Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
C'est Si Bon
Clean-Sweep Riches
Readers today reap power, profits, and romance from Illuminati knowledge rising from Pax Neo-Tech -- knowledge about which many initially dislike or disagree. As they continue reading, however, negative impressions fade as new facts continually combine into new integrations that generate ever-expanding wealth, health, and happiness.
Realize that Pax Neo-Tech never tries to persuade readers of political, religious, or ideological positions. Such fixed positions are limited, thus ultimately lethal. By contrast, honesty and rationality are unlimited, thus eternally enriching. Never, therefore, is Pax Neo-Tech saying to read on and it shall persuade you of this or that fixed position. No, instead, this opus is saying to read on and you shall awaken to exclaim, "Oh, now I see why each view is stated in this or that unique way and then switches to an entirely-different view. ...Amazingly honest, deeply rational -- and incredibly profitable!"
Keep reading and you shall discover Illuminati gems. ...Once supercharged with those gems, you will find yourself speeding along a brightly-lit superhighway toward clean-sweep riches.
Pax Romana ruled 2000 years ago. Pax America rules today. Pax Neo-Tech will rule the future.
Pax Neo-Tech brings readers of the political left, right, and middle into a bias-free, non-political reality that few imagined existed. Today, that reality provides a new psychology for replacing: (1) impoverishment with prosperity, (2) stagnation with romance, (3) hatred with camaraderie, (4) war with peace, (5) death with life.
Sadly, some readers flee Pax Neo-Tech. They flee its honesty with glazed eyes and non-integrating minds. They escape its rationality with sad expressions. They struggle to maintain their status quo in a morbid old world. ... Those duped losers wait for God or Godot to show them the way. They wait for someone or luck to enrich them. They count on a nonexistent afterlife to reward them far from planet Earth.
Happily, other readers absorb Pax Neo-Tech. They absorb its honesty with clear eyes and integrating minds. They harness its rationality with happy expressions. They create exciting futures in a new world. ... Those informed winners wait for no God or Godot to show them the way. They wait for no one or luck to enrich them. They count on themselves to reap endless rewards right here on planet Earth.
Each who peruses Pax Neo-Tech page-by-page makes the wide-scope discoveries for harnessing profitable predicting powers. With that power, readers direct steams of prosperity and romance into their lives.
What is Pax?
Pax is the melody of peace and prosperity, kindness and love, civility and romance.
What is Neo-Tech?
Neo-Tech simply means new techniques and new technologies. Neo-Tech, therefore, is neither liberal nor conservative -- nor anywhere in-between. Neo-Tech is neither leftwing nor rightwing -- nor anywhere in-between. It is, instead, a wide-scope integrating dynamic that harnesses raw honesty and rationality to profitably undermine and then nullify today's 2500-year-old anticivilization spun from the dishonesties and irrationalities of politics and religion.
Neo-Tech works not by promoting positives that chain one to the past, but by nullifying negatives that release one into the future. Neo-Tech works not by solving old problems, but by creating new opportunities. ...Neo-Tech works by recognizing that eternally-prosperous conscious life can never retreat into the past; it can only advance into the future.
Neo-Tech is neither a philosophy nor an ideology. It fits no political, religious, or social category. Neo-Tech instead provides future-predicting abilities via the hidden Illuminati power called neothinking first revealed in Scene 1 coming next. ...As, however, the laws of Quantum Mechanics with its Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle prove, nothing can predict the future with absolute certainty. No absolutes exist in reality, much less in metaphysical philosophy. Still, the open-ended power of neothinking can shape and then control the present to reliably predict and then profitably control the future.
What is Pax Neo-Tech?
Pax Neo-Tech is the protocol for weaving matrices of honesty, rationality, and wide-scope accounting. Those matrices activate the future-predicting elements of consciousness -- wealth-creating elements that lie dormant in nearly every individual today.
Pax Neo-Tech is pure beauty rising.
A manipulative matrix of politics, religions, and utopian philosophies has harmed Earthlings for 2500 years. Today, that dark-and-ancient matrix woven from deceptions shrouds billions of victims within clouds of ignorance, bleakness, and decline.
Now comes Pax Neo-Tech weaving bright, new 21st-century matrices. Those slice-and-dice matrices of honesty and rationality free individuals from their entrapments. Yes, those razor-sharp matrices can shred every entrapping deception perpetrated upon conscious life. Thus, whosoever uses those matrices to shred and then clean sweep those deceptions into the trash bin of history gains Illuminati power yielding manifold enrichments in any positive-or-negative situation.
Pax Neo-Tech also shreds one's own personal biases, faiths, and certainties. Thus, unfortunately, many readers prematurely flee without ever experiencing the endless benefits flowing from shredding such self-deceptions. Others seeking an authoritarian voice find none in Neo-Tech. They too flee back into their familiar millennia-old, authority-manipulated matrix. As a result, they remain stuck in stagnant biases, faiths, and certainties that continually shrink their lives toward null points.
Realize that biases, faiths, and certainties are neither facts nor knowledge. Instead, they comprise a trio of burdens that only mislead and weaken the bearer.
Consider Socrates' implicit dictum: Clinging to biases and faiths -- past certainties -- means never progressing beyond the past. For example, to advance toward a modern future, physicists had to abandon their burden of "certainty". They had to abandon their unshakable biases and faiths in Isaac Newton's brilliant but obsolete laws of motion that imprisoned them in a deterministic world of fixed time and space. Thus, each had to break from strong opinions and beliefs of the past to enter the radically-new world of Albert Einstein's counter-intuitive space-time relativity freed by an indeterminate world of quantum mechanics.
If scientists and engineers had clung to their comfortable but false certainties of Newtonian physics, they never could have developed today's super-advanced electronic/high-tech industries along with their ever-advancing quantum/cosmic explorations. ... Dogmatic certainties, ideologies, and biases block vision, creativity, and progress. People must continually abandon past beliefs to progress into spectacular new futures illuminated by Pax Neo-Tech.
Are you ready to abandon a 2500-year-old, man-made matrix of deceptions woven from dishonesties and irrationalities? Are you ready to escape the parasitical-elite/neocheating world (explained next, in Scene 1) of politics, religions, and utopianisms? Are you ready to escape a black-hole world of genocidal terrorisms? If so, you are ready to (1) confront Pax Neo-Tech, (2) discover its glittering fields of diamonds that illuminate and then nullify that world of dark biases/prejudices/faiths, and then (3) create a world of riches/health/romance -- right here, right now, starting on the next page.
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