?
Thomas Aquinas identified in the 13th century that Earthlings cannot abide the idea of limitless life -- of limitless freedom, prosperity, and happiness. And, then, Aquinas fired the first torpedo into Catholicism and the Christian religion by separating the mystical realm from the Earthly realm. ...As explained in Scene #1 of Pax Neo-Tech, the problem of replacing the anticivilization with a universal civilization is not physical or philosophical -- it is psychological.
Today, not just self-aggrandizing politicians, sophistic academics, and unctuous preachers dislike Neo-Tech, but so do good-intentioned Libertarians, brilliant Objectivists, and decent religious believers. In their contorted struggles to "save the appearances" of obsolete ideas or bogus beliefs, many say and do almost anything to avoid confronting deep-rooted change. Thus, they have for years publicly flamed anticivilization-nullifying Neo-Tech with ad-hominem zeal. And, why not? Nullifying today's anticivilization for a free-market business/science/art civilization means chucking their stale, long-held biases, beliefs, and faiths in politics, religions, and philosophies -- chucking them as harmful to the present and irrelevant to the future.
Einstein swept away the "obviously-necessary" aether via a universe of relativity. Neo-Tech sweeps away "obviously-necessary" politics, religion, and philosophy via a universe of business, science, and art. ... Conscious life never advances through force-backed politics, static epistemologies, mystical metaphysics, irrational faiths, and mystical "spiritualities". Instead, it advances through free-market business, education, science, and art.
Recall again mankind's grandest achievement in Earth's 2500-year-old anticivilization by America's founding fathers: They created free America not by intellectualizing theories of politics, religion, and philosophy. Instead, they envisioned the future by integrating facts of history with natural law, physical reality, and commonsense actions.
Where to start winning Earth's final war between "good" and "evil"? Where to start collecting clean-sweep riches?
Start by Undermining Dishonesties and Irrationalities
Neo-Tech profitably undermines religion, politics, and philosophy. To sense the contours of such underminings, start with religion -- Islam's Muslim religion: It is the world's fastest growing major religion. It encompasses a vast swath of history and diversity. It crosses every social, economic, national, and ethnic boundary in gripping today a billion-and-a-half people. Islamic power rises ingeniously from four simple tenets of Islam that the literate and illiterate alike can quickly understand and easily embrace. But, the crowning intellectual achievement -- the Muslim's tour de force -- is the sweeping power of scholarly Islamic laws constructed over the centuries from the Qur'an. ...As one secular humanist identified, the Qur'an itself is an impressive piece of Arabic poetry that compels murderously irrational behaviors toward all non-Muslims as well as Muslims arbitrarily deemed "heretical".
Modeled after the 613 laws of the Jewish Torah, Islam's widely-applicable laws formulate into explicit dos and don'ts that proclaim infallible answers for every question of what is "right and wrong". Many of the Qur'an's laws are sensible, healthy, and rational -- that is the "evil" genius of the Qur'an. ... Thus, the Qur'an becomes "Allah's will to whom all must submit ... or die by the sword".
Islamic laws shape every detail of a devout Muslim's life. By rigidly following those laws, Muslims avoid the responsibility of independent judgments and freethinking decisions needed to advance conscious life. Those laws let Muslims sidestep the responsibility of creating-and-producing competitive values for themselves, others, and society. Increasingly today, duped Muslims move backward, toward the Middle Ages, even back into caves. They become decreasingly competitive, unable to earn joyfully-prosperous lives. Their personal-and-collective failures make them bitterly-envious losers wanting to crush or kill every successful infidel. ...They destroy their futures by surrendering to Islamic laws formulated a thousand years ago.
One can profitably undermine religion by understanding the Qur'an: Consider that the Bible and most Western literature are organized around a chronological or hierarchical order. By contrast, the Qur'an on initial examination seems to have no organizing principle. Its text appears as a disorganized, ad-hoc collection of brief but hard-impact, bullet-like warnings, identifications, and instructions for a paradise afterlife.
The word Islam in Arabic means "to submit". The most ardent-and-absolute Qur'anic command of Islam is to convert every Earthling to Islam...and kill every infidel who does not submit. Yet, the Christian Bible, in its Book of Revelation, surpasses the Qur'an in shear malevolence and hatred of humanity through advocating the brutal premeditated murder of every person on Earth. Remember, too, how for centuries devout Christians genocidally impoverished, tortured, and killed infidels, heretics, and free thinkers by the millions.
Today, hordes of Christian fundamentalists enthusiastically purchased 40-million copies of books by Christian authors Jenkins and LaHaye. Those devout authors describe how Jesus during his Second Coming will gruesomely execute nonbelievers as their "innards and entrails gushed to the desert floor ... their blood pooling and rising in the unforgiving brightness of God".
Moreover, what about the great flood? What about God's own holy words in which he biblically confesses to premeditated mass murder. He sanctimoniously admits to sadistically-cruel genocide of conscious life. Yes, God admits to drowning every man, woman and innocent child on Earth, save two blind-faith automatons.
At their core, religions of Gods and Politics are irrational, dishonest, and ultimately genocidal. Thus, to survive this age of nuclear, radiological, and bio/chemical weapons, Islam along with Christianity, Judaism, socialism, fascism, and every other form of crippling mysticism and criminal irrationality must be shredded and clean swept from Earth.
Earthlings can no longer indulge in the bizarre of practices of irrational religions and dishonest politics. For the first time in human history, "kill-'em-all" weapons are becoming available to all comers at ever-cheaper prices. "Kill-'em-all" Islam is on the ascent today. Still, as in the past, the ascent of "kill-'em-all" Christianity, Judaism, Socialism, Fascism, or Utopianism is possible at any future time. ...Thus, looms Earth's final war to rid the world of those irrationalities and dishonesties.
As shown in this Scene 3 and in Coda #2, Pax Neo-Tech and Pax Law must (1) profitably shrink irrationalities and mysticisms to null points, and (2) permanently eliminate terrorism at every level. ...If not, Earthlings will vanish in mushroom clouds ... or die from radiological, biological, or chemical sicknesses.
Outflanking the Qur'an
Similar to Pax Neo-Tech, the Qur'an generally flows in a reverse chronological order and seems to lack an organizing principle. Still, the Qur'an forms a narrow-scope matrix of random warnings, identifications, and guides. Likewise, seemingly-random Neo-Tech nuggets self-organize into a wide-scope matrix comprising bullets that mow down right-brain religious, political, and philosophical delusions. ... In that way, Neo-Tech profitably outflanks the Qur'an.
Now, travel back fourteen centuries: According to legend, "Prophet" Muhammad was the mystical messenger to whom the Qur'an was recited -- hallucinated -- over a period of twenty-two years by imagined angels sent by an imagined God. According to reality, however, "Commander" Muhammad was not only a charismatic military genius, but was a treacherous deceiver, a serial wife-beater, and as a 54-year-old man was a self-admitted child rapist of a 9-year-old girl named Aisha.
Muhammad deployed religion as a weapon for zombifying his troops into (1) berserkly murdering his proclaimed enemies and then (2) brutally plundering his conquests. ...Recall that in Dante's Divine Comedy, one finds Muhammad confined near the deepest levels in the Inferno. Why? Because his Earthly life was filled with murderously-destructive deceptions.
Muhammad used his newly-formulated Islamic manipulations and a conjured-up Qur'an as weapons to mass murder, plunder, and conquer neighboring lands. He then expanded his brutal rule under the aegis of establishing a holy Islamic empire. He learned his masterful deceptions from serial-killer Constantine the Great of four centuries earlier. After murdering his own wife and son, Constantine used his newly-formulated Christian deceptions and a conjured-up Bible as weapons to mass murder, usurp power, and conquer Europe. He then expanded his brutal rule under the aegis of establishing a Holy Roman Empire culminated by Charlemagne in 813. ...One would expect to find Constantine dwelling alongside Muhammad in Dante's Inferno.
Now, return to the Qur'an: Contrast the benevolent, crime-abolishing Constitution of the Universe in Aria #1 to the malevolent, crime-promoting Qur'an cited next:
* "not to make friendships with Jews and Christians" [5:51]
* "kill the disbelievers wherever we find them" [2:191]
* "fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie and wait for them in every stratagem" [9:5]
[ref: Free Inquiry, Spring 2002, page 35. That Pulitzer-worthy issue offers eight historical articles about Islam and the Qur'an (see
Muslims and the West After September 11). Highly recommended: Subscribe to the anti-mystical literature published by the Secular Humanists, especially its outstanding magazine Free Inquiry at Also, financially support that international organization led by its benevolent-and-venerable founder, Dr. Paul Kurtz. Support the Council for Secular Humanists? Yes. Look past its irrelevant noises -- its socialist-left editorial positions. For, the outstanding value of the Council's writers and researchers flows from their potent anti-mystical, pro-science publications to advance Neo-Tech's goal of curing the disease of mysticism. Remember that they too are, as is almost everyone, trapped in the anticivilization. Those Secular Humanists are fenced in their left-wing biases just as their "arch-villain" President Bush is fenced in his right-wing biases. But, the fully-integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting of Neo-Tech sweeps away those fences to free good people trapped in today's anticivilization. ...Neo-Tech releases them into a mystic-free/free-thinking brotherhood -- into an honest business/science/art civilization here on Earth.]
The most-solid nexus between Neo-Tech and the Secular Humanists is found in that position best stated by Secular Humanist author, William Harwood -- Insanity is a neurological dysfunction that prevents the brain from rejecting conclusions that are incompatible with the evidence.
Ironically, mystically-crushed Muslims will ultimately benefit the most from Neo-Tech. For, realize that they have the same potential as any conscious person to escape their impoverished hell by creating and producing competitive values that yield endless prosperity here on Earth.
Now move past Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to the Latter-Day Saints: Twelve centuries after Muhammad, the Mormon founder, Joseph Smith, harnessed his Book of Mormon. Emulating the "prophet" Muhammad, the "prophet" Smith proclaimed recitation of his sacred text by an imagined angel sent by an imagined God. As did Muhammad, he used spellbinding cult dynamics. Smith used Qur'anic-like, multi-wife dynamics to accumulate and hold his followers, albeit today in a healthier, more life-affirming manner than not only Islam but also most other religions.
Thus, in competitively earning prosperous livelihoods, the Mormons generally outcompete other strongly religious people. And, as detailed later in this scene concerning the unproven Zon conjecture, Mormonism and Neo-Tech share a common idea: Man is what God was -- God is what man shall become. ...At the other end of the spectrum, religion tragically diminishes the competitiveness -- the creativity and productivity -- of a billion Muslims living today.
Finally, go back 3500 years to sacred Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Then proceed to the Hindu Vedas and Upanishads, even to the Buddha's Dharma with its gift of fearlessness. Next, go to the Torah, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. Power-usurping political/religious "authorities" have throughout the ages manipulated those brilliantly-edited texts to continually embed irrationalities and mysticisms into conscious minds. Why? To control populations into becoming wealth-and-power providing worshipers and followers. ... By contrast, with the publication of Neo-Tech comes non-religious, non-political, non-philosophical texts for creating ever-expanding prosperity, health, and happiness -- not up there in some future-promised ethereal realm or heaven, but right now, down here on this solid Earth.
Available right now to unbiased snipers is an arsenal of prosperity-creating bullets embedded throughout the Neo-Tech literature. Instead of impoverishing their human targets as do life-killing Qur'anic bullets, those Neo-Tech bullets enrich the world as some mow down the dishonesties and irrationalities that support mysticisms and biases while others explode on impact to create new profit opportunities.
What follows is the Keynote Address delivered at the Neo-Tech 2001 World Summit, which revealed the Bubble-Control Tool. That tool lets one profit by undercutting and nullifying today's moribund political/religious anticivilization, thus clearing the way for building a booming business/science civilization around the globe:
November 18, 2001
[edited for book publication]
Two months after September 11, 2001, on the final day of the annual Neo-Tech World Summit at the Tropicana Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada, a thirteen-star Jeffersonian flag of American independence rose to Max Steiner's Gone-with-the-Wind Tara's Theme to reveal a large gold-glittering photograph of the World-Trade Center at sunrise. With that glorious business-civilization sight, the background music played Leigh's and Darion's, "To Dream the Impossible Dream, to Reach the Unreachable Star". When the music stopped, the keynote speaker gestured toward the twin towers.
"Gone with the wind," he lamented. "Gone in the wind of an anticivilization. Today, that wind blows from nuclear-and-biochemical pinnacles poised to annihilate mankind. But, September 11th birthed a different wind -- a peaceful zephyr that brings prosperity and health. "
The speaker then clutched a handful of dirt scooped from a crystal bowl flanked on one side by a porcelain bowl filled with grain and fruit and on the other side by a heart-shaped ingot of gold inscribed with words of romantic love. He then began his speech. This is what he said:
In the movie Gone with the Wind, Scarlet O'Hara stood in the fields of her war-destroyed plantation, Tara, and vowed, "As God is my Witness, I'll never be hungry again." Do you remember Scarlet clutching that handful of dirt -- dirt falling from between her gripping fingers? Remember her soliloquy about earth -- about the good earth? She passionately proclaimed that only land is permanently valuable and real. Nothing valuable comes from anything mystical or unreal. Real values come from what is real. And, earth is the most basic representation of what is real. ... But, earth is only half the equation for a prosperous, happy civilization. The other half of that equation is human consciousness -- honest, mystic-free consciousness.
In the Neolithic Age, from nature's earth evolved this world's first businesspeople -- farmers. They produced, stored, and traded surplus grains and other agricultural staples. That ability to produce and store surplus food opened the era of trade. Surplus food production allowed the formation of villages, then stable cities such as Jericho, and finally civilizations with written languages and formal educations. Thus, rose science and commerce that continually increased human prosperity. Profit-driven artisans took silicon from sand to make these crystal-and-porcelain bowls... and, today, the silicon semiconductors in this microphone. Similarly, profit-driven miners extracted gold from the earth not only to yield this romantic golden heart, but also to create money, businesses, capitalism, and competitive world trade.
Profit-driven enterprises let populations multiply their creations into economic-and-social forces that can advance mankind indefinitely -- without limits. ...Nature's earth plus rational consciousness yield human progress reaching the stars and beyond.
Reaching the stars and forever beyond? Yes, by combining human consciousness with honest free-enterprise business, science, and art as I shall explain later in my talk today. For now, however, remember that Neo-Tech comprises new techniques and new technologies harnessed by neothinking, fully-integrated honesty, and wide-scope accounting. Yet, in an anticivilization, even with Neo-Tech, every conscious value ends destroyed and every human life ends dead. For what? And why? No rational answer exists for those two questions. But, by sundering life from death, conscious life can flourish without limits.
Sundering Life from Death
A protocol that sunders life from death took three decades to evolve. That protocol quantum jumps consciousness out of pathologies yielding destruction and death -- and into psychologies yielding prosperity and life. ... Yet, few would effectively use that sundering protocol.
The problem was not that the protocol is so confoundedly difficult that few could use it. Instead, the problem is that it was so elegantly simple that few would use it. For, using that protocol deprives people of their dogmatic beliefs and mystical irrationalities. The September-11th terrorist attack, however, jolted a radical restructuring of that protocol into a new tool that lets people gain competitive advantages and compounding profits by undermining and then nullifying their own biases, mysticisms, and faiths.
What is that new tool? It is a future-controlling device, not a fortune-telling gimmick. A mystic gazes into a crystal ball to fraudulently forecast the future. A realist gazes into Earth's mystical bubble to accurately predict the future and then profitably control it.
How to start? Start by understanding the Zon speculation: What is the Zon speculation? It comprises three conjectures:
1. The Civilization of the Universe is a business/science/art civilization into which conscious life throughout the universe naturally evolves based on the nature of physical-and-conscious existence.
2. Zonpower controls the Universe. Does the word "zonpower" seem new-age or mystical? It is not. Zonpower is simply a metaphorical word encapsulating Francis Bacon's seventeenth-century logic: First understand nature, obey it, and then control it to create ever-more human values.
3. Zons are metaphorically-postulated people who deliver never-ending values, prosperity, and health to conscious life. Zons can also be expressed metaphorically as God Men and God Women. In addition, Neo-Tech coincides with Socrates' idea that every conscious person conceals a potential god (a daemon) or a divine spark (nous) within his or her nature. Thus, today, while there is no direct scientific evidence of Zons, one must ask, "Can we become Zons?" The answer: Even if Zons do not now exist, they certainly can evolve from the limitless nature of conscious life here on Earth.
The First Zon Messenger
Was mythical Prometheus the first Zon messenger? Prometheus, whose Greek name means foresight, bestowed gifts of knowledge upon Earthlings - Luciferian knowledge needed to start their journey toward obsoleting God or Gods by becoming far-superior, ever-growing Gods themselves. Those gifts included not only fire but also the profit-generating secrets for agriculture, business, engineering, manufacturing, technology, and the arts. ...Thus, Prometheus nullified God's (Zeus's) decreed apocalyptic destruction of mankind.
Prometheus's gifts of knowledge saved mankind from God's murderous wrath. Thus, a fearfully-envious Zeus chained the giver of light and life to a mountaintop. Each day, he had an eagle peck out Prometheus's liver, which grew back each night for continued torture until he yielded to Zeus's command to destroy mankind. By never yielding, however, Prometheus symbolized the supreme virtue of persistence in nullifying the destructions inflicted by a conjured God corruptly manipulated through irrational religions and dishonest politics.
Today, the relentless persistence of Neo-Tech first undermines and then nullifies conjured-up Gods, irrational religions, and dishonest politics to prepare conscious life for its journey toward endless prosperity, non-aging health, and enduring romance. ...Consider these three points about Neo-Tech:
1. Neo-Tech stands diametrically apart from the false beauty and spurious spirituality of political dishonesties and religious irrationalities. ... Neo-Tech is pure beauty rising from the rationality and honesty of free-thinking creativity and romantic spirituality.
2. As demonstrated throughout the Neo-Tech literature, honesty not truth is the hallmark of beauty, spirituality, and virtue. Realize that "honesty" is an open-ended, flowing process that by definition is always honest. By contrast, "truth" is a closed-circle, fixed static that insidious leaders, false authorities, and malevolent dogmatists dishonestly use for destructive, self-serving manipulations. ...Truth shall not set you free; honesty shall.
3. Rising from irrational mysticisms and absolutisms, religious-and-political tyrannies hold no real spirituality or beauty. By contrast, Neo-Tech comprises honest business, science, and art that transfigures into free-thinking spirituality and romantic beauty.
Three Useful Questions
As the late Cornell astronomer Carl Sagan stated, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. Thus, the Zon conjecture lays no claims because there are no proofs or even evidences. Neo-Tech does not even frame the Zon conjecture as a hypothesis. It is instead a speculation that may serve as a useful awareness point for NTP's future Overlay-Chart research program.
One, however, can still honestly ask three unscientific yet useful questions: (1) Are we the descendents of Universe-creating Zons? (2) Shall we become the creators of future worlds or universes from which new conscious life and eventually Zons will evolve according to the natural laws of physics? (3) If universe-creating Zons exist, would they send a messenger to this planet?
Neo-Tech literature based on the logic of competitive business, universal science, and wide-scope accounting suggests that such messengers could or would never appear on planet Earth. Yet, today, Pax Neo-Tech indicates that home-born Zon messengers are independently evolving here on Earth as part of a natural evolution process.
Most ironic: Could Earth-evolved Zon messengers free Muslims from their centuries-old sufferings in a matrix of psychotically-destructive delusions? Consider these facts: Claiming revelations from a mythical Archangel named Gabriel, warrior-politician Muhammad conjured up a brilliantly-powerful religious weapon to which all must submit or die. He called that weapon "Islam" and used it to whip his worshiping armies into religious frenzies. After murderously robbing the innocent businesses of his day (desert trade caravans) to finance his wars, Muhammad used his religiously-berserk armies to conquer and plunder vast lands and populations -- North, South, East, and West.
Muhammad used Islam to usurp great power and wealth. Yet, how did he fashion such a gripping-and-enduring religion that subjected and controlled more people globally than any other religious force in human history? First, he recognized that the three major religions of his time -- Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism -- were far too complex and esoteric for the vast majorities of Earthlings to personally grasp and deeply understand. Thus, Muhammad shrewdly stripped away the complexities of those religions and then ingeniously wove them into a starkly-simple maze -- a wide-ranging entrapment matrix called the Qur'an. Then, the literate and illiterate alike of all races and nationalities could easily embrace Muhammad's authoritative Qur'anic rhetoric that today entraps over a billion followers.
Seven centuries later, Niccolo Machiavelli in his book, The Prince, published in 1513, highlighted Muhammad's technique for usurping, holding, then expanding power and control over vast domains. That technique? Present simple, easily-embraced, all-inclusive religious messages. Then forcefully spread those messages through violent politics, relentless propaganda, and faith-frenzied Jihads.
Now, today, could Pax Neo-Tech suddenly jump Muslims from black to white -- from blindly accepting violently-irrational messages from demagogically-created myths into critically adopting peacefully-rational messages from reality-created facts? For, most ironically, as previously noted, that despite their profound differences, deep marketing connections exist between the Qur'anic enslavement matrix and the Pax Neo-Tech freedom matrix.
Above all, however, Pax Neo-Tech generates the universal spirituality that breaks the lethal grip of religion and politics on planet Earth.
The Zon Mandate
From China to America to Mecca, forget mandates from Heaven, Jesus, or God. They do not exist. An a-priori mandate, however, does exist from metaphorical Zons here on Earth and across the cosmos. That mandate demands the evolvement of conscious life toward limitless life and happiness via business, science, and art. ...Fail that mandate and conscious life perishes.
What would Zons be like? By nature, young children are Zons. They are innocently open and know only honesty. That is why they have limitless potential and are lovably precious. Adult Zons by nature would likewise be innocently open and know only honesty. Thus, they too would have limitless potential and be lovably precious. To quote Nobel Laureate in literature, Y. B. Yeats, "The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time." ...Innocent-and-beautiful children have no enemy but anticivilization adults.
Similar to children, animals are also innocent and lovable. Animals, however, never become mystical, dishonest, or irrational. Thus, they remain the same innocents either in "Heaven" or on Earth -- either in the Civilization of the Universe or in an anticivilization.
How does the Zon speculation become a catalyst for life-giving health and prosperity? Go back to the initial conditions formed during the "big-bang" birth of our Universe fourteen-billion years ago. From those initial conditions radiated the physical reality in which we live today. What set those initial conditions? Today, no one on Earth knows that answer.
Yet, without direct evidence to posit a scientifically-acceptable theory, Neo-Tech deduces a useful speculation: Perhaps eon-advanced conscious beings (Zons) birthed this universe with initial conditions designed to deliver ever-expanding health and prosperity for conscious life by following the immutable laws of nature. Such a speculation provides a tool for generating predictions -- regardless if universe-creating Zons exist or not.
Before the 20th century, without direct evidence, leading physicists and chemists deduced a useful speculation: Perhaps everything was made of invisible, irreducible atoms. Such a speculation became a valuable tool for generating accurate predictions that yielded advantages and profits while continually advancing physics, chemistry, and biology -- regardless if atoms factually existed or not.
Experimental physicists and chemists then increasingly uncovered mathematical-and-empirical evidences of the atom. Finally, in 1905, Albert Einstein's famous paper on Brownian Motion asserted proof of the atom backed by J.J. Thompson's 1897 discovery of an elementary particle -- the electron. Most scientists then quickly accepted Einstein's and Thompson's evidences as proof of the atom. Even then, direct observation of atoms did not occur until the mid-20th century with the development of the electron microscope.
Similarly, scientists will construct Overlay Charts seeking mathematical-and-empirical evidences of conscious life controlling nature on quantum, macro, and cosmic levels. [The forthcoming Act Three of Pax Neo-Tech explains the Overlay Charts.] Scientists will construct those Charts from the mountains of uninterpreted cosmological/quantum, matter/energy data already collected by NASA, astronomers, astrophysicists, and particle-physicists. ...Overlay-Chart construction will be somewhat analogous to Johannes Kepler's constructing his elegant Laws of Planetary Motion from the abundant data previously collected by the great observational-astronomer Tycho Brahe.
Later in this decade, inorganic research chemist, Dr. Frank R. Wallace will construct his first Overlay Chart. He will organize and then integrate the vast amounts of raw physical, statistical, and mathematical information currently available for the chemical elements. That information concerns space-and-time distributions, quantities, properties, and uses of those elements on quantum, macro, and cosmic levels. From those integrations, he will reconfigure Mendeleyev's Periodic Table of Elements into four-dimensional arrays aimed at discerning business-determined, space-time distributions of the elements and their isotopes.
Next, working with physicists and mathematicians, Wallace will subject quantum-mechanical and cosmological data to (1) statistical thermodynamic/mathematical analyses and (2) wide-scope quantitative/qualitative integrations aimed at discerning possible conscious interdictions in cosmic space-time. Computer analyses will then correlate the results with business/science principles postulated for eternally expanding the health and prosperity of conscious life.
Such Overlay Charts might yield evidences, possibly even predictive proofs, of conscious business/science controls reaching beyond planets -- reaching beyond solar systems -- reaching throughout the cosmos. ...Why that cosmic control? To (1) protect the eternal propagation of conscious life and (2) allow its perpetual flourishment.
If successful, Dr. Wallace plans to convert that initial periodic-table Overlay Chart into a building-size, public walk-through glass model that illustrates -- via interactive audio and video -- the scientific, intellectual, practical, and emotional meanings of that discovery in aesthetically-exciting ways. That artistic, multi-colored glass model will dramatize what that Overlay-Chart discovery means to Earthlings. ...Could such charts be the Conscious Messenger for our cosmos as Galileo's telescope was the Starry Messenger for our solar system four centuries ago?
Now, in 2001, consider the prime speculation about establishing the initial physical conditions to form our universe: That speculation postulates that the forces of nature quantum-fluxed our universe into existence from vacuum energy. Such a flux started the creation and then the superluminal big-bang expansion of space and time (not a big-bang explosion in space and time) birthed our Universe. In other words, the five universal constants comprising the initial conditions for our universe fluxed from "nothing" -- ex nihilo -- based on the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle underlying both quantum mechanics and general relativity. ... That cosmological/quantum-mechanical speculation provides a scientifically-sound/predictive-tool model that is widely used by scientists today.
Physicists effectively and validly use that quantum-flux scenario despite three problems: First, no verifiable explanation for such a scenario exists. Second, if during the so-called "big-bang" any of the five universal constants varied in the slightest, many-decimal-point degree, the Universe in which we live could not exist. [Our Universe springing by chance from a quantum-flux of vacuum energy is inherently not a problem. Such an occurrence is just a statistical long shot of overwhelming proportions. Still, the Universe that evolved the original Zons, if they exist, would have had to develop via such a googol-eons, long-shot physical phenomenon. That too is inherently not a problem. For, after all, in the never-beginning past of the universe of universes, countless googol eons of "time" have already passed.] Third, religious leaders mystically framed and then dishonestly hijacked the big-bang hypothesis to formulate bogus God "proofs".
Intelligent-Design is not science; it is theology where the Scientific Method is not applicable. The Zon conjecture is not yet science (and may never be); it is to date speculation without empirical evidences. The Zon conjecture cannot become science until or unless empirical evidences emerge that suggest a cosmic imperative for the origins of the Universe and/or life itself.
Both the scientific (evidenced-based) Big-Bang Theory and the currently non-scientific Zon Speculation posit space, time, and life itself as evolving from the laws of natural physics and Darwinian-type evolutions -- not from the dictates of a mythical God or even Zons. If Zons exist, however, nothing technologically limits them from learning to profitably control nature by obeying it in creating or controlling life-evolving worlds and/or universes for value-creating purposes.
Remember, also, unlike a mythical God who exists only as figments of harmful beliefs, postulated Zons are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. They, as us, must (1) obey the laws of nature and (2) exert conscious thinking and focused efforts to gain useful knowledge, create competitive values, and earn ever-increasing power.
Nature intrinsically needs neither purpose nor a conscious creator. Yet, the Zon conjecture adds purpose with greatly-improved "occurrence odds" to the scientifically-sound, quantum-flux idea of our universe created ex-nihilo. ... Again, however, purpose is neither a necessity nor a requirement for existence itself or for the creation of our Universe. In addition, no "why" answers exist for nature. Thus, today, no valid hypotheses can arise for nature. ...Nature simply exists as existence.
A humanistically-understandable Zon evolving within the laws of nature contrasts to a pathologically-inscrutable God operating outside the laws of nature. Thus, the Zon conjecture provides a potentially-predictive hypothesis in the future based on real people in real locations letting conscious life freely-and-limitlessly advance via value creations across time and space.
Interestingly, of the two non-God creation ideas, only the Zon conjecture seems prima-facie provable -- possibly via Overlay Charts derived from already existing data. But, that speculation currently cannot be falsified. Whereas, the currently-accepted nonconscious quantum-flux speculation seems unprovable, but can be falsified by, for example, proving the Zon conjecture. ...As an aside, Neo-Tech rejects Karl Popper's falsification theory as false in itself for it ultimately rules out proof by induction, empirical evidences, and the Scientific Method.
In any case, achieving Neo-Tech's goal of replacing Earth's dead-end anticivilization with an open-end business/science/art civilization depends on proving neither the Zon conjecture nor the existence of Zons. Yet, consider the impact of finding evidences or, more-spectacularly, finding proofs that businesspeople, scientists, and artists rationally created and now profitably orchestrate the cosmos via the universal laws of nature. Why? To forever protect and profitably advance the most-precious entity in existence -- individual conscious life.
The Bubble-Control Tool
The 1992 Zon speculation provided unexpected, life-enhancing prizes. Now comes its most-valuable prize -- the bubble-control tool for profitably predicting and controlling the future. ... That tool evolved over roughly three ten-year periods:
1. The Poker Period (1968-1979) during which the founder of Neo-Tech as the author of the world's best-selling poker book ( uncovered the power of observing and acting from perspectives outside the fish-in-a-barrel microcosms comprising poker games. ...From that catbird position, one can gain unbeatable advantages by exploiting his or her opponents' irrationalities, mysticisms, and ignorances.
2. The Neo-Tech Period (1980-1991) started with generalizing those poker concepts and then applying them to a wide-range of human interactions. Such generalizations yielded tools for profitably outcompeting the dishonesties and irrationalities underpinning Earth's anticivilization. Those tools were delivered in publications such as Psychuous Sex, The Neo-Tech Encyclopedia, The Neo-Tech Discovery, and The Neo-Tech Protection Kit.
Later came the potent business tools discovered, developed, and delivered by Mark Hamilton and Eric Savage in an array of classic Neo-Tech publications. Those publications ranged from Cosmic Business Control to Global Wealth Power, capped by Hamilton's current masterwork, The Neo-Tech World, which nails the reason why conscious life cannot achieve non-aging biological immortality in an anticivilization. ... Then, in 2004, will come Hamilton's hoax-breaking, wealth-generating business manual -- The Neo-Tech System.
3. The Neo-Tech/Zon Period (1992-2001) began the controversial dynamics to replace today's life-destroying political/religious anticivilization with a life-flourishing business/science civilization described in publications such as Cassandra's Secret -- Nature's Quintessential Secret, Neo-Tech Physics, Zon Protocols, and Profound Honesty. This period evolved over the years, up to my talk today.
Next will come Mark Hamilton's emotionally-gripping trilogy, The First Immortals. That trilogy dramatizes how human beings can quickly achieve reverse-aging/non-aging health via various competitive stem-cell and cloning methods -- commercial biological immortality -- in a free-enterprise/science/art civilization. Also, in 2004, will come Eric Savage's and Tracy Alexander's book, No More Lies. That book nullifies personal mysticisms. In 2006, will come Rosa María Wallace's book, Romantic Love Eternal. That book roadmaps the route to forever-young romantic pleasures and happiness.
The first two of those three ten-year periods deployed precise 1-2-3 steps to gain prosperity, health, and romance by nullifying dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms. Starting in 1992, Neo-Tech began deploying its "bubble-control" tool. That tool not only profitably discards fixed-boundary faiths in religions and mysticisms, but it also profitably discards fixed-boundary beliefs in politics and philosophies.
Sweeping Away the Bad ... and the Good
Exchanging today's anticivilization for a business/science/art civilization requires sweeping away the boundaries of not only irredeemably-harmful politics and philosophies but also of relatively-beneficial politics and philosophies such as Libertarianism and Objectivism.
Neo-Tech does not work by futilely-preaching positives. It works by profitably-nullifying negatives woven throughout government, business, academia, and the media. ... Libertarians and Objectivists, by contrast, struggle to reform negatives -- their targets of "evil" -- targets that cannot be reformed.
Still, why can good-intentioned Libertarians and Objectivists never build a prosperous business/science/art civilization free of criminalities, wars, and mysticisms? Why can they never end pernicious big government, destructive irrationality, or lethal religion? ... I shall now answer those questions:
Contemplate the 15th-18th century alchemists. Many were outstanding scientists, including Isaac Newton, who rationally and logically sought to chemically transmute, for example, heavy base metals into their heavy metal cousin -- gold. For, while scientifically informed in their day, they did not have Mendeleyev's Periodic Chart of Elements. They had no concept of the "unchangeable" nature of elements versus their everyday experiences of changing elements into compounds, reducing compounds into elements, and converting compounds into other compounds.
Later, within the scope of 19th-and-20th-century scientific knowledge, such attempts to transmute elements became obviously impossible, irrational, illogical -- crackpot science by cranks.
As an aside: Today, ironically, with growing knowledge and application of high-energy nuclear physics, such lead-to-gold, non-chemical transmutations are now a physical reality, albeit an economically unfeasible means of gold production.
Libertarians and Objectivists were the honorable political-and-philosophical alchemists of the 20th century who built a valuable body of anticivilization knowledge while trying to transmute lower-realm evil into higher-realm good. They never understood the non-analog, quantum-jump difference between evil and good. They never understood the unbridgeable difference between today's corrupt political/religious/philosophical anticivilization and tomorrow's honest business/science/art civilization.
Thus, arose the impossibility of achieving their goal -- just as arose the impossibility of achieving the alchemist's goal. Thereby, today, they are unnecessarily becoming the cranks of politics and crackpots of philosophy. Time for them to escape their entrapments. Time for them to break free from their stunted growth. Time for them to use Neo-Tech for freeing their bright minds and moral characters to create prosperous, healthy futures for themselves, their loved ones, and humanity via Neo-Tech's bubble-control tool.
As explained earlier in my talk today, that tool is the encapsulated anticivilization bubble viewed from the outside -- from no-boundary business/science/art perspectives. To further grasp that tool, review once again how and where it was first discovered and successfully used -- in high-stake poker -- in microcosms of an irrational anticivilization: Note how out-of-their-world player John Finn viewed his opponents from beyond their closed, self-destructive boundaries. Thus, he could profitably predict and control their actions, reactions, and futures.
From that god-like/higher-realm position, Finn gained unbeatable advantages by recognizing and then profitably exploiting the irrationalities, dishonesties, and mysticisms of his hapless opponents. The rationalized bubbles that entrapped those opponents prevented them from looking beyond to see Finn's control over them. Thus, catbird Finn exploited them at will while digitally -- dollar by dollar -- shrinking his targets of irrationality and mysticism toward bankruptcy and oblivion -- toward null points.
Those catbird strategies flip anticivilization irrationalities into open-ended profits. Implicit uses of such "out-of-their-world" advantages are now spreading across business, political, and social spectra from shrewd Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes with their increasingly-profitable Fox News Cable -- to Robert L. Bartley with his Wall Street Journal worldwide-gold-standard editorial page. ... Even religious-addled radio-and-television commentators (including alas egomaniacal-blowhard Bill O'Reilly) are cashing-in on those Neo-Tech dynamics.
Profitable Neo-Tech advantages are executed explicitly in the red-pill-of-honesty movie The Matrix and implicitly in certain super-hero movies, even in ironic TV cartoons such as The Simpsons and South Park. Moreover, today, Neo-Tech advantages continue moving not only into talk radio but also into video games, entertainment, rock, rap, and comic books such as the Neo-Tech Anarky Batman series. ...In spreading among freethinking non-elitists, Neo-Tech is arriving step-by-step in hundreds of quiet, hidden ways.
Time to replace losing hands of politics, religion, and utopianism with winning hands of free-enterprise, science, and art. Time to waltz gracefully into everlasting riches, health, and romance.
The Gold-and-Silver Waltz
[To the background music of Franz Lehár's Gold-and-Silver Waltz]
Perhaps one can best sense the subtlety of Neo-Tech's anticivilization-vanquishing dynamics via its gold-and-silver waltz. That waltz harmonizes the notes of business, science, and art into new melodies. Such melodies play across the spectrum of Neo-Tech literature to coalesce into symphonies of benevolence, honesty, and profit.
Take, for example, two such melodies of which a few notes have already played. Sense the unexpected perspectives. If you can envision such wide-scope/unbiased perspectives, you have already started outflanking and outcompeting the multitudes of narrow-scope/biased individuals trapped inside the anticivilization bubble.
Gold-and-Silver Melody #1 starts with an unusual question and concludes with outside-the-bubble answers. Here is the question: When does one know if he or she understands James Joyce's hard-to-read, stream-of-consciousness novel Ulysses? Here are some answers:
*One knows upon grasping both the opposites and parallels of honestly-presented facts versus dishonestly-presented truths. One knows upon grasping both the opposites and parallels between humble Jewish-businessman Leopold Bloom's honestly-compassionate one-day journey around Dublin versus vainglorious Greek-hero Ulysses' dishonestly-ruthless ten-year journey around the Mediterranean.
*One knows upon separating realities from delusions. For example:
1. Ayn-Rand's egoism expanding into value-creations -- not Mother-Teresa's altruism shrinking into self-sacrifices -- increases standards of living for all societies and well-being for all peoples, especially the downtrodden and impoverished.
2. Christian Francis of Assisi and atheist Ayn Rand were philosophical soul mates who pursued quixotic alchemies based upon the metaphysics, epistemologies, and ethics perceived by each in their respective 800-year-separated periods of history and philosophy. Both Francis and Rand expanded on Socrates', Aristotle's, and Jesus' movement away from group following and political collectivism. However different their separate perceptions of reality, they each moved toward independent action via self-responsibility and individual freedom.
3. Ayn Rand offered a way to escape irrationality in the twentieth century as projected in her fiction-and-nonfiction works. St. Francis offered a way to escape unhappiness in the thirteenth century as projected next in Gold-and-Silver Melody #2:
*Fiercely individualistic Francis uncompromisingly strove to achieve autonomy and freedom for his own personal life, on his own terms, regardless of what others thought or did. Within the anticivilization possibilities available to him eight-hundred years ago, he was spectacularly successful in fulfilling his life's goal of achieving maximum personal happiness -- deep Aristotelian happiness -- eudaemonist happiness of virtuously fulfilling his nature and potential.
*In knowing his nature, Francis discovered what gave him the most fulfillment and pleasure. He then delivered values to others via his life-simplifying Thoreauvian "deprivations". Thus, he easily and efficiently delivered practical values to himself and others with happy, low-cost, uncompromised vigor.
*Rejecting a wasted life of well-to-do comfort via hand-me-down wealth from his father in a corrupt political/religious system, Francis refused to sacrifice his happiness to the demands of his politically-privileged family, the local bishop, or anyone else. Instead, he rationally pursued his own happiness and energetically achieved his personal goals.
*Francis was totally sincere and benevolent toward others. His unassuming presence reflected such sweet kindness and genuine good-will that even potentially-murderous enemies were overcome with an adoring fondness for him. No one seemed willing or able to harm him. An initially-hostile Pope Innocence III succumbed to Francis's loving aura in granting his request to establish the gentle-Jesus-following Franciscan Order despite its potential for undermining the Vatican's rough-Papal-following authority.
*Francis accompanied a Crusade hoping to save the lives of Muslims from the terrible swift swords of genocidal Christian crusaders joyfully wading knee deep in the blood and gore of infidels. Expecting to be killed, Francis crossed enemy lines alone, unarmed. Barefoot and cheerfully singing, he traversed enemy territory. Francis thusly walked straight to the mighty Muslim leader -- El Kamil, the Sultan of Egypt and nephew of the legendary Muslim general Saladin who had defeated and driven the Christian crusaders from Jerusalem and the Levant.
*El Kamil was so charmed by Francis's utterly-caring kindness that instead of promptly killing him, he treated Francis with warm hospitality and politely listened to his charmingly-innocent pleas for peace and words of compassion for Muslims. El Kamil gave Francis ivory gifts and provided him with safe passage for a pilgrimage into Muslim-held Jerusalem and then a safe journey home. ...Francis never felt fear, even before deadly enemies.
*Francis never condemned or criticized others, not even his potential killers. He implicitly recognized that everyone lived unnaturally and imperfectly because each is trapped in Earth's anticivilization. Thus, Francis never imposed his way of life or beliefs upon others. Instead, he followed his maxim of "fix yourself first". He led not by persuasion, but persuaded by example. ... With unparalleled success, he harnessed his captivating power of humility and compassion to bring happy equanimity and spiritual comfort first to himself and then to others.
*Francis read in the Gospel of St. Mark about preaching to the creatures. So he went forth and preached to creatures from birds to wolves. In that way, he related to the universal realm of conscious life. In his Canticles of the Creatures, Francis recognized the increasing relationship of spiritually-advancing Earthlings with nature. Thus, in a Platonic way, human consciousness becomes one with universal nature -- becomes one with innocent animals, brother sun, sister moon, and the stars. ... Somewhat analogously, Neo-Tech recognizes technologically-advancing Earthlings extending their control of nature beyond this planet -- into our solar system and ultimately throughout the cosmos. Thus, in an Aristotelian way, human consciousness becomes one with nature -- becomes one with and perhaps even the creator of brother sun, sister moon, the stars... and beyond.
*One can accurately understand people and events in history only when evaluated in the context of their past times in history. ...Evaluating past peoples and events in the context of present times is neither accurate nor fair.
Do you sense the power and romance of an unbiased life based on fully-integrated honesty and wide-scope rationality? If so, you are moving toward a civilization based on honest business, rational science, and romantic art. If not, do not worry. For, upon discovering and utilizing the near-limitless availability of Neo-Tech Bullets, you and ultimately every honest person can bring victory to conscious life on Earth -- victory yielding youth, justice, and riches for you, your loved ones, and your fellow Earthlings now and ever into the future.
[The summit concluded with Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries symbolizing Neo-Tech vanquishing today's anticivilization]
That evening, the summit attendees crossed the Las Vegas Strip to the Monte Carlo Resort for a joyful evening of camaraderie and dancing.
Pax Neo-Tech removes the blinders -- horse blinkers -- put on humans by false authorities. With blinders off, people gain the wide-scope vision needed to escape their no-survival racetrack -- their closed-circle life. With blinders off, they leap that racetrack fence. On the other side, they discover Neo-Tech -- they discover the honesty, rationality, knowledge, and freedom that nourish business, science, technology, and art. On that other side, Earthlings harness their zestful lives, super intellects, kind benevolence, and noble characters to achieve endless prosperity, non-aging health, and exciting romance on their road to infinite justice and riches.
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