Coda #2
Road to Everyone's Peace and Prosperity
First, a question: What are the parallels and remedies between (1) international macro-terrorists beheading innocent people and blowing up schoolchildren and (2) local micro-terrorists diminishing the lives of innocent people and ruining the lives of schoolchildren?
Pax Law answers the above question by identifying that core causes are the same for all crimes and terrorisms against the innocent. Pax Law identifies core causes of crime with specific examples and verifiable facts. Pax Law then presents the Neo-Tech nullification of crime and terrorism that opens the road to everyone's peace and prosperity.
What is Pax Law?
Pax Law is based on universal law for protecting individual life-and-property rights. Pax Law means honestly-codified and justly-enforced law.
The twin premises of Pax Law are (1) unenforced just laws cause contempt for law and a continual decline in individual security and social prosperity; (2) enforced just laws cause respect for law and a continual rise in individual security and social prosperity.
Pax Law verifies its two premises through the real-life events of (1) micro-terrorists ravaging a small street, a small town, a small country and (2) macro-terrorists ravaging human life worldwide. ...Pax Law provides the protocol for quelling and nullifying criminals and terrorists -- locally and globally.
Part One
The 1977-1987 Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Tip O'Neill, identified all politics as local: Prosperity expands or shrinks when politicians succeed or fail their prime responsibility to protect the life and property of their constituents on the individual/local level.
Law Enforcement/The Nullification Tool
Law enforcement? The nullification tool? Sounds oppressive. Sounds anti-freedom. Yet, the opposite is the fact: Honest enforcements of just statutory laws, common laws, constitutional law, and natural law on local levels nullify crime in the cradle to deliver peace, freedom, and prosperity. ...Consider two points:
1. Effective law enforcement occurs when the populace demands that public officials focus on their single, mandatory responsibility. That responsibility is to assure the life-and-property rights for each-and-every individual. When that single government responsibility becomes the primary focus of public officials, genuine prosperity rises as free-and-secure constituents are increasingly able to create and produce competitive values for themselves, others, and society.
2. Effective law enforcements start small -- on the local level at which everyone experiences, everyone understands, everyone relates. Legitimate law enforcements focus on those who illegally harm the lives and property of individual citizens. Consider the wisdom of Václav Havel, the Czech leader of the stunningly-successful Velvet Revolution that peacefully overthrew the criminal Communist regime in his country. He identified, "Evil must be confronted in the womb." ... As light-handed but consistent law enforcements on small, individualistic scales eliminate those womb-like units of crime, the need for heavy-handed (often-bogus) law enforcements on larger, collectivist scales -- including wars -- fade.
Politicians/Lawmakers/Public Officials
Put aside Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It is a distraction from filling your mandatory responsibility -- the protection of your constituents' life-and-property rights. Focus instead on Thus Spoke Reality. For, you need raw honesty and hard facts to secure a safe-and-prosperous future for your constituents:
Thus Spoke Reality
"Almost daily, for thirty years, my favorite writing-and-editing hideout has been a peaceful perch overlooking my town's small cemetery. In the past decade, I have witnessed a wrenching increase in the burying of young people killed because arrogantly-ensconced public officials supported by a politically-and-journalistically corrupt local newspaper negligently failed to enforce just laws that protect the individual rights and safety of their constituents.
"Yes, at first, fervent mourners gather by day and by night. Then fewer and fewer gather. Eventually no mourners gather. Another young life is gone forever and forgotten. Most unjustly, no one is held accountable for such unnecessary, preventable killings of' youth in this small-town America.
"Because of my carefully-noted observations over those three decades, perhaps I am the only person fully aware of those tragic facts. Perhaps only I can ask why and seek causal connections among those deaths. Perhaps only I notice the shallow, blameless reports spun in the politician-protecting local newspaper -- glossed-over reports that quickly disappear with little or no further reporting. Thereby, each tragedy is forgotten by the time the next deadly tragedy strikes. Thus, all seems okay among the populace and their public officials when nothing at all is okay.
"Who will connect those cemetery burials to crime concealments used to politically preserve false images -- images squandered years ago of a lovely, clean, safe town with secure schools? Who will reveal the spinning ring of self-aggrandizing politicians, a scofflaw City Attorney, and a toady local newspaper? They all share responsibility for the preventable crimes, damages, and deaths inflicted upon defenseless citizens, especially the elderly and children. ...Who or what can break that lethal ring of political concealment and government dereliction?"
Now comes the real-life example of nightmarish events unfolding in that small American town blighted with micro-terrorists. Those events spiral from a lethal ring of self-serving politicians, their crony-appointed officials, and their obsequiously-compliant local newspaper:
Information Bulletin #1
[first published May 6, 2003 -- edited and formatted for book publication]
Micro-Terrorists Blight a Small Town
Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman dramatizes how lethal endings start with a single unchecked blight. No matter how small, that blight inexorably moves the entire entity toward its destruction -- be it a Willy Loman or a cancer victim -- be it a street, a town, a city, a country, or the world.
Johannes Brahms' Requiem -- Blessed are those who Mourn -- is playing in my head. I am mourning Boulder City, Nevada... and so should its every citizen. For three decades, I lived happily in that peaceful suburban community near Las Vegas. It seemingly was a lovely town with clean-and-sober streets. In the early 1970s, it was rated among the ten safest places to live in America. Now, I must consider leaving the place I love because it is no longer lovely, peaceful, clean... or safe. ... Why? What happened?
One morning in early 2002, a clan of bug-eyed/gaunt-faced hooligans -- micro-terrorists -- occupied and then overran our street -- a street I once called Lovely Lane. Violating an array of city laws and ordinances, they began infesting their front yard and driveway with chop-shop-appearing auto parts along with vehicle-repair equipment that spilled all around the street. "Auction-bought" junk vehicles, some unregistered, some with bogus plates, some unmoved for weeks, began accumulating up and down the street, usurping their neighbors' parking spaces, sometimes wrong-side parking, double parking, dangerously crowding traffic, overhanging driveways, blocking street visibility. Trucks even parked to completely block neighbors' driveways, preventing access to their own homes.
The micro-terrorism on Lovely Lane started that way and then escalated: A truculent, Aryan-like clan from the North occupied Lovely Lane and turned it into an ugly, hostile, illegal street enterprise -- a dangerous, noisy, street-repair/used-car lot -- punctuated with something worse, possibly something much worse.
When I politely asked the clan leader to stop violating his neighbors' rights with hazardous vehicles and life-threatening activities, another clan member screamed that I did not own the street. Quietly responding, I reminded them both that they did not own the street either. I explained that the issue was their violating city laws and ordinances designed to protect the life-and-property rights of them and their neighbors. ...They responded by "giving me the finger" and then trashing our street by expanding their property-damaging violations and life-threatening illegalities.
The government response: A courteous peace-making officer asked me to meet with the leader of that clan in front of my house. Astonishingly, with the police officer standing between us, that cadaverous-looking clan leader with violent hyper-bulging eyeballs lunged menacingly at me twice. With a redneck demeanor, he then sneered sexist/racist calumnies at an innocent hispanic woman and then a virtuous black man. ...Thus, our meeting abruptly ended.
Later, another police officer revealed that those same terrorists had trashed with impunity another street in our town. Still another officer acknowledged that those interlopers were experts at pushing their harmful activities beyond legal boundaries without legal consequences.
They are micro-terrorists. They are experts at property-damaging and life-threatening intimidations to prevent victim complaints and avoid law-enforcement actions. Go several doors down and ask a frail, 80-year-old lady why she is too afraid to complain. Go down three streets to where those micro-terrorists also ply their illicit trade and ask a diminutive, 65-year-old man known as "Big John" to show you the scar across his scalp that a micro-terrorist creased with a bullet. Covered with blood, the wounded man went to the police. According to the victim, law-enforcement actions never occurred and newspaper accounts never appeared. ...Such are the concealments of life-threatening crimes in Boulder City.
Despite that clan's increasingly flouting laws and ordinances, the local politicians remained ensconced in their three accustomed modes -- (1) avoid negative publicity, (2) ignore or hide politically-bothersome "small-time" crimes, and (3) promote their patently-false image of their jurisdiction being safe and secure.
Such terrorists live with contempt for the lives of all within their domain. They respect the rights of no one. They respond only to enforced laws. When local governments up to the United Nations fail to enforce laws that protect individual life-and-property rights, emboldened terrorists expand their damages until they trash a small street, a suburban community, an urban center, a small country, mighty America, or the entire world.
The Ravaging of Lovely Lane
Nearly every morning, as early as 6:15, the micro-terrorists quartered on Lovely Lane awaken residents by gunning truck-and-car engines with faulty mufflers. Then with squealing tires, they race their fleet of souped-up, mule-type trucks and cars toward destinations unknown only to return every night, often with additional junk-condition vehicles for souping up. Midst belching engine noises, screaming voices, even loud fights, they continue their trash-strewing destructions and open dealings, sometimes until midnight or later. Other times, at night, they mix unknown, vapor-rising brew in trucks under "klieg" lights.
Night and day, they disturb the peace while intimidating and endangering their neighbors. Especially on weekend nights from lines of vehicles, vacant-eyed youth run in and out of that house. On schooldays, during lunchtime and after school, hyper students, some wearing long black Columbine coats, shuffle freely into that house and then a minute later they exit. Street activities eerily resemble those around crack houses in urban ghettos -- or, today, perhaps small-town meth labs. ...What kind of nightmarish consequences await Boulder City, Nevada?
Fearing for our physical safety, my wife and I installed a $1200 video surveillance system around our house. During that installation, one of the terrorists menacingly picked up a steel rod and loudly threatened to smash our video cameras. Then, when my wife and I were returning home later that night, several emaciated critters exited their squalid den. One ominously yelled, "What time ya gonna sleep tonight?" ...Sensing violence, we fled Boulder City and spent that night in Las Vegas.
To Review
Day and night, gaunt Aryan terrorists assault Lovely Lane with roaring vehicles illegally driven at dangerous speeds -- recklessly skidding around corners, then burning rubber. Thus, with no law enforcement present, they endanger pedestrians, bicyclists, and schoolchildren traversing that ghettoized gauntlet of illicit activities. ...Who will be responsible when a skateboarding child is run over by a rooster-eyed terrorist screeching around the corner and racing down that obstacle-strewn/terrorist-occupied lane?
Lovely Lane has transmogrified into a dangerous, disfigured, decaying alley symbolizing the conversion of Boulder-City's sweetest street into Erskine-Caldwell's dirt-defiled Tobacco Road.
Those terrorists' tentacles now reach into the next street and beyond. Incentives to maintain and improve properties dim. Intimidated residents suffer in silence. Defenseless elderly wilt. Worried parents fear for their children. Time to leave Boulder City for a safer, happier life? For-Sale signs are going up. ... Gresham's Law applies: The "bad" drives out the "good", leaving a blighted neighborhood, a benighted community, a diminished nation.
Terrorists at all levels fail to understand Coleridge's Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Upon harming or destroying the innocent, terrorists lose their souls and become the "ultimate" losers as they nullify their existence in the realm of human life. ... In his book, The Lessons of Terror, Caleb Carr shows how every terrorist is a loser -- a loser who ultimately fails miserably.
Today, however, before international terrorists ultimately fail, they can unleash weapons of mass murder to irreversibly damage or destroy life in America or anywhere in the world. Analogously, before the micro-terrorists of Lovely Lane ultimately fail, they can irreversibly damage or destroy the lives of innocent residents, kill or maim its youth, and ruin a community thusly blighted.
On September 11, 2001, America woke up. Suddenly, its citizens realized the raison d'être for government. On that day, America's highest-elected official, President George W. Bush, focused on his prime responsibility. That responsibility was to invert the goal of terrorists by eliminating them before they eliminate us -- his constituents. ... That same focus must also occur on local levels to prosper into the future.
First, realize that micro-terrorists in all their destructive permutations and varieties are multiplied countless times across communities and cities throughout America and around the world. Thus, cumulatively, they become the prime undermining force against life and property -- more so than the Osama bin-Ladens of this world.
Now, realize once again: The single, most-important responsibility of government and its public officials is to protect the life-and-property rights of each individual citizen. Praise-garnering, politically-enhancing collectivist endeavors -- from building new public golf courses and city fishing ponds to street-and-building beautifications -- are done with taxpayers' money. Still, if local governments fail in their prime responsibility -- fail in the unglamorous, politically-bothersome tasks of protecting the life and property of each individual citizen -- their jurisdictions will stagnate and then decline regardless of their self-glorifying projects.
Why did Boulder-City elected officials not only fail their prime responsibility, but actually embolden micro-terrorists to increasingly threaten and harm the innocent?
That question is answered with one word -- focus. For the past 140 years -- since Lincoln -- governments across America have steadily shifted away from the Jeffersonian above-all focus on protecting individual life-and-property rights by part-time lawmakers in the name of public service. Since Lincoln, that focus has shifted toward collectivist-force projects by full-time professional politicians seeking tax-paid power and public adulation in the name of themselves.
Each elected Boulder-City official was fully informed both in writing and by email of the escalating life endangerments and property damages being inflicted upon his or her constituents. Each elected official chose to default on his or her public-protection responsibilities. Each defaulted by choosing to focus instead on his or her falsely-crafted political images and Pollyanna self-praises. ... Those seemingly-good people defaulted on protecting the lives and properties of their constituents suffering increasing harms, assaults, and damages -- evils -- inflicted by micro-terrorists. To quote Edmund Burke, "For evil to triumph, good men have to do nothing."
Thus, no matter how worthy seemed their tax-funded projects, those officials made themselves unworthy to hold public office. Voters must now replace them to reverse a deteriorating old-town, a dilapidating downtown, and an insidious decay now creeping throughout neighborhoods.
Three decades ago, Boulder City had a unique opportunity to break free from a government-construction town whose citizens heroically built Hoover Dam from 1931 to 1935, ahead of schedule and under budget. Instead, the town failed. Self-perpetuating government jobs and progress-blocking political elites stagnated Boulder City. Entrenched public officials dissipated a decades-long opportunity to transform Boulder City into one of the premier communities in Western United States -- a vibrant community with the prosperity of a Palm Springs and the cachet of an Aspen. ... Thus, the wealth of Las Vegas stopped seeking Boulder City. That prosperity, prestige, and culture now flows into safer, better-managed, better-protected suburban communities surrounding Las Vegas.
What liabilities do elected officials accrue after being fully informed and then doing nothing about micro-terrorists illegally damaging the lives and properties of their constituents?
For years now, local officials have striven to maintain a Potemkin image of Boulder City still being the clean, green, safe town of three decades ago. In conjunction with their obsequious local newspaper and scofflaw City Attorney, those officials have long suppressed negative publicity by avoiding or minimizing the reporting of criminal activities. When enforcement actions were required, officials often looked the other way or issued only warnings -- sometimes over-and-over again -- at the victims' expense. Thus, public officials avoided reports and actions yielding crime records and negative publicity. One police officer complained that a man with over twenty DUIs still drives the streets of our town. Last month, a man with seven DUIs crashed his SUV in Boulder City, killing two innocent people. ...How many more tombstones will rise in Boulder City from neglected public-protection responsibilities?
Public officials kept pursuing expensive honor-and-glory projects while (1) hiding escalating crime, (2) emasculating their underfunded, overworked police force, and (3) retaining cozy relationships with a disreputable-slacker City Attorney and his inept justice system. Will the future reveal how that community slid into ever-widening ghettoization -- perhaps with its children drawn into Mesquite/methamphetamine-like spirals of lethal tragedies? Or, will the future reveal how Boulder-City residents reversed course by electing officials who put their first priority on protecting the life-and-property rights of each-and-every resident to fulfill Boulder-City's potential of becoming Nevada's most-desirable community?
[End of Information Bulletin #1]
Information Bulletin #2
[first published May 29, 2003 -- edited and formatted for book publication]
Anarchy promoting? During their May 8, 2003 press conference in Boulder City, Nevada, did not the incumbents hear Hector Berlioz's March to the Scaffold playing in their heads about to be lopped off? What were they thinking during their flurry of denial that left the blight of micro-terrorism -- anarchy -- unanswered, unchecked, and festering in their jurisdiction?
On May 6, 2003, their constituents received Information Bulletin #1. It detailed the rising blight of micro-terrorism in Boulder City -- a blight that increasingly degrades the lives not only of Lovely-Lane residents, but also of every Boulder-City resident. One source characterized that Information Bulletin with the cliché, "building a mountain out of a molehill". Molehill? Is that what the well-protected political elites call it? A molehill -- is that what they call endangering the lives of unprotected schoolchildren and the futures of their youth? A molehill -- is that what they call micro-terrorist attacks on lives and homes of their constituents. A molehill -- is that what they call micro-terrorists ruining the lives of vulnerable youth and defenseless elderly?
That right to life-and-property protection for each-and-every individual is the mountain -- the mountain of civilization -- the mountain of liberty, prosperity, and happiness for everyone. Guaranteeing that right is the first-and-foremost responsibility of any legitimate government. Upholding that right is what brings peace and prosperity to society. ... The molehills are the grandiose, self-promoting, tax-spending ventures of politicians who ignore their primary responsibility. Thus, that continuing blight of Lovely Lane -- that hatched seed of anarchy -- now creeps throughout the community, undermining the life and well-being of every citizen, young and old.
Each Incumbent Failed
Consider more deeply the current incumbents' focus on pursuing self-serving, budget-breaking agendas while ignoring the increasing harms inflicted daily on their constituents by micro-terrorists. In busily promoting their "higher" political agendas, they arrogantly brush off crimes, even killings, inflicted on "powerless peons" -- their taxpaying constituents -- as molehills to be ignored.
Well, no such higher agendas exist. Go ask President Bush, New York's ex-mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Chicago's mayor Richard J. Daley, perhaps even Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman. Ask them if grand or higher agendas trump protecting the life-and-property rights of their taxpaying constituents. ... Despite all their other problems and faults, each of those elected officials discovered their mountainous responsibility to genuine public service -- protection of each individual constituent from criminal harms and micro-terrorist destructions.
On May 8, 2003, the Boulder-City incumbents called a press conference ostensibly to address that May-6th Information Bulletin, which identified the growing blight of micro-terrorism threatening their community. The incumbents' own words and actions provided the most-compelling reasons for replacing them -- each of them. For, amazingly, not a single incumbent -- not one -- addressed a single point about the expanding micro-terrorist harms increasingly inflicted on their constituents. Instead, directed by their ethically-challenged City Attorney, they ignobly shot the messenger and made the innocent victims appear guilty. They launched ad-hominem attacks while blatantly lying and dishonestly blaming others to further endanger their constituents. ...Those public officials could never make it into Plutarch's Lives as virtuous people. Consider the following:
The Review-Journal reporting of that press conference was honest and professional. Its article provided relevant facts while omitting the dishonest non sequiturs designed solely to discredit the author of that May-6th Information Bulletin and the victims of Lovely Lane. Moreover, in practicing fair journalism, the reporter tried to contact that author (who was out of town) for comments about the press conference. ... Here are those public officials' startling statements as reported by the RJ, followed by the facts surrounding each statement:
1. "Obviously he wants to cause havoc," said Boulder City Manager John Sullard.
*Obviously he wants to cause havoc? Please, everyone, sit down and read that May-6th Information Bulletin again. Where in the world is there any indication of wanting to cause havoc? Its entire point is to eliminate the havoc now being dangerously inflicted upon the constituents of those elected officials. Perhaps the incumbent-appointed City Manager considers the holding elected officials responsible for public safety as causing havoc. Indeed, it is that the City Manager and his press-conference cohorts who, by failing their responsibilities, have caused havoc for the residents of Lovely Lane -- and ultimately havoc for every resident of Boulder City. Moreover, those incumbents chose to vilify the victims while letting the micro-terrorists rove free. ... Thus, today, micro-terrorists contemptuously and repeatedly violate those unenforced laws and ordinances designed to protect the lives and properties of Boulder-City residents.
2. City Attorney Dave Olsen said the essay stems from a code enforcement problem... that was solved a year ago.
*With his stunningly bogus claim that the problem was solved a year ago, the incumbent-appointed City Attorney underscored his own ineptness. Since that Hans-Blix attempt a year ago to enforce a list of violations, those micro-terrorists have scornfully mocked the continuous non-enforcement of Boulder-City laws and ordinances. Increasingly, they spread their havoc as evidenced in that May-6th Information Bulletin and verified by numerous police reports, photographs, video tapes... plus personally witnessed and experienced by every resident of Lovely Lane.
3. Olsen said he believes the matter will be forwarded to the Secretary of State's Office to determine whether campaign practices were violated. And later the RJ article states -- Bill Smith, in a tight race for mayor against incumbent Robert Ferraro, took offense to Olsen's comments that the flier is politically motivated and someone else is involved. He believes city officials were insinuating Smith is somehow tied to the flier.
*. ... forwarded to the Secretary of State's Office? Yes, indeed, this matter should be forwarded to the Secretary of State's Office to determine whether campaign practices were violated. The incumbent candidates disgracefully used that May-6th Information Bulletin just before the election to conspiratorially impugn and perhaps illegally accuse their innocent opponents of possible crimes. City-Attorney Olsen then dishonestly implied that the incumbent challengers might have illegally financed and mailed that May-6th Information Bulletin. Moreover, in ignoring America's First-Amendment right to free press, Olsen improperly spent tax money in having Boulder-City police travel to Las Vegas, enter, and harass those at the author's printing facilities. The printer rightfully dismissed them for lacking a warrant. Olsen also improperly used the police to glean post-office information about the author.
Every incumbent fully knew of this micro-terrorism problem months before the challengers announced their candidacies. Every incumbent also received, both by email and US mail, a pre-publication copy of that May-6th Bulletin at least two weeks before its mailing. Each received a cordial invitation to respond. Yet, none responded. None signaled interest in simply and justly applying the already existing laws and ordinances to block the micro-terrorists from increasingly damaging the lives and properties of his or her constituents. Thus, no one provided a reason to abort that mailing. ... That act of collective dishonesty by the incumbents in knowingly-and-unjustly besmirching their innocent political challengers is reason enough for each incumbent to resign or be voted out of office.
Unlike Adrienne Packer's Review-Journal's objective news article about that press conference, Ray Brewer's provincial Boulder City News page-one account was not a news article -- it was a conduit for advancing his political cohorts' ignoble agenda. Twisting political agendas into so-called objective news stories and foisting dishonest assertions upon the public are journalistic-and-intellectual sins that vanish Mr. Brewer's credibility and his newspaper's worthiness, while doing a tremendous disservice to the residents of Boulder City.
Mr. Brewer perhaps can learn from his dishonorable article to become a better reporter -- an honest news reporter rather than a servant to political hacks. ...He can start by learning from his page-one headline of his so-called news article:
*... misinformation? Where exactly? Where exactly in that carefully-documented Bulletin does misinformation exist? Did the reporter even read that Bulletin or is he just promoting the politicians' false assertions as facts. He provides not a single example of misinformation. Yet, by positing that one word in his page-one "news" headline, Mr. Brewer proclaims with zero evidence that the Bulletin is false. Thus, he intends readers to dismiss its crucial message as bogus. He, thereby, fulfills the dishonest agenda of incumbents trying to conceal their dereliction of duty to public safety by burying the facts with harmful, perhaps even lethal, results.
Unlike the Review-Journal, the reporter for Boulder City News made no attempt to "get the other side" by contacting the author of that Information Bulletin. Moreover, unlike the reporter for the Review-Journal, Mr. Brewer betrayed his readers by obsequiously promoting those incumbents' unwholesome agenda to hold political power power by any unsavory means.
This is no longer the Wild West. Citizens can accept neither unchecked lawlessness nor pistol-packing vigilantism. Only government officials are legally empowered to enforce laws and ordinances designed to protect the populace. Only they have the legal tools and responsibility to assure public safety. Thus, by failing their law-enforcement responsibilities, they harm both the lives of their constituents and the future of their jurisdictions.
The purpose of this current Information Bulletin #2 is to ask those incumbents who failed that prime responsibility to resign -- or to be voted out of office. ... To move toward a safe-and-prosperous 21st century, Boulder-City residents must vote only for those candidates who explicitly pledge above all else to fulfill their protective responsibility to each individual constituent. Only then can Boulder City move toward its magnificant potential of becoming one of America's loveliest communities.
Before mailing Information Bulletin #1, the single incumbent councilman facing reelection on June 3, 2003, was favored to win. Yet, because of mailing to the voters Micro-Terrorism Information Bulletins #1 and #2, he lost decisively, ending in third place. The incumbent mayor was also initially favored to win handily. But, to keep his political power by any means, just days before the election, he (1) with the approval of his tap-dancing City Attorney, mailed to every Boulder-City household a possibly-illegal, tax-paid "newsletter" comprising false information and bogus financial figures, (2) blamed his re-election problems on the City Manager and publicly tried to fire him without due process, then (3) spent heavily on a slick, misleading flier delivered to every voter's front door the day before the election. Of 5000 votes cast, the mayor won by 18 votes against his long-shot challenger. The mayor was then promptly subjected to a recall election that his challenger was favored to win.
Half-full or half-empty results? Neither. The results meant a failed mayor remains in political power along with his crime-camouflaging City Attorney, Dave Olsen. Thus, voters permitted further decline toward (1) ghettoizing Boulder City, (2) financial crises, (3) possible lawsuits, and (4) increasing criminally-wrought tragedies. ...The consequences?
Nightmarish Consequences Unfurl
In the month following the above cited warnings and predictions, that small desert town witnessed four micro-terrorists assaulting, injuring, and then robbing an 81-year-old Boulder-City woman of $1.50 at the local grocery store. Shortly after, another Boulder-City woman was chopped to pieces and her body parts dumped into the politicians' new, tax-built fishing pond. A few weeks later, a young Boulder-City woman was murdered. Her decaying body was found near the town's gravel pit. Later, a man's body was found decaying on Boulder-City's dry lake.
Three weeks later, a Boulder-City high-school football star died of a drug overdose just around the corner from the street-dealing Lovely Lane. Then, alarmingly, even before the toxicology report was issued, City-Attorney Olsen's crony, Boulder-City's Police Chief, hastily proclaimed no charges would be filed. Shortly after, a Lovely-Lane terrorist was arrested and convicted on drug paraphernalia charges. Sometime after that, a 25-year-old Boulder-City father of four was stabbed to death in front of his pregnant wife in the same Lovely-Lane neighborhood that the young Boulder-City athlete died of a drug overdose. And, what about the Boulder-City woman recently raped a gunpoint near Lovely Lane?
All cases such as above are under-investigated or non-investigated as well as under-reported or non-reported. ... Local micro-terrorism a molehill? How many more tombstones will quietly rise in Boulder City for victims quickly forgotten?
Two weeks after that high-school student's drug-overdose death, City-Attorney David Olsen drank at a Blue Oyster Cult concert in Las Vegas and continued drinking at a local honky-tonk tavern. He was then arrested at 1:30am in Boulder City for drunken-driving someone else's motorcycle, weaving from lane to lane, then recklessly skidding around a corner in a hail of sparks! He was also arrested for driving without a motorcycle license and for failing to maintain a travel lane. ... Dude! Talk about contempt for laws that protect the lives and property of Boulder-City citizens. Scofflaw City-Attorney Olsen endangers the lives of Boulder-City residents just as scofflaw micro-terrorists endanger the lives of Boulder-City residents.
Tombstones of micro-terrorist victims keep rising in Boulder-City's cemetery. Street crimes remain unprosecuted under Mr. Olsen's scofflaw "justice" system. Will Boulder-City's elected officials meet their prime responsibility? Will they replace their drunken-driving City Attorney who flouts the law with a law-abiding City Attorney who respects the law? Will they hire a hard-working City Attorney who will justly, consistently, and conscientiously enforce laws that protect the public from those who illegally damage and destroy innocent lives? ...Or, have the local politicians and their lapdog newspaper already spun the story for crony Olsen to save his job of concealing crimes in Boulder City?
A Notice to the Elected Officials of Boulder City, Nevada
September 2, 2003
This notice is addressed to the elected officials of Boulder City, Nevada: Mayor Bob Ferraro and the four City-Council Members: Andrea Anderson, Karla Burton, Mike Pacini, Roger Tobler. This letter also applies to their appointed officials: City-Attorney David Olsen and City-Manager John Sullard.
On August 6, 2003, each elected official named above received an updated Micro-Terrorism Information Bulletin that diagnosed the malignancies of micro-terrorism metastasizing throughout Boulder City. At the same time, each elected official again received a cordial invitation to witness and understand firsthand the destructive effects of their unenforced laws and ordinances being broken daily by micro-terrorists. Each elected official had a unique chance to ally with impacted constituents in stopping the illegal dangers and damages inflicted daily on Boulder-City residents. Additionally, each elected official had an opportunity to gain new perspectives for avoiding a bleak future for Boulder City.
Only Mayor Ferraro had the gumption to accept that invitation. Not a single City Council Member chose to see and understand firsthand the spreading damages for which each is responsible. Thus, once again, each underscored his or her failure to meet the prime responsibility of every public official to protect the life-and-property rights for each-and-every constituent. ... Once again, Boulder City's elected officials demonstrated their unworthiness to hold public office.
On August 7, 2003, Mayor Ferraro was welcomed into the home of his constituents on Lovely Lane. From the moment of his arrival to the time of his departure, in front of his own eyes, he could witness at least three immediately-actionable street offenses simultaneously occurring within a radius of fifty feet from his parked car. The mayor could also clearly see numerous trash-strewn law-and-ordinance violations in the micro-terrorists' front yard coupled with unhealthy-smelling stacks towering six feet or more of insect-infested/fire-hazard trash in their back yard and filling their entire garage. He could observe all around him a Tobacco-Road street bespattered with dirt, feces, and strange trash. Even more serious, he could see a death-trap street branded with burnt-rubber insignias from recklessly-driven vehicles, sliding-skid marks from illegally-speeding vehicles, and bizarre waste paraphernalia along the curb.
After a congenial one-hour visit, Mayor Ferraro earnestly promised to call back in three days about a plan to enforce laws and ordinances to protect the residents of Lovely Lane. He never called back. Three weeks later, not a word or act of remedy came from Mayor Ferraro. Not a single word or act of remedy from him or any public official as constituent-harming violations of unenforced laws and ordinances continue unabated along Lovely Lane -- along chemical lane.
But, much worse, the elected officials of Boulder City have not only failed to enforce laws on Lovely Lane, but now their police department does not return phone calls, take reports, record complaints, or originate actions concerning illegal acts of micro-terrorism on Lovely Lane. That street now lies helpless with no apparent police protection. ... Micro-terrorists reign free.
What is happening here? Why do elected officials and their police department no longer respond to or record complaints? Why do they not simply enforce the public-safety laws and city ordinances already on the books? ... That is all that the victims of Lovely Lane have ever asked of their elected officials.
Are Boulder-City elected officials and their police department acting on advice from a scofflaw City Attorney? Are they acting on advice from a law-breaking lawyer already sullied by dishonesties, ineptness, and illegal behaviors? Are they acting on advice that increasingly threatens the lives of their constituents and innocent children? Have ill-advised elected officials signaled the police to ignore law-and-ordinance violations on Lovely Lane? For, any such law enforcements or additional complaint reports would (1) verify earlier Micro-Terrorism Information Bulletins that succeeded in ousting two Boulder-City officials for failing their public-safety responsibilities, (2) yield negative political fallout for the remaining elected officials in their next elections by highlighting their irresponsible defaults, and (3) stir possible lawsuits rising from damages, injuries, even deaths resulting from their negligent behaviors.
[End of Notice]
Is that crime-concealing dynamic why the local newspaper failed its reporting obligations about Boulder-City's latest murder? Why did they remain so strangely silent about the gruesome beating-and-shooting death of a teenage youth at Boulder-City's Dry Lake? Was that murder caused by a drug deal gone sour? That boy's battered body was found stuffed in a hefty bag with his hands cut off. And, today, right now, a teenage girl lies comatose in intensive care, perhaps brain dead from drugs. (Soon after she died.) The police and newspaper reported no details or follow-up articles about those youths -- killed youths who would merit major headlines and heavy follow-up reporting in any comparable small-size community in America.
So what! says the phantom soul of a Boulder-City elected official. We want the public to pay no attention to those unpleasant things. They only upset my constituents. Instead, they want me to do important things that they can praise me for -- like spending taxpayers' money to build a magnificent amphitheater in the desert. So what if it is seldom or never used. Such glory-reaping projects are much-more pleasant and enjoyable than dealing with nasty crimes -- messy crimes that are best not reported, crimes we want hidden and forgotten. After all, we must "save the appearances" of a clean, green, safe Boulder City. ...Just ask our legal advisor -- our drunken-driving City Attorney. But, don't talk to our police. They'll just give you dark, disturbing facts.
Thus thinks a smugly-ensconced Boulder-City Councilwoman when micro-terrorists invaded and destroyed -- trashed -- a home on Lovely Lane. So what, she and the other elected officials exhaled wearily. Their great souls could not be bothered with such trivia. The local newspaper reporting of that victim-devastating crime? Zero, none -- complete silence.
Finally, as a thuggishly-cruel hypocrite, that same drunken-driving/life-endangering City Attorney now puts on a swaggering tough-on-drugs charade (what irony!) by moving to confiscate the home of a hapless, handicapped older lady -- confiscate that lady's entire house, her only survival asset. Why? Because she pled guilty to a misdemeanor of owning six marijuana plants for her own pain-alleviating use. ...Meanwhile, gaunt-faced terrorists run loose as Boulder-City youth die of drug abuse, unhindered by that alcohol-abusing City Attorney.
Yes, the beat goes on: Criminal destructions and terrorisms inflicted upon the innocent, especially upon the youth and elderly, continue hidden and unabated. Do Boulder-City elected officials and their crony City Attorney hope that those "molehills" of crimes and terrorisms will somehow just go away by themselves? Well, such malignancies never just go away. No, they fester and spread until they are exorcised... or until they destroy their host.
Follow-up Report #1
Lovely Lane
November 4, 2003
[edited for book publication]
Upon receiving the above September-2nd letter, Mayor Ferraro phoned the Lovely-Lane victims several times to report that he plans to initiate court actions against the micro-terrorists. Also, newly-elected Councilman Roger Tobler, a businessman, phoned wanting to discuss the problem. ... The others continued to hide.
Mayor Ferraro then returned to the victims' home with his enforcement officer to review a list of actions. Still, no apparent law enforcement actions occurred. As always before, only shows of spurious law enforcement occurred for public consumption. That was the micro-terrorists' green light: They mocked and violated the unenforced laws and ordinances with contemptuous impunity. With an unresponsive police department and a silent newspaper, nose-thumbing street dealings began with strange police handshakes and garbage-bag drops. ... Suddenly, the dangerous street disturbances escalated dramatically and began occurring night and day.
Now, genuinely alarmed, Mayor Ferraro phoned the victims again. This time to report that he is enforcing the law by taking the micro-terrorists to court in early November 2003. ... Just as suddenly, Lovely Lane began quieting down and cleaning up. Life-threatening dangers subsided. Dangerous-and-illegal street activities were no longer chronic for the first time in nearly two years.
Yes, a politician can choose to break from that deadly ring of self-glorification to become a genuine public protector: Of all ironies, could Mr. Ferraro become the only elected official in Boulder City worthy of public office? ...Anyone can learn and change for the better, even become heroic.
Or, is this a ploy to win a possible recall election brought on by the deterioration of Boulder City? Once re-elected, will Mayor Ferraro rejoin the ranks of local self-serving political hacks? Will our community increasingly become the "dumping grounds for murder victims" as the Las Vegas Sun tagged Boulder City in its November 3, 2003 front-page article? Or, will Mayor Ferraro rise above his cohorts to restore public safety?
Follow-up Report #2
Lovely Lane
December 3, 2003
[edited for book publication]
Fixing Negative Developments
Returning home at 12:30am on November 28, 2003, two victims of Lovely Lane encountered and photographed an inordinate amount of the micro-terrorists' strangely-bagged, foul-smelling trash stacked in front of the victims' house. With photograph proof in hand, the victims returned that unhealthy trash and waste materials to their rightful owners -- the micro-terrorists.
The next morning, two thuggish-appearing cohorts, never before seen in the neighborhood, stood in the micro-terrorists' driveway for two hours, staring menacingly at the victims' house. Why? For what reason? ...After they saw the husband leave his house, one of those rough-looking cohorts cowardly marched to the front door. He pounded loudly and repeatedly on the victims' house, terrifying the wife who, of course, never opened the door. Instead, she promptly phoned her husband.
Unable to rely on the police, the husband immediately phoned and then picked up his gentle-giant friend, Kirk -- an ex-NFL football player, an ex-professional prizefighter, a professional bodybuilder, and a railroad-handcar world champion -- a mountain man. He is a well-recognized, 30-year resident of Boulder City who previously has heroically protected vulnerable residents from interloping Aryan skinheads. Thus, with Kirk in his car, the husband drove home and displayed his imposing protector. The victims have now arranged for Kirk to protect their lives and property whenever called upon. ... With private-protector Kirk, the illicit waste products disappeared along with those threatening thugs.
Follow-up Report #3
Lovely Lane
February 20, 2004
[edited for book publication]
On February 3, 2004, Mayor Ferraro and Police-Chief Turk visited the home of the Lovely-Lane victim recently injured as a result of micro-terrorists trespassing on her property. Both officials came to discuss the re-emergence of illicit micro-terrorist activities on Lovely Lane. The Mayor was visibly shaken and seemed genuinely concerned, especially about the recently injured victim and the time-dated photos documenting her grisly-appearing injuries. He expressed a panicky determination to act quickly and effectively.
By contrast, Police-Chief Turk, while polite and sympathetic, seemed oblivious to the virulently-violent effects micro-terrorists have on Boulder City citizens. He reflected little understanding of the insidious long-range effects of not enforcing explicit laws and ordinances designed to protect the lives and properties of Boulder-City citizens.
Perhaps still under sway of scofflaw slacker City-Attorney Olsen, the Police Chief spoke only of issuing more warnings to the micro-terrorists as has been inanely done for the past two years with mounting losses of community well-being, including life itself. Even the police reports provided to the local newspaper concerning youths involved in serious illegal activities now seem agenda manipulated and are too often expressed as flippant jokes.
In addition, since the publicly circulated micro-terrorism reports started identifying the causes and meanings of such crimes, the public-police/local-newspaper reports now omit the names, locations, and significant facts surrounding those crimes so they cannot be analyzed or correlated. Thus, responsibility cannot be fixed and the public remains uninformed. Many such law violations apparently vanish with no effective enforcement actions. Such are the scofflaw messages being signaled to incoming micro-terrorists and Boulder City's youth by our corruptly-negligent City Attorney, an obsequiously-complicit local newspaper, and now our politically-manipulated police department. ... Frightening!
Such "redneck trash", if that is what others call them, have neither souls nor brightness: When the uniformed Police Chief left the victim's house, the street terrorists spotted him. As he drove away, they openly laughed while loudly gunning their no-muffler truck and motorcycle engines. Then, in mockingly defying Chief Turk and the law, bug-eyed youth returned for the first time in three months to gleefully race their roaring vehicles up and down the street, burning rubber, screeching brakes, and skidding around corners as children came home from school. ...Thus reap the fruits of appeasing terrorists be it a feckless global-wide UN or a feckless small-town government:
The very next day, schoolchildren once again began visiting the micro-terrorists' apparently re-opened, front-door daytime operation -- starting with a skateboarding, grade-school kid puffing on a cigarette, making a quick come-and-go, front-door stop. ...How many more Boulder-City youths will end in rehab, hospitals, wheelchairs, jails, and cemeteries?
Mayor Steps In -- Police Chief Acts -- Micro-Terrorism Stops
(at least until the elections)
Now, with the Mayor's sudden deep concern about the micro-terrorists coupled with the micro-terrorists' open displays of mocking contempt toward Chief Turk, the police finally struck. They shut down the micro-terrorist activities. Lovely Lane quickly morphed into an eerily quiet, seemingly safe condition -- at least for now -- at least until Ferraro's recall election.
Thus came the "pay-off" mailing piece sent to Boulder City voters on March 31, 2004 -- a week before Mayor Ferraro's recall election:
[edited for book publication]
Do Not Recall Mayor Ferraro The much-needed housecleaning of Boulder-City's government began when the favored incumbent, Councilman Bryan Nix, was soundly defeated in June 2003. Next, in early January 2004, City-Manager John Sullard was fired. Then, on January 6, 2004, legal papers were filed to recall Mayor Ferraro and Councilman Pacini. Yes, to protect the future of Boulder City and its citizens, Councilman Mike Pacini should be recalled in the special election of April 6, 2004. Also, equally-negligent Councilwoman Andrea Anderson should be replaced in the next election. Both council members arrogantly ignore their prime responsibility to protect the lives and properties of their constituents while spending public money -- our money -- on self-aggrandizing projects. By far the most important housecleaning item is, however, Boulder-City's fountainhead of government corrosion -- City-Attorney David Olsen. He must be promptly dismissed following his due-process March 30, 2004 trial for drunken driving another person's motorcycle through the streets of Boulder City at 1:30am without a license, plus other reckless public-endangering offenses for which he was indicted. Perhaps, with our city's highest legal authority serving as an awful exemplar for our neighboring community, a 16-year-old boy -- a model honor student -- drove drunk, crashed, and killed his three best friends. That boy faces many years in prison. Yet, drunken-driving Olsen retains the highest law-and-order job in our community! He must not escape appropriate action through "look-good" deals or "special" pleadings designed to keep his job. The travesty of not firing a convicted City-Attorney Olsen will fall heavily on an irresponsible City Council heralding a bleak future for Boulder City. Scapegoat to Hero? What about the primary recall target -- Mayor Ferraro? His recent law-and-ordinance enforcement efforts seemed to nullify the direct dangers and mounting threats from illicit dealings by interloping micro-terrorists in Boulder City. The infested inner-city areas seem quiet and safe -- at least for now, at least until the elections. In any case, Mr. Ferraro is the only elected official to recognize and pursue his prime public responsibility of protecting the lives and properties of his constituents. Thus, Mayor Ferraro is the single public official crucial to the future well-being and security of Boulder City residents -- especially its seniors who built our past and its children who must build our future. To paraphrase ironically an early 20th-century United States Senator Marcus Hanna: There are two important things for elected officials. The first is to protect the life-and-property rights of every constituent. ...And, I can't remember what the second is. *** Boulder-City residents can not afford to replace constituent-protecting Mayor Ferraro, regardless of his past performance and effectiveness. |
After the April 6, 2004 elections, the following letter was sent to each Boulder-City elected official:
[edited for book publication]
April 16, 2004
Dear Elected Officials,
Below are results from the recall election bulletin mailed to Boulder City voters on March 31, 2004:
Short-Term Results
A close race was predicted with Ferraro a slight underdog. But, Mayor Ferraro won by a 60% to 40% landslide. So, was the bulletin successful? Only partly. For, it failed with both the voters and the City Council on two counts:
1. Councilman Mike Pacini was also returned to office. By returning him to office, the voters chose to continue electing officials who ignore government's mandatory responsibility to protect the life-and-property rights of their constituents. Instead, such politicians buy elections with taxpayers' money spent on "look-good" self-aggrandizing agendas -- all done with smiling, nice-person images. ...And, Mr. Pacini is certainly a smiling nice person, perhaps still young enough to learn how to be a responsible elected official.
2. The corrosive core of Boulder City's darkening future remains as law-breaking David Olsen retains his job as the city's top law officer responsible for public safety and enforcing laws that protect people's lives and properties. ...What a travesty!
Thus, for the next Boulder-City election, the following notice will alert its voters:
Vote Out of Office
Micro-Terrorist Enablers
Vote only for candidates who pledge above all else to protect the life and property of each constituent -- especially the defenseless elderly and vulnerable youth. Every elected official's first priority and responsibility is to protect his or her constituents from personal harm and property destruction by those violating public-safety laws and ordinances.
Recall in 1993 how newly-elected New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani discovered and then pursued that first priority and responsibility of elected officials. By harnessing his discovery that he called the "Broken-Window Effect", Giuliani dramatically reversed the rapid financial, security, and social decay of his city caused by unchecked micro-terrorists in his city. He focused on stopping the smallest neighborhood damages, crimes, and ordinance violations. Thus, he stopped the accelerating micro-terrorist crime waves that were tearing apart the social-and-economic fabric of New York City. Additionally, Giuliani's re-ordering of priorities to fulfill his single moral responsibility to his constituents prepared him to handle magnificently the macro-terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.
Today, except for Mayor Ferraro, that primary responsibility remains scorned and thus unfulfilled by Boulder-City elected officials. Instead, ensconced incumbents remain too absorbed in their grand agendas and praise-seeking projects to bother with the relentlessly-increasing neighborhood crimes and ordinance violations by micro-terrorists who are consuming the heart and soul of Boulder City. ...To protect yourselves, loved ones, and your homes, electors must remove such self-serving incumbents from office.
On Election Day, voters can reverse Boulder City's financial-and-security decline in moving our community toward its potential of becoming the jewel of Nevada. How? By rejecting those candidates and incumbents who fail to publicly pledge and explicitly keep their single obligatory moral responsibility to protect the lives and properties of their constituents.
Long-Term Results
The rule of law, not the rule of politicians, is the essence of future survival and prosperity of not only Boulder City but of America, and ultimately of World Civilization.
Part Two
Micro-Terrorists Blight a Small Country
Why is a naturally-beautiful country once considered the peaceful-and-prosperous Switzerland of Central America -- Costa Rica -- now becoming a dangerous, ugly domain? What is rapidly diminishing the life and well-being of its citizens? Why are escalating corruption and lawlessness becoming accepted across every economic-and-social level of that country?
Remember when the world considered the once lovely small country of Lebanon the peaceful-and-prosperous Switzerland of the Arab World? Remember when the world considered its capital Beirut as the Paris of the Middle East? Then, remember how quickly Lebanon was trashed into a dangerous hellhole by hordes of local micro-terrorists spawned by unenforced public-protection laws. ... Before long, those escalating micro-terrorists were replaced by Syrian-backed Hezbollah macro-terrorists who in 1983 killed 241 U.S. marines in Beirut and then quickly squashed that country under tyrannical Syrian rule.
Likewise, today, Costa Rica is succumbing to hordes of micro-terrorists. They comprise knife-wielding thieves, muggers, kidnappers, rapists, including child rapists. They also comprise white-collar embezzlers, murdering squatters, marauding gangs of tire-punching/life-threatening highway bandits, airport-luggage thieves, criminal takeovers of property complexes, mob-infested Internet gambling, and drug-money-laundering rings. And, now, Ponzi-scheme con artists and "businessmen" openly operate under colorful names such as "The Brothers", "The Cubans", "The Vault" as well as staid names such as Banco Anglo Costarricense.
An internecine klepto-cabal of dishonest lawyers, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, bribe-taking Costa Rican Presidents, virulent union leaders, hired killers, a murdered prosecutor, an assassinated journalist -- all such lawlessness serves to nourish criminalities everywhere in Costa Rica. In addition, what about embezzling lawyers such as politically-connected Rocío Cerdas Quesada? The hallmark of such camouflaged criminals is masked-lies/automatic-lies/pathological-lies that weave their deeply-buried criminalities throughout Costa Rica. ...Each such unprosecuted crime undermines the concept of law in creating a national culture of dishonesty, criminality, and mayhem.
Today, parasitical elites are ruining Costa Rica by blatantly ignoring escalating crime and micro-terrorism. They work under cover of flowery rhetoric and hypocritical gestures falsely gleaned from bogus rain-forest "environmentalism" images to bogus Nobel-Peace-Prize cachets. All the while, they are disassembling the life-and-property rights of every resident. Without qualms about pillaging the working-and-business classes, its socialist-elite class lives parasitically -- largely free from accountability and criminal-law enforcement. Thusly corrupted, government-and-social structures of Costa Rica crumble. ...Similar to Lebanon a generation ago, is Costa Rica awaiting replacement of its escalating micro-terrorists by macro-terrorists -- perhaps ultimately by Castro/Chavez-led macro-terrorists?
The Ravaging of Costa Rica
As reflected on the editorial pages of the Costa-Rican Tico Times, micro-terrorists combined with thuggishly-militant, anti-free-trade unions controlling corrupt politicians and socialist bureaucrats are destroying business, agriculture, and the middle class to yield a fast crumbling country. Such parasitical-elite leaders have little or no interest in protecting individual life-and-property rights of their middle-and-underclass citizens. ...And, now, squatters who, as in Zimbabwe, are stealing private properties, seizing farms, and murdering their owners.
Politicians, parasitical elites, and the upper classes live in barbed-wired "jails" -- high-fenced houses with barred windows -- while criminals freely roam the streets and scam-broken retirees commit suicide as investment capital disappears to hurt everyone. Thus, today, the safety and well-being of the working classes -- business owners, honest laborers, farm workers, and particularly their children -- suffer the most from the lawlessness now spreading throughout Costa Rica, ravaging its economy.
"Everyone out for their criminal selves" is the noisome atmosphere now wafting throughout that dangerously-decaying, pot-hole-pocked country.
The 2003 Gallup Global Corruption Survey of 47 countries found Costa Rica ranked fourth from the bottom, slightly ahead of Bosnia, Bulgaria, and Turkey, in its citizens believing that "political corruption strongly affects their personal-and-family lives." Today, three ex-presidents of Costa Rica await justice and a fourth ex-president is being investigated. Two of those ex-presidents are now in jail for corruption, fraud, and payola. The third is avoiding arrest by hiding in Switzerland.
Those prosecutions are the first encouraging developments for Costa Rica in signaling, at last, aggressive citizen-protecting law enforcement, perhaps influenced by the facts and realities of Pax Law. ...Will the future reveal how Pax Law nullified the entire array of micro-terrorists and their enablers? Thusly accomplished, honest free enterprise would blossom to boom Costa Rica into the most-prosperous, happiest paradise of the Americas.
Part Three
A Question of Life or Death
The message of Pax Law is that elected officials are responsible for pro-actively nullifying micro-terrorists at their earliest acts of illicit activities against innocent citizens. With just-and-constitutional law enforcements, such terrorists must be nullified before, not after, they inflict their heaviest damages -- damages that if left unchecked will evolve into macro-terrorisms. All such terrorists must be nullified before they ghettoize a lovely town, before they impoverish a beautiful small country, before they nuke America, before they mass murder a world of value-creating innocents.
Will Pax Law succeed? Will the rule of law triumph over the rule of self-serving politicians, murderous tyrants, and genocidal terrorists? Will clean-sweep riches, health, and happiness finally come to each-and-every Earthling?
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