Billings Letter |
December 26, 1981
Mr. Thomas E. Billings
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri 65211
Dear Mr. Billings,
We have received your threatening letter written on University of Missouri letterhead paid for by taxpayers. Flaunting some kind of a "consumer-protection" position, you gratuitously libeled our company with untruthful assertions and before-the-fact accusations. You then maliciously forwarded on University of Missouri letterhead your libelous remarks to the Attorney General of Nevada.
For the past 13 years, I & O Publishing Company has delivered objective values to nearly a million satisfied customers throughout the world. As a producer of objective values, we are certainly not intimidated by academics who live off the taxpayer, unable themselves to produce objective values that others would willingly buy in a free market. ...Consider this irony: I & O is supported by the voluntary choice of many thousands of consumers. But most professional "consumer advocates" are supported by involuntary taxes extracted from everyone.
And you know exactly what I am talking about, Mr. Billings. Moreover, you know that our literature threatens the very root of those academics who fear having to produce saleable values for a living. They would dearly like to rid the world of the likes of us. You are not the first academic who has lashed out at us, and you will not be the last. But we are protected by the first amendment, just as you are. And you do not have the right to libel us because your beliefs differ from ours.
I am enclosing the printed supplement to the NTP Report. That report clearly distinguishes producers from neocheaters. I offer this report out of good will. For the report identifies a happier, more honest, productive approach to life: And why not choose a productive life based on creating saleable values rather than a destructive life based on neocheating (e.g., attacking value producers from a sterile academic position)? Choosing to be a value producer not only delivers genuine benefits to oneself and one's family, but to everyone in this world.
John Flint
cc: Dr. James C. Olson, President
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65201
Newmark Letter |
January 9, 1982
Mr. Sy Newmark
Consumer Affairs Division
Dear Mr. Newmark:
Thank you for informing us about a complaint from Mr. Blonigan. Our records show this:
On July 3, 1981, Mr. Blonigan ordered our 172-page manuscript titled, "Neocheating" for $69.95. On July 6, 1981, we sent him the newly revised edition titled Neo-Tech I. Also we sent at his insistence and without additional charge the precursor to Neo-Tech II, a manuscript titled, "Psychuous Sex". Moreover, we sent him without charge a work titled, "Consciousness: The End of Authority". Then on August 21, 1981, we sent Mr. Blonigan the newly released 452-page Neo-Tech II, again without charge. And we also sent Mr. Blonigan Neo-Tech III-V free of charge.
On October 14, 1981, over a month past our 30-day guarantee period, Mr. Blonigan returned Neo-Tech I in a well-used condition (along with some of the other books sent without charge). At the same time, without giving us a chance to respond, he tried to intimidate us into sending him an immediate refund by using a scurrilous letter that threatened to "expose us as criminals" to various government agencies.
If Mr. Blonigan had been reasonable, we probably would have arranged for a refund, even though we were under no obligation to do so since the guarantee period had long expired. But, on principle, we will not accommodate those who try to intimidate us into issuing undeserved refunds or obtaining unpaid-for products. We will, however, return Mr. Blonigan's well-used copies of Neo-Tech I and II if he requests.
John Flint
The Blonigan case continues to this day. Mr. Blonigan's self-esteem is shattered by Neo-Tech. Thus, he has vowed to stop Neo-Tech using any means possible. Along with highly threatening letters to the Neo-Tech Center, he also sends letters to every government agency he believes could harm I & O, to every politician in the House and Senate, even to the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. He has sworn to put I & O out of business, has attempted to recruit others in his personal crusade, and wants to see the government "come down on I & O like a ton of bricks".
Are Mr. Blonigan and others like him succeeding? Since the above letter, I & O has grown from a small publishing house in Nevada to an international business with offices and bantam companies operating on six continents and doing business in 151 countries. Neo-Tech is currently available in eleven languages with more on the way.
Pathetically, Mr. Blonigan drove all the way from New York to Nevada to confront an I & O writer in small claims court. The judge threw out the case in disbelief. Outside the courthouse, Mr. Blonigan, profusely overweight and controlled by emotions of envy and resentment, yelled perverse obscenities at the trim Neo-Tech writer, got in his camper and drove back to New York. BP]
January 9, 1982
Reference: Your file # L-15353-6
Mr. Sy Newmark
Consumer Affairs Division
2501 East Sahara Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Dear Mr. Newmark:
Thank you for informing us about a complaint from Mr. Blonigan. Our records show this:
On July 3, 1981, Mr. Blonigan ordered our 172-page manuscript titled, "Neocheating" for $69.95 [plus extra for special shipping and handling from Nevada rather than normal shipping from I & O's facilities in Delaware]. On July 6, 1981, we sent him the newly revised edition titled Neo-Tech I. Also we sent at his insistence and without additional charge the precursor to Neo-Tech II, a manuscript titled, "Psychuous Sex". Moreover, we sent him without charge a work titled, "Consciousness: The End of Authority". Then on August 21, 1981, we sent Mr. Blonigan the newly released 452-page Neo-Tech II [which was never returned], again without charge. And we also sent Mr. Blonigan Neo-Tech III - V free of charge [two copies sent, neither returned].
On October 14, 1981, over a month past our 30-day guarantee period, Mr. Blonigan returned Neo-Tech I in a well-used condition [not resalable] (along with the other books sent without charge). [He acknowledged in writing that he was returning the manuscript past the guarantee period with the comment, "hope you don't refund as I'd rather see you in the federal pen".]. At the same time, without giving us a chance to respond, he tried to intimidate us into sending him an immediate refund by using a scurrilous letter that threatened to "expose us as criminals" to various government agencies. [Mr. Blonigan also wrote to every congressman in Washington, in both the Senate and House, in his "life-long crusade" to put Neo-Tech out of business. He wrote poison-pen letters to magazines, newspapers, and every consumer agency in Nevada. He also contacted UN Ambassador D.P. Moynihan and stormed the offices of the New York DMA (Direct Marketing Association), the Better Business Bureau, and a consumer-affairs oriented radio station about stopping Neo-Tech.]
If Mr. Blonigan had been reasonable, we probably would have arranged for a refund, even though we were under no obligation to do so since the guarantee period had long expired. But, on principle, we will not accommodate those who try to intimidate us into issuing undeserved refunds or obtaining unpaid for products. We will, however, return Mr. Blonigan's well-used copies of Neo-Tech I and II [He returned only the obsolete edition of "Psychuous". The revised, 454-page Neo-Tech II was never returned.] if he requests.
John Flint
Ostroff Letter |
February 8, 1982
Alan B. Ostroff, Esq.
United States Postal Inspector
Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Mr. Ostroff,
This letter summarizes the seven points my associate, Mark Hamilton, and I made during our meeting of January 26th:
I & O stands for Individualism and Objectivism. Since 1968, I & O has been a registered trade name for my writings. With I & O, I develop and distribute my writings through specialized markets until my manuscripts reach a wide audience. Then I release my work to New York publishers for mass publication.
While I & O has an editorial office in Las Vegas for myself and two other writers, all business and book orders go to facilities back East for processing and mailing.
In any case, I & O has never been involved in the publishing or mail-order business per se. I am a full-time author who writes under many registered pen names. Because I write philosophically controversial books and articles that have wide circulation, my family and I moved from Wilmington, Delaware, nine years ago to live with quiet anonymity in Nevada. (A move precipitated by public exposure, culminating in a physical assault on my ten-year-old son by a group of mystics.) Prior to that, as a doctorate in chemistry, I was a Senior Research Chemist for E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.
Since I & O's beginnings 14 years ago, we have spurned all publications that did not meet our philosophical objectives, regardless of their profit potentials, including a book I conceived and edited, which became one of the biggest best sellers of the '70s (How To Form A Corporation Without A Lawyer And For Less Than $50). That book has grossed over $8,000,000 to date for Enterprising Publishing in Wilmington, Delaware and is still going strong (nearly 800,000 copies in print).
I & O is interested only in the development and distribution of ideas -- specifically the development and distribution of the Neo-Tech concepts in order to free men and women from the destructiveness of mysticism. The lives of everyone associated with I & O are quietly dedicated to that development and distribution of the Neo-Tech concepts with the long-range goal of achieving biological immortality within the next decade. Achievement of that goal requires the wide-scale negation of mysticism and the breakdown of its influences that diminish the minds, potentials, and happiness of all people. ...Neo-Tech V (of which we gave you a copy) describes the goals of I & O Publishing Company.
Since the concepts of Neo-Tech threaten the vested interests of all mystics* and pushers of mysticism, a small but growing number of individuals on both the left and right are trying to abridge our first amendment rights by stopping the writing and distribution of Neo-Tech. Their methods range from subtle letter-writing campaigns directed toward the media and government agencies to strident but unfounded complaints designed for intimidation...even to outright physical threats. Those threats include a tape-recorded phone call from a man who was in Nevada last month looking for author Frank R. Wallace to carve him up with a butcher knife, and a letter this month from a mystic coming to get the people behind Neo-Tech with his 45-caliber revolver). ...That is why for the past 14 years I have had unlisted phones and use I & O as a trade name.
And for those reasons, I would like to know the identity and nature of complaints against Neo-Tech. Basic justice grants everyone the right to know his accuser and the accusations so he can defend himself against harm, libel, and even assault.
No reason for unresolved customer problems or complaints exists. For as stated in our guarantee since 1968, any dissatisfied customer can for any reason return anything in resalable condition within 30-days for a full refund. And to our knowledge, every person who has acquired publications from us since 1968 has (1) been satisfied (95%), (2) received a full refund (3%), or, (3) has been denied a refund for trying to obtain double refunds or products without payment, or for returning the product well used, in nonsaleable condition, well beyond the 30-day refund period (1-2%).
For a perspective, according to Windsor Books and Publisher's Weekly, the average return of publications of our price range is 20-25%. But the return rate for Neo-Tech is 5% and declining. Also for every attack or complaint about Neo-Tech, we have at least a dozen enthusiastic testimonials available from people describing the benefits they are deriving from Neo-Tech. We showed you some of those testimonials received over the past month. Also we reviewed every complaint in your file and showed that each complaint in our records had been either satisfactorily resolved or was without merit.
Nothing about Neo-Tech is or can be misrepresented for the reasons described in point #7. But ironically, the most strident complaints about Neo-Tech come from mystics claiming misrepresentation. They claim misrepresentation for two primary reasons: (1) Since mystics generally seek something automatic, unreal, magical, effortless, or free (something that requires no effort -- something for nothing) to solve their problems, they are often enraged to find Neo-Tech is based on objective reality even though that fact is stated throughout the marketing literature along with an explicit, printed warning for mystics and neocheaters not to buy the Information Packages. (2) In Neo-Tech, mystics see their self-esteem and elaborate rationalizations for mysticism confronted, undercut, and then refuted. Their mystical illusions are cut to the quick in the light of Neo-Tech. So they strike back by projecting their own problems onto others -- their own problems of misrepresenting reality onto I & O Publishing Company.
Neo-Tech is not at all what mystics want to see in print much less seek. Neo-Tech is not a doctrine to have faith in; it is not an external authority to follow; it is not an escape from self-responsibility and reality. Instead, Neo-Tech is the stark demonstration of objective honesty that until now has been hidden by the mystics and the neocheaters. ...Again that is why our marketing literature states in writing that I & O will not knowingly sell Neo-Tech Information Packages to mystics and neocheaters.
Aside from the mystics and neocheaters who are threatened by Neo-Tech and would like to stop its distribution, certain mail-order shoplifters (some of them seasoned professionals) are attracted to our relatively high-cost Information Packages. Some try to intimidate us (and other companies) into sending them unpaid for products as well as issuing them undeserved refunds, even double refunds.
Buying off professional intimidators makes short-range business sense and is standard practice among pragmatic, mail-order firms. For buying off "trouble makers" is cheaper, safer, and less trouble than standing up to least in the short term. I & O, however, is not short-term oriented as many businesses are: We are not pragmatic businessmen, but writers concerned with the development and distribution of ideas. Moreover, we must be consistent to our ideas, which means practicing the Neo-Tech concepts.
And that presents us with two problems: (1) We must not buy off undeserving people simply because they intimidate us with complaints to government agencies. Our policy will, of course, cause the number of such complaints to increase in the short run. But in the long run, only such a policy can stop the mail-order shoplifters from increasing. (2) The very nature of our Information Package encourages certain people to take advantage of us as explained in the following, edited portion of correspondence sent last year to Mr. Sy Newmark of the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division:
"For the past 2-1/2 years since marketing our definitive manuscript on cheating titled, `Neocheating' (subsequently retitled, `Neo-Tech I' and issued as part of the 675-page Neo-Tech I-V Information Package), we have encountered more problems than all our other publications in all our 13 years combined. While (1) the Neocheating Manuscript (Neo-Tech I) is the best and most valuable work on the subject available anywhere, (2) most who acquire this manuscript are honest people who need the information to protect themselves from neocheaters in their personal and business lives, and (3) we have issued over 300 manuscript refunds according to our full money-back guarantee without a problem, we also seem to have attracted -- perhaps not surprisingly -- every cheater and con man in the nation trying to acquire this definitive information on cheating and neocheating. As a result, we have been taken from all possible angles by people obtaining valuable manuscripts without payment, obtaining full refunds on unpaid for manuscripts, and collecting double refunds using ploys involving bad checks, credit card tricks, intimidating letters, and letter-writing campaigns. I have never experienced anything like this. During the past 2-1/2 years, I think we had only one problem concerning a refund with all our other publications combined. But this manuscript on cheating is generating increasing problems. I'm tired of dealing with people who obtain this important information on cheating then use it on us. As a result, I am phasing out the Neocheating manuscript and in late 1982 will probably release this manuscript to my New York publishers for distribution through bookstores."
Since the distribution of the Neo-Tech concepts is steadily increasing, the number of problems will naturally increase in proportion. Certain problems are legitimate and result from errors by us, errors by our customers, misunderstandings, or items lost or delayed in the mail. We satisfy the customer in all such problems brought to our attention, regardless of the cost to I & O.
Page 43 of Neo-Tech V explains I & O's approach to marketing. This approach is called the "99% Principle" and is different from anything previously attempted by business: Since the Phoenicians developed commerce over 4000 years ago, marketing has always focused on selling to potential buyers. But I & O's marketing concept focuses on delivering maximum values to the 99% nonbuyers.
I & O delivers those values to the nonbuyers by offering a product (Neo-Tech) that contains more objective values than could be described in any sales literature. Thus, the almost limitless values of Neo-Tech let us give as many values as possible to everyone who reads the free marketing literature, regardless if they are buyers or not. That approach contrasts with all other marketing approaches, which by nature must overstate their products and leave little or no values with the nonbuyers. But the marketing literature about Neo-Tech by nature involves understatement and leaves every nonbuyer with values that he can immediately and forever use to his benefit.
A reading of the 6-page NTP report we gave you illustrates the 99% marketing principle. And with the 99% principle, I & O accelerates the distribution of Neo-Tech ideas nearly a hundred fold by delivering Neo-Tech values to all nonbuyers. And our expanding distribution of values through the 99% nonbuyers will not only expand future interest in Neo-Tech through those nonbuyers who received the values free, but will enhance both the collapse of mysticism and the achievement of biological immortality as explained in Neo-Tech V.
And finally, I want to state for the record: All I & O's writings are philosophically grounded in objective reality and are consistent with the Aristotelian view of man as inherently good and potent (as opposed to groundless mysticism and the Platonist view of man as inherently flawed and impotent). All I & O's writings are directed toward identifying the nature of man and his relationship to reality. All I & O's publications make identifications never before revealed in an explicit, fully integrated manner. And those identifications are the key to man's happiness and prosperity. A crucial part of the identifications involve showing how every form of mysticism is contrary to man's nature; detrimental to his character; subversive to his intellect, well-being, and happiness. As a result, Neo-Tech threatens everyone with a major stake in mysticism, which includes all religious leaders, most politicians, many educators, and all neocheaters.
You as an attorney, Mr. Ostroff, are more aware than most people that two sides exist to every situation involving two parties. We have welcomed this and every opportunity to present our side and to state for the record our position. True, our position sometimes causes us problems and costs time and effort. But as a writer, no time or effort is wasted as captured in a quote by Murial Spark, the author of "Loitering With Intent":
"Everything happens to the artist. Time is always
redeemed, nothing is lost and wonders never cease."
All is worth the time and effort, no matter what. Moreover, standing firm on reality continuously weakens mysticism and draws us closer to our goal.
Both my associate and I appreciated your objectivity during our meeting. Moreover, by being informed of future complaints, we can properly satisfy any legitimate customer problem that we might otherwise be unaware of. Also being informed of all complaints or accusations gives us the opportunity to answer those few people trying to halt the distribution of Neo-Tech. In doing that, you and the postal service provide an equitable service to both the consumers and producers. But equally important, as part of the federal government, the Postal Service and its employees have a solemn duty to uphold the constitution, including the first amendment, which guarantees the unencumbered distribution of ideas, regardless of who agrees or disagrees with those ideas. And I am protected by that first amendment just as those who oppose my writings are protected.
Lastly, I invite you and all people of good will to join in man's most noble venture -- the collapse of mysticism and the subsequent creation of biological immortality for everyone who values life. ...Without mysticism, the door to life, prosperity, and happiness opens to everyone.
Frank R. Wallace
Welsh Letter |
February 18, 1982
Mrs. Pat Welsh, Executive Director
Southern Nevada Chamber of Commerce
Dear Mrs. Welsh,
Last Tuesday, my associate, Mark Hamilton, and I discussed with you the reasons for certain complaints against I & O Publishing Company and my writings. We also left copies of Mr. Ostroff's letter and Neo-Tech V, which provide the information needed for a fair response to inquiries about I & O.
You told us that your office kept no records of anything related to I & O. You said every communication was turned over to the City Attorney, Mr. Steven J. Parsons. So, I assume all that information would be available to me from Mr. Parsons' office.
To date, the Chamber of Commerce has supplied Mr. Parsons with only the negative remarks about I & O from people whom I assume do not live here, or even in Nevada. Could you now supply Mr. Parsons with the other side as explained in Mr. Ostroff's letter and in Neo-Tech V. Such helpful action would obviate my visiting Mr. Parsons' office to defend my work against the negative information previously supplied to him without my knowledge.
Thank you for helping to complete the picture of I & O by reflecting the positive side to future inquiries, Mr. Parsons, and others.
John Flint
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