Ashcroft Letter |
January 24, 1983
Mr. John Ashcroft
Supreme Court Building
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Dear Mr. Ashcroft,
During my 15 years as a publisher, I have never received such a fatuous missive as the January 17th letter (copy enclosed) from Mrs. Ann Dirks of your office. Just look at that letter sent by a bureaucratic tax consumer to our hard-working value producers. I do not think the taxpayers of Missouri want to pay for that kind of performance.
Ms. Dirks arrogantly threatens our company and demands a response while referring only to a number at the top of the letter. Now what exactly is the problem or complaint?
Do not waste our time or diminish the image of your office with such tax-wasting games that only drain our economy. And I do not want to use additional time writing letters or articles to the Kansas City Times and Star about such harassment. If a specific problem or misunderstanding from one of our customers exists, then tell us in a helpful manner. Without innuendo or threats, simply give us the customer's name, address, and specific complaint so we can resolve the problem. Our company has served over a million satisfied customers (including thousands from Missouri) and has honored a 30-day, money-back guarantee on all products since 1968.
What irony was involved in Ms. Dirks' questioning our Neo-Tech publication. For that 700-page, three-volume publication starkly identifies all the unproductive "authorities", bureaucrats, academics, and media people who make careers by harassing the producer and draining the honest, middle-class taxpayer.
John Flint,
[The above letter is rational, yet firm, and states the facts with straight-forward tenacity. The point is clear and unmistakable. No response to the above letter was ever received. So, Mr. Flint wrote a follow-up letter. This was the first of what later would become known as the "I & O Attorney General Letters". This series of letters was directed at various Attorney Generals throughout the country who launched dishonest attack campaigns against I & O and Neo-Tech.. BP]
Ashcroft Letter#2 |
February 15, 1983
Certified Mail/RR
Mr. John Ashcroft
Attorney General of Missouri
Supreme Court Building
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Dear Mr. Ashcroft,
Enclosed is the correspondence from your office. Read those letters. They are confusing non sequiturs that may fill the bureaucrat's day, but only drain time and money from taxpaying producers and consumers. Those letters eloquently underscore my attached letter of January 24th.
Three members of your staff wrote four letters before some vague "complaint" could be identified. As for that so-called "complaint": If the complainer, Mr. Phillips, has purchased any of our products and is not satisfied, he may return them in resalable condition within 30-days for a refund, as has been our policy since 1968. If Mr. Phillips has not purchased anything and wants information beyond our descriptively specific, 3500-word news bulletin about Neo- Tech, he must order the product just as anyone else. We do not give away the values we produce.
But in truth, the complaint from your office appears to be nothing more than an opinion of someone who dislikes what our free news bulletin reveals. Indeed, our computer indicates that Mr. Phillips has not been an I & O customer (never mind the thousands of satisfied I & O customers from Missouri who have benefited from our publications). Is not this kind of activity from your office simply "pot stirring"? (Neo-Tech identifies professional "pot stirrers" as those who make careers by draining producers and taxpayers rather than competing with them in producing marketable values for others and society.)
Also enclosed is a Neo-Tech instruction booklet. I call your attention to pages xi-xiv and the enclosed pages 45 and 46 from Neo-Tech VI (which is being prepared for publication). For 2000 years, neocheaters have remained unidentified (see enclosed article on consciousness). But now, owners of the three-volume Neo-Tech Information Package have the knowledge to identify all neocheaters who live by draining the value producer. Their hoax has finally been identified and is falling apart with the distribution of Neo-Tech.
Today, anyone with Neo-Tech knowledge can identify and effectively deal with neocheaters. For that person understands the neocheaters' essence -- which is deception. In essence, neocheaters have no power, except that which they usurp through deception or force. Only the producer holds real power, for only he provides rational values that others desire through their own free choices.
Our brochure explicitly explains how Neo-Tech identifies and obviates the destructiveness of neocheaters in government, the media, religion, and all other areas in which they operate by harming the producer. Only through Neo-Tech do honest producers bypass the neocheaters to guiltlessly collect the limitless wealth, power, and happiness that belong to them. Of course, no neocheater will allow himself to recognize the facts identified in our literature. For, those facts threaten his very existence. Some people threatened by Neo-Tech try to stop its distribution; others try to censor our work. But they are too late. Thousands are already using Neo-Tech. Nothing can stop its continued distribution.
Why am I spending time writing this letter? I have a time-redeeming advantage not available to most people: As a professional writer, author, and artist, my time is never wasted. Whenever I spend time writing, I make certain the effort will either directly or indirectly contribute to my present or future writings.
In addition, Mr. Ashcroft, we at I & O Publishing are the first company in history to learn how to expose neocheaters on a large scale. In fact, we will not hesitate to expose the basic impotence of anyone who makes a career of undermining the producers. Perhaps, sensing the power of Neo-Tech sparks those who go after us with non sequiturs such as in the enclosed letters. But, as stated in our news bulletin, all will yield to the Neo-Tech person. And we will gladly pit Neo-Tech against neocheaters, anytime, anywhere. For that is how we gain strength in ridding the world of the unspeakably destructive, 2000-year reign of neocheaters.
Mr. Ashcroft, with all goodwill, I ask you to consider the following two steps that will bring you great benefits, now and in the future:
That will reveal the neocheaters. And...
You will never regret becoming a Neo-Tech person, I know. My father was a politician -- a Supreme Court Justice of New York State -- and both my grandfather and great grandfather were the Attorney Generals of New York State and later United States Congressmen. They were brilliant, talented men. And I lament how happy and productive their lives could have been if they had access to Neo-Tech.
John Flint
Brewster Letter |
November 18, 1983
Mrs. Virginia Brewster
Consumer Affairs Division
2502 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 304
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Dear Mrs. Brewster,
On October 2, 1983, Mr. LaVay Lau sent you an airmail letter requesting a refund from I & O. But only after he wrote you, did he mail back the heavy, four-pound manuscript from Hawaii by surface, fourth-class rate as shown on his postal receipt later sent to you. That package took four weeks to arrive by ship from Hawaii.
Thus, in response to your letter of October 14, my associate, Mr. Hamilton, informed you that we had not received his returned merchandise, which arrived nearly three weeks later. Then, in just two working days, on November 2, 1983, we sent him a full refund after confirming his order through I & O's business offices in Wilmington, Delaware. Mr. Lau could not have received quicker service. Yet, we have had unnecessary correspondence over him, wasting our time, your time, and taxpayer's dollars.
We both have the facts to know we are dealing with a non-problem, especially after receiving Mr. Lau's postal receipts in his November 4 letter to you (carbon-copy to us). That letter was mailed just four working days after receiving his returned merchandise and two days after his refund had already been sent. So, of course, at this point we both can drop Mr. Lau's unnecessary complaints to you and the unnecessary correspondence among us.
Nevertheless, I want to take this opportunity to point out that I & O has always resolved misunderstandings fairly and honestly. Moreover, I & O has always been lenient, far beyond its obligations in satisfying customers. Still, I would like to visit your office and arrange a more efficient way to handle misunderstandings such as Mr. Lau's so we both can serve the consumer better without wasting so much time and money. And is not that important in these days of high deficits, cutbacks, and productivity problems?
You may call me at 798-8332 to arrange our meeting.
Eric Savage
P.S., I just received your latest letter dated November 17, 1983. From it I quote:
"As you can see from the enclosed postal receipt, the material was returned on October 3, 1983.
"We expect the refund of the consumer's money within the next seven days..."
I am confused with the attitude expressed in that letter toward established, productive, taxpaying Nevada citizens in support of an unfounded complaint from a nonresident living in Hawaii. In fact, I question the nature of this and your past letters and form letters to us. What is going on? Do not your responsibilities involve acknowledging the facts and putting them in context? But what really concerns me goes beyond the duties of your job: I am concerned about the automatic support of a consumer's unfairness against a producer of values. Such support comes not from the facts. Where does it come from? As a taxpayer, I object to that approach. As a producer of values, I will not accept that approach. Neither will Frank R. Wallace. For we know only the producer of objective values holds legitimate power. And like it or not, everyone depends on the value producer to survive. ...Neo-Tech makes everyone realize that fact.
Indeed, unfair and dishonest people are usually upset by the undeniable honesty of Neo-Tech. But we just send such people a refund and never deal with them again. On the other hand, if a government authority acts on anything other than facts in full context, then the matter is seriously different. For then the taxpaying citizen or producer becomes subjected to a politician's or bureaucrat's unfounded whims to the detriment of everyone.
Enclosed is a copy of our pro bono publico ad that reflects our philosophical position, toward which we have a lifetime commitment.
[Mr. Savage employs the Neo-Tech formula to take an uncompromising stand: The point is that Mrs. Brewster is the value destroyer, providing herself with a bogus livelihood through "pot-stirring" incidences, draining value producers via the unfounded assertions from an out-of-state resident. BP]
Brewster Letter#2 |
November 25, 1983
Mrs. Virginia Brewster
Consumer Affairs Division
2501 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 304
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Dear Mrs. Brewster,
The attached letter was written by Eric Savage a week ago -- just before receiving your letter of November 17th. When he saw your letter, he added the postscript out of dismay. So I will try to temper his words:
I mentioned your letter during a phone conversation with Dr. Frank R. Wallace. He asked me to read him your letter. He then told me to read him the file containing your previous correspondence. After commenting on the tone of your letters, he suggested either contacting you directly or arranging a telephone conference call with Mr. Larry Streuve in Carson City to clarify the attitude expressed in your letters and to determine if such an attitude reflects that of the Consumer Affairs Division and the Department of Commerce.
Dr. Wallace's current writing project is tentatively titled "The Arrogance of Incompetence". In adding to his research, he wants to understand three points concerning your letters:
1) The function and results of your job relative to the direct and indirect costs to taxpayers, producers, and consumers.
2) What attitude toward producers is reflected by your letters? And specifically, how does the tone and approach of your letters benefit the relationship between honest consumers and the producers who provide them with values?
3) Do you have or have you ever had any specific, legitimate unresolved problems concerning Dr. Wallace's writings or I & O Publishing Company? If so, we want to know so we can satisfy all those exposed to his writings, as we have done for the past 15 years.
Dr. Wallace writes philosophically and religiously controversial literature that is published under several registered pen names by I & O Publishing Company in Wilmington, Delaware, L. Faire Associates, Warner Books, and Crown Books in New York. He has an enthusiastic and rapidly growing following. But certain people are threatened by and strongly reject his work, especially neocheaters in or out of government who make their livings by draining or impeding the producer. Some who dislike Dr. Wallace's writings want to harm him; others want to interfere with his work; still others launch name-calling crusades to soothe their wounds inflicted by the stark honesty of his writings. Yet no one can really touch him, for only honest, productive people have legitimate power -- and they are his staunchest supporters.
Since I am responsible for handling problems related to Dr. Wallace's writings and publications that originate from I & O Publishing Company and L. Faire Associates in Wilmington, Delaware, I will phone you next week. I would like to meet in your office for a first-hand understanding of your job. Likewise, I want you to understand my job of assuring that every legitimate consumer problem, refund, and misunderstanding is fairly resolved. But, at the same time, we firmly stand on principle and will not buy off any "problem" caused by dishonest consumers trying to steal from us or abridge Dr. Wallace's first-amendment rights. We will never compromise on that principle.
Through the distribution of Dr. Wallace's literature, he exposes mysticism as a colossal, 2000-year-old hoax used to create illusions that external "authorities" have legitimate power over the lives of individuals. Indeed, only the producer of values has legitimate power, since everyone exists through those values. But through mysticism and deception, the producer has always been manipulated, exploited, drained by the nonproducers (e.g., see the enclosed, printed letter by Dr. Wallace.) His writings reveal the power of the producer while exposing the tricks of the nonproducer. Of course, nonproducers are threatened by Dr. Wallace and attack him in many different ways. But such attacks always backfire as Dr. Wallace masterfully unveils the facts in full context with objective reality for all to see.
Hopefully, from our meeting, I can pass the idea to Dr. Wallace of how our mutual cooperation could in the future help us uncover and resolve legitimate problems that may occasionally come to your attention rather than ours. That way we can both do our jobs better in serving the consumer and producer alike.
Mark Hamilton
December, 1983
Notes on Marquart Letter |
Mr. Marquart advocates putting to death Neo-Tech writers. He further states that individualism is one of the most destructive attitudes in a society. "All you need to do is look around you and see our society", writes Mr. Marquart.
In four major societies, individualism has been crushed: Soviet Russia, Red China, Nazi Germany, and the Dark Ages. The most individualistic society to date is the United States. The difference in the well-being of the people and the benevolence among the people between the individualistic United States and anti-individualistic Soviet Russia, Red China, Nazi Germany, and Dark-Age Catholicism needs no elaboration.
Marquart implies that truth and brotherhood are answers to social systems. But, what Mr. Marquart means by brotherhood is the sacrificing of a productive individual's earnings to unproductive, parasitical individuals. I cannot think of a more morally disgraceful, malicious, and unbrotherly practice. No amount of rationalizing can repress the meaning of such a social system: If an individual produces values then he has no right to them. But if an individual does not produce values, then he has a right to usurp the values of an individual who does produce.
At least Mr. Marquart is consistent with the anti-individualistic creed: He endorses putting to death any man who does not sacrifice his values to the "public". In a individualistic society no man can initiate force against another man. In Mr. Marquart's anti-individualistic society, the persons in power have the "right" to put to death anyone they deem against the "public".
Eric Savage
Notes on Mysticism |
I came across Dr. Wallace's "Notes On Mysticism" while sifting through boxes of written material to be included in this publication. Although it is just a single sheet of paper containing some early notes on mysticism, it is without a doubt much more. That is why I chose to include it in this publication. Before coming to I & O, I thought I knew what mysticism was. I would classify mysticism with religion, the occult, astrology, etc. But during my short time at I & O, I have developed a much deeper understanding of mysticism. Most never recognize its many subtle, but devastating invasions. This understanding grew while working at I & O and the Neo-Tech Center. Now I better understand personal experiences with mysticism in my life ranging from business partners to friends to past lovers. Removing external as well as internal mysticism delivers prosperity, happiness, and eventually deep romantic love. But many Neo-Tech owners still see mysticism, just as I once did, in the simplest and narrowest of terms. Based on personal conversations I have had with attendees at the various Neo-Tech World Summits, few understand the full nature of mysticism.
On the next page is an updated definition of mysticism by Frank R. Wallace. The emphases added are mine and are designed to call attention to areas that Neo-Tech owners sometimes overlook. Concentrate on each word closely and understand its relationship to the next word. You will then begin to grip what mysticism really is. And that understanding will open the door to the world of Neo-Tech/Neothink. BP]
Mysticism evokes, accepts, or uses dishonest notions to create problems where none exist. Contrary to popular belief, mysticism today seldom involves religion or the occult. For, religion and the occult are dying forms of mysticism with fading powers to hurt honest value producers. More generally, mysticism is the dishonesty that evolves from using feelings or rationalizations to generate mind-created "realities". In turn, those "realities" create unnecessary problems and unnatural destructions. Unnecessary and unnatural because the human brain cannot create reality. Instead, the brain perceives and then integrates facts of reality. Thus, "reality"-creating mysticism is a perversion or disease of human consciousness. Indeed, mysticism is the destruction disease. For mysticism blocks brain integrations to erode all values. Hence, mysticism is suicide on all levels -- on personal, family, social, and business levels; on local, national, world levels. |
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