NEO-TECH PLEASURES: Concepts that integrate prosperity, love, and reality with a person's physical, psychological, and intellectual nature. By understanding and utilizing Neo-Tech Pleasures, a person can experience great satisfaction with guaranteed happiness...for life.
PSYCHUOUS: (SlGH-kyu-uhs) is a new word describing integrations that combine the activities of the mind, body, and emotions to achieve rational advantages for prosperity, happiness, and love. Psychuous Pleasures are the consummate rewards of living a value oriented life.
ROMANTIC: "Romantic" and its related words originally implied freedom, individuality, and rational idealism based on truth...not irrational "idealism" based on emotions, mysticism, or illusions. But over the years, the concept of romanticism became inverted and falsely associated with the irrationalists and the sentimentalists of the 19th Century Romantic Period. Philosophers, poets, writers, and artists such as Rousseau, Wordsworth, Blake, Van Gogh were considered romanticists. But they were not romanticists at all. They were existentialists and sentimentalists who basked in the intellectual and political freedom of romanticism. True romanticists such as Spencer, Hugo, Chopin, (and earlier romanticists such as Aquinas, Michalangelo, da Vinci, and other truth pursuing idealists who created the values of the Renaissance) were sometimes viewed as rationalists or even idealists, but were seldom considered romanticist as they truly were.
Such distortions go as far back as the 17th and 18th Centuries. All word distortions blunt and diminish the thinking tools needed to perceive, understand, and implement important human values. But the Neo-Tech/ Psychuous concepts return the words "romantic-love" and others to their original meanings.
ROMANTIC-LOVE: Is the emotional, intellectual, and physical integration of man and woman. Romantic Love offers the deepest of all human happiness and the greatest of all human pleasure. And Psychuous Pleasures within romantic love is the most powerful, direct confirmation of an individual's value and self-worth.
SEX: The meaning of sex includes sexual intercourse as a brief but important highlight along a vast range of sexually rooted experiences and emotions. But the meaning of sex in Psychuous Pleasures encompasses all sexual influences - often powerful but hidden - that weave through each person's life.
Ironically, sexual influences most dominate the lives of those who pretend to shun, deny, or repudiate the pleasure and value of sex. Their very acts of avoiding or attacking sexual pleasure leave their lives far more dominated by sex than those who accept the responsibility of earning healthy, confident sex lives.
HAPPINESS: Achieving happiness is the ultimate moral purpose of every human being. Happiness is achieved by dealing competently with reality. Longterm happiness comes from 1) a continuing development and evolvement of one's own mind and character, and 2) one's increasingly accurate evaluation of reality, other people, and self.
NEO-TECH: Neo-Tech is a noun meaning fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech is a collection of "new technology" or "new techniques" that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining maximum advantages in all situations. That technology is needed to be competent - to gain with honesty and integrity the wealth and happiness available to everyone but achieved by so few. Neo-Tech eliminates mysticism - eliminates the harm of all mystics, false authorities, neocheaters, and their infinite array of deceptions. With Neo-Tech, all effort is directed toward identifying integrated, contextual honesty needed to act in concert with reality.
Neo-Tech represents the epitome of human life and health. Neo-Tech is the opposite of mysticism. Neo-Tech heralds the end of mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters.
MYSTICISM: Contrary to belief, mysticism, in the vast majority of instances, has nothing to do with religion or the occult. Mysticism is any attempt to evade or contradict objective reality through dishonesty, rationalizations, non sequiturs, emotions or mind-created "truths" and "realities". Mysticism creates problems where problems need not exist.
Mysticism is a disease - a deadly epistemological disease that progressively undermines one's ability to identify and integrate reality, to think clearly, to produce values, to live end compete - to survive. The symptoms of mysticism are dishonest communication, out-of-context assertions or attacks, use of non sequiturs, jumbled or non-integrated thinking and speaking. As a result, one increasingly lays responsibility for his or her own wellbeing onto others. Mysticism is the only disease of consciousness.
NEOCHEATING: Any intentional use of mysticism designed to create false "realities", false authorities or illusions in order to extract values from others. ...Neocheating is the technique for expropriating unearned money, power, respect, or love by using mysticism to manipulate thinking defaults in others. Neocheaters expand their usurpations by manipulating mystical illusions*.
*For a full and in depth exposure of the hoax of mysticism see Dr. F.R. Wallace's 720-page "Neo-Tech Discovery". An understanding of mysticism and neocheating is fundamental to experiencing the full value of romantic love, Psychuous pleasures, abiding happiness, and prosperity.
OBJECTIVE REALITY: Neo-Tech Pleasures occasionally uses the words objective reality, but the word objective is really unnecessary or tautologous with the word reality. Only one reality exists, and it exists independently of anyone's perception. Reality is reality. Anything else is nonreality. Still, the word objective is occasionally used to underscore the notion of objective reality as opposed to some subjective reality, relative reality, or true reality.
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