The task of philosophy and the job of the philosopher is not to obscure but to clarify reality, not to complicate but to simplify living, i.e., not to further mystify but to progressively demystify the human mind. The philosopher's job is to provide human beings with practical tools for accurately identifying and advantageously dealing with reality and nature. But almost all philosophers throughout history have defaulted in their responsibility - failed miserably in their jobs. Thus, that key role of philosophy has until today remained unrecognized and obscured to all the populations of this world.
Few people can formulate integrated philosophical systems on their own. Moreover, few individuals have the knowledge to reject or even identify neocheaters and mystics. Thus, many glib and shallow philosophies about sex and love are easily conjured up, and accepted by the public. But such pseudo philosophies are generally jerry-rigged from specious slogans and myths promulgated as the truth by social "experts" and "authorities". Many books on love and sex are also implicitly based on spurious philosophies that sound "good" on the surface and promise happiness through a system whose actions contradict objective reality by denying the nature of human beings.
Without a conscious philosophical position, no firm base of principles is available to guide the direction of a person's work, life, or love relationship. Consciously or subconsciously, all people make philosophical choices that determine the course of their lives. Two fundamental philosophical choices exist for human beings: 1 ) a reality oriented, pro-life choice (Aristotelian), or 2) a mystically oriented, anti-life choice (Platonistic). The future of all humans and all societies are determined by those two philosophical choices. All Neo-Tech Pleasures concepts are firmly grounded in the Aristotelian camp.
All individuals are uniquely different with widely variable tastes, desires, personalities, characteristics, and needs. This material offers no fixed rules or dogma that an individual must follow in order to become a certain type of person. This material deals in terms of principles and concepts. Anyone can choose to apply or use any number of those concepts.
Since each of the Neo-Tech Pleasures concepts are linked to the basic nature of man and woman, the application of any single concept will deliver certain specific values to the user. The more concepts of Neo-Tech Pleasures used to fill one's needs, the greater will be the benefit in terms of psychuous pleasures and long-range happiness. To properly utilize any concept, however, an individual must first integrate that concept through his or her own mind according to his or her own unique character, psychology, needs, desires, and values. Nothing should ever be dogmatically accepted or followed blindly. (2)
The biological needs of all animals are fixed by the nature of the organism. The survival mechanism of men and women is the ability to think consciously in concepts and the ability to integrate those concepts into new, wider, more abstract concepts. That integration is called reasoning. Unlike all other animals whose survival mechanisms work automatically, the human reasoning mechanism does not. People must choose to exert the effort required to reason objectively. If one undermines or damages his or her reasoning ability by misuse or nonuse, that person reduces accordingly the quality of survival, well-being, self-worth, long-range happiness. Reasoning is the nature of humans - the distinguishing nature that elevates the value of human beings above all other life. Reasoning through logic is the survival mechanism of all men and women.
The Neo-Tech Pleasures Discovery is totally consistent with human nature. Basic causes produce basic effects (the law of cause and effect). Thus, long-range happiness and psychuous pleasures are the basic effects that evolve from a basic cause - the Neo-Tech Pleasures essences. Long-range happiness and psychuous pleasures, therefore, can be a guaranteed basic EFFECT resulting from a basic CAUSE. This is not an arbitrary cause and effect, but an absolute one because the cause is based on the absolute nature of all human beings.
Growth is the opposite of deterioration and death. Since the human mind can continually grow throughout one's entire life, Psychuous pleasures are also open ended and have no limits. A person must consciously choose to exert the effort required to grow. One must know and use the methods that permit growth according to human nature. Most people, unfortunately, stop their intellectual and psychuous growth early in life. Once growth stops, the capacity for happiness and pleasure starts to shrink.
In the past twenty five years, the out-pouring of truth and knowledge about love and sex is revealing the human potential for achieving pleasure and happiness. Truth and knowledge are dissolving the centuries of guilt, mysticism, and ignorance that have militated against human sexuality, pleasure, and happiness.
The child of the past exists in every adult. Lost within faded memories, that child keeps searching for life - an honest life of adventure, discovery, and value.
The Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts let the reader turn inward to discover that child. The reader can then break free from those who are hurting him or her...from those who are wasting his or her time and resources. That child of the past will kindle a new life of adventure, discovery, prosperity, and happiness.
The past is gone forever. Aside from valuable experience, one's past offers reflections and reference points to help link the present to the future. But many people consume too much time living in the past, those people often cripple their future potential. Those who achieve long-range prosperity, love, happiness, and psychuous pleasures are well aware of the experience and knowledge gained from their past. But, they live in the present while continuously laying the groundwork for growing into the future.
Rational value producers can view their futures with confidence knowing that they have the power, through their own minds and efforts, to control their destinies no matter what external variables impinge on them. With the exception of being trapped in an inescapable totalitarian slavery situation, rational individuals can carve their own destinies while achieving great prosperity, romantic love, and happiness no matter what external forces surround them.
Each adult is a separate, unique individual who stands alone on his or her volitional honesty, developed character, and earned values. The "average individual" does not exist. Each individual is a unique person. Average characteristics are a statistical tool that cannot be applied to any individual. So many variables are involved in an individual's character, physical, and psychological makeup that no individual can possibly be an average person. Moreover, no average psychology or life style exists. In fact, all rational psychologies and life styles have a "random-walk" capacity for delivering happiness. Regardless of intelligence, psychology, or life style every rational, productive individual has the same capacity for earning long-range happiness, romantic love, and prosperity. The controlling factor for long-range happiness and Psychuous pleasures is the extent that a person rejects mysticism for honesty in utilizing his or her capacity. Every person does, however, have the capacity to turn from mysticism to honesty in any area, at any time.
The human mind is neuter. Men and women have equal capacity for intellectual development, character development, integrity, self-esteem, physical fitness, psychuous pleasures, romantic love, long-range happiness, and prosperity. But physiological differences as well as psychological differences exist between men and women. Those differences must be recognized in order to function effectively - to function as a human male or a human female is intended to function. Those differences cannot be considered good or bad, better or worse, or by any other label. They are just differences by nature. But the differences are real and must be recognized and dealt with as objective reality.
Intelligence | Integrity |
Character | Objectivity |
Personality | Productivity |
Health and fitness | Psychuous sex |
Coordination | Romantic love |
Pleasure | Happiness |
All differences reflect the nature of the female organism vs the male organism
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