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Pax Neo-Tech

Scene 2

Start Sweeping!

The Clean Sweep begins with One Person's Story

Since childhood, the aesthetic love of my life was New York City -- lower Manhattan -- the Battery and Financial District. As a child on the stern of the Staten Island Ferry, I saw a mighty fist of power and wealth rise -- a fist of stark beauty with the Empire State Building as a towering backdrop. Framed by the Statue of Liberty on the starboard side and the Brooklyn Bridge jutting eastward rose a forest of indelible skyscrapers. ... I saw majestic people among the cityscape of Battery-Park Manhattan as much a part of nature as majestic elks among the landscape of north-woods America. Being one with nature, I joyfully loved both.

That love kindled anew years later while again standing on the stern of the Staten Island Ferry now flanked off its portside bow by the new Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Lower Manhattan had birthed the two most-magnificent jewels of universal business, capitalism, and prosperity to grace planet Earth -- the soaring, glittering Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. ... My soul had been baptized in the miracle of business, science, and art. And, now, my soul was confirmed in the steel, concrete, and glass of that soaring Icarus. Thenceforth, whenever contemplating that marvelous art, I felt at one with everything that was good and exciting about life.

Today, stretching ten feet wide and four-feet high across the wall above my bed, glitters a sculpted glass-and-mirror model of lower Manhattan reflecting the glory of those Twin Towers. That image reflects back and forth with brilliantly colored flashes from the opposite fully-mirrored wall of my bedroom. ... Each night, my aesthetic soul-mate twin towers along with my romantic soul-mate wife smile at me before I sleep. And, each morning my two loves happily greet me when I awake.

Later, to my business office I go. Upon entering, photographic art by David M. Brown greets me. Professional artist Brown, laying his back against the base of the North Tower in 1984, captured a spectacular, full-height shot of both towers at sunrise. That art is titled Soaring Intelligence. The other view titled Nature Conquered is from atop the World Trade Center. That breathtaking sky shot captures a never-again-to-be-seen perspective of Manhattan highlighted by the mighty Brooklyn Bridge.

On September 10, 2001, I celebrated my birthday surrounded by the happiness and love of my family, my work, my business. Early the next morning, I arose with energy and passion renewed by the fresh sight of my sparkling twin towers and the loveliness of my sleeping wife. After my daily four-mile run, I drafted an article about lasting justice and prosperity for both Palestinians and Jews via business and science superseding religion and politics. Then I turned on TV for CNBC business news. An image appeared. I froze. The aesthetic love of my life -- my aesthetic soul mate -- what happened! Midst billows of white smoke, the South Tower was missing -- gone! And, the North Tower was burning! Was I dreaming a ghastly nightmare? 

I rushed to the bedroom and fetched my wife. Would she see the same image? We both stood agape. Her stunned silence confirmed the reality of my senses. Minutes later, the burning North Tower abruptly pancaked to the ground, leaving a 110-story shaft of black smoke. Huge waves of thick gray dust rolled from a terrible void carved in the heart of Manhattan. ... What took a decade of artistic business brilliance to create and Herculean engineering efforts to build was gone -- reduced in seconds to a million-ton mountain of gnarled rubble by haters of freedom and prosperity -- destroyed by envious losers incapable of competitively creating or producing values for others and society.

Tears blurred my vision. My beloved skyline of New York City was unbelievably mutilated. My sustaining image of the best in human life was gone. The best in human life? Seconds later, a much-greater, unimaginable horror filled me. I sank to the sofa crying in pain as my loving wife held me tight. A world of precious value producers perished before my eyes! I had just witnessed thousands of the world's great value creators murdered by homicidal envy and religious insanity.

Those murdered crème-de-la-crème value creators -- my dearest friends -- were the unrecognized, the denigrated, the abused heroes of life trapped in an envy-ridden anticivilization. Through their highly-integrated, Cantor-Fitzgerald-type thinking skills, however, they generated each month more life-enhancing values for others and humanity than they themselves consumed in their lifetimes. They generated more competitive values and productive jobs for others and society than all the force-and-fraud-promoting religionists, politicians, and bureaucrats combined -- more than all the envy-snarling, business-hating professors, politicians, celebrities, and demonstrators combined.

From deep within my mind, a plan arose -- a plan to nullify neocheaters who add only debits to society -- neocheaters who spawn professional value destroyers and genocidal terrorists. That plan nullifies those who exist via religious-and-political iniquities as well as those who bleed, pillage, and kill the value producers to garner unearned fame, glory, and livelihoods. ... I had a job to do. I wiped the tears from my face, went to my office, and started writing. I began writing Pax Neo-Tech. Filled with pain, this is what I wrote first: "Today, September 11, 2001, religious jihadists ripped open the beating heart of freedom and prosperity. Economic destructions will now come. Next comes bio/chemical, radiological, and finally nuclear devastations. Without a solution, Americans and ultimately everyone will suffer terribly and then die unnecessarily." ... Four months later, I wrote:

The Clean-Sweep Solution

Blame not success -- failure is the cause: Blaming America's support of Israel for the acts of genocidal terrorists is a deadly error. Israelis today generally act from the highest obligation and moral right -- self-defense and physical survival. Israel, in 2002, is the only relatively-free, socially-happy, economically-successful country midst a sea of generally non-free, socially-miserable, economically-failed Arab/Muslim countries. Also, realize that Israel comprises a tiny population of happy competitive winners surrounded by huge populations of miserable uncompetitive losers.

By enviously blaming success, the losers will bury the winners -- then both shall perish. Blaming Israel for Islamic jihads is one of the most destructively-false, humanity-threatening canards in history. Islamic jihads are designed to destroy not Israel but to destroy the infidel Western Civilization. Israel is simply a convenient rallying cry for certain Jihadists as were the Jews for Hitler.

Islamic terrorists have killed many times more innocent citizens in their own Muslim/Arab countries than in all other countries combined. Consider the countless thousands of innocent citizens murdered by Muslim terrorists in Algeria, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Philippines, and Turkey. In Algeria alone, Muslim terrorists slit the throats of 100,000 fellow citizens. Then, the world stood silent as Sudanese Muslims murdered a million of their fellow countrymen.

Still, more serious: Saddam Hussein, a Muslim/Stalinist tyrant, murdered countless thousands of his own countrymen to retain and expand his personal power. Now, in 2002, he aims to become the major financier and weapons supplier for worldwide terrorists as he currently finances suicide terrorists in Israel. He is determined to destroy America in the years ahead. Make no mistake, Islamic terrorists financed and supplied by Iraq along with Iran, Syria, and North Korea will ultimately kill Americans by the millions and destroy the Western World economies. Make no mistake; if not nullified, Islamic fundamentalists enabled by a host of hostile nations led by Iraq will destroy America's freedom, prosperity, and happiness, be it in five years or in ten years.

Islam is not a religion of beauty, peace, and love as politically-correct politicians, journalists, academics, PBS/NPR, and President Bush suicidally assert. It is a religion of death, as ultimately is every religion. Islam's most basic and uncompromising tenets from its scriptures promote intolerance, hate, and war (or jihads) in demanding mass conversion or mass death of infidels -- just as early Judeo/Christian scriptures demand.

In the seventh century, warrior Muhammad conjured up the violently-criminal Muslim religion from Judaism and Christianity. Then came the shining 900-1300 AD period of prosperous Muslim toleration and enlightenment, especially in Spain and Iraq. In fact, that great business/science/art Muslim culture saved, preserved, and then resurrected the works of classical Greece to spark Western Civilization into the Enlightenment. Since then, however, Islam declined into its origins of a death-dealing weapon of criminality and terror. ... Today, the cult sect of Saudi Wahhabism explicitly expresses Islam's genocidal ferocity that lurks beneath every religion.

Pro-joy, pro-wealth, stoic philosopher Seneca (4BC-65AD) identified that murderous ferocity is born out of envy and weakness -- birthed from the failure of losers to live rational, happy, value-producing lives. Today, the murderously-ferocious, envy-driven Wahhabism of cave-dwelling Osama bin Laden obliterates all vestiges of the cultural, scientific, mathematical, and artistic achievements of secular/tolerant Muslims during the Middle Ages.

That zenith of Muslim culture occurred at the nadir of Christian culture that genocidally plundered, slaughtered, and beheaded Muslims until Saladin, the gallantly-tolerant Muslim general from Iraq, defeated the psychopathically-intolerant Christian knights in the Levant. ...Today, the situation reverses with Bush, the gallantly-tolerant Commander-in-Chief from America, striving to defeat psychopathically-intolerant Muslim terrorists worldwide.


Islam cannot fundamentally be reformed. Neither can Christianity or Judaism, despite previous so-called reformations. Instead, Neo-Tech must nullify religion, politics, and much of philosophy that ultimately yield destruction, criminality, and death.

Nullifying Religion

The destructive manipulations of a mind-created Allah, God, and Yahweh along with a man-created Qur'an, Bible, and Torah generate seas of mysticisms and hoaxes yielding (1) dishonesties and irrationalities, (2) frauds and manipulations, (3) wars and genocides.

"Allah is Great!" Muslims cry while killing the innocent. They are the fundamentalists. They are the followers of intolerance and irrationality. They detonate their own children in obeying God's command. With piousness, they become mass killers. With righteousness, they murder the world's value creators and competitive producers. They bury liberty and freethinking. They commit their crimes in the name of God. ...They kill happy, healthy life.

"Praise the Lord!" Christians cry while killing the innocent. They are the fundamentalists. They are followers of intolerance and irrationality. They drown their own children in obeying God's command. With piousness, they become pedophiles. With righteousness, they murder abortion doctors and bomb family-planning centers. They block stem-cell/cloning businesses and sciences. They commit their crimes in the name of God. ...They kill happy, healthy life.

What about Jews? Yes, today, exist Jewish fundamentalists who murder in the name of God. But, today, Jews comprise perhaps the world's highest percentage of secular humanists and the lowest percentage of criminal fundamentalists. Thus, Jews as a whole outcompete and achieve greater successes than beclouded Christians and duped Muslims.

Three millennia ago, however, many Jews were as intolerant and murderous as many Muslims are today. In fact, the Jewish Old-Testament Bible teaches the same commands from God to plunder and kill infidels, as does its descendant -- the Qur'an. God's Biblical command to collapse the great walls of Jericho so Joshua and his roving gang of Jewish terrorists could kill the infidels, loot their possessions, and reduce their peaceful, business/farming city to rubble is a vivid example of the murderous criminalities promoted by the ancient Jewish God.

What was the city of Jericho? It represented the most enduring city ever -- surviving seven millennia until destroyed by the Jews in the second millennium BC. It was the first great, prosperous-and-peaceful farming/business community in the prehistoric world. Jericho helped birth and evolve the epochal agriculture revolution during the Neolithic Age, allowing wandering tribes to settle into stable civilizations.

The legendary walls of Jericho? They were the anti-ballistic-missile defense shields of the Neolithic Age. And, like most Americans today, the productive-and-prosperous citizens of Jericho had no interest in wars, conquests, or looting. Their interests dwelled in peaceful production of surplus foods and goods to voluntarily trade with their surrounding world. They, however, grew tired of marauding tribes constantly invading and looting their prosperous city. Thus, they became the great wall builders of the Neolithic Age so they could live in peace and deliver values to others via free-choice business.

Few Jews today revere Joshua. Yet, modern-day Christian fundamentalists and evangelicals seized the cudgel in revering Joshua. A favorite "campfire" song of children in Christian summer camps and Sunday schools praises God's blessed event of tumbling down the great walls of Jericho so Joshua and his terrorist thugs could slaughter and loot Jericho's infidels -- peaceful farmers and innocent businesspeople.

Christian children by the millions today happily sing praises to God for reducing the world trade center of Jericho to rubble while murdering the infidels trapped inside. Muslim children by the millions today happily sing praises to Allah for reducing the world trade center of New York to rubble while murdering the infidels trapped inside. ... What is the difference? 

Pope Urban II promised remission of sins and an immediate ride into an eternal, sex-filled paradise for those who died by killing infidels. Thus, Christian crusaders ten centuries ago joyfully died while mass-murdering infidels. Muhammad promised an immediate ride into a licentious eternity for those who died by killing infidels. Thus, Muslim crusaders today joyfully die while mass-murdering infidels. ...What is the difference?

Throughout history, beliefs in the religious Gods of Jews, Christians, and Muslims yielded mass criminalities, hatreds, and murders. Likewise, beliefs in the secular Gods of populism, socialism, and and fascism yielded the same mass criminalities, hatreds, and murders. Beliefs or faiths in any God or "higher authority" -- ethereal or secular -- ultimately destroy self-reliant human life and romantic happiness.

For a history of religious criminality along with religious slaughter of the innocent in the name of God, see:

Nullifying Politics

Pericles and Clinton are the bookends to Earth's 2500-year-old anticivilization politics. How?

Duped voters cheered "might-makes-right" Pericles' war-making rhetoric against peace-seeking Sparta. For short-term gains, those voters cheered Pericles' short-term politics. But, they were cheering for the long-range destruction of Greece's economic well-being and physical security. ...By undermining Solon's matchless law-over-man achievement, political-genius Pericles ended Greece's golden age.

Duped voters cheered "I-feel-your-pain" Clinton's Potemkin rhetoric about his stock-market bubble economy and budget surpluses. For short-term gains, those voters cheered Clinton's short-term politics. But, they were cheering for the long-range destruction of America's economic well-being and physical security. ...By undermining America's founding fathers' matchless United-States-Constitution achievement, political-genius Clinton ended America's golden age. ...How?

He amiably finessed the public into accepting sub-rosa dishonesty in nearly every facet of life, especially in the hidden violations of the US Constitution. His cynical political-correctness dramatically undercut America's military, intelligence, and police effectiveness. As described in Coda #1 (Outtake Nugget #5), Clinton not only subverted America's physical security, but time-bombed America's economic health that brought a major stock-market crash, a recession, and possibly a debt-liquidation depression later in this decade -- sometime after the 2004 elections -- followed perhaps by a printing-press inflation.

Still, the Clinton era yielded significant positives: It yielded greater secular-humanist tolerations and freedoms than recent Republican eras. Consider that the theistic Republican administration of Ronald Reagan violated the First-Amendment rights of free press by violently attacking and physically destroying in 1986 the pro-cloning, pro-choice, secular-humanist activities of the profoundly-valuable I&O Publishing Company.  By contrast, the Democrat administrations of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton never interfered with the First Amendment rights to free press and the publishing of impious Neo-Tech ideas.

As described above, egregious attacks on secular humanism occurred under the theistic wing of President Reagan's administration. Reagan himself, however, generally performed admirably. Most important and beneficial, he significantly lowered and leveled progressive income taxes to create a genuine economic boom in America.  Also, his brilliant attack on Libya and Muammar Gadhafi provided the model for the most-effective way to deal with state-sponsored terrorism against America -- a leader-decapitation model -- to achieve maximum long-range results with minimum costs and casualties. And, hail Reagan, along with the heroic anti-Stalinist stance of Pope John Paul II, for collapsing the "evil" Soviet Empire.

With that collapse of tyranny, Reagan perhaps contributed more to world freedom and prosperity than did any person since the founding fathers established a free-and-independent America two centuries earlier. ... Ronald Reagan's achievements were via peaceful, free-enterprise dynamics -- without a shot fired, without an innocent life lost. For that, he deserves a Mount Rushmore dedicated just to him.

A much-less attractive Republican era was that of tax-raising, mystical skull-and-bones G.H.W. Bush with his pontificating morality-czar William J. Bennett desiring to strip American atheists of their citizenships. Yet, still, hail G.H.W. Bush for (1) his genuine bravery in World-War II and (2) his masterful 1991 Gulf-War orchestration that swiftly concluded with minimum civilian-and-allied casualties in temporarily saving free-world economies from an Iraqi-led/Muslim-oil death grip on Western Civilization.

By contrast, his son, President George W. Bush, rather than being an intolerant "true-believer" or infidel-hater, expresses equality with, respect toward, and equal rights for believers and nonbelievers alike. Thus, unlike with his father or Ronald Reagan, Neo-Tech authors are currently comfortable with non-lawyer, non-bigoted businessman G. W. Bush as President.

Now, back to the other side: President Clinton courageously overcame fierce resistance from labor unions, Naderites, the Greens, Perot/Buchanan-type Populists, demagogic Senator Fritz-Hollings, and ex-Ku-Klux-Klan Senator Robert C. Byrd to fashion the outstanding achievement of his administration -- the enactment of NAFTA and the substantial expansion of global free trade driven by the opposition party -- the Republicans. Plus, credit him for his role in major welfare reform spearheaded by Republicans. Also, salute Clinton for his unyielding stand on partial-birth abortions of no-value, non-conscious-life fetuses that endanger the survivals and well-beings of invaluable, conscious-life women.

Plus, give Clinton a pass for avoiding forced servitude in a politicized, no-intention-to-win Vietnam War. One can even salute Clinton's pardon of businessman Marc Rich who broke no objective laws but was subjected to prosecutorial abuse by a U.S. Attorney trying to emulate politically-motivated Rudolph Giuliani's 1980s dishonest-and-unjust prosecution of invaluable financier, Michael Milken. ...On the other hand, if Clinton took bribes for Rich's or anyone else's pardon, he must be indicted for felony crimes.

Still, regardless of positives or negatives reflected by any individual at any particular time, everyone is entrapped in a self-destructive anticivilization based on criminal politics, irrational religions, and dishonest philosophies. So, what should one do about an anticivilization facing its lethal dénouement?

What to Do

Earth's first conceptual historian, Herodotus (484-430BC), identified at the close of Greece's Golden Age that success comes not with what is presented, but rather with what is done with what is presented. Thus, today, change 3000 years of presented history by de-politicizing government and breaking religious authority. Nullify political/religious-wrought laws that neocheaters and parasitical elites manipulate to gain unearned riches and destructive powers. Bring forth honest laws that protect individual life, property, and contract. Bring forth just laws -- commonsense laws -- natural secular laws that bring peace, prosperity, and happiness.

Martin Luther King identified in his 1963 "Letter from the Birmingham Jail" that just laws rise from natural laws -- universal laws. In parallel, Neo-Tech identifies that just laws rise from objective reasoning of honest people discovering and obeying nature-created reality. By contrast, unjust political-and-religious laws are arbitrary laws that rise from the subjective whims of dishonest lawmakers and religious leaders conjuring up and then enforcing their self-serving dictates.

Two-and-a-half millennia ago, Sophocles in his Antigone was the first to recognize the supremacy of universal natural law. Concepts of natural law, rights, and justice subsequently evolved through Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Cato, Seneca, the Magna Carta, Aquinas, Sidney, Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill -- even Baruch Spinoza with his universal man and Immanuel Kant with his universal laws. And, finally, Thomas Jefferson climaxed natural law in his Declaration of Independence by recognizing the unalienable rights of each individual to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Natural law and individual rights culminate with the Constitution of the Universe as printed in Aria #1 following Scene #3. Also, printed in Aria #1 is Cicero's definition of natural law from his book, On the Republic, published in 51 BC.


By understanding Pax Neo-Tech along with Pax Law detailed in Coda #2, one can understand the role of George W. Bush to America's survival and prosperity. His stealth power lies in nearly everyone underestimating his hidden abilities. Look beneath his occasional bumbling of words. Aided by his uncanny political advisor, direct-marketing genius Karl Rove, President Bush quietly removes obstacles to fulfill his responsibility of protecting the lives, properties, and prosperity of American citizens.

However, to prevent terrorists from destroying America, President Bush must especially overcome American-citizen saboteurs. He must overcome socialist/fascist politicians along with their government-loving/business-hating parasitical elites, celebrities, journalists, and academics. If Bush fails, they will destroy his presidency and ultimately destroy America. Yes, indeed, Bush-hating journalists and anti-business elites relentlessly work to destroy Bush's effectiveness as a low-tax, pro-business president and a terrorist-defeating, pro-freedom Commander-in-Chief. Thus, they work to destroy America's economic future, precious freedoms, and physical survival.

Are President Bush and Karl Rove shrewd enough to exploit those saboteurs' hatreds and dishonesties to drive, for example, the obstructionist leadership out of power -- namely Senate leader Tom Daschle and House-of-Representatives leader Dick Gephardt -- while winning the 2004 presidential election? Or, will the relentless hatred-driven attacks ultimately destroy Bush, Rove, and America?


For America to peacefully survive and prosper over the long-term requires achieving four Neo-Tech goals: (1) outcompeting and then nullifying the hatreds, dishonesties, and irrationalities throughout religion, politics, education, and business, (2) protecting individual life-and-property rights at all levels of government and society, (3) abiding by commonsense secular natural law, and (4) establishing the sanctity of legal contracts.

Neo-Tech begins by stating principle firmly then applying it widely and strategically, not narrowly and impulsively. If principle cannot be implemented immediately, Neo-Tech states the principle and then works toward the best opportunity to implement it -- be it in a year, in ten years, or even much longer. ...Consider two germane property-right principles unlikely to be implemented at this time in mid 2002 -- principles that ultimately must be implemented not just for ever-expanding prosperity but for conscious-life survival:

Example #1: Under universal natural law, return illegally confiscated oil fields, refineries, and other stolen private properties to their legitimate owners, regardless of nationality. Those rightful owners are, for example, the discoverers, financiers, developers, and stockholders of oil properties from whom their properties were unilaterally nationalized, illegally seized, coerced into inequitable contracts ... or had legal contracts abrogated. ... Send in the "sheriff's posse" to repossess those illegally-held properties. Note, however, oil properties that were non-coercively purchased or contracted cannot be legally repossessed.

Lawful business owners controlling Arabian/Persian oil production would not only diminish Arab/Muslim economic-and-physical threats to America and the world, but would keep the oil flowing to protect and enhance economies worldwide. Moreover, the oppressed Arab/Muslim economies would benefit the most as cash-deprived political-and-religious despots lost their illicit power. Oil revenues could then flow into economic benefits for creative-and-productive citizens and businesses in those newly-freed countries rather than into palaces and weapons for criminal tyrants who finance and supply international terrorists.

Ultimately, bypass dependence on hydrocarbon fuels by steadily, massively increasing the cleanest, cheapest, safest source of energy -- nuclear energy -- first by fission energy, then maybe someday by fusion energy. Additionally, pollution-free nuclear energy would be required to produce electrolytic hydrogen cheaply enough to make economically-feasible fuel cells for vehicle propulsion and other heavy-duty energy uses.

Such property-rights justice combined with terminating the Republican/Religious-right "war on drugs" with its irrational anti-drug laws (as were their disastrously-irrational, religious-right Prohibition Laws eighty years before) would eliminate major money flows to tyrants and terrorists, worldwide. Additionally, decriminalizing drugs would not only put drug cartels and dealers at all levels out of business but would also end the violent-destabilizations of illicit-drug-producing nations, especially in Latin America and certain Asian countries. That, in turn, would markedly increase America's security against global terrorism while (1) significantly reducing foreign-and-domestic US government expenditures, (2) dramatically reducing prison populations, street crimes, gang murders, police corruptions, and most important (3) end gang-driven, drug pushings onto America's youth.

Example #2: Under the rule of law, justly resolve ownership of private properties not lawfully purchased -- forcibly seized -- from individual Palestinians and their businesses. Such illegal confiscations germinated from the anti-Semitic Dreyfus injustice in France during the 1890s. That, in turn, inspired the 1917 Balfour Declaration for a Jewish homeland, followed by British mandates, and carried out by subsequent Israeli governments. For decades, under sway of religious fundamentalists, violent orthodox Jews along with Jewish terrorists such as the Stern gang and Menachem Begin massacred innocent civilians, including their 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel, in their quest to illegally seize lands. Israel continued to criminally usurp "their Holy Land" from Palestinians ... most recently via illegal Jewish-religious settlements in Gaza and the West Bank.

Concurrent with settling valid Palestinian property claims, just law also demands returning or equitably purchasing the homes, businesses, and other properties illegally confiscated from nearly a million Jewish families in various Arab and Muslim countries during the same period of the illegal Palestinian-land seizures. Also, retrieve worldwide the wealth and properties stolen from the Jews murdered or exiled during the Holocaust and other pogroms.

As a sidebar: A legitimate Jewish homeland might have risen in the late 19th century on freely offered Grand Island -- the world's second largest freshwater island -- near Buffalo, New York. Such a trouble-free, legal Jewish city-state probably could have flourished wildly in finance, business, medicine, science, and the arts -- perhaps outcompeting and booming beyond New York City. Instead, however, Jewish fundamentalists, the same as the Christian crusaders a millennium before, irrationally insisted on criminally seizing from Muslim infidels "the Jew's God-given Holy Lands -- given to God's chosen ones".

Note, however, that a worldwide minority of peace-seeking, orthodox Jews called the Naturei Karta have always vehemently opposed Zionists illegally seizing Palestinian private properties and establishing religious Jewish settlements on Palestinian lands.

The Neo-Tech view of Zionism aligns with the early 20th-century Jewish historian Jacob Klatzkin. That view is one of a free-and-secular Israel with no religious, political, or philosophical agendas. Klatzkin promoted freedom for everyone to pursue business, science, and art under secular natural law. Why? To assure a successful-and-enduring Israel for Jews and Arabs alike. Neo-Tech also aligns with early 20th-century, Neo-Kantian philosopher Hermann Cohen as expressed in his book, The Religion of Reason. Neo-Tech, as does Cohen, links morality to nature in realizing that ethics are rational and universal. Finally, Neo-Tech agrees with mid-twentieth-century theologian Leo Baeck's view that the Jewish religion based on law and ethics yields people who are more successful and less harmful than the Christianity of Apostle Paul based on "faith and faith alone". Such faith (mysticism) and faith alone leads to Christian crusaders, Nazi Germany, Scientology, Jonestown, and Muslim terrorists.

Christians and Muslims operate via positives of "doing unto others" -- of inflicting 'values' onto others -- of making each rise to an authoritarian-proclaimed 'rightness'. By contrast, Neo-Tech operates via negatives of "not doing unto others" -- of leaving others alone -- of letting others competitively rise on their own values and responsibilities.

Neo-Tech lets people be free; lets people find their own happiness; lets people compete on their own 'rightness' -- so long as they do not initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against others as stated by the Universal Constitution printed in Aria #1 following Scene 3.


Neo-Tech sweeps away the chains of today's anticivilization to bring what conscious life naturally seeks -- (1) ever-better jobs and careers, (2) ever-greater wealth and security, (3) ever-more enjoyable health and romance.  Neo-Tech clean sweeps mysticisms and intolerances -- sweeps away dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities.

Now, start collecting!

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