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Pax Neo-Tech


Discover Your Future of Riches

[2006 Supplement]

Reaping endless riches and romance requires discovering your future with Neo-Tech as newly revealed in Pax Neo-Tech via its two wide-sweep actions:

Action #1 sweeps readers out of dead-end psychologies anchored in a 2500-year-old matrix yielding loss and failure. That same action then sweeps readers into sparkling-new psychologies of honesty and rationality yielding riches and romance.

Action #2 sweeps away ancient illusions that pretend politics and/or religion play net-beneficial roles in conscious life.


Pax Neo-Tech discredits both left-and-right utopianisms -- utopianisms of socialism and religion. Then with striking-new knowledge flowing from Pax Neo-Tech, readers break free from 2500 years of authoritarian frauds yielding stagnation and failure. ...Once free, readers reap power and prosperity as described below:


Pax Neo-Tech is not about illusionary power via gung-ho positive thinking and affirmations that trap conscious life in delusionary worlds of false hopes. Instead, Pax Neo-Tech is about unbeatable power via quiet negative thinking and nullifications that release conscious life into new worlds of open-ended riches.


Lasting prosperity flows not from collectivist wisdoms and dogmatic instructions. Instead, endless prosperity flows from profitable predictions and unique neothinking revealed by Pax Neo-Tech.


The initial journey into Pax Neo-Tech delivers piercing facts about which some readers object and then flee. Yet, the refrain is to read on. Read on. Continuous waves of hoax-purging honesties combined with new-color facts wash away those objections as the reader speeds toward a flourishing new life.

Pax Neo-Tech slays the twin monsters that have manipulated and drained every person on Earth for 2500 years. Those monsters are dishonesty and irrationality disguised as politics and religion. By nullifying both monsters at once, Pax Neo-Tech frees its readers so each can create his or her own world of joyfully-prosperous living.

About You

First, realize that Earth's final war is underway. It is a war of two worlds. It is a war of value producers versus value destroyers. It is a war of rational honesties versus irrational dishonesties.

Be not afraid. Be not a loser. For, now you can profit in all situations. How? By learning to harness the hidden power of raw honesty -- a new Illuminati power rising from Pax Neo-Tech -- an uncanny predicting power. [Editor's note: The term "Illuminati" used throughout the Neo-Tech literature refers not to the 18th-century Weishaupt-conspiratorial myth discussed mainly among today's paranoid. No, instead, the word Illuminati refers to new knowledge and power rising from non-manipulative/wide-scope honesty that competitively obsoletes a world awash in dogmatically-narrow truths -- dishonestly-manipulated truths.]

Start uncovering that new Illuminati power with three strangely-distant questions: (1) Have genocidal Jihadists already won the War of Two Worlds? (2) Enthusiastically backed by perhaps a half-billion Islamic fundamentalists (out of a billion-and-a-half Muslims worldwide), will those Jihadists achieve their scripture-commanded goal to terminate free-will/free-choice life on Earth? (3) Will a dark age descend upon Earth under an Islamic flag via an apocalyptic kill-em-all Iranian leader preparing for the coming of the Ninth Imam by using nuclear weapons to rid the world of infidels?

End with three even-stranger questions: (1) Will you submit to Allah to be impoverished? (2) Will you resist to be beheaded? ...Or, (3) will you unleash the Illuminati power revealed in Pax Neo-Tech to gain clean-sweep riches in bust or boom, in war or peace?

Answers to those unusual questions provide the first Illuminati key. That key unlocks a new psychology and thinking protocol that profitably overrides weak-minded crowd psychology and group thinking. ...Here is that first Illuminati key: If America loses Earth's final war, it will not lose because of Islamic irrationalities exploited by "God-is-Great" Osama bin Laden. Instead, America will lose because of Evangelical irrationalities exploited by "God-Bless-Everyone" George W. Bush.

By pandering to Christian fundamentalists, President Bush won elections. However, by promoting repellently-irrational evangelical "certainties", he unleashed secular backlashes aimed at sinking his presidency by keeping him from defeating genocidal terrorism. Yet, as Commander in Chief of the world's single superpower capable of defeating the Islamic Jihadists, only President Bush can constitutionally and militarily prevent America's defeat in Earth's final war. ...If America and the civilized world lose the war to genocidal terrorists, then neither Pax Neo-Tech nor any other value of civilization will matter since the future for happy-and-successful conscious life will disappear.

Yet, in the frame of today's reality, religious-right conservatives are the backbone of America's self-defense military and anti-terrorist effectiveness. Without their nation-defending/war-supporting attitudes, America would be unable to fight successfully much less win the war against genocidal Jihadists. ...Pax Neo-Tech maps the way out of that conundrum by profitably undermining the hatreds of both the left and right.

Hate much; Lose all
Hate not; Profit much

Not only did the Iraqi-bribed/tyrant-infested United Nations along with socialist/fascist European elitists launch defeat-America attacks but so did phalanxes of Bush-hating American politicians along with their media-and-celebrity soul mates.

Certain secular groups of Americans so blindly hate Bush that they purposely bolster an enemy dedicated to destroying America's economy and murdering its citizens. Those Americans want Bush destroyed by defeating him in every possible way. For them, the worse the economy, the more suffering, the more dead Americans the better. Why? To destroy the God-promoting Bush presidency and end Republican control of Congress.

Through their deeply-dishonest mainstream media epitomized by the New York Times, will those virulent Americans hammer President Bush into a fallen Oedipus Rex unable to win Earth's final war? Will they deliver victory to suicide Jihadists focused on destroying America and Western Europe?


As misguided and faulty as President George W. Bush or former President William J. Clinton may be, they are not haters. They roam not among the coalition of kill-em-all sociopaths. By contrast, as rhapsodic and brilliant as Bible/Qur'an/Torah thumpers or Socialist/Fascist/Green screamers may be, they are haters. They roam among the coalition of kill-em-all sociopaths aiming to defeat America and eliminate happy conscious life.

Still, extremely defeating was President Clinton's failure to implement rational self-defense actions and war-winning strategies throughout the 1990s during his two terms in office. That failure culminated with President Bush's gaping error in not seeking a full, FDR-type Congressional Declaration of War on September 12, 2001. ...To survive, America must nullify all genocidal terrorism aimed at destroying America. For example, without nullifying a terrorist-enabling/nuclear-weaponizing Iran and the terrorist-portal Syria, not only America but also Western Europe will succumb to Islamic Jihadists.

Most defeating, however, are hate-filled Americans instigating war-losing politics by judicializing politics while politicizing not only valid public-protection laws but also needed national-defense actions as they falsely claim that President Bush lied to cause the Iraqi war. Yet, unlike his accusers, Bush did not lie. Instead, he focused on meeting his supreme constitutional responsibility to protect American citizens and the nation's economy from Iraqi-enabled Jihadists from ultimately destroying America and the world's free-market economies.

Yet, despite today's clear-and-present danger, domestic Bush haters increasingly heap politically-correct appeasements, lethal military weaknesses, and economic damages -- debilitating wounds -- upon a rapidly-weakening America engaged in a life-and-death struggle to win Earth's final war.

Blunt Specifics

Consider the war-losing destructions piled on a gullible public by Dean/Pelosi/Reid-type political rogues as well as by Bush-loathing journalists, Marxist-tenured academics, and neurotically-shrieking celebrities. Equally destructive, however, are the murderously-bizarre harms piled on a gullible public by Pat-Robertson-type God-smiting psychopaths as well as by abortion-clinic-bombing born agains, secularist/atheist-reviling radio-talk-show hosts, and "kill-the-infidels" apocalyptic religious leaders.

Now, consider blindly-following duped losers from the political left and right: Far-left political followers seek false moral superiority by, for example, applauding the immature harangues and profane diatribes by anointed Hollywood icons. Similarly, far-right religious followers seek false moral superiority by, for example, flaunting self-righteousness by embracing the vicious insanities of holy men ranging from Osama-bin-Laden-type mass murderers (let Jihadists kill 'em all) to Falwell/LaHaye/Jenkins-type apocalyptic charlatans (let God kill 'em all).

Such left-and-right non-thinking allegiances march blind followers into sabotaging America's self-defense war against bio/nuclear terrorisms -- a war that the United States can now lose easily and disastrously as Iran and Syria increasingly train, finance, and soon nuclear arm a world of apocalyptic terrorists.

Finally, consider that in November 2005, Islamic micro-terrorists (see Coda #2, Pax Law) wantonly burned and ravaged cities across Jihadist-appeasing France to highlight Western Europe's and perhaps America's current inability to win the War of Two Worlds. What will happen, for example, if France falls into Islamic-dominated chaos and anarchy? What will happen to France's extensive arsenal of sophisticated nuclear weaponry replete with reliably-accurate delivery systems, including intercontinental ballistic missiles?


Consider this scenario: Holy-warrior Jihadists are globally-dispersed and deeply-hidden. They exist everywhere and nowhere at the same time. In 1957, the then Senator John F. Kennedy presciently noted in Senate Resolution #153 the hopelessness of a war in which "the enemy was both everywhere and nowhere at the same time".

Adding to that hopelessness is the fact that tens-of-millions vengeful Muslim fundamentalists populating every area on Earth consider the Islamic terrorist as an awesome hero and avidly support each in his or her mission to destroy not only America but also to terminate the individual rights and happy freedoms radiating from Western cultures. ...Thus, with infidel-murdering Muslims crushing the United States from without and Bush-hating Americans collapsing the United States from within, will genocidal Jihadists ultimately rule over a demolished Western world?

Waiting for the Coup de Grâce

Realize that Jihadists dispersed throughout America will wait patiently for years as your polite-and-good neighbors. Then one day, they shall coldly murder you and your loved ones. Remember, such Jihadists silently prepared and waited for eight years from their first attempt to bring down the World-Trade Twin Towers in 1993 to successfully bringing them down in 2001, suddenly murdering two-thousand innocent value creators and producers.

Today, America-embedded Jihadists quietly avoid lesser acts of terrorism to (1) prevent detection, (2) diminish America's readiness, and (3) magnify their impact when they finally do strike. Thus, they will wreak maximum psychological, economic, and genocidal havoc on America.

Finally, consider a scenario possibly underway right now: The Jihadists quietly plan, prepare, and train with endless patience. They wait for the Islamic signal to detonate perhaps old-Soviet or Pakistani black market obtained (or, perhaps soon, new Iranian obtained) nuclear, radiological, and/or bio-chemical devices smuggled across America's porous borders and into its major cities.

When fully ready and success is maximally assured, those terrorists will detonate their devices -- perhaps this year, perhaps in five years. In the meantime, dishonest politicians, lawyers, judges, and journalists who are insanely weakening America's intelligence-gathering and self-defense capabilities are enabling the Jihadists' goal of destroying civilized life not only in America but also around the globe.

For example, as the first part of the terrorists' plan: They may detonate just one but probably two or three such devices simultaneously in separate cities, killing perhaps a million or more people while collapsing America's economy and confidence. ...How can America defend itself from such attacks? Who, what, and where does America attack when no military or industrial targets exist to attack? What enemy exists to defeat, conquer, and over whom to claim victory?

Realize that in World-War II, the ferociously-resisting leaders of Japan suddenly surrendered and quickly submitted to the unconditional demands of America after the nuclear destructions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today's leaders of a seditiously-weakened America and Europe will likewise surrender and submit to Jihadists' demands. When? Certainly after the obliteration of several American cities and perhaps a European city or two coupled with credible threats to kill civilians by the tens of millions with continual apocalyptic detonations across America and Europe.

Both America and Europe will then capitulate. With that surrender, the Jihadists will order Western infidels along with their armed forces, civilian personnel, and financial support out of the Greater Middle East -- including the state of Israel marked for extermination by nuclear-weaponizing Iran. The Jihadists can then overthrow and take over Middle-Eastern governments -- especially Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

From their seizing control of the world's economy-controlling oil production and reserves, religious-crazed Wahhabism sociopaths can sink any strategically-selected economy of the infidel Western World. Thus, they will begin their global-coercion plan by demanding open borders for Muslims. They will then aggressively populate Western cultures with Jihadists and their supporters. ...Thus, they will achieve their centuries-old goal of converting Western-World infidels into Muslims by killing those who resist.

At the same time, those Jihadists will gain the financial means and political might to build and/or acquire undeterred arsenals of nuclear weapons and intercontinental delivery systems, perhaps even doomsday hydrogen bombs by overtaking, for example, France's nuclear arsenal. The Jihadists can then turn their terrorist focus on finally clubbing and dragging Russia and Asian-Pacific countries, including China, into dark-age Islam to accomplish the their holy goal of ending free-will/free-choice life on Earth.

Pure Beauty Rising

Hopeless? Not at all. For, today, Pax Neo-Tech rises not only to break the lethal grip of politics and religion, but also to detoxify the Jihadist "kill-em-all" meme. ...A universal civilization will then unfold under new-color banners of honest business, science, and art as described throughout Pax Neo-Tech.


Nietzsche observed, "Man's most enduring stupidity is forgetting what he is trying to do." Pax Neo-Tech serves as the indelible reminder of man's primary task and responsibility for achieving ever-expanding prosperity, health, and happiness here on planet Earth.

With disturbing storms of sharply-cutting facts followed by unchecked sweeps of reality, Pax Neo-Tech shreds and nullifies the quadrangle of paired free-will/free-choice-destroying toxins. Those four venomous pairs comprise: (1) biases and prejudices, (2) faiths and ideologies, (3) religions and irrationalities, (4) politics and dishonesties. Together, they yield declining lives, lawless societies, and genocidal leaders. ...Can Neo-Tech nullify in time and on planetary scales those deadly toxins? Can man survive? Can he prevail?

Man will not only survive; but he will prevail

[quote from novelist William Faulkner's 1950 Nobel-Laureate address]

Pax Neo-Tech shows readers not only how to competitively survive, but also how to prosperously prevail. Indeed, this opus deploys a new Illuminati code that undermines and then obsoletes the 2500-year-old psychology lethally gripping Earth today. ...Harnessing that code unleashes raw honesty that dissolves the traps and snares woven from millennia of deceptions and mysticisms propagated by politics and religion.


In 1933, the great depression brought acceptance of a single central idea by the American populace: Harness President Roosevelt's (FDR's) dubious progressive politics to prevent a communist or fascist takeover of America. Today, the threat of conscious-life extinction can bring acceptance of a single central idea by world populations: Replace dishonest politics and irrational religion with honest business and rational science to prevent an apocalyptic Islamic, Christian, Socialist, or Fascist takeover of today's nuclear/bio-weaponized world.

The replacement of politics and religion requires cracking the Illuminati Code. The final version of Pax Neo-Tech meets that requirement. How successful cracking that Code will be with individual readers and eventually with world populations are questions that Pax Neo-Tech cannot answer. Yet, as already experienced by many thousands of readers, Neo-Tech can boom the prosperity, health, and happiness of any individual reader via the 10-second "miracles", digital bullets, and future-predicting dynamics flowing from Pax Neo-Tech.

Quo Vadis Neo-Tech?

Where are you going, Neo-Tech? Read Pax Neo-Tech once. Read it twice. Read it until you experience a quantum jump into a previously unknown existence that guarantees not only survival in the War of Two Worlds but also an ever-prosperous, happy future for you and your loved ones. ...To understand your coming new life, first consider the Keller/Sullivan WATER/reality breakthrough:

The WATER/Reality Breakthrough

From scarlet fever in infancy, Helen Keller plunged into a dark-and-silent dungeon. Thenceforth, she had no way to know or experience the world of sight and sound. Thus, in her early childhood, Helen lived as a trapped wild animal, never knowing a world beyond dark silence until "Miracle Worker" Anne Sullivan came into her existence. ...After capturing and isolating that little wild beast, Anne worked daily, tirelessly for many long months seeking the key to Helen's passageway out of a seemingly-inescapable world of dead-end silence and darkness.

Then, one day as Anne repeatedly traced the letters W-A-T-E-R into Helen's tactilely-sensitive hand while pumping cool water over her other hand, the little girl suddenly shrieked joyfully as she burst the confines of her silent darkness. Discovering for the first time a link between her mind and the outside world, she eagerly rushed into a completely new existence of intense learning, understanding, and knowing.

Helen Keller had experienced a psychological shift of cosmic dimensions: Her conscious mind for the first time connected to the outside universe. Her psychology abruptly and profoundly changed. She had quantum jumped from being a wild animal engulfed in black ignorance to a hard-driving seeker of universal light as knowledge and understandings flooded in from her newly discovered world.

With Anne Sullivan's devoted tutelage, Helen relentlessly strove to read, write, and then speak as she unquenchably conquered her boundless new world. By 23 years of age, Helen Keller had written an international bestselling autobiography still in print today. The next year, in 1904, Helen graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College. She proceeded to become a world-renowned writer, speaker, celebrity, and the leading fund-raising advocate for the American Foundation for the Blind of which she was a permanent board member. In 1964, President Johnson awarded her the Medal of Freedom. ...Without sight or sound, Helen Keller had constructed a powerful connection to reality that often led to knowing beyond what others see and hear.


For the past 2500 years, Earth's populace has remained trapped in lethal cultures built upon the dark deceptions of politics and religion. Earthlings had no way to know or experience a natural life -- a continuous life of ever-expanding prosperity, health, and romance in a universe of honesty and rationality.

Now comes Pax Neo-Tech to spark quantum jumps out of the psychological traps embedded everywhere in politics and religion followed by a Helen-Keller-type quantum jump into a luminously-free civilization comprising business, science, and art.

The HONESTY/Reality Breakthrough

When and how will you experience that quantum jump? Perhaps during a first, second, or third reading of Pax Neo-Tech, you will make the connection between open-ended power and raw honesty. Then, as did Helen Keller, you will experience a sudden clean break from a life-long entrapping matrix to experience a psychological shift of cosmic dimensions. For, at that moment, Pax Neo-Tech will have stamped the HONESTY/reality connection into your consciousness. You then can sweep away millennia of political/religious-driven deceptions imprisoning your mind to let rationality, wide-scope thinking, and future-predicting honesty endlessly enrich your life.

What will Happen to Governments and Nations?

Nullifying politics and religion via business and science provides continuous wealth and health for oneself, for loved ones, and for society. Still, what will happen to governments and nations? Will they fail without politics and religion? Will anarchy and immorality reign? No. Instead, ever-better governments and ever-freer nations will evolve as constitutional republics with just-and-equitable laws. For, as explained in Scene 1, Neo-Tech dynamics competitively drive forward the global nullification of parasitical elites, criminals, and neocheaters who for two-and-a-half millennia created deceptive illusions for preying upon the ignorances of duped populations.

Ironically, the most productive venue for the profitable flow of Neo-Tech dynamics will ultimately be across the Muslim world as well as in China, Japan (distribution of Japanese editions are already highly profitable and robustly expanding), India, Korea, and Russia.

The decisive road map leading the populace and nations out of politics and religion and into business and science unfolds from Mark Hamilton's stunning three-volume trilogy titled, Earth's First Immortals due for publication in 2006. That fact-based novel also teaches in dramatic detail how each reader generates profits for self, loved ones, and society by competitively obsoleting politics and religion. ...From that publication will evolve worldwide educational dynamics for both adults and children.


To personally reap immediate clean-sweep riches in Earth's final war, the reader must now rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech starting on the next page.

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