Coda #1
Golden-Nugget Outtakes
(Date of Outtake)
#1 -- September 2001
Animals and human beings exist within the control of nature
Only conscious minds can exist beyond the control of nature
Thus only conscious minds can understand and then control nature.
The Evolution of Thinking
8000BC to 500BC
In advancing from the Neolithic age into post-Neolithic ages, bicameral minds broke into consciousness about 1000BC as hallucinating civilizations became non-hallucinating civilizations.
500BC to Estimated 2010AD
During this Pathological age, conscious minds operating through irrationalities and mysticisms devolved bizarrely-destructive, political/religious anticivilizations.
Estimated 2010AD Onward
The coming free-market business/science/art civilization will naturally evolve toward a Universal Civilization that flips (1) self-doubt/faith-following mortal minds into (2) self-confident/self-commanding immortal minds.
For 2500 years, people have lived and died in schizophrenic societies. For 2500 years, political-and-religious miscreants -- neocheaters -- have usurped livelihoods and power by manipulating delusions throughout the populace. Their lethal tools include:
The following quote from Usenet reflects the upside-down pathology dominating today's anticivilization: "Most anticivilization citizens enviously despise those who keep them healthy and alive while ignorantly revering those who sicken and kill them." In an anticivilization, business and science are lashed as Prometheus to a rock of envious malevolence. Politicians, journalists, academics, clerics, celebrities, and parasitical elites steeped in hatreds of competitive value creators and producers return every day to peck out Prometheus's innards. Every day they suck life-giving blood from competitive business and science. ... After 2500 years lashed to that rock, who or what can unbind Prometheus? Heracles could not. Shelley could not.
Can Pax Neo-Tech advancing in a hail of Neo-Tech Bullets free Prometheus? Can the life force of Neo-Tech unleash competitive business, honest science, and creative art to bring never-ending prosperity, non-aging health, and ever-happy romance to conscious life on Earth?
In realty the most-noble-and-heroic individuals are neither kings nor saints, neither politicians nor celebrities, but are those light-and-life givers who honestly-and-productively create competitive jobs, values, and beauty for others and society. Only they are worthy of kneeling reverence.
#2 -- October 2001
Since Pericles in fifth-century BC Greece, every democracy self-destructs in seas of dishonesties and irrationalities. Why? Because the electorate and elected become symbiotically infested with "gimme" populism and criminal socialism/fascism. In that process, earned capital is increasingly forced into parasitical hands -- a process that continually diminishes conscious life toward decline and death.
If not the politics of democracy, then what? Realize that the responsibility of consciousness is to render human life eternally creative, prosperous, and joyful. That responsibility falls upon neither politics nor religion, but on conscious individuals fulfilling their value-creating/value-producing nature. The way to meet that responsibility is not via a rule-by-men populist democracy but via a rule-by-law constitutional republic that protects the life, liberty, property, and sanctity of contract for each-and-every individual.
On July 4, 1976, America's 200th birthday, Neo-Tech's first publication, Psychuous Sex, forecast the crossing of a nuclear-decision threshold within two generations -- a crossing that could end the human race. Earthlings crossed that threshold on September 11, 2001 when the political-and-religious terrorists became willing and able to annihilate human life in America via financial-and-weapon enablers in Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. ...They all must be defanged or America loses.
Perhaps those religious Jihadists will start by detonating on Wall Street an easily-made radiological bomb packed with intensely-radiating cesium-137 with a half life of 30 years or even more-deadly strontium-90, causing the evacuation of several million residents and rendering Manhattan and perhaps the surrounding boroughs uninhabitable. Or, will they harness bio/chemical weapons and sooner-or-later nuclear weapons to annihilate human life by the millions?
Among the most-harmful aspects of today's long-term war of survival against genocidal terrorists is its asset-and-attention-draining effect that prevents the economic, technological, and biomedical focus needed to achieve reverse-aging/non-aging health.
#3 -- November 2001
Islam? Look what Islam today does to millions of young Muslim men. Islamic mysticism devolves them into unhappy, socially-inept incompetents. Muslim clerics then whip them into envious, "kill-'em-all" rages against arrogant, decadent infidels -- against happy, free-spirit Americans.
Christianity? Look what Christianity did to the brilliant mathematician/engineer Blaise Pascal. As Nietzsche bitterly-and-unforgivingly observed, Christianity turned Pascal into a babbling delusionary hallucinator. And, the resolutely honest-and-principled mathematician/astronomer Giordano Bruno? Christian prelates burned him alive at the stake for his unyielding integrity. [Late note: A comprehensive article about the Catholic hierarchy's key role in Hitler's rise to genocidal power is found in: The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis.]
Judaism? Where and when did murder in the name of God begin? In the Western world, it began with the ancient Jews. Consider the following excerpt from Joshua and the Promised Land, pp. 23-24 by Roy H. May, Jr. :
The most disturbing aspect of the Book of Joshua [Chapter Six] is the divine command to commit mass slaughter. In Hebrew, this is herem or "ban". God required that certain things be "devoted" only to death and destruction. Some things were reserved for religious functions. According to the ban, enemies were to be completely exterminated. ... In this theological tradition, such destruction was to be dealt out because "foreigners" or non-Israelites were viewed as impure idolaters. They deserved to die because their ways were opposed to Yahweh. The ban was required to remove obstacles to Yahweh.
Even more malevolent is the conception of a Christian/Muslim afterlife that yields a no-escape 'end time'during which everyone on Earth is violently murdered with hateful premeditation and malice. By contrast, the benevolent conception of a free-market business/science/art civilization that yields a never-occurring "end time" in which each conscious life on Earth happily flourishes forever.
Qur'anic commandments expand, overlap, and then consolidate into psychotic incentives to exit a Muslim's miserable life via a martyr's glorious death. For example, death by killing infidels means swapping a hard, loveless, wretchedly-boring earthly life for a no-effort, luxuriously-debauched afterlife of romping forever with seventy-two, sloe-eyed virgins. ...Enjoyment of life on Earth is bad; enjoyment of death in heaven is good. Life is bad; death is good. "Look, it says so right here in the sacred Hadith," proclaim nefarious and hypocritical mullahs to their youthful dupes.
Equally nefarious and hypocritical are the money/power-extorting Christian leaders such as business-shakedown-racist Jesse Jackson and race-war-bigot Al Sharpton. Gleaning parasitically-sumptuous livelihoods, they both lie and defraud with impunity to lead their duped followers into becoming enviously-enraged losers. ...Bin-Laden/Mullah-Omar demagogues inspire losers to kill infidels who love life, freedom, and prosperity. Jesse-Jackson/Al-Sharpton demagogues inspire losers to loot businesses run by gooks, hymies, and honkies.
And, what about sanctimoniously-dishonest evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson who maliciously blamed the unreligious(!) and gays in America for the September-11th mass-murder attacks upon the United States?
#4 -- December 2001
Consider Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics designed to cultivate the goal of conscious life -- enduring happiness. Aristotle identified happiness in three types of friendship -- the friendship of pleasure, the friendship of utility, and the greatest-and-rarest friendship -- the friendship of virtuous character.
Friendship of character, however, first requires earning self-virtues. Cicero (106-43BC) later identified friendship and envy as opposites: Friendship yields benevolent advantages. Envy yields malevolent destructions. ...The golden prize comes when, in a rising business/science/art civilization, Aristotle's three friendships meld into happily-profitable camaraderie among conscious life.
Cicero also identified that romantic love involves looking into each other's eyes; friendship involves looking in the same direction. And, the melding of Aristotle's three friendships forms the foundation of ever-enriching romantic love. ...From such friendship and love arise a universal civilization in which conscious life is never defrauded, never assaulted, never destroyed.
Finally, Cicero, the most revered and quoted moral philosopher for 1800 years (De Officiis "On Moral Duties"), postulated the exact opposite of Machiavelli (The Prince). For example, Cicero: No immoral act is expedient over the long term; all moral acts are expedient over the long term. By contrast, Machiavelli: Any act that gets and holds power is expedient. ...Both men were accurate: Machiavelli spoke from the context of a mortal Anticivilization. Cicero spoke from the context of the immortal Civilization of the Universe.
Neo-Tech Roots
Politics, religions, and most philosophies are generally rooted in history's most original-and-comprehensive thinker -- Plato. He represents the unreal, higher-realm seeker of illusions via mind-created 'realities'. By contrast, business, science, and Neo-Tech are generally rooted in history's most realistic-and-important thinker -- Aristotle. He represents the commonsense, earth-bound seeker of knowledge via nature-created reality.
Neothinking Roots
Neothinking is rooted in Socratic wide-scope questioning and Aristotelian wide-scope logic. Neothinking yields optimum competitive advantages -- often at Aristotle's golden mean. Also, consider Aristotle's cardinal virtues: They are the three non-manipulative character virtues of courage, temperance, and justice plus the intellectual virtue of prudence offering practical wisdom yielding reliable judgments. By contrast, Christianity's cardinal virtues are the four manipulative virtues of faith, hope, charity, and humility. ...Which set of virtues stimulates competitive creativity to yield prosperity and health throughout humanity? Which set of virtues stifles competitive creativity to yield stagnation and death?
Creative Destruction
In 1952, Austrian-economist Joseph A. Schumpeter was quite correct in his identifying the economic-and-social benefits of competitive "creative destruction". Neo-Tech, for example, often involves the creative destruction of the corrupt, the stagnant, and the regressive. Indeed, an essence of Neo-Tech involves the nullification of those scourges by competitively leaving them behind to dry up, shrivel toward null points, and then forever blow away.
#5 -- January-July 2002
Seventy-billion dollars were lost in the great crash of 1929. But, who are responsible for the seven-trillion dollars lost in the year-2000 stockmarket crash? Moreover, who are responsible for the even-greater, mortgage-debt liquidation losses to come? Bush, Enron, and September 11th are not. They are not the root cause of the debt-ridden housing bubble to burst probably after the 2004 elections, perhaps as late as 2009. Al, Bill, and Bob are the root cause. In the 1990s era of endemic dishonesty, the economic troika of look-good/sound-good Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, and Robert Rubin set up a decade-long time bomb -- perhaps a Freddie-Mac/Fannie-Mae housing-loan meltdown and then a debt-liquidation debacle occurring years after they are safely out of office.
Political-genius President Clinton started the looming debt crisis in February 1993 when he began corrupting the supposedly nonpolitical Federal Reserve. He lured fame-and-romance seeking Federal-Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan into breaking both precedent and principle by having him embarrassingly sit politically in the president's box next to Hillary Clinton during her husband's first State-of-the-Union address. From that moment onward, former Gold-Standard/Ayn-Rand-acolyte Greenspan freely bought into the media/celebrity approval of Clinton's self-serving, political-and-economic machinations. Greenspan then swooned and sold out to Keynesian machinations in accommodating Clinton's agenda.
Al's Story
Fed Chairman Greenspan joined by a suave Robert Rubin readily conspired to plant an "after-I'm-gone" time bomb of unsustainable debt: Arriving in the mid 1990s, the manipulation genius of the new Secretary-of-Treasury "silent" Bob adroitly facilitated the tax-raising Clinton/Greenspan pyramid schemes. Rubin designed an artificially high dollar to mask inflation and foster lower interest rates. "Rubin the Regulator" then corrupted the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail out his Wall-Street banking cronies facing debt defaults from Mexico and elsewhere. ... Rubin thus corrupted the global system of international debt to the lasting harm of especially the working classes in developing countries.
Most harmful to America, Rubin created delusions of budget surpluses and falling government debt by covertly "borrowing from" (plundering) social-security funds from which most baby boomers will never collect. Thus, that Clinton-Greenspan-Rubin troika kept inflating their debt bubble. To facilitate that bubble, they created an era of accounting frauds to hide deteriorating government-and-corporate balance sheets along with unsustainable debt growth that continues to this day -- and possibly continuing until even after the 2008 elections before the debt collapse is complete.
Especially dangerous are the unchecked interest-free/low-interest/variable-rate mortgages combined with frivolous debt-driven consumption -- a well-proven formula for personal, family, and social disasters. ... That bubble will continue to inflate for perhaps three to six more years before deflating -- probably during President Bush's second term if he wins in 2004.
Bush or any future American President, however, has a way to escape that debt collapse by creating an economic boom to generate earned capital and liquefy balance sheets faster than any possible forced debt liquidation. How? By (1) nullifying the IRS through the economic "miracle" of replacing income taxes with consumption-and-use taxes, (2) similar to repealing in the early 1930s the disastrous 18th Amendment that prohibited the sale of alcohol, the even-more disastrous 16th Income-Tax Amendment must also be repealed to prevent income taxes from ever again emerging in America, (3) privatizing economy-draining Social Security and Medicare Ponzi schemes, and (4) tort reform that eliminates fraudulent business-looting lawsuits.
#6 -- February 2002
Unbelievable what people believe in, act upon, and embrace. They believe in rank stupidities often blended with the ignorances of mindless crowds. They embrace breathtaking irrationalities and mind-numbing mysticisms ranging from astrology to angels. They act upon life-damaging scientisms and life-destroying superstitions. As a result, they embrace camouflaged cults that propagate lethal faiths and utopian ideologies ranging from Christianity, Islam, and Judaism ... to Populism, Fascism, and Socialism.
Neo-Tech's precursor, nonbeliever Mark Twain, demolished anticivilization icons, especially with his fictional character, Huckleberry Finn. Huck is perhaps the only moral spirit in artistic/romantic literature who never surrendered to the anticivilization. In the end, he "lites out" from the anticivilization and alone heads toward new frontiers -- toward the Civilization of the Universe.
Through Pax Neo-Tech, one discovers new frontiers that allow spirituality to grow not through religion or mysticism, but through art and romance -- a spirituality that flows forever into the future. Neo-Tech aligns with Schopenhauer's and Nietzsche's conception of art transcending Earth's anticivilization. ...Art reflects the redeeming values of conscious life.
Studying and understanding philosophy offer values and advantages in an anticivilization. For example: In 1967, the works of Objectivist-founder Ayn Rand inspired the birth of Neo-Tech. Yet, realize that Neo-Tech is not a philosophy. Instead, it offers a hitherto unknown form of thinking -- neothinking -- honest, wide-scope statistical thinking. Such thinking yields profitably-predictive knowledge coming from the past, moving across the present, and then integrating that knowledge into a never-ending future.
In addition, through its 1970 ad in Barron's magazine outlining a future "Capitalist Party of United States", I & O Publishing Company (the forerunner to Neo-Tech Publishing) served as a precursor to the Libertarian movement and party.
What became increasingly negative about Objectivism and Libertarianism was their fixed ideologies becoming petrified within unchanging boundaries. Such petrifaction dooms every closed-system ideology -- good or bad. Thus, today, the unchanging old guards of Objectivism (dogmatically-fixed certainties) and Libertarianism (arbitrarily-selected certainties) are increasingly lost, confused, and impotent -- stuck in their obsolete "alchemist" past. Because of certain narrow-scope or tunnel-vision views, the founders, leaders, and followers of the Objectivist and Libertarian movements exhibit at times gross naïveté and ignorance about crucial realities ranging from indeterminate quantum mechanics to self-defense war against genocidal Jihadists.
Consider the twin foundations of philosophy -- Plato and Aristotle: Plato the father of philosophy -- stunningly original, brilliant, and comprehensive -- was dynamically evolving during his lifetime. For the next two-and-a-half millennia after his death, however, politics and religion ossified and then destructively dogmatized his volumes of poetic philosophy. As the most recent examples, tyrants Hitler, Stalin, and Mao dishonestly ripped Plato philosophy out of context to justify their bloody totalitarian rule. Likewise, Aristotle the father of earthbound commonsense philosophy and science was also dynamically evolving during his lifetime. After his death, as with Plato, his philosophical works became ossified and then destructively dogmatized ironically, for example, as an out-of-context philosophical justification for both Christianity and Islam.
Neo-Tech by contrast is not a philosophy. By its very nature and definition, Neo-Tech always evolves throughout the changing Universe of space and time. No one can ossify or dogmatize Neo-Tech. For, it always changes to adapt to an ever-changing eternity.
Neo-Tech forever unfolds open-ended knowledge that determines the future by dissolving the dishonest biases and ideological boundaries of politics and philosophies. ...Neo-Tech liberates those trapped inside narrow-scope/tunnel-vision prisons.
Finally, consider the following letter sent to an Abuse Manager for Usenet newsgroups:
Dear Abuse Manager, Thank you for forwarding a net-abuse/spam complaint about a Pax Neo-Tech posting to a libertarian newsgroup. Ever since establishing the website in 1996, fervent Libertarians and Objectivists have reacted with energetic flames and ad-hominem attacks across the Internet. In fact, the orthodox Objectivists rushed to establish a fully-moderated newsgroup -- humanities.philosophy.objectivism -- explicitly and solely to forbid even mentioning the word Neo-Tech!
Even a cursory examination of the occasional Pax Neo-Tech postings, including the attached sample you sent, reveals such posts lack any attribute of spam or net abuse. In fact, the content of each post is stingingly relevant to that newsgroup. Neo-Tech, moreover, does not advertise, promote, or sell on the Internet -- not even on its own web site, much less on Usenet. Instead, each post reveals new developments beyond previously-posted Neo-Tech information. Indeed, the unfolding new revelations posted once every several months present a disturbing problem for those flamers and complainers. For, each updated post further reveals why orthodox Libertarianism and Objectivism are declining toward irrelevance. Those with vested interests in stagnant Libertarianism and dogmatic Objectivism understandably flame essentially every Neo-Tech post. For, each such post further erodes their waning positions. Yet, their complaints as the one you forwarded to me constitute in themselves an abuse of spam-protection services since those flamers have no legitimate complaint. Instead, they are trying to manipulate your service into "saving their appearances" by banning relevant facts that demonstrate their obsolescence. ...They are desperate to stop valuable-and-revealing posts that they do not want their followers and admirers to peruse. |
Now consider the following Neo-Tech post made to an Objectivist newsgroup:
Why Neo-Tech Occasionally Posts on Usenet Pax Neo-Tech is evolving through a unique accretion process involving 150 to 300 or more separate printout editing cycles for each chapter. Every few months, Neo-Tech Publishing posts newly-revised chapter drafts of Pax Neo-Tech on a selected Libertarian or Objectivist newsgroup. The postings are for both educational-and-editing purposes. To construct a book that can be published continuously for decades while producing many millions of dollars in revenue streams involves relentless editing of (1) Usenet-text versions, (2) web-html versions, (3) ms-word versions, and (4) book-formatted versions. Each newly-edited version guided by URL web statistics gives uniquely-different psychological views yielding ever-deeper, ever-wider, ever-more-valuable editing integrations. Most important, NTP believes that Pax Neo-Tech is the first book edited and formatted from not only (1) daily statistics for hits on each of its URL pages, but from (2) real-time hits streaming live as the author actually makes his edits and format changes. ...Because of the several-thousand daily hits to those pages, NTP considers such editing decisions as statistically sound, including its A/B split-run editing tests. Before elaborating on the financial-and-longevity value of such edits, consider the following: Most Usenet users post quick, first-or-second draft material. Yet, some posts reflect seemingly effortless writing of exceptional quality. Especially on Objectivist newsgroups, some posts seem so well-written and knowledgeable that one admires the poster's fluid ability and nimble expressiveness. Yet, the value of even the best, most-impressive posts is shallow and ephemeral -- lasting but a few hours, or at most a day or two. Those posts then fade from existence, leaving essentially no values behind. ...So, what is the point of such prolific, no-value postings? A much-smaller group of thoughtful Libertarian-and-Objectivist intellectuals exert considerable care and time composing articles or op-eds of exceptional quality that are occasionally published in major magazines and newspapers. Those articles exhibit longer, more-widespread impact and value. Still, the value of even those articles generally fades over a period of days, weeks, or at most a month or so before passing into oblivion, yielding few if any lasting values. And, finally, the pinnacles of Libertarian-and-Objectivist intellectual talent might spend years to write books of varying value and longevity, led by value/longevity champion, Ayn Rand. ...Today, however, a new champion emerges: Pax Neo-Tech quietly rises from wide-scope facts and fully-integrated honesty woven into a matrix of the past, present, and future. Its first volume reveals a slice-and-dice dynamic that profitably undercuts today's opinions, beliefs, faiths, and philosophies that harm everyone, everywhere on Earth. Of course, Pax Neo-Tech has passages that offend nearly everyone. Nevertheless, Pax Neo-Tech gradually overtakes the reader as he or she realizes it holds the long-hidden key that opens conscious life to limitless-and-unending success through clean-sweep honesty combined with personal discipline, thought, and then control. ...Such edited literature yields unique values that over the years and decades increase in effectiveness and marketability. Here is the other secret to the expanding commercial success of Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP): It and its authors remain sharply independent from the thinking and expectations trumpeted by both today's Establishment and its mirror-image Anti-Establishment, which are really the same currency in each being lethally-plagued in close boundaries. Bottom line? Neo-Tech books yield continuing revenue streams ranging from several million dollars per title to over 120-million dollars for its lead title, now in its 64th English-language printing, plus many millions more for books published in 13 languages and sold in 170 countries. ...NTP directs its entire income stream into quiet pro-bono, break-even marketing programs for maximum time-bomb infiltrations worldwide. *** Neo-Tech Publishing Company invites talented posters to study the evolvement of Pax Neo-Tech on its web site. From that understanding, perhaps they can learn to convert their own skills into revenue streams that increasingly benefit a world of honest-and-rational individuals at all levels of society and in all cultures. |
#7 -- 5/30/02
More on Objectivist Philosophy
Breaking free from anticivilization boundaries of philosophy requires obsoleting today's most beneficial philosophy -- Ayn Rand's Objectivism. Still, today, despite being its intolerant cult leader, Dr. Leonard Peikoff produces genuine values and competitive products for others and society -- values that probably exceed the net values delivered by all his ad-hominem detractors combined. ...Those bogus detractors do not, however, include intellectually-valid critics of the absolute-certainty/perpetual-truth cult that unfortunately arose from Ayn Rand's largely valid work.
Objectivist cultists measure their worth on how well they know and can expound on someone else's philosophy -- Ayn-Rand's philosophy. Thus, as Roman stoic Epictetus identified two millennia ago, 'scholars' immersed in and living through the fixed ideas of another lose their capacities to generate original thoughts and ideas. Moreover, such 'scholars' tarnish Rand's legacy while misguiding the minds, lives, and happiness of many bright, young idealists. At the expense of independently-honest thinking, cult followers demand an Ayn-Rand world of unchanging certainties and perpetual truths, neither of which exist in reality. ...Only unchanging honesty exists.
Cult-following Objectivists do not let themselves realize that their great fictional heroes -- Howard Roark in The Fountainhead and Hank Rearden in Atlas Shrugged -- knew little or nothing about philosophy, much less Objectivism. Instead, they achieved their admirable characters and remarkable value creations not through metaphysics, epistemology, and politics but through honesty, rationality, and effort.
Both Roark and Rearden functioned in the trenches with principled integrity while creating action-engaged art and highly-competitive business. Thus, they were both emotionally empathetic and excitingly real. By contrast, Ayn Rand's mega-hero John Galt functioned aloof through static philosophy. Thus, while his intransigent words were important and valuable, he seemed stilted -- not empathetic or real. ...Indeed, the exceptionally-heroic Galt seemed at times more like a detached cult guru.
In any case, orthodox Objectivists must break free from their cultish entrapments to thrive into the future. Consider examples of non-cultist Objectivists: Dr. David Kelley and Dr. Nathaniel Branden. They broke free from orthodox Objectivism to deliver wider values to others and society. Today, Kelley's Objectivist Center at publishes valuable literature. Also, one still finds exceptional scholarship coming from Peikoff's Ayn-Rand Institute at Both organizations merit financial support. ...Neo-Tech Worldwide especially recommends a subscription to the daily email news commentary from pro-reason, pro-individual-rights perspectives (without the cultish certainties of orthodox Objectivism) published by The Intellectual Activist at -- an outstanding time-saving value.
More on Libertarian Politics
Breaking free from anticivilization boundaries of politics also requires obsoleting today's most beneficial form of politics -- Libertarianism. Most Libertarians, including its two-time presidential candidate Harry Browne, are good-intentioned, morally-decent value producers. Nevertheless, as Neo-Tech predicted from the insufferably boring, inaccurate post-office vilifications of his past two presidential campaigns, Harry Browne would sink the Libertarian political party. ...That sinking came with his narrow-scope, "principled" thinking -- his recklessly-ignorant "Blame-America" declarations immediately following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
To flourish, Libertarians must jettison closed-boundary ideologies that embarrassingly morph into blind stupidities often contradicting and undermining the only legitimate libertarian function of government -- protect the individual rights and properties of its citizens against government, crime, and terrorism.
Libertarians would do best by dropping politics and focusing on their mostly valid-and-important ideas on free-market economics. A good step in that direction is reflected in valuable albeit uneven work by the libertarian-oriented Cato Institute ( and the Reason Foundation ( along with its somewhat-confused but still-valuable Reason Magazine. ...They too merit financial support.
Also, despite its several misguided, narrow-scope applications of Libertarianism, the International Society for Individual Liberty ( is recommended for (1) utilizing its flow of pro-freedom information and (2) supporting financially its valuable international efforts exposing crimes and oppressions of foreign governments. ... ISIL's efforts help advance Neo-Tech's goal of nullifying today's anticivilization worldwide.
The most-complete source of Libertarian/Objectivist literature is found at -- recommended.
A note of justice: Since his disastrous September-11th statements, Harry Browne has suffered withering personal attacks. But, most of those ad-hominem attacks emanate from much-lesser people than Harry Browne. Such attackers ignore the life-enhancing values delivered to millions of individuals in his 1972 best-selling book, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.
More on Literature and Historical Giants
What about Neo-Tech's seemingly championing James Joyce's novel Ulysses over Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged? What about Neo-Tech's seemingly championing St. Francis of Assisi's Canticle of the Creatures? What about Neo-Tech's seemingly championing real Brother Sun, Sister Moon, and the Stars over fictional John Galt, Dagny Taggart, and Francisco d'Anconia? How can one explain such seeming contradictions?
Did anyone detect the faintest Mona-Lisa smile flicker across Neo-Tech's poker face? Remember that Neo-Tech has no spin, is never cynical, never cheats, and acts shrewdly, not impulsively. It benevolently works outside of today's fixed boundaries. Its Socratic-Galilean approach quietly, continually, profitably subverts today's anticivilization in multiple ways, on countless fronts. That approach eschews loudly-intransigent, Libertarian-Objectivist approaches that are constantly shot down in this dishonest, gun-backed anticivilization.
To stress once again, Neo-Tech is not a philosophy. It casts no spells and embraces no followers. It has neither allegiances to honor nor axes to grind. It has neither commandments to obey nor commitments to fulfil except to honesty and the supreme value of conscious life.
Ayn Rand's Objectivism is a semi-formal philosophy that is mainly derivative of Aristotle, Locke, and Nietzsche. Objectivism, nevertheless, is an originally-integrated -- brilliantly-integrated -- philosophy with no major internal contradictions as presented in Leonard Peikoff's outstanding 1991-treatise Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand. Objectivism offers a theoretical, deductive-based system for rational thinking in an irrational world.
Yet, too often, Ayn Rand falsely applied her own philosophy via self-promoting generalizations deduced from a single cherry-picked fact or from a few narrowly-selected, out-of-context facts. She applied such fragmented facts to attack her targets of 'evil', about which she often had sparse knowledge. Egregious examples include ad-hominem attacks on competition such as Immanuel Kant and his philosophical works. Offering mainly bluster, not evidence, she publicly and persistently denounced Kant as "the evilest man who ever lived". With gross unfairness, she mocked Immanuel Kant's frail, physically-diminutive stature. Her unfair denouncements also encompassed an 'evil' Plato, an 'evil' Descartes, an 'evil' Hegel, and a host of other 'evil' competitors.
Incidentally, 'evil' Georg Hegel followed by warped-logic but brilliant-intellect Karl Marx used history -- as does Neo-Tech -- to identify and understand an anticivilization. They identified dialectical development -- the struggle between thesis and antithesis followed by synthesis. ...That struggle is what they believed "advanced" an anticivilization.
Rand had no concept or understanding of effectively dealing with an omnipresent anticivilization and little understanding of her bitterly denounced competition. Also, realize that her declared 'super-evil' postmodern philosopher Jacques Derrida validly identified that facts and truths are manipulated constructs used to support anticivilization power structures. ...Hegel, Marx, and Derrida provide potent ammunition for profitably undermining and nullifying their lethal anticivilization.
By misapplying her Objectivism, Ayn Rand also unjustly denigrated outstanding artists such as Thomas Wolfe, James Joyce, Rembrandt -- even Shakespeare and Beethoven! To this day, Randian cultists continue chanting the same ad-hominem mantras. The tragic consequence is that scholars encountering Rand's smeared subjects stop cold at such careless applications of Objectivism. Thus, they dismiss Rand without ever knowing much less benefiting from her brilliantly integrated work.
Early Neo-Tech literature occasionally fell into that same intellectual sin by too rigidly applying narrow-scope ideological ideas to events and people. Neo-Tech literature today, however, accesses the widest-and-fullest context of anticivilization history. Thus, Neo-Tech's early classical viewpoints shifted or reversed concerning, for example, certain historical notables such as Alexander the Great, Plato, Augustus Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, and Winston Churchill. After all, they each had to live and function in an anticivilization -- that is all they knew. In that context, most historical greats performed admirably, even heroically, to benefit their times in history.
Lincoln especially incorporated Neo-Tech understandings to his time in developing pro-business/free-trade, anti-slavery/anti-theistic, malice-toward-none courses of action. Honest Abe also understood the primacy of honesty over the manipulations of truths. ...At the same time, the expanding knowledge and integrations of Neo-Tech brought forth a few scattered errors and tarnishing problems for shining historical greats such as Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, and Ayn Rand.
In bypassing and obsoleting Objectivism, Neo-Tech authors today do not return to their early works and correct occasional narrow, premature, or erroneous views. For, reading those earlier views helps one understand the evolution of Neo-Tech as an open-ended process of applying fully-integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting that continually evolve new understandings, knowledge, and perspectives.
Over the past three decades, the dynamics of Neo-Tech generated thousands of factual points, historical citations, and empirical observations from the widest perspectives to induce a single-point conclusion: Earthlings unnecessarily live in a bizarrely-unnatural anticivilization. From that single-point conclusion, Neo-Tech harnesses profitable business actions that undermine and will ultimately nullify today's anticivilization.
To grasp the easy-to-read minimalist Joycean allegory -- Al's Allegory in Coda #3 -- ignore the woefully ignorant religious-right and cultist-Objectivist scornings of James Joyce's novel Ulysses. That hard-to-read novel is perhaps the supreme work of literature art in the twentieth century. Ulysses is the art of opposites via similarities. It weaves stunningly-unique vertical timelines into internal consciousness. It is the first major "stream-of-consciousness" structure in literature. Once understood within its maddingly-complex style, Ulysses rises to an unparalleled artistic achievement yielding countless literary innovations and contemplative values. ...Joyce subsequently went overboard with his 14-year absurdly-overwrought "masterpiece" mess, Finnegans Wake.
By contrast, Ayn Rand's easy-to-read novel, Atlas Shrugged, is perhaps the supreme work of philosophical art in anticivilization history. Once understood within their limitations, Rand's works yield many effective and practical values.
Also, recognize Rand's stellar nonfiction intellectual work, Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. Finally, recognize that although too many of her avid cult followers ended with romantically-miserable/unhappily-barren lives, Rand's moral-and-principled philosophy delivered over fifty years of life-enhancing values for living more rationally in an irrational anticivilization.
Incidentally, Ayn Rand was not the first major writer to express a philosophy through fiction. Jean Paul Sartre was the first with his novel, Nausea. His novel expressed the Existentialist idea of the ill-ease one experiences when focusing upon his or her anticivilization existence and then realizing the meaninglessness of life that ends in nothing -- life that ends in eternal death. Mark Hamilton's trilogy, The First Immortals due in 2004, flips that sad-filled meaninglessness into joy-filled meaning by shifting perspectives from today's anticivilization yielding death for each conscious person -- into tomorrow's Civilization of the Universe yielding eternal growth for each conscious person.
Neo-Tech does, however, coincide with the Existentialist idea that the individual is what a person makes of him or her self. Each individual alone is responsible for creating his or her essence and character, which is determined by that person's self-chosen actions and non-actions. ...The five hallmarks of Neo-Tech are (1) fully-integrated honesty, (2) nonbiased, wide-scope/statistical thinking, (3) ever-growing knowledge, (4) self-responsible human health, (5) value-oriented romantic love.
#8 -- 6/1/02
Neo-Tech and Nature
Understanding nature comes from its predictive order rising from seemingly-arbitrary disorder. For example, (1) understanding chemistry from Mendeleyev's demonstration of nature's powerfully-predictive periodic order within the chemical elements, (2) understanding particle physics from various Noble Laureates uncovering nature's highly-predictive order via their Standard Model of quarks and leptons, (3) understanding order-in-chaos dynamics from Feigenbaum's and Mandelbrot's discovering nature's predictive order via self-organizing fractal patterns, and (4) finding an ever-wider predictive nature from Wolfram's computer algorithms. ...Analogous predictive models of human consciousness could emerge upon discovering nature's hidden matrices of knowledge rising from prime units of conscious thought -- hypothetical quantum units called thinkons (see Aria #3 titled Liberating our Quantum Consciousness).
Neo-Tech and Art
Beethoven's first-and-second movements of his Ninth Symphony express the unresolvable contradictions and inescapable strife in an anticivilization. The third movement provides exquisite relief through a divine journey toward the Civilization of the Universe gloriously expressed in the fourth movement as Schiller's joy of universal brotherhood.
Gustav Mahler's sweeping symphonies of defeat and doom rising into redemption and victory inspired parts of Pax Neo-Tech. Mahler's spiraling music emotionally answers where conscious life has been, why it is here, and where it is going. Pax Neo-Tech factually answers those same questions. ... Neo-Tech is a litany of integrations reflecting the eternal beauty and power of human-created values streaming from business, science and art.
Universal art strives for fully-integrated honesty. Thus, such art holds its same eternal beauty in "Heaven" and Earth alike -- in the Civilization of the Universe and the Anticivilization alike. ...To paraphrase a line in Alexander Pope's popular love poem, Héloise and Abelard: Start your journey into the eternal sunshine of the honest mind. In other words, start your journey into the eternal beauty of fully-integrated honesty embodied by Pax Neo-Tech.
#9 -- 6/3/02
Politicians and government officials today make rhetorical gestures toward fulfilling their prime responsibility -- toward protecting the life-and-property rights of their constituents. Too often those gestures lack sincere focus, sustained efforts, and meaningful results. Politicians and officials failing that single responsibility are unworthy of public office (as starkly illustrated in Coda #2 titled Pax Law).
#10 -- 6/10/02-9/10/02
Today, the world remains a political/religious anticivilization über alles. Thus, even if commander-in-chief Bush wins the war against terrorism and ends government frauds, Earth's survival with lasting peace and prosperity depends on replacing his Augustus-Caesar/Jesus-Christ/Ozzy-Osborne anticivilization with a business/science/art civilization.
#11 -- 6/18/02
Today, a hidden example of a potentially-genocidal fraud is global warming: The poverty-creating Kyoto-Treaty-type laws are fashioned from the 1990s-chic dishonesties. Led by invidious demagogues, socialist/fascist green armies riot for spurious global-warming regulations that would cripple American businesses, plunge worldwide standards of living, and decay world economies. Those irrational regulations would ultimately shrivel human existence, especially for the poverty-stricken, third-world underclasses who would starve by the millions. ... Applaud President Bush for withdrawing America from that irrationally-destructive and cruelly-dishonest treaty:
Is global warming occurring? Yes, data today show global warming is a fact. Dishonesties, however, reign supreme as political environmentalists use demagoguery, scientisms, and outright lies to "prove" that humans cause any significant global warming (see Just as celebrity-verified "science" proved a generation ago that humans caused global chilling, today that same celebrity-verified "science" underlying the Nader/Gorean Greens is mostly based on continuous political/business-hating dishonesties: Want proof of humans causing global warming? The Snows of Kilimanjaro is melting! screeches semi-literate "eco-scientist" Barbra Streisand.
Scientifically valid, statistical examinations of long-term weather trends show that the combined activities of humans today have little or no measurable effect on nature's overwhelmingly-massive weather patterns that alternatively produce life-diminishing ice ages and then life-enhancing warm ages. That fact becomes evident upon analyzing the world climate changes during the past 12,000 years, from the Neolithic Age to the present age.
Most important, global warming brings the greatest natural benefits to human life. For, increased solar warming brings mega increases of free, clean sun energy to this world. Through the millennia, global warming has been the single greatest variable in nature for increasing human standards of living. Global warming means huge expansions of arable land yielding more-and-better food with improving living conditions not only for human life, but for plant and animal life as well. Ask Russian President Putin why he is eager for global warming. Ask his constituents in Siberia why they want to experience global warming. Global warming would also reduce the world's need to burn air-polluting fossil/hydrocarbon fuels -- oil, coal, wood, and peat fuels. ... So, when man can noticeably increase free-and-clean solar energy via global warming, bring him on to do the job!
#12 -- 6/21/02
A final example of life-destroying dishonesty is today's obesity epidemic, especially in America. That epidemic arose from the decades-long, government-driven, politically-correct low-fat-diet fraud. Realize that ingesting and metabolizing fat does not cause fat. Note, however, that a high-fat diet may increase heart risks, especially for people who are not aerobically fit. See Dr. Kenneth M. Cooper's classic book, Aerobics, for an understanding of and criterion for aerobic fitness -- 30-minutes or more of sustained fast-heartbeat running, swimming, biking, fast walking, or other fast exercise -- at least three times a week. Or even better on alternate days (to allow for the needed 48-hour recovery of each muscle/joint group worked) do brisk 15-30 minute muscle-toning workouts and on alternating days do the health-critical 30-40 minute aerobic workouts.
Drawing from the research behind the 1960s Canadian Air Force diet (from which Dr. Atkins developed his famous low-carbohydrate diet), Neo-Tech literature has stressed since 1976 that sugar and carbohydrates, not fat and protein, metabolize into diabetic/heart-attack blubber fat. Consider today's rapidly escalating consumption of sugars and carbohydrates: Ingesting heaps of "low-fat" carbohydrate-loaded fruits, pasta, waffle ice-cream cones, mega-gulp colas, and especially drug-like, Starbucks' Venti Chocolate-Malt-Frappichino/diabetes-inducing-type drinks are ballooning Americans into freakish parades of lethally-obese, wrenchingly-unhappy, sickness-induced humans. ...Realize that aerobic exercise is the première health dynamic, but exercise alone is not very effective for weight loss. Instead, eliminating the sugar narcotic and cutting carbohydrates is the première weight-loss dynamic.
The evilest offenses and saddest tragedies arise from parents who ruin the health and happiness of their own children by inducing them to become obese. Consequently, many of those children suffer chronically unhappy/unhealthy lives. Some become diabetic to eventually experience amputated legs, blindness, and early death. Many such parents, often obese themselves, use the low-fat-diet hoax to rationalize for them and their children to pig out on drug-like diets of sugar-saturated cokes along with candies, ice cream, pastas, pastries, and other confections loaded with no-fat sugars and 'healthy' carbohydrates. ...Inflicting such psychological-and-physical damage on helpless innocents is child abuse and physical mutilation in its most-cruelly destructive form.
Each individual must take control of his or her body to create a happy, healthy life for self and loved ones. ...Eat to live, not live to eat.
#13 -- 6/26/02
Most anticivilization thinking is analog and circular. Such entrapped thinking recycles dogmas, irrationalities, and mysticisms that let neocheaters plunder human creativity and productivity over the millennia. By contrast, outside-the-bubble neothinking is digital and linear. Such freethinking yields the calculus for outflanking close-ended dogmas, irrationalities, and mysticisms to deliver open-ended freedom, creativity, and prosperity.
#14 -- 6/26/02
Pro-life Neo-Tech? Yes, Neo-Tech is genuinely-and-fully pro life -- pro conscious life. Neo-Tech rejects as blatantly dishonest the religionists' usurpation of the "pro-life" label when they criminally force anti-life controls over the most basic-and-profound moral right -- the right to control and protect one's own body. Anti-life religionists, be they fundamentalist John Ashcrofts or fundamentalist Mullah Omars, militate against the happy well-being of conscious life on Earth. ...A fetus is not a person -- a fetus is not conscious life -- a fetus is protoplasm belonging to a woman's body, which is the most basic, inalienable property right possible.
#15 -- 6/26/02
Applaud Judge Alfred Goodwin of the U.S. 9th-Circuit Appellate Court for his legally correct decision in ruling as unconstitutional the "under God" phrase politically injected in 1954 by religious-right Republicans into America's pristinely-secular "liberty and justice for all" Pledge of Allegiance. That 1954-besmirched pledge became decidedly unconstitutional when forced upon children in tax-paid, government-run public schools. ..."I'm under God? Who says I'm under your mystically-destructive deception called God?"
Consider children in no-choice public schools (versus free-choice private schools) seeking honest understandings of reality. Forcing them into pledging to a lethally-irrational religious concept is not only unconstitutional, but is perniciously offensive.
Many religious critics of Judge Goodwin's decision, including President Bush, wrongly opine Thomas Jefferson's agreement with the "under God" phrase. They cite his Declaration of Independence as proof. Jefferson, however, never referred to a mythical "God". Instead, he referred to "their Creator" and once to its deistic equivalent -- "Nature's God". As many of America's founding fathers, Jefferson rejected the theistic God concept. ...Jefferson was a secular-humanist deist, not a mystical theist.
To Jefferson and other Voltairean-enlightened personalities of that time, "their Creator" could be either (1) the nonconscious-forces of nature following natural laws or (2) a hypothetical conscious force controlling nature by obeying the inexorable laws of nature. Then the universe, once created, evolves according to its design -- either a nonconscious design or a hypothetical conscious design. In any case, the universe develops according to the laws of nature. ...That Voltairean/Jeffersonian view parallels the Neo-Tech/Zon concept.
Perhaps the most-valuable document in world history -- The United States Constitution -- is also a pristinely-secular godless document, as are the invaluable eighty-five Publius-signed letters of the Federalist Papers composed mainly by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. Their lasting value and validity, as does the value and validity of Neo-Tech, arise from mystic-free common sense combined with the laws of nature.
#16 -- 7/25/02
A runaway political class that includes even Alan Greenspan is a lot more dangerous to the markets and America's prosperity than are a few crooked CEOs.
The Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2002
Congress routinely commits financial flimflam that would land CEOs in jail.
The Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2002
Today, in mid 2002, Daschle/Gephardt-led politicians strive to prolong and deepen the Clinton/Greenspan/Rubin-caused stockmarket crash and economic recession until the 2002 elections and hopefully to the 2004 elections. How? By demagogically blocking Bush's economic reforms and limiting his tax cuts. Or, even better, those politicians and their socialist/fascist/elitist-backed media hope to create a major failure in America's war against terrorism. Many also hope for a bloodbath in Afghanistan with heavy American causalities. Why? To seize congressional power in 2003 -- and especially to defeat President Bush in 2004.
Modern-day Daschle/Gephardt-type demagogues ultimately fail on all counts: Recall again Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment: "Future-great-man" Raskolnikov fails totally by seeking fame and power as ends in themselves. Thus, he would justify any means to achieve those ends -- including wonton acts of social destruction, criminal usurpations, even murder.
#17 -- 8/6/02
Consider one unlikely source for the Neo-Tech Discovery -- the Mormons: As a group, though somewhat zombified, they are among the most business-savvy, financially-successful, and sexually-happy people on Earth today. In today's anticivilization, Mormons are on a level with secular-humanist Jews as among the most-competitive, least-envious value creators. Still, the 20th-century Neo-Tech discoveries, not the 19th-century Mount-Cumorah tomfooleries, yield the decoded "Golden Plates" first inscribed twenty-five centuries ago by a real person named Aristotle, not thirty centuries ago by an imagined person named Mormon.
In 1830, upon usurping Islamic legends, Mormon-founder Joseph Smith concealed himself under a cloth hood. He then held two stones while pretending to decode mythical Golden Plates. From that act, he glibly spun a story plagiarized from a science-fiction novel, The Manuscript Story, by Solomon Spalding. Smith modeled his afterlife paradise with one's entire family, including polygamous wives, in a modernized, less-destructive, more-mature manner than Muhammad's puerile no-effort, luxuriously-plush, sex-promiscuous afterlife free from responsibilities -- free from one's family, including one's wife or wives. ... Smith and Muhammad were both charismatic masters who shrewdly foisted enduring delusions upon their followers.
#18 -- 8/10/02
In 1983, the then Attorney General of Missouri, evangelical-fundamentalist John Ashcroft (the current U.S. Attorney General), attacked a secular-humanist, pro-choice publishing company with his destruction-minded bureaucrats. In 1986, the anti-abortion, theistic authorities of Reagan's administration physically attacked that same publisher, I&O Publishing Company, hospitalizing its children-and-games editor. They then destroyed its Research Institute for Biological Immortality (RIBI). They seized its funds marked for clandestine, yet fully-legal, offshore stem-cell/cloning research that ironically might have prevented or cured Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's disease. They stole those funds without due process or filing charges. And, later, according to newspaper accounts, the government squandered those precious hard-earned research funds in a sting horse-betting scandal! ... What irony upon irony.
Then, in 1990, anti-atheist-crusader G.H.W. Bush violated the First-Amendment protection of free press and speech by using specious IRS charges to physically attack and falsly prosecute Neo-Tech's founder and irreverent author -- Dr. Frank R. Wallace. Why? Because that infidel exercised his First-Amendment rights in publicly revealing political corruptions and government crimes via his (1) Government Guns and Fists newsletters and (2) high-visibility billboards erected across from the Federal Court Building in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Continuing to write and express his views from prison, the "blaspheming" author was silenced by suddenly transferring him in chains to an isolated desert-hilltop facility. Next, a Reagan-appointed Federal-District judge (who was also a Mormon bishop) ordered the "unrepentant blasphemer" to undergo inquisition-like psychological examinations. ... In 1992, the United-States Court of Appeals reversed that judge's original trial and sentence. In 1993, the same United-States Court of Appeals reversed that judge's order for psychological examinations of Neo-Tech's founder.
Because of his blindly-biased errors, that Federal District-Court judge, despite his basic decency, failed to get his most-coveted, fully-expected, and probably-deserved appointment to the Ninth-Circuit Court of Appeals. ...Those who try to sink Neo-Tech should first consider who ultimately gets sunk.
Rabid religious-right attackers of Neo-Tech (see, contrary to their intentions, increasingly strengthened and expanded Neo-Tech's publications into 146 nations in thirteen languages while gaining two-million new readers. Also, from that 1991 Socratic trial of Neo-Tech's founder came his Honesty Oath (989, F.2d, 1015 -- 9th Cir. 1992). ... That new-and-potent legal tool can ultimately bring honest, consistent, objective justice to American courts and eventually to world courts.
What about Neo-Tech's current quietude concerning its early 1990s dynamics that continually undercut the legitimacy of the DEA, EPA, FDA, INS, IRS, OSHA and other force-backed, net-destructive bureaucracies? Neo-Tech's relentless, low-profile underminings of today's anticivilization helped bring (1) the upset "Contract-with-America" anti-regulation election victories in 1994 (a contract later violated and discarded by Republicans) and (2) the IRS-abuse hearings to Congress in 1997-1998 inspired by Neo-Tech's website But, today, in mid 2002, Neo-Tech, holding its poker face, silently says, "Don't bet into temporary war hands of strength. Lay back, wait. Then, strike in the darkness of economic decline. Strike with unbeatable hands of business-and-science realities that uproot not only prosperity-destroying neocheaters but also their impoverishing laws, regulations, and taxes rising from political dishonesties, bureaucratic destructions, bogus scientisms, and criminal parasitisms."
#19 -- 8/25/02
Most historical facts woven throughout the Neo-Tech literature focus on Western Civilization. The reader, however, should be aware of the brilliant history throughout an independently evolved Eastern Civilization (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) over the past 5000 years. Until about a millennium ago, with miniscule contact and essentially zero influence from the West, those great Eastern cultures were at times a thousand years more advanced culturally, economically, and technologically than Western Civilization.
The explanation for that millennium-advanced culture of particularly China over the West probably stems lies in the much-greater emphasis placed on education in the Eastern cultures during those times. China, for example, over the millennia put great emphasis on education with its stringent, highly-competitive examination systems required to attain positions of importance and power by merit rather than by privilege.
Did that Eastern Civilization evolve through its own separate biological species, perhaps as first evidenced in the 1929-1933 discoveries of the "Peking-Man" hominid fossils from 500,000 years ago? Eastern Civilization evolved with essentially no contact with or influence from Western Civilization. Yet, that Eastern Civilization evolved in a remarkably-parallel fashion to the West: Starting about 10,000 BC, each evolved with its own unconnected yet amazingly-close parallels proceeding through their separate Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Ages. Even more impressive are their totally-independent but closely-parallel evolvements of family life, stationary farming communities, religion, politics, and law along with each civilization's equally impressive golden ages of philosophy, literature, technology, medicine, commerce, and art.
Only until the Western-World Renaissance, its Enlightenment (Age of Reason), and finally its Capitalistic Industrial Revolution did Western cultures pull significantly ahead of Eastern cultures. ...Today, that trend is reversing with Eastern cultures constructively inching toward capitalism and Western cultures destructively inching toward socialism.
Consider perhaps history's three greatest teachers -- Confucius, Socrates, and Jesus. They were humanists who sought only knowledge and wisdom. By never locking their teachings in authoritative writings or documents, they each avoided solidifying and thus stagnating their evolving knowledge. Thus, their ever-seeking/ever-evolving quest for knowledge and wisdom continued to flow unimpeded by fixed biases, opinions, or prejudices.
As identified in Eric Savage's and Tracy Alexander's No More Lies -- Breakthrough to Enlightenment, brilliant writers and cunning editors from about 100-400AD inverted the independent-thinking, pro-individualistic, anti-authority teachings of a gentle rebel -- Jesus of Nazareth. They then fictionalized him into a theistic mystic by weaving an agenda-driven storyline into a poetically-seductive Bible that evolved into the King James Version written with extraordinary grace and beauty.
Most interesting are the historically-factual, near-parallel lives of Confucius and Socrates (500-400BC): From entirely unconnected, independent cultures unknown-to-one-another, each great teacher developed amazingly-similar thinking and wisdom. Additionally, Confucius founded the Neo-Tech concept of "roots": A growing tree without roots will topple over and die. Thus, growing knowledge without roots will likewise topple over and die. ... The ever-deepening roots for building a universal civilization to create eternally-prosperous conscious life comprise the thorny matrices woven throughout Pax Neo-Tech.
Now, back to those two separately-evolved Eastern-and-Western cultures: They each independently required about 3000 years for humans to evolve from nonconscious-bicameral minds to conscious-neothinking minds as explained in the first three scenes of Pax Neo-Tech, Act One. A scholar, therefore, might expect similar periods for the evolvement of bicameral minds into conscious minds and finally into neothinking minds for life evolved on any other Earth-like planet. Thus, the significance of those two unconnected, totally-independent cultures developing in parallel is that a similar parallel evolvement of conscious life would most probably occur on countless other Earth-like planets throughout our Galaxy and the Cosmos. Moreover, just as on planet Earth, each such planet would be capable of evolving ever-advancing/nature-controlling neothinking populations about 3000 years after their discovery of consciousness.
Five Notes
1. Neo-Tech subscribes to Samuel Johnson's (1709-1784) words: Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.
2. Would moral-philosopher Marcus Aurelius, perhaps in his Book of Meditations, have recognized Pax Neo-Tech as nature's serene path of universal evolution? Going further back, would pagan Homer have recognized Pax Neo-Tech as a tamed Zeus who had evolved into a single universe-advancing force? Finally, would biblical Moses in the Book of Exodus have recognized Pax Neo-Tech as the real "burning bush"?
3. As no other world literature, Pax Neo-Tech generates future-predicting knowledge through fully-integrated honesty, uncompromised rationality, and wide-scope accounting. That unique combination weaves together facts of the past and present into matrices that deconstruct today's anticivilization. Combined with the coming Chariots-of-Fire literature, Pax Neo-Tech will affect how a crucial few think -- a new, universal way to think called neothinking.
4. Neothinking causes a paradigm shift in psychology that empowers the conscious mind to nullify religious-and-political dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities of the past, present, and future while unfolding a business/science/art civilization here on Earth.
5. Pax Neo-Tech is Opus 137 -- Neo-Tech's creative work #137. Any significance of this work falling on the strange nonentity prime number 137? No mystical numerology here. The number is simply a nice coincidence. For, 137 is a fascinating metaphor representing the still unexplained laws of nature about which new knowledge flowing from Pax Neo-Tech will ultimately resolve. See
#20 -- 8/31/02
This Act One was written between September 2001 and September 2002.. It represents 40% of Pax Neo-Tech. The remaining 60% to be published in 2006 was drafted before September 11, 2001 and comprises Acts Two and Three. The entire Pax Neo-Tech opus reaches backward and forward in space-time to meld the matrices of nature into accurate knowledge and predictions. Such matrices provide practical information needed to formulate unanswerable rap-like Neo-Tech bullets that can let entire populations benefit from Neo-Tech. For, without any explicit knowledge of Neo-Tech, powerless people can gain its advantages and profits by firing its steady flows of anonymous anticivilization-vanishing bullets at parasitical elites -- at neocheaters -- at targets of political, religious, and philosophical demagoguery.
Neo-Tech is a knowledge-creating dynamic that becomes a fountainhead of competitive values traversing all ages, times, and places. Without boundaries or biases, Neo-Tech becomes a space-time protocol that lets conscious minds profitably understand the past, capture the present, and control the future. ...Consider that Neo-Tech acts as a tree trunk growing to limitless heights supported by ever-spreading/ever-deepening roots. From that tree grows branches of new knowledge. And, now, grow the branches of Pax Neo-Tech, such as Pax Law (see Coda #2), that yield their fruits of infinite riches/infinite justice.
The human race today is under threat of (1) a global debt liquidation, (2) losing the world war against terrorism, and (3) possible physical extinction. ...Will today's Earthlings discover in time their conscious-mind nature to liberate themselves from today's self-destruct, political/religious anticivilization? Will they discover their conscious nature as that of competitive value creators who benefit every conscious life, everywhere? Will they liberate themselves by unleashing the business/science/art dynamics needed to achieve ever-increasing prosperity, non-aging health, and never-ending beauty?
Yet, would such ever-increasing prosperity and non-aging health bring a Malthusian overpopulation disaster? No. Overpopulation problems occur only in unfree, decaying societies in which human life drains life-giving resources. Earlier Neo-Tech literature pointedly explains how overpopulation is impossible in business/science/art civilizations. Why? Because in the resulting free-market capitalist society, value-creating individuals continually create by orders of magnitude more life-giving resources for society than they consume. With biological immortality, therefore, people become limitless values to the populace and all of society -- never liabilities. ...Free societies cannot have too-much, value-creating life.
By not fulfilling their eternal nature, today's mystically-inculcated Earthlings live for death. Deluded and fatalistic, some live to glean by any means maximum riches and gratifications for themselves before they die -- glean by any dishonest, irrational, or criminal means. Others strive with fatal Greek hubris to capture maximum fame, power, and glory before death -- regardless of harms to others, society, and the future. On the other extreme, too many brain-washed dupes avoid the pleasures and happiness available from life on Earth. Why? To "assure" their entrance into a non-existent afterlife paradise. Most people, however, simply live mundanely, trivially, and then die pointlessly. ... Much worse, for a life-hating few, killing themselves along with everyone else on Earth is their ultimate purpose...and, today, their achievable goal!
Because of "inevitable" death, various malevolent "so-what" attitudes pervade an anticivilization -- as Bloomsbury/Fabian-socialist Lord Keynes once cynically sneered, "In the long run, we're all dead anyway." Thus, religion, politics, and indifference will end every human life on Earth. The task of Pax Neo-Tech is to demonstrate how flipping today's political/religious, dead-end anticivilization into a business/science, open-ended universal civilization will yield cures for strife, crime, poverty, aging, and death.
Can conscious humans (1) discover their immortal nature and then (2) accept the eternal responsibility for living creatively, romantically, happily -- living without limits? ...Those two questions are dramatically answered in Mark Hamilton's epic trilogy, The First Immortals, scheduled for publication in 2004.
Neo-Tech sees what anticivilization populations cannot see. From its unique perspective, Neo-Tech has directly created over two-million beneficiaries. The task now shifts to completing and distributing Neo-Tech's third generation literature -- its Chariots-of-Fire literature followed by Illuminati-Societies ten years in the making -- plus the simultaneous production of Neo-Tech bullets. ... The production and distribution of those newly-forming societies and anonymous bullets will eventually free every competitive value creator and producer from today's unjust, dishonest, and irrational anticivilization.
August 31, 2002
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