Murphy Letter |
February 25, 1986
Mr. Terry Murphy
National Director, ADMA
Sydney, NSW
Dear Mr. Murphy,
In response to your letter of January 21, regarding Mr. Michael Deen, I apologize for not getting back to you sooner but I have been in Europe attending the French Direct Marketing Week in Paris.
Mr. Deen's returned books were received by us January 24, 1986, and he was subsequently issued a procedural refund (copy of that letter enclosed).
We have thousands of enthusiastic Neo-Tech supporters in Australia and now nearly 100,000 around the world. But, as mentioned in my letter to Mr. Coghill, because of Neo-Tech's strong, openly stated philosophical position, a small percentage of people dislike, feel threatened by, even hate the disclosures made in our publications. A few of those people react with emotional vindictiveness towards us. Often such people are non-producers and neocheaters -- a definition Mr. Deen openly admits he falls into in his letter. That is why for five years all of our U.S. Neo-Tech advertising literature has contained a notice specifically requesting that such people do not buy our products, even though this costs us many sales. We do not want people like Mr. Deen buying our product. If they do buy from us, we always try to retrieve our Neo-Tech product and refund their money.
I stress a point mentioned in one of my previous letters; the NTP report that advertises the Neo-Tech Information Package is an understatement of the Neo-Tech product. NTP Editor, Eric Savage, spent months in consultation with Dr. Wallace editing the NTP News Report to make sure it described the value and effects of the Neo-Tech Concepts closely and accurately. In no way is the NTP report a misrepresentation. Uncompromising integrity was upheld when writing the Neo-Tech brochure to describe the value of the Neo-Tech Discovery in a complete, integrated manner. That is the reason for the lasting, world-wide success of the Neo-Tech marketing campaign. (The Neo-Tech brochure was featured in the industry newsletter "Who's Mailing What" as an example of one of the ten best direct mail pieces in the U.S.)
I, too, think it would be beneficial for you to see for yourself and to have on file our Neo-Tech Information Package and other products we are currently making available to Australians. I have enclosed the Neo-Tech Package along with samples of our Neo-Tech art brochure, our Neo-Tech World Summit mail piece, and our book catalogue for your reference.
As you will see from the enclosed material, we are in the business of providing the thinking tools for individuals to defend against and withdraw their sanction from the out-of-context, emotional attacks of neocheaters, mystics, and other immature, tantrum-mode value destroyers. Mr. Deen's assertions are emotionalisms that completely ignore the integrated facts. The beauty of Neo-Tech is that through its bold identifications, neocheaters and mystics will finally be held accountable for their words, actions, and out-of-context attacks on productive individuals, businesses, products, and ideas.
Al Kern
International Director
BBB Letter #2 |
April 23, 1986
Ms. Jan Nutter
Assistant Director
Better Business Bureau
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Dear Jan:
RE: Your letter of April 10, 1986.
(l) See the photocopy of our recent correspondence to you about Mr. Daichman. Please note: Do not send correspondence to 1209 S. Casino as you did that inquiry. It will not be received by us for months. Send all our mail to the Boulder City address on your files. Thank you.
(2) We have no record of Mr. Lewis having ever ordered our manuscripts. In fact, we have no record of any correspondence from Mr. Lewis. Moreover, we have no record of ever receiving an inquiry on Mr. Lewis from the BBB. For if we did, we would have surely responded. Our response would have been then as it is now: Please have Mr. Lewis send us a photocopy of his cancelled check or credit card statement so we can promptly send him the manuscripts.
(3) We sent out over two million philosophical literature packages last year nationwide. Over two million sensitive, belief-oriented literature packages...and only 17 complaints! That must be a record. And this year we have cut those complaints in half and still dropping while we rapidly grow toward three million literature packages this year. Jan, the numbers not only reflect our excellence in performing business, but best of all it shows that through our good business discipline we have learned how to present the universal values in our philosophy to expose the parasitical members of society (i.e., governments, religions, certain media people, certain "consumer protection" advocates, and others). The values in our philosophy are taking hold and are picking up momentum. This literature will begin to spread geometrically as producers become aware of the 3000 year-old-hoax of freeloaders everywhere that hold them back. The advantages that result are too great to stop.
As you and Paul manage the Better Business Bureau, an institution full of value-oriented producers, I recommend that you purchase our Neo-Tech literature. Being totally consistent and honest with values and producers results in the most effective way to run an institution comprising value producers.
Mark Hamilton
CAD Letter #5 |
May 30, 1986
Mr. John G. Koval
Consumer Affairs Division
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Dear Mr. Koval,
RE: (l) Your form letter, May 8, 1986.
(2) Mr. Vic Wall, File No. L86-1175-8
This is a follow-up letter to my letter to you of May 16, 1986. After a decade and a half as an intellectual institution in our state (a rare, philosophical, artistic, cultural, and educational information center in this almost exclusive gaming state), we received your May 8, 1986 form letter. That letter, amazingly a form letter, is the most presumptuously anti-value letter I have ever seen. There is no excuse for such a letter that hinges on harassment. Just what is the idea of spending our hard-earned tax money that way?
We refunded Mr. Wall in full (check #6864) last March one day after receiving the photocopy of his cancelled check and 45 days before receiving your arrogant form letter. Mr. Wall's letter to you was dated in March. You did not act on it till May 8th after everything had been long settled by both parties. Mr. Koval, your division is slow and ineffective, dragging in all parties long after the fact, spending valuable tax dollars, getting in everyone's way, and draining the valuable producer's time. Your form letter harasses innocent producers of our state. You waste our money out of laziness, for you even carelessly sent your letter to us with 35 cents postage when it needed only 22 cents postage. I think any taxpayer would be personally ripped off by such overall incompetent use of taxpayer's money.
Your letter to us ironically provides a positive value. For we will publish that particular form letter in a future release about non-producers and neocheaters in government, in the clergy, and in the self-appointed advocate genre to be distributed worldwide. Our philosophical works concentrate with bulldog tenacity on ridding our world of neocheating. So, we actually benefit by those revealing their modi operandi directly to us, thus giving us the specific proofs we need to demonstrate our philosophy. My father's favorite quote by Murial Spark, author of "Loitering With Intent", expresses it best: "Everything happens to the writer. Time is always redeemed, nothing is lost, and wonders never cease".
In closing, I suggest you update your form letter to reflect a positive, non-accusatory attitude toward our hardworking citizens. You know, Mr. Wall was not even a citizen of our state.
If you receive a complaint, simply give us the facts without your presumptuous, guilt-implying form letter. That way, we can more quickly look into and resolve any problem in serving our readers, as we have for the past 16 years. To our knowledge, we do not have a single unresolved problem with our estimated 1,000,000 followers. We are proud of that remarkable record, especially when considering the controversial nature of our writings, which generate bitter attacks and howls of protest from those being exposed.
By eliminating that hostile arrogant attitude underscored by your form letter, you could actually be a value to honest businesses and consumers alike. We are looking forward in the future to honest, factual communications that are fair and helpful to everyone.
Mark Hamilton
Larson Letter |
January 26, 1988
Mr. Eric G. Larson, Chief Inspector
United States Postal Service
San Bruno, CA 94098-0100
Dear Mr. Larson,
Since 1968, I & O Publishing Company has been the target of strident complaints arising from its controversial anti-religious literature. But the percent of complaints relative to our extremely high volume (over three million mailed worldwide last year) is lower than the best-managed companies in the industry, such as Franklin Mint or American Express (less than 0.02%).
In analyzing our records for the past two years, a remarkably low 12 complaints were sent to postal authorities, the Consumer Affairs Division, and the Better Business Bureau. Moreover, half of those complaints originated from two fervent individuals who have directed letter-writing crusades against our company for many years. I want to identify those two people so their repeated, libelous assaults will not unjustly reflect on our 20-year reputation for fairness and honesty to all customers, including them:
Mr. Raymond Blonigan Brooklyn, New York (directed libelous letter-writing campaigns since 1981) and Mr. Robert Walker Bronx, New York (directed libelous letter-writing campaigns since 1983) |
Why do not we simply pay off such trouble makers as other businesses do to stop the harassments, damages, and expenses? No, we never have and never will pay off anyone, no matter what the cost. For 20 years, we have fairly and honestly resolved every known problem with our customers. And, we have gladly paid every deserved refund. But, we never yield to those who dishonestly use agencies and authorities for pressure to rip off undeserved payments, payoffs, and double "credit-card" refunds. ...Most companies pay off such manipulators to avoid continuous expenses and libeled reputations. ...We never will yield to that blackmail.
Yes, a few fly-by-night companies rip off consumers. But many, many more consumers rip off honest companies who silently accept that kind of theft. We help protect all honest businesses and consumers by never yielding to such blackmail. And we would expect your full support of our position.
We have pending litigation against Mr. Blonigan in U.S. District Court and expect to file an action against Mr. Walker. Moreover, we want individuals prosecuted who manipulate authorities, agencies, and the mail to extort from honest businesses. Thus, we are asking you to keep this letter in your files and notify us of any further action by those two individuals against us or any other company.
Enclosed is our manual about Value Destroyers versus Neo-Tech. That manual demonstrates our unyielding, relentless stand against value destroyers in or out of government. By never compromising, Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) will collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters.
John Flint
CAD Letter #6 |
March 18, 1988
Shari B. Compton, Commissioner
Consumer Affairs Division
2601 East Sahara Ave., Suite 247
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Dear Ms. Compton:
In response to your letter of February 19th asking for our "pitch" and business license: First, we have no "pitch" to send you. We have no "pitch" for any of our literature. Moreover, we as value producers reject such hypocritical pejoratives designed to create government "jobs".
We reject all such derogatory, value-attacking words directed at value producers -- especially when those words come from sources rooted in value destruction.
Also, we conduct no business in Nevada. The sales and business operations for our publishing company are done in California, Ohio, Delaware, Toronto, the U.K., Malaysia, and elsewhere. In Nevada, we do our research, writing, and editing. Also in Nevada, we receive all test data, product returns, complaints, and problems worldwide for analysis and resolution.
And about that business license? We as writers and editors require no government licensing under the constitution. Moreover, we transact no business in Nevada. Nevertheless, we have maintained a business license in Las Vegas since 1973 at our Casino Center address.
Since 1968, I & O Publishing Company has been the target of strident complaints arising from the anti-mystical/anti-religious theme dominant in all our literature. But the percent of honest complaints relative to our extremely high volume (over three million mailed worldwide last year) is lower than the best-managed companies in the world such as Franklin Mint, American Express -- less than 0.02%.
In analyzing our records for the past two years, a very low 12 complaints were sent to postal authorities, consumer-affairs offices, and Better Business Bureaus. And every one of those complaints was resolved. But an equal number of complaints originated from two loud individuals who have directed vendettas against our company for many years. I want to identify those two people so their repeated, defamatory assaults will not reflect on our 20-year reputation for fairness and honesty to everyone, including them:
Why do not we simply pay off such people as other businesses do to stop the harassments, damages, and expenses? No, we never have and never will pay off anyone, no matter what the cost. For 20 years, we have fairly and honestly resolved every known problem among our readers. But, we never yield to those who dishonestly manipulate government authorities and collaborate with agents of force to rip off undeserved payments, payoffs, and double credit-card "refunds". ...Most companies pay off such manipulators to avoid continuous costs and harmed reputations. We never will yield to that blackmail.
Yes, a few fly-by-night companies rip off individuals. But many, many more individuals rip off honest companies who silently accept such thefts. ...We help protect honest businesses and consumers by never yielding to that blackmail.
The enclosed manual "The Value Destroyers versus The Value Producers" demonstrates our unyielding stand against dishonesty and theft, in or out of government. By never compromising, we through Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) will collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters.
Your letter requests information about us for your files. Put this letter and the enclosed 496-page Information Package permanently in your files. For this Package tells exactly who we are and what we are doing. You will never again need to question us. Instead, we will be questioning you.
Indeed, we are engaged in the Ultimate Battle: The value producers versus the value destroyers. We are collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism while eliminating both its symbiotic neocheaters and the White-Collar Hoax (see pages 172-181 in the November-3rd Information Package).
Are you among the value producers or the value destroyers? You should prepare to answer that question, personally and professionally. For both you and the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division are now in the Neo-Tech Matrix. ... What do you choose? Value destruction or value production? Unhappiness or happiness?
John Flint
CAD Letter #7 |
May 10, 1988
Mr. Ronald G. Shutt
Senior Investigator
State of Nevada
Consumer Affairs Division
2601 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 247
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Dear Mr. Shutt,
Kindly tell us what the hell the complaint is, and we will be happy to respond.
You should at least read your mail before you whip off form letters that drain the time of honest, productive people.
Mark Hamilton
General Manager
INS Letter |
May 16, 1988
Mr. Glade Stewart, Director
U. S. Immigration and Naturalization
300 Las Vegas Blvd., South
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Dear Mr. Stewart:
(Re: My letter of April 24th, your phone call to Mr. Robert Campbell on May 3rd, and your prompt notice of May 3rd)
Thank you for the prompt action on correcting a problem that never should have existed. Moreover, that problem would have quickly disappeared with professional handling by your predecessor. Instead, he displayed only destructive, white-collar-hoax behavior. Thus, as revealed in the Guns-and Fists Newsletter #8, he now stands indicted among the value destroyers.
But, in fairness to you, we will edit the literature to show your effective handling of this problem. Moreover, as identified in the Guns-And-Fists newsletter #4, most of the INS Las Vegas staff are courteous, competent professionals. Thus, with you as the new director, the Las Vegas office could become a shining example of how government employees should serve the taxpayers. For, in the future, every value destroyer who uses a forced-backed job to prop his or her ego will be identified. Every value-destroying bureaucrat who struts with overweening importance will be laughed out of existence.
Despite your forgetting the First Amendment rights of writers and publishers during your May-3rd phone call to Mr. Campbell, no reason now exists for our writers and artists to visit your offices. But, perhaps, at a later date, we could arrange a visit to reflect the opposite situation: How competent management can deliver honest values to its taxpaying "bosses". ...Would not that make everyone more happy and proud?
Increasingly, everyone will recognize that Neo-Tech moves everyone, including the INS, away from value destruction and toward value production. Indeed, nothing can stop Neo-Tech: Nothing can stop the demise of value destroyers, nothing can stop the rise of the value producers. ...With Neo-Tech, everyone will switch from value destruction to value production or perish.
John Flint
To Mr. Stewart only:
To prevent any mistaken injustice, one point must be clarified: The sexual harassment of Ms. Meono did not occur during the second fingerprinting session conducted by Mr. Bob White. Indeed, he was impeccably proper, courteous, and professional. The event occurred during Ms. Meono's first fingerprinting session. Indeed, that man's assault made an indelible mark on Ms. Meono's memory. And, if you wish, she could point that INS agent* out of a line up. Or, she could quickly identify that man on walking through the INS offices. For, that agent was mustachioed, macho, and wore a large gun. After spending 20 minutes to get a cup of coffee, he kept the attractive Ms. Meono alone with him in his private office. Pointing to handcuffs on a shelf, he first terrorized her by boasting that he was the one who put people like her in jail. Almost on bended knee, the innocent value producer, Ms. Meono, wept as she pleaded for mercy. Her potential jailer trembled with excitement. Upon rising, the erection-like enjoyment of his life-and-death moment of power clearly showed. He then proceeded to photograph Ms. Meono while unnecessarily touching her face. Then with remarks about her prettiness, he photographed Ms. Meono again over her objections. Still alone with her, that agent fingerprinted her while pressing parts of her torso. ...Such forced-back touching, pressing, and squeezing was done over Ms. Meono's terrified requests to desist.
Our research department verified through Detective Griffin of the Boulder City Police Department that fingerprinting techniques never involve touching the subject's torso, much less squeezing or pressing any part of that torso. Moreover, the gun-toting, jail-threatening agent's act of hugging Ms. Meono while crossing the street a block from the Federal Building was grossly unprofessional and blatantly illegal.
Addie Letter |
June 10, 1988
Sue Addie
Stonehart Direct Marketing Services
London W1N 7TD
Dear Ms. Addie:
I appreciate your bringing to our attention the letter you received from J. Brooks on March 3, 1988. It is disturbing to read such unfounded allegations aimed at censoring Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech is an in-depth philosophical work meaning fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech has been exceptionally well received in the United States and around the world, increasingly recognized as a major, historic achievement. In fact, Neo-Tech has now been translated into ten languages.
However, from time to time, we do receive extreme reactions, usually from either religious fanatics or from Marxist/Leninists objecting to Neo-Tech's powerful thrusts toward collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism to eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. However, these fanatical type reactions represent a very small minority.
Regarding Mrs. Brooks' letter, I don't think she has even read the Neo-Tech Information Package but is objecting merely to her feelings conjured up after reading the Neo-Tech brochure. We checked our computer and do not have any record of a J. Brooks. What she states in her letter is a complete fabrication. I do not know how she got those ideas into her head other than if she is responding to what her imagination perceives the Neo-Tech Information Package to be. Our brochure, especially when mailed overseas, does attract a certain amount of "kook" mail because it is coming from the U.S.A. and, thus, tends to stand out more. (Our 8-page Neo-Tech brochure was rated in 1984 as one of the ten best direct mail pieces by the industry trade publication "Who's Mailing What".)
Neo-Tech has nothing to do with what Mrs. Brooks conjured up in her letter. Neo-Tech is an integrated philosophical and psychological treatise that delves into all realms of human endeavors including romantic love. I assume Mrs. Brooks was summing up in her head allegations about Neo-Tech and sex from what she had read in the brochure about Neo-Tech and romantic love.
To further clarify the situation, I will list some facts about I & O Publishing Company and Neo-Tech:
Neo-Tech has sold over 155,000 copies in 140 countries. Over 12,500 satisfied customers now reside in the U.K. alone. In fact, Neo-Tech III won the National Writers' Award as the best nonfiction piece of the year. And Neo-Tech has been so well received in the U.K. that there are now Neo-Tech discussion groups throughout the U.K. One group, for example, meets on a monthly basis in London to discuss the philosophical concepts of Neo-Tech. Its members range from the director of a London insurance firm to a practicing psychologist. I will ask several members of that London Neo-Tech group to contact you. Also, no mail house has ever refused to deal with us. We have never had contact with the advertising standards board. In fact, we have for years advertised in many major U.K. financial and business publications with enthusiastic acceptance by them. For example, we have advertised in such U.K. publications as The Economists, Investor's Chronicle, What Investment, Economic Affairs, Money Magazine, Intelligence Digest, Venture Capital Report, Personal Investor, Business & Finance, International Investor.
I & O has on file hundreds of letters from U.K. customers detailing the life-lifting benefits they received from Neo-Tech. Through philosophically oriented books and articles developed by the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center, I & O Publishing Company has delivered objective, long-range values to over a million appreciative customers since its founding 20 years ago. And, the percentage of honest complaints relative to our extremely high volume -- over three million total pieces mailed worldwide last year, is lower than the best managed companies in the world such as Franklin Mint and American Express -- less than .02%.
But, because of Neo-Tech's openly stated philosophical position, a small percentage of people dislike or even feel threatened by the disclosures made in our publications. A few of those people react with emotional vindictiveness towards us. Of course, we do not want such people buying our products and we are always glad to offer I & O's full money-back refund guarantee.
I wanted to point these facts out so that Mrs. Brooks' accusations will not reflect on our twenty year reputation for fairness and honesty to everyone. For twenty years, we have fairly and honestly resolved every known problem among our readers and customers, but we will never yield to those who dishonestly manipulate in an attempt to censor important written works.
Please contact me if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Savage
International Director
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