The aesthetics (art, music, drama, and literature) are rationally selfish pursuits that can add important increments of emotional fuel and psychuous pleasures to a person's life. Moreover, aesthetic pleasures are important to the growth of a person's psychological and spiritual* well-being. Aesthetics can reflect a person's most important values in a concrete way, providing a powerful emotional fuel to seek ever greater personal growth and achievements.
A false but common belief is that a person's response to art (music, literature, fine arts, performing arts) is an experience that has no basis in reality and serves no practical purpose. But the exact opposite is true. A positive response to art is a starkly real phenomenon that reflects a person's deepest, most important inner values. Those values can be either objective values or neurotic values. That is why some people can respond positively to art that reflects neurotic values, disvalues, nonvalues, or anti-values. Response to aesthetic values fills important psychological needs and pleasures. The aesthetics relate to a person's abstract values by expressing them in a concrete manner. That external expression or confirmation of an individual's deepest values provides psychological fuel to pursue values, goals, and ideals.
Another false belief is that art is entirely subjective and cannot be evaluated on an objective basis. With sufficient knowledge, all art can be judged by objective standards. Objective evaluation can include sense of life, the theme expressed by the artist, execution skill, style, presentation integrity.
Psychological pleasure (or lack of it) derived from an art work comes from the similarity of values and sense of life held by the viewer to that expressed by the artist. Admiration of an art work, on the other hand, is derived from the viewer's evaluation of the artist's skill, style, and integrity. An individual can dislike the expressed values, the sense of life, or the theme of an art work, but can admire the artist's skill or style.
Still another myth about art is that if a person does not like a work of art, then he or she does not understand the work. In most cases, if a person does not like or enjoy a work of art, the work is either poorly executed or the art is not reflecting that person's inner values or the art is contradicting his or her values...or both.
Since art can reflect back to the beholder powerful emotional values, art can be loved, appreciated, and enjoyed for those values. The art work itself, however, is an extension of its human creator (the artist) and thus can never be possessed by anyone else, even though the physical ownership and copyrights to the actual piece of art can be materially purchased. ...Art can never really be possessed by anyone except the creator of the work.
*The word spiritual as used throughout Neo-Tech Pleasures has no mystical or religious connotations. Spiritual means a person's sense of life combined with his or her assertiveness toward living.
Neo-Tech Pleasure can be viewed as a four-dimensional model or concept as illustrated in Table 11. The vertical dimension represents the potential for happiness and is a function of character development- productivity, honesty, and self-esteem. The depth dimension represents the richness in depth of experience and is a function of thought and knowledge development, the breadth or width dimension represents the intensity of experience and is a function of action; and the forth dimension represents the open-endedness of life and pleasure and is a function of time and experience.
Psychuous sex not only allows full, free interplay among the four dimensions of Neo-Tech Pleasures, but also the free and guiltless interplay between partners in their various psychological states (e.g., child, parent, adult states). By contrast, interplay among the various psychological states in nonpsychuous sex situations is often pressured, blocked, incomplete, or destructive.
Neo-Tech Pleasures and its concepts provide a practical matrix of integrated honesty that permits the reader to apply each concept to his or her own life as he or she chooses. By increasingly applying these concepts, a person can achieve a life of psychuous pleasures and romantic love.
With the Neo-Tech Discovery readers can vanquish all neocheaters and mystics, breaking free from their foistings of injustice, guilt and oppression to claim abiding pleasure, happiness, and prosperity.
For free human beings, personal happiness and psychuous pleasures can grow forever through productive work and romantic love. The moral purpose of human life would then be met - prosperity and happiness forever.
A. Explicit Techniques
Women should be aware of the great advantages as well as the remote hazards of the birth-control pill. Likewise, men should be aware not only of the very significant advantages of a vasectomy (male sterilization operation done by cutting the two vas deferens tubes), but they should also be aware of the potential physical and psychological problems that could develop from undergoing vasectomies. New techniques for vasectomy are being developed such as a simple outpatient, valve implantation operation that safely allows male fertility to be turned on or off by choice with no effect on potency (e.g., Bionyx Control Technique). Also, new laser beam techniques promise to make female sterilization a safe, simple outpatient operation.
In sexual intercourse, pleasure is the primary objective and the sexual organs should be considered and used as tools of pleasure by both men and women. Masters and Johnson's research during the 1950's and 1960's demonstrated that sexuality is not a function of the size of the sexually responding organs. Nor is sexuality a function of sexual capacity. The female capacity for quantity of orgasm and for lasting power at peak sexual excitement is almost unlimited (limited only by physical exhaustion, not sexual or orgasmic exhaustion as is the case with men). And contrary to myth, neither size of the sexual responding organ nor potential sexual capacity for men are measures of their sexuality or potency.
Beyond the initial physical-sexual developments, human sexuality evolves via the personal character that each individual develops through his or her own independent thinking, or lack of it, and corresponding efforts and actions. Thus, both men and women have the same potential for sexual and romantic growth and development.
Women generally reach climax more slowly or with more difficulty than men mainly because of cultural expectations and psychological inhibitions. But, by nature, women do not have to reach orgasm any slower or faster than men.
Most women need to learn how to build their sexual tensions to orgasm during intercourse, while most men need to learn how to reduce or control their sexual tensions to prevent premature ejaculation. Women do not need to be sexually active or aggressive to enjoy sex, but women who are always passive receptors of sexual activity not only miss experiencing the pleasure of full orgasm, but their passivity puts all the pressure and responsibility for sexual performance on the man.
The essence of intense orgasm in woman is the surrendering not only to her own sexual urges but to the character and qualities she admires in a man. Those values reinforce her own values. In the man, the essence of intense orgasm is the physical-emotional response to those values he admires in his partner ...those values that reinforce his own values.
With orgasm, however, the important point is that each partner be able to do what each wants and feels like doing, while at the same time being aware of the sexual desires, needs, and pleasures of the other partner.
While men and women are equivalent in their intellectual and character development capacities, they have different psychosexual characteristics and needs. A women must sexually surrender as the physically penetrated partner while the man must be sexually dominant as the physical penetrator. In any given sexual session, both the physical-position and psychological-fantasy roles can be validly and pleasurably reversed. The term "sexual surrender" really means an emotional yielding that allows a woman to sexually let loose, freely and completely. But such sexual surrender does not imply that a woman should be submissive to or subjugated by men.
A few misguided women use their actual or claimed physical virginity as a manipulation tool to commit a man to marriage. This is an unhealthy, hypocritical approach to any relationship that usually backfires.
Both the man and the woman, however, must produce rational values in order to mutually share the positive values and admiration needed to experience psychuous pleasures and intense orgasm.
Full physical and psychological orgasm in both men and women is generally initiated from a sexually erotic atmosphere combined with tension-creating psychological and physical stimulations. Sigmund Freud's assertion that vaginal orgasms are superior to "immature" clitoral orgasm was successfully challenged by Masters and Johnson who demonstrated that the vagina itself is essentially anesthetic.
Masters and Johnson then erroneously asserted that vaginal orgasm by direct stimulation is not possible. The physical stimulation center for most female orgasms is, nevertheless, the clitoris. This organ contains a massive bundle of sensitive nerve endings. Orgasmic physical stimulation, however, rarely occurs through direct contact or stimulation of the bare clitoris, but rather through an indirect stimulation of the clitoral hood which massages and rubs over and around the clitoris. Direct stimulation of the sensitive, bare clitoris for some women produces unpleasantly sharp or acute sensations that can prevent orgasm. A few women, on the other hand, desire or require heavy, direct stimulation in order to reach orgasm. During sexual intercourse or any form of genital or anal manipulation, tissue motions are physically transmitted to the clitoral hood which in turn manipulates the clitoris to build tensions toward orgasm. In any case, the woman must guide her man to do what is best for her.
Most current sex literature, sexologists, and feminists advance the theory that all female orgasms are clitoral in nature and that vaginal orgasms are a myth. Recently, however, Dr. Arnold Kegel of the Kegel Clinic at the University of Southern California studied an obscure muscle (the pubococcygeus or PC muscle) lying beneath the vagina walls. He found this muscle to be rich in nerve endings, and when stimulated, this muscle was capable of producing powerful orgasms independent of the clitoral orgasm. Thus, vaginal stimulation is capable of producing two distinctly different orgasms -- the clitoral-hood orgasm and the deep-muscle vaginal orgasm. These orgasms may be produced independently of each other, or simultaneously or sequentially. But many, if not most, women have never experienced this vaginal orgasm because the muscles around the vaginal walls are not firm enough to allow the deep-muscle nerve endings to be adequately stimulated to trigger this type of orgasm.
That lack of firm muscle tone around the vagina has little to do with the woman's over-all physical condition. A slender, physically-fit women may have poor tone, while a flabby, obese woman may have firm vaginal tone.
But with six to eight weeks of simple non fatiguing exercises as described in table 12, those deep vaginal muscles can be permanently toned and firmed so that most women can experience deep-muscle orgasm during vaginal stimulation. Learning to contract these vaginal muscles (naturally or through toning exercise) allows the woman to deliver a controlled and noticeable massaging effect on the inserted penis, usually to the added pleasure of the man as well as the woman.
A penis stroke that is slow and long can trigger or facilitate deep-muscle, vaginal orgasm. On the other hand, a rapid or vigorous thrusting of the penis not only quickens the man's orgasm, but usually delivers a less effective, more diffuse stimulation of the deep-muscle nerve endings in the vagina, causing diminished sensations and often blocking vaginal orgasm. Moreover, the long stroke allows the widest portion of the penis (the glans head) to stroke through the tightest part of the vagina (the first 2-3 inches of the tract) to produce maximum pressure and stimulation of the deep-muscle nerve endings that cause vaginal orgasm.
At certain times and for certain women, however, the rapid and vigorous thrusting penis may be desired and may deliver the most stimulation, especially for clitoral orgasms.
After ejaculation, the slowness that a penis returns to limpness can indicate the degree and quality of pleasure received from the orgasm. A chronic, rapidly "dying" penis after orgasm coupled with increasing impotence is a characteristic of the "Playboy" or "fun-sex" syndrome.
Similarly, a rapid ebbing of sexual satisfaction and a drift into frigidity is also a symptom of the casual or "fun-sex" syndrome in women.
Exercise technique to firm vaginal muscle tone in order to experience vaginal orgasm and to massage an inserted penis.
How to Locate Proper Muscle | |
The wrong muscle: (external vaginal muscles) | *Pursing the vaginal opening. This involves the weaker and smaller, external vaginal muscles that can also shutoff urine flow. These muscles do not come into play when exercising the proper, deep vaginal muscle. |
The wrong muscle: (heavy back, hips, thighs, and abdomen muscles) | *Pressing buttocks together. *Feeling stress, strain and effort. *Experiencing fatigue. |
The proper muscle: Pubococcygeus (PC) Levator ani muscle (deep vaginal muscle) | *The muscle used to hold back urine or to stop the urine flow during urination. *Requires no strength, and no fatigue results on contracting this muscle. *Does require concentration at first to locate and contract the right muscle. *Insert huger into vagina wall to second joint and hook finger at right angle at various directions. Poor tone: vagina feels roomy and walls feel thin and detached from surroundings. Good tone: resistance is felt in all directions. |
Exercise Program | |
Start: | *Start in bed before arising with 10 contractions. *With each urination, try interrupting urine flow until it can be released about a teaspoon at a time. *Six sets of 10 contractions during the day for a total of 60 contractions per day. |
Increase: | *Over a period of a week, increase to six sets of 20 contractions for 120 contractions per day. Should be effortless and done at a rate of 2 seconds per contraction. Control of urination should be very good at this point *Sexual benefits usually noticeable after about 3 weeks. |
Final: | *After 8 weeks, muscle stays in state of partial contraction, thus tending to maintain its own strength. Further exercises are usually not necessary, except after childbirth when the muscle may need some retoning. |
Intense orgasm by nature requires a heterosexual man-woman interaction. By the very nature of the person who can experience intense orgasm, he or she will not or cannot (except by a temporary error in judgment) enter into a serious romantic relationship with a person incapable of intense orgasm. The free unburdened partner can usually help lift the impediments and guilt from his or her partner over a period of time and help open the way to mutually experienced intense orgasm. The psychological nature of intense orgasm requires a seriously valued partner of the opposite sex.
While solitary masturbation can and should be a guiltless and valuable experience, intense orgasm cannot be achieved from solitary masturbation because it lacks the required psychological ingredient of a serious love partner who is capable of reflecting back that persons deepest values. Because intense orgasm cannot be achieved by solitary masturbation, however, is no reason for denying oneself the guiltless enjoyment and pleasures of ones own body whenever desired.
Homosexuals, through uncorrected or unrecognized psychological errors, have denied themselves the sexual ingredients necessary for romantic love, psychuous pleasures, and intense orgasm. Contrary to popular myths, homosexuality is neither biologically common nor normal in the animal world. For humans, homosexuality is generally a form of life-shrinking neurosis in which neither the physical nor psychological experiences can satisfactorily simulate the heterosexual experience. That does not imply that homosexuals cannot be worthy or productive individuals. The neurosis in many homosexuals is or can be limited to their sexuality with little or no serious effects on other aspects of their characters, lives or careers.
A build-up in sexual tension can temporarily distort a persons psychology and view of reality. But this distortion is a natural and proper psychological function. Once the sexual desire is satisfied with orgasm, the distortions harmlessly dissipate as objective reality comes back into focus without any hangover, usually leaving calm and pleasurable sensations. Unlike the harmful artificial distortions induced by drugs and alcohol, distortions induced by rational sex are not destructive and leave no hangover. That unique, natural phenomenon can serve as a good test for distinguishing valid from invalid sexual values by the following technique:
The test is solitary masturbation. The masturbation is carried out while imagining as vividly as possible the carrying out of the fantasy. A few moments after orgasm as the sexual and erotic sensations quickly fade, one will be left alone with his or her natural emotional state...left alone with raw thoughts and feelings about the fantasy. If the thoughts and feelings at that point are pleasant and seem to enhance his or her well-being, the translation of the fantasy into reality might be a good-for-me experience. But if the after-reaction is unpleasant or uncomfortable, the translation of the fantasy into reality would probably be a negative or a harmful experience no matter how pleasant or exciting the fantasy itself was before orgasm.
Normally no hangover will occur after orgasm unless the sexual action was physically or psychologically damaging or unless the individual is burdened with guilt from religious implications that sex for pleasure is sinful.
Any and all fantasies can be mutually shared with a love partner for exciting enjoyment in the fantasy stage. No fantasy (no matter how irrational or immoral the fantasy might be if translated into reality) can be wrong or harmful to share or experience as long as the fantasy remains in the fantasy stage. But certain fantasies would end up in the bad-for-me category if on conversion into reality such fantasies would physically or psychologically damage either partner.
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