Brooks Letter |
June 10, 1988
Mrs. J. Brooks
[Address Withheld]
United Kingdom
Dear Mrs. Brooks,
This letter notifies you that we are contacting our U.K. attorney for legal action against your libelous accusations concerning the Neo-Tech Information Package and I & O Publishing Company.
Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech identifies and exposes the lazy, attack core of all mystics and neocheaters and conversely, the happy, productive core of all value producers. Neo-Tech cannot be stopped. It is increasingly becoming recognized around the world as a major, historical work. In fact, the Neo-Tech III manuscript won the National Writers' Award as the best nonfiction article of the year. The Neo-Tech Discovery is so significant that many believe it will someday win a Nobel prize.
But, because Neo-Tech's strong, openly stated philosophical position clearly identifies the nonproductive, attack essence of mystics and neocheaters versus the productive, happy essence of value producers, a very small percentage of people dislike, feel threatened by, even hate the disclosures made in our publications. A few of those people, like you, react with emotional vindictiveness towards us. Often such people are nonproductive, value-attacking mystics and neocheaters. We do not want to do business with such people. We even list a notice in our brochure stating that we will not knowingly sell Neo-Tech to those destructive people.
Mrs. Brooks, we invite you to leave the dishonest, unhappy world of fact-distorting mysticism that can only attack objective values such as Neo-Tech. Instead, you can enter the happy, productive world of producers and Neo-Tech. However, we will take legal action against those people who make defamatory assaults against our 20 year reputation for fairness and honesty to everyone. Indeed, I & O has fairly and honestly resolved every known problem among our readers and customers, but we will never yield to those who dishonestly manipulate in an attempt to censor our works or rip-off our publishing company.
Since 1968, I & O Publishing has delivered objective values to over a million satisfied customers throughout the world. As a producer of objective values, we are certainly not intimidated by mystics and neocheaters who, unable to produce objective values for others, attack the values of I & O. They would dearly like to rid the world of us. You are not the first mystic who has subjectively, emotionally lashed out at us and you will not be the last. You have no right to libel us because your beliefs differ from ours.
I am enclosing a printed supplement to the NTP report. That report clearly distinguishes value producers from value destroyers. I offer this report out of good will, for the report identifies a happy, honest, productive approach to life. And why not choose a productive life based on creating saleable values rather than a destructive life based on mysticism and attacking values.
Scott Long
Philosophical Investigator
Stead Letter |
June 13, 1988
Ms. Debbie Stead
Dudley Jenkins Associates
77 St. John Street
London EC1M 4HH
Dear Ms. Stead:
I was surprised and disappointed to receive your letter of March 4, 1988, gratuitously deeming our books as inappropriate to promote by direct mail. Obviously, you have never read the Neo-Tech Information Package. First, let me give you the facts:
Neo-Tech, a five-volume, 720-page information package, is a major philosophical achievement. Over the past eight years Neo-Tech has been marketed by direct mail and has sold over 155,000 copies in the U.S. and in 140 countries abroad including over 12,500 copies in the United Kingdom alone. In fact, Neo-Tech has now been translated into ten languages. Neo-Tech is increasingly being recognized worldwide as a major philosophical work of historical significance. The Neo-Tech III volume received the National Writers' Club Award as the best nonfiction piece of the year.
But, because of Neo-Tech's openly stated philosophical position, a tiny fraction of people dislike, even feel threatened by the disclosures made in our publications. A few of those people react with emotional vindictiveness towards us. In fact, I & O Publishing Company has been the target of strident complaints arising from a handful of individuals who wish to censor Neo-Tech because their feelings do not agree with the totally honest, anti-mystical theme dominant in all our literature. Indeed, the very meaning of the word Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty. But the percent of honest complaints relative to our high volume -- over three million pieces mailed worldwide last year -- is much lower than many of the best managed companies in the world such as Franklin Mint and American Express.
The Neo-Tech Information Package has been particularly well received in the United Kingdom. As mentioned, over 12,500 U.K. residents have purchased the Neo-Tech Information Package.
I also point out that the work you deemed inappropriate to promote by direct mail has been advertised not only in U.S. media such as the New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal, but in most major U.K. financial and economic publications including The Economist, Investor's Chronicle, What Investment, Economic Affairs, Money Magazine, Intelligence Digest, Venture Capital Report, Personal Investor, Business & Finance, International Investor, to name a few.
However, as previously mentioned, from time to time we do receive extreme reactions, usually from either religious fanatics or from Marxist/Leninists objecting to Neo-Tech's full disclosure of their dishonesty and destructiveness. But, those fanatical-type reactions represent a very small minority. In the U.K., almost all complaints have originated from one individual. I want to identify that person so that her repeated defamatory assaults will not reflect on our twenty year reputation for fairness and honesty to everyone. Mrs. J. Brooks* has directed a defamatory letter campaign against Neo-Tech in the U.K. Incredibly, it appears that Mrs. J. Brooks has never even read Neo-Tech and is merely acting upon her anti-American feelings and opinions conjured up from reading the brochure on Neo-Tech. This is not unusual since our brochure is mailed from the U.S. When mailed to overseas countries, our mailing piece often attracts added attention and thus is more susceptible to attracting anti-American and other "kook" mail. (The Neo-Tech brochure was rated as one of the ten best direct mail pieces in 1984 in the industry publication "Who's Mailing What".)
Miss Stead, your letter deeming the world-recognized Neo-Tech Information Package as inappropriate to promote by direct mail is an arbitrary, unprofessional action not based on facts. You have not even examined the product. Instead, a censorship-type decision was based on someone's emotional reaction to the uncompromising, principled honesty of our literature.
Miss Stead, I can appreciate that you and the staff at Dudley Jenkins are busy people, but making an arbitrary decision based on someone else's emotional opinion is an unfair, destructive way to conduct business -- especially since you are basing your decision on a single emotional vendetta of an immature, tantrum-mode mystic. I am sure the action in your letter of March 4, 1988 was just an unrecognized oversight. But I point out the above facts so that this situation can be corrected to the benefit of you, Dudley Jenkins, and I & O Publishing Company in upholding fairness and honesty. (Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty.)
Yours sincerely,
Eric Savage
International Marketing Director
P.S., Through philosophically oriented books and articles developed by the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center, I & O Publishing Company has delivered objective, long-range values to over a million appreciative individuals in over one hundred and forty countries. Still, a tiny fraction of mystics and neocheaters who are threatened by Neo-Tech attack it in an attempt to stop our publishing activities. But, as they soon discovered, such attacks always backfire. For we utilize their attacks to our benefit. Indeed, their attacks directly enhance our business objectives of exposing mysticism to abolish neocheaters. Moreover, their attacks will be published and marketed in our Neo-Tech Protection Kit. That kit will let honest productive people specifically identify and then forever dismiss those mystics and neocheaters who foist dishonest attacks on value producers. We are resolutely principled and never knowingly yield to actions that are wrong or unfair no matter what the cost. Indeed, over the long range we build strength through a loyalty to honesty. And that means standing up to and publicly exposing mystics and neocheaters wherever we encounter them.
Horowitz Letter |
Mr. Horowitz, you and your associates are misusing the U.S. mail system by sending guilt-implying, poison-pen letters. To increase your intimidation and coercion powers, you dishonestly send those poison-pen letters to government officials and their agents of force. Evidence? Your letter of November 17th to I & O Publishing Company.
Laced with insincere politeness, that November-17th letter tries to blacken an innocent value-producing company. Without presenting a scintilla of wrongdoing, without presenting a single problem or complaint, your letter implicitly makes honest business people appear as some sort of criminals violating some sort of laws. Then, based on nothing, your letter implicitly threatens to summon the agents of force. And finally, you gratuitously send copies of that guilt-projecting missive to various postal inspectors. ...You used that poison-pen letter to cast suspicion on a clean, honest company -- a company that has provided benevolent values to individuals and society for twenty years.
That November-17th letter is now on display in the Guns-and-Fists Museum near Las Vegas, Nevada.
This time, Mr. Horowitz, you tried to mug the wrong people with your cowardly, destructive methods. Previously, no innocent person or company knew how to deal with such bully-boy attacks and envy-based dishonesties from the media. Now, however, you and your associates have stepped into a trap. For the first time, you face a company that knows how to deal with destructive media bullies, wimpish business quislings, and dishonest yahoo muckrakers disguised as respectable journalists.
The sole goal of our company is to cure the dishonesty disease -- the disease of mysticism. In turn, curing mysticism will eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters who live through bogus jobs. How will Neo-Tech eliminate those neocheaters and their bogus jobs? The dynamics of Neo-Tech integrated with business competition will extirpate all mystical illusions and hoaxes while showing the world:
Neo-Tech will prove the following assertion: You and your associates are value destroyers with criminal minds as defined on the Definitions page of the enclosed report titled "Ostracism of Value Destroyers". Moreover, with a fight-business-the-enemy format, your television show becomes a giant consumer fraud. For, you make your living by appearing to benefit consumers while always harming them. Proof of that assertion? Read the next two sections below plus pages 5-16 of the enclosed "War of Two Worlds" report.
As a self-appointed business adversary, you harm all consumers. How? By undermining their self-responsibility incentives and eroding their self-protection mechanisms as also described on pages 5-16 of the "War of Two Worlds" report. But, that harm is multiplied many fold through your malevolent motives and strategies to attack and destroy the relationship between consumers and their only real friend and benefactor -- the competitive value producer.
Self-appointed adversaries of business benefit no one. Instead, they are an enemy to everyone. For they operate through guile and dishonesty. And they serve only to drive a poisonous wedge between the consumer and the producer. Such business adversaries eventually destroy all values. How? By tearing asunder the benevolent, happy, life-lifting dynamics between the consumer and the value producers from whom all values flow. ...You are guilty of raining cynicism and distortion for many years on the consuming public. The result of your fight-business-the-enemy national television show is higher-priced, less-competitive products. But more important is the diminished enjoyment of life resulting from your undermining the naturally happy relationship between the consumer and the producer.
Mr. Horowitz, you and your associates know deep in your own minds the crime you commit weekly across the nation. Yes, you combine the worst elements of subtly destructive shows as Mike Wallace's "60 Minutes" and subtly fraudulent organizations as tax-supported consumer-affair bureaucracies. Then you deceptively weave into your format some bona fide frauds occurring in business as well as inject some nonsequitur situations to hypocritically show a specious "fairness and objectivity". Indeed, your insincere format is only a cover for hiding your motive and means of survival. For you survive through envy-based attacks on value producers. ...The essence of your work is to attack first and then undermine the only moral force in existence--competitive value production.
If not stopped, that constant attack and undermining of competitive values would eventually devour the well being and happiness of everyone. For that unrelenting assault and injustice by professional mystics and neocheaters in the media, politics, and academe would intimidate or numb people into increasingly abandoning their own sense of fairness and justice. ...That shrinking sense of justice, in turn, would eventually lead civilization into another dark age.
Will the victimized public and its value producers ever stop those destructive neocheating forces epitomized by you, by the even more clever Dan Rathers, and by the most clever Ted Koppels? No, those innocent victims will never stop you. But they do not need to, for Neo-Tech is going to do the job for them. How? Through the dynamics of business competition. Indeed, Neo-Tech has started that job and is now quietly subverting professional mystics, neocheaters, and business quislings in 140 countries. ...Neo-Tech will gradually, increasingly, irreversibly, relentlessly obliterate all fake jobs. And then honest, hard-working value producers will finally laugh the remaining neocheaters out of existence.
No, we never deal with professional mystics, neocheaters, or other value destroyers on their terms. Why? Read again the Definitions page of the enclosed Ostracism report. Next, in that same report, read the Policy Statement titled "Why We Never Talk to Dishonest Media People, White-Collar-Hoax Business Quislings, or Government Value Destroyers". Policy item #9 in that statement explains why the enclosed Neo-Tech Bible will never be given or sold at any price to known value destroyers. Thus, we are only lending you the mystic-busting, Neo-Tech Bible in order to:
The Neo-Tech Bible is not yours to keep. We ask you to return this volume within 30 days. Attached is a $20 money order to cover expenses for returning our property to the address checked on our letterhead.[ 2 ]
How will Neo-Tech end your bogus livelihood? First read the Business-Quisling Proclamation in the Neo-Tech Bible. Next read the article, "Kicking All Criminal Minds Off Planet Earth through Neo-Tech Ostracism". You will then realize that to survive in the future you must forever abandon your destructive livelihood. Instead, you must become a competitive value producer. You must also pay restitution for your past damages in order to live free, without guilt and ostracism, in the coming Neo-Tech business world.
Yes, through Neo-Tech, all criminal minds will be kicked off planet Earth. That includes you, Mr. Horowitz, along with your colluding associates and media soul mates. Once in the Neo-Tech matrix, no value destroyer can escape without becoming a competitive value producer. For, Neo-Tech is relentless, intransigent, implacable. You and all others who live destructively by draining the value producer will either perish as a value destroyer or will decide to exert the honest effort needed to become a competitive value producer.
Read your Neo-Tech Rights on page 148 of the enclosed Neo-Tech Bible. Then respond within 15 days to this letter. Give us any suggestions, corrections, or disputes you may have. We will fairly assess any notations or suggestions for edits, errors, additions, or deletions. For we always strive to produce the most valuable, honest, and accurate literature ever published. Lack of response from you will signify your acceptance and approval of this and all related documents for commercial publication and live-art productions by I & O Publishing Company.
Let us meet publicly. Let us meet on your own television show. Let the public learn who is the real consumer fraud. Let the public see who is the value producer and who is the value destroyer. We are waiting. If you do not come after us, we will go after you.
Our sole goal and responsibility is to cure the disease of mysticism and eliminate its virus-like neocheaters. For that disease and its symbiotic neocheaters have caused untold suffering and death to all human beings for 2000 years. Are you or any of your associates sincere about leaving the dark mystical world of systematic value destruction? If so, we can help you enter the sunlit Neo-Tech world of competitive value production--a world of unlimited life, prosperity, power, happiness, and romantic love.
[ 1 ] What will happen as we learn to fully express the values of Neo-Tech in the international marketplace? Nearly every literate person on Earth will acquire and use Neo-Tech to gain the unbeatable, competitive advantages available from exorcising mysticism and neocheating from one's life.
[ 2 ] The Neo-Tech Bible was never returned and the $20 for its return was kept.
Hatch Letter |
June 17, 1988
Mr. Denny Hatch
Who's Mailing What Newsletter
Dear Mr. Hatch,
I would like to state the following points about I & O's Malaysia mailings commented on in your December, 1987, issue of Who's Mailing What.
I want to clarify that situation while at the same time offer important information to your readers. It is against postal regulations for a U.S. company to mail from a foreign country back into the United States in order to escape U.S. postal rates. If this is done, the USPS is authorized to hold the mail until the violating U.S. mailer pays first-class postage for each piece. This regulation exists so that U.S. mailers will not prepare their mail and freight it to a foreign country to then have that mail posted back into the United States at a rate cheaper than U.S. rates. We adhere to the USPS regulation. Indeed, I & O adheres to the postal regulations for all countries in its international program.
Now, I want to clarify some facts. I & O markets the Neo-Tech philosophical system, which is a philosophy based on eliminating mysticism and neocheating*. The market for our philosophical and political literature is not the United States, but 140 countries worldwide. In fact, over the past eight years we have distributed over 155,000 Neo-Tech Information Packages. And, Neo-Tech has now been or is being translated into French, Japanese, German, Spanish, Dutch, Serbo-Croation, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, and Urdu. You see, Neo-Tech is not a U.S. product at all. The whole world needs and uses Neo-Tech. In fact, Neo-Tech is not really a product, it is an integrated idea system.**
Although we must use a business format to disseminate our ideas, Neo-Tech and I & O Publishing is really not even a business. We are a group of writers, philosophers, artists, and scientists who publish books and other works on philosophy, politics, and radical philosophical technology including nano technology, indefinite life support systems, research into the universal computer amongst which conscious beings throughout the galaxies command the universe and Einstein's unified field. Some of the I & O's core writers reside in the United states because of the protection of the First Amendment. However, as Neo-Tech is spreading out all over the world, we now have writers, scientists, physicians, philosophers, artists, musicians and stage producers and other professionals who are moving the Neo-Tech philosophy beyond the mere printed word and into technology, the sciences, medicine, stage plays, musicals, rock operas, albums, television programs, seminars. Those writers/scientists/artists reside worldwide in Canada, New Zealand, England, Japan, Malaysia, South Africa, Costa Rica, Nigeria, and elsewhere. We are now tapping on this worldwide network of writers/scientists/artists who are integrated with Neo-Tech and desire to disseminate this crucial philosophy based on fully integrated honesty, level-five value production, and eliminating mysticism and neocheating worldwide to achieve Biological Immortality within our lifetimes.***
Thus, we are now beginning to disengage the business aspect of I & O Publishing in order to reach maximum worldwide distribution of the Neo-Tech philosophy in all of its forms. That is why we are developing the radical Company-Without-A Company concept and the Company-Without-A-Country**** concept. The Neo-Tech writers/scientist/doctors/artists are citizens from many different countries who are part of the Neo-Tech philosophy, and they are beginning to produce and market their own works ranging from astronomical breakthroughs that surpass Einstein's lifetime works; medical breakthroughs to cure AIDS, cancer and bodily dysfunction in Switzerland; a symphony orchestra composition in New Zealand; a rock opera in Canada; a Neo-Tech philosophical treatise on collapsing Buddhism in Japan; an African Neo-Tech musician in Nigeria. Neo-Tech men and women around the world act as independent distributors for Neo-Tech and other products based on the Neo-Tech philosophy.
Our goal is to collapse mysticism and achieve Biological Immortality within our lifetimes. In order to achieve that mighty goal we are radiating I & O into a radically new worldwide network. Our independent bantam companies will handle the marketing of Neo-Tech from many parts of the world. For, as I said before, we at I & O are not really businessmen, rather writers and philosophers. Thus, Neo-Tech writers, scientists, medical researchers, philosophers and artists worldwide, representing independent jack-hammer units, are now undermining mysticism and neocheating in over 140 countries and in 10 languages.
Everything is produced, mailed, and run by these independent, international Neo-Tech Bantam companies. This is completely legitimate and has nothing to do with USPS postal regulations. Those international mailings are not part of I & O's United States mailing program.
In addition, I & O Publishing is not a U.S. company. Its head offices are in Toronto, Canada. Only certain core writers remain in the U.S. (because of the protection of the First Amendment and awaiting for needed actions and reactions from the November-3rd bureaucracy), along with our U.S. marketing director who mails over two-million pieces of U.S. advertising mail First Class at 25 cents per piece. But Neo-Tech is a Company-Without-A-Company and a Company-Without-A-Country. Writers, philosophers, scientists, and artists handle their own dissemination of Neo-Tech worldwide.
As writers of Neo-Tech, we focus all our efforts on collapsing mysticism and neocheating around the world. Our Neo-Tech spotlight now exposes the guns-and-fists power in America. I enclose the Ultimate Power Package that we now mail in the United States, free-of-charge. That package will give you a clear picture of who we are. Our job is to uproot neocheaters, no matter where they are, no matter how "powerful", in any profession, in any country. We hold them in full view and never let them go until they wither away. ...Neo-Tech is now penetrating the Iron Curtain and expect to collapse communism in Eastern Europe by 1990.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Hamilton
Canadian Research and
Development, Live Arts
**Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty.
***See "Ten Steps To Achieving Biological Immortality Within Our Lifetimes", Dr. Frank R. Wallace, I & O Publishing Co., enclosed.
****See "Dump Tradition/Soar with Neothink": An I & O brochure that disseminates the radical business system worldwide.
Tkach Letter |
June 23, 1988
Mr. Bill Tkach
State of Nevada
Department of Commerce Consumer Affairs Division
Southern Nevada
Re: James L. Barnes
Dear Bill,
Regarding your recent phone call about Mr. Barnes: As you know, Mr. Barnes did not return his matching, hand-numbered manuscript set. If he returned his manuscript set within our reasonable 30-day refund policy, we would have refunded his money. But he never returned his manuscript set. Thus, we cannot or will not send a refund, no matter who he contacts.
For your records, we uphold the honest businessman. Therefore, we never have and never will give in to intimidation tactics by unfair consumers using government authorities to pry undeserved refunds from honest businesses such as I & O. For example, look on pages 13-14 in the enclosed Guns and Fists Newsletter #6. That letter to the Nevada Consumers Affairs explains who we are and how we conduct business. Also, look in the enclosed Guns and Fists Newsletter #8 and The Ultimate Power Package (now on file at the Nevada Consumers Affairs) to understand us more directly.
Thank you for previously informing us about Mr. Barnes. For, we always want to and do clear up any honest misunderstanding or mistake. But, upon my first written response to you, the facts were clear. We will not be coerced out of a refund when a person does not even return the product.
Mark Hamilton
Encls: Guns and Fists Newsletter #6
Guns and Fists Newsletter #8
Leighton Letter |
July 12, 1988
Florence Leighton, President
Dillon, Agnew & Marton, Inc.
New York, NY 10011
Dear Florence,
I enjoyed your speech at Al Goodloe's recent conference and at the April World Direct Trade Council luncheon. I found your information quite useful.
However, I am writing this letter because of the comment you made at the April luncheon. You said that you do not want to deal with I & O because we never sent any list orders to you.
Florence, three times in the past I have sent you a letter requesting data cards on the lists you recommended during our phone conversations, but I never received a reply to any of those letters. Last time we spoke over the phone, about a year ago, you said that you had some good South African and Australian lists. I promptly sent you a follow up letter asking for data cards and ordering information on those lists. After three weeks, I had not received a response so I phoned Dillion, Agnew & Marton and spoke to one of your assistants. Your assistant said that she would promptly send me the information on those lists. Again, no reply was ever received.
I & O's international business is growing rapidly. We now market the Neo-Tech Information Package in seven languages -- English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and Italian. Our sales are booming both domestically and overseas. In fact, we are now the largest ISAL user on the West Coast.
Florence, I know that you are one of the most experienced persons in international direct mail. I am certain that we could do good business together. However, I am puzzled as to why I never received any replies in the mail from Dillion, Agnew & Marton. Is it that someone in your organization objects to our Neo-Tech Information Package? If so, please let us know so that we can confront them to clear up any misunderstandings.
Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty, is a major philosophical achievement that is increasingly being recognized as a major historical work. In fact, the Neo-Tech III volume won the National Writer's Award as the best nonfiction work of the year. Neo-Tech is so significant that some believe that is will someday win the Nobel prize. However, there is a small percentage of people who dislike, even feel threatened by Neo-Tech's openly stated, anti-mystical, objectivist philosophy. Neo-Tech's goal is to collapse mysticism and expose all neocheaters worldwide in order to achieve increasing prosperity, personal happiness, and eventually biological immortality.
I & O Publishing Company and Dillion, Agnew & Marton can be of great value to each other and I think it is time we work to establish a mutually beneficial, profitable relationship.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Savage
International Marketing Director
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