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The Story

Chapter Thirty-Two

The Dow Jones stock market surged a record 653 points the day after Jonathan's victory. No one person was quite sure what would happen, but the collective market knew, as it always does -- knew that Neo-Tech was a good thing.

As he promised, less than one month after his State of the Union Address, Jonathan submitted his famous Solar Eclipse Budget, also known as his Protection Only Budget. Congress was stunned by his budget that cut out well over one trillion dollars. Jonathan eliminated anything that did not have to do with protection and paying off the debt. He stuck to his campaign issue that government existed for one purpose: to physically protect the individual from aggression and for no other purpose. He insisted that the second purpose of government, to improve peoples' well-being through programs for the public good, were vote-gathering schemes used to buy votes from specific segments of the population, and he vowed to end those tax-the-producer, give-to-the-non-producer vote-buying schemes. He also vowed to end the debilitating regulatory bureaucracies that built the presidency upon a huge hierarchy of power, but retarded progress in every industry. So, true to his word, he submitted his protection-only budget nicknamed the Solar Eclipse Budget because it eclipsed the solar spending programs.

The House of Representatives, both Republicans and Democrats, start impeachment considerations on the charge that Jonathan Ward was a crazy man unfit for high office. They held small, secret meetings to spread their intentions. But when a story about this leaked to the press, instant polls showed the American people were livid at those congressmen. The most shocking poll data involved welfare recipients. Six months after Jonathan was in office, they were split evenly. About half wanted to give him a chance! During those six months, buying power began rising rapidly, and the economy was booming. Already, all the welfare recipients were living better than before Jonathan took office because their reduced entitlements went nearly twice as far. The whole country was living better at every economic level.

Another shocker was the rise of millions of entrepreneurs. The possibility of removing bureaucratic regulations caused just the opposite results of what the people were once led to believe. Those regulations never protected small business or opened up competition. Regulations did just the opposite: they protected corrupt big business and the political businessmen who were tacit partners with politicians. Regulations protected those lazy big-business political businessmen from the hard-driving market entrepreneur. Without cost-prohibitive regulations, the market entrepreneur ferreted out values quickly to build a base of money and power. Those much more creative entrepreneurs went on to create new ways of approaching medicine and business never seen before. Those entrepreneurs rose everywhere and brought exciting ground-floor opportunities at a ten-to-one ratio to those around them. Millions of those freed entrepreneurs rose across America, even throughout inner-city America. They were pulling up people all around them, at a ten-to-one ratio, to undreamt of heights of wealth. It was as if Apple Computer in the 1980s were now rising up everywhere in every industry in every city and town. The country was changing. The attitude of even fourth-generation welfare recipients was changing. Congress dare not suggest now that Jonathan was a madman.

Congress came back with a normal budget approaching two trillion dollars. Jonathan's reaction sent waves of fear through the lifelong career politicians. Instead of closing down the government, Jonathan researched every Congressman's role in ignoring the Solar Eclipse Budget. He publicly told them that, for those whose terms were up, they would be replaced in the mid-term elections. Jonathan named the approaching event the Great Replacement Program. Because the American people saw with their own eyes their buying power beginning to soar and the medical industry making huge gains against fatal diseases, Jonathan predicted the American people would replace Republicans and Democrats with market businessmen who ran under the Neo-Tech Party. They were nonpoliticians sworn to the Universal Constitution of the Neo-Tech Party. Those nonpoliticians would pass Jonathan's Solar Eclipse Budget in its entirety; the American people dreamed of what that would do to their buying power. Even the welfare recipients were changing. Instead of living in the ghetto, one by one they realized they would actually live like millionaires, for buying power would multiply a thousand times.


The second year in office, Jonathan's program was clearly working. The economy was soaring beyond anything in the history of the country. His second budget was the same as the first -- just a little over a half trillion dollars for national defense and to steadily pay off the debt. This time, Congressmen feared they were losing their constituents and agreed to seriously deep cuts, about halfway between Jonathan's budget and a "normal" budget. To their dismay, buying power shot up at an unprecedented rate as millions more entrepreneurs flooded the market and businesses poured their profits back into research, development, and expansion. The Dow soared past 20,000. With that demonstration, the country was sold on the Neo-Tech agenda.

In the mid-term elections, the Great Replacement Program was unanimous: every seat up for election was replaced with a market businessman from the Neo-Tech Party.

The third year in office, Jonathan's Solar Eclipse Budget passed in its entirety. There was no more money for any of the Cabinets except for the Department of Defense. Since Jonathan was a productive businessman and not a career politician, he delighted in ending the Cabinet Departments and their regulatory bureaucracies. He did not need or want political power, for he was secretly driven by the deeper goal of creating the Freedom Paradigm that would result in eliminating the ultimate disease -- aging and death.

After the Solar Eclipse Budget passed, Jonathan quickly commenced his plan for history's biggest multi-trillion-dollar sale of all government assets that had nothing to do with protection. He called his plan the Great Displacement Program. Programs for the "public good" and regulatory programs were sold to the private sector. Now, those private spin-offs would have to provide genuine values people would willingly pay for, or those spin-offs would not and should not last.

He used the trillions of dollars generated to pay back in full plus interest everyone who paid into Social Security. Then, of course, he forever ended that Ponzi scheme for the "public good".

During the final two years of his term, Americans prospered beyond anyone's wildest fantasies. The whole country lived in luxury. People everywhere, with their multiplying buying power, were moving out of apartments and into beautiful new homes. The economy as a whole boomed faster than the computer industry did during the '80s and '90s.

Super entrepreneurs were springing into the Neothink mentality everywhere as they pushed new technologies to the next level in every industry. The freed medical industry was soaring, too. The medical revolution advanced at a faster clip than the computer revolution did two decades earlier. Super technologies in all industries were integrating their applications and building upon themselves with synergy. A beautiful paradox was happening: prices were tumbling to fractions, but the breakthrough values were becoming more and more priceless. Health care reached stunning new levels. Major disease after disease was being wiped off the face of the earth in unbelievable succession. Civilization exuded a warm new confidence: disease was no longer a threat. Now, people were becoming so excited by their creations and prosperity that they wanted to live longer -- much longer. Life was no longer a burden. ...The timing was right to make Sally and her Association for Curing Aging and Death a national phenomenon.


The God-Man Group, as Jake called it, gathered for its monthly meeting at Rico's house. The President of the United States still flew in each month for these meetings that created the future. He had been in office for three years.

Without the existence of the IRS or INS any longer, Jennifer Annabelle Melbourne and her husband, John Melbourne, finally felt at peace living in America again. They reverted back to their original names. They attended every meeting and cherished them.

Al Patterson was pacing back and forth. Jake watched his boss and kept thinking how the handsome dark-hair man with hazel eyes looked younger than he did when Jake met him nearly four years ago at the reunion.

"A good number of businesses know about the Association for Curing Aging and Death," he finally said. "Millions of people in the Church of God-Man passionately follow our progress. But, the general populous knows little about Project Life and perceives it either as a novelty or as a belief system of a particular religion." He paced back and forth again, then he stopped, lifted his eyes from the floor and said to his peers, "The time is now to make the Association for Curing Aging and Death a household word and place biological immortality in the minds of everyone."

Jasmine was taking notes and asked, "Why now, precisely?"

Patterson started pacing again, but he did not look down this time. "Ironically, the timing has little to do with the progress of the health industry today or politics. Instead, it has to do with business, happiness, love, and the feeling inside people today. We've noticed how businesses have changed over the past three years. Ted's business paradigm is taking over. Jeremiah's Church and its business alliance has accelerated the shift. Because the economy is no longer politicized and businesses race forward at such competitive speeds, they had to discover Ted's business paradigm that captures the greatest asset in business -- the employees' minds -- especially with the Church of God-Man's business alliance growing by the millions. We've witnessed the shift from the division of labor to the division of essence. The essence of business -- to make money by creating or improving values and marketing those values -- is downright exciting! During the shift, we witnessed a job revolution away from stagnant jobs of labor to exhilarating jobs of the mind. Man is a mental animal. His life was boring in a job of labor that emphasized a physical skill. His life is now exciting in a job of the mind that challenges his mind...especially as the division of essence inches its way toward the division of Friday-Night essences. Thanks to Robert's influential company, businesses everywhere are discovering their employees' Friday-Night essences. People everywhere are becoming the persons they were meant to be. Now, the values they go to work to create and market are their own creations for the world -- a thrilling feeling! Businesses everywhere are setting up this way: their employees enjoying open-ended, entrepreneurial jobs of the mind, pursuing their Friday-Night essences, doing work they love doing more than anything else, making and marketing their own creations for the world. The result of this shift into the new, highly self-motivated business paradigm? Yesterday people were unhappy in their livelihoods and looked to escape their miserable stagnation through sports, hobbies, entertainment, vacations. They were value producers. Today people are happy and excited and look forward to their competitive creations every morning. They are value creators. They're not looking to escape stagnation; they're not looking toward the ultimate escape -- death. Instead, their happiness grows month after month, year after year as their contributions to society build. Before, their boredom grew year after year as they sank into stagnation. The human mind was not designed to handle stagnation; the human mind was designed for creation. By the time they were in their 70s, they were ready to let go and die. ...Not so any longer. Now, people are even more dynamic and exhilarated at 75 than they were at 25!"

Natasha locked her big brown eyes on Patterson's blue eyes. "I can confirm everything you're saying about people's shift from sinking stagnation to growing exhilaration. The love-lives of the people has really heated up in America. Divorce rate has dropped to fractions. Experts say it's because of the wealth explosion, but I say it's because people have reached a new level of happiness. This new level of happiness makes romantic love sizzle. This new level of happiness can only come from putting new values into society. For years in my workshops, my secret to successful marriages was to help the man and the woman, in their own ways, to get on the track of growing value production. Once that happened, then they experienced growing value reflection, which was true love. Now, people are even going further -- into value creation as you say. And that makes their marriages hot! Imagine living as the value creator on his growth curve; fifty years of sizzling romantic love and happiness will create enormous desire not to lose those wonderful values to death! After fifty years, a happy couple will have so much more love to live for than the 25-year-old newlyweds."

Jasmine took particular interest in Natasha's story. Jasmine, who took extensive notes at these meetings for reference in future articles, would from time to time ask a probing question that would add depth or interest to a future article or documentary. She was, in a sense, The Group's staff reporter and scribe of these historic happenings.

"What specific changes have you noticed about couples' love lives?" she asked Natasha.

Jake noticed the women in the room were very interested in Natasha's response.

"Throughout my radio and seminar career, I've improved thousands of relationships. In every case, I've used the same fundamentals: happiness comes first from value production followed by love from value reflection. And I identify the essence of a woman, giving her the freedom to contribute to her husband's productivity as part of her value production, too, and a source of happiness for her, too. Today we are witnessing the job revolution unleashing people's human potential, which has brought about immense happiness and resulting love. The most notable change that I've witnessed, Jasmine, something I never conceptualized in all my years until recently, has been the escalating reciprocation I see now as a result of people's deep happiness. It has made me realize, first, the power of reciprocation in love and, second, how reciprocation in love is a direct effect of happiness. Historically, the two most powerful love relationships are 1) parent and small child, and 2) man and woman while falling in love. A mother and her baby...Romeo and Juliet. What makes the love so powerful? Well, let's imagine a mother and her baby. The mother is that baby or toddler's whole world. She's everything. The baby is gleefully in love with mom's every gesture of love. The mother feels her baby's full and total reciprocation of her love. Now, imagine Romeo and Juliet and the full and total reciprocation of their love. Yet, in both situations, the mother and child and Romeo and Juliet, the full and total reciprocation fades with the lows of parent/teenager disaffection and husband/wife estrangement. As the years pass in the anticivilization, the two most powerful love relationships in existence vanish into indifference or worse...with little or no reciprocation.

"Now I've noticed since the job revolution, since people achieve their human potential, the increasing intensity of love in marriages and in parent/child relationships. The reciprocation actually increases with time! I'm referring to couples who've been married for years and to parents with older children, including teenagers! The intensity and reciprocation of love between more and more parents and their children, even with their teenagers, for the first time since the beginning of time is surpassing that of mother and infant! Imagine the powerful love we've seen in members of The Group and their children; take Rico for example: From what he's told us, his love amplifies as his children grow older, for the older they get, the less time Rico has with them before they are gone from his home. Like Rico, more and more people now love their teenagers with more intensity than babies! And the intensity and reciprocation of love between more and more married couples is surpassing the first few intimate weeks of bliss! It's just fascinating to see. I always knew happiness was a prerequisite to love, but I honestly never expected the intensity that I'm seeing now. In the Civilization of the Universe, the previous working models no longer apply.

"This intensity has opened a new area of study for me: this whole new level to our emotions. Human beings seem to be evolving into a new breed emotionally. More and more adults are experiencing inseparable family love and romantic love. I'm fascinated by this new intensity of family and romantic love that I'm observing across the country. Before the job revolution, reciprocation died out because the anticivilization extinguished a person's potential and his happiness, thus ended his motivation for love. Instead, the parent, the teenager, and the spouse all turned to distractions in this anticivilization, exactly as Al was saying. They turned away from themselves, their creations, their love for themselves and their love for each other."

The room was quiet. What a powerful identification, Jake thought. He looked around. The people in the room were lost in their thoughts about their own children and love relationships.

"I...I know exactly what you're saying, Natasha," Rico finally said. "I could never successfully express to anyone just how powerful my feelings are for my children. And the older they get, the more powerful those feelings grow and the more I want to be with them. I feel deep inside the preciousness of every moment with them. I think down deep I know our time together is limited, and I feel the preciousness more and more as they grow older and our time together grows less. My love for them sometimes consumes me. And for Olivia, I feel increasing love each year. I guess I'm so aware of the preciousness of what we have in light of the shortness of life to experience everything we will ever have. Sometimes the thought of losing their love to death drives me mad, and I have to shut off the thought of that horrific loss at the end. On the other hand, the shortness of our time together drives me into exciting celebrations of life and love every time I'm with Olivia and my children. The celebrations grow more and more precious with the passing of time.

"And Al was right," Rico continued. "I can feel those powerful feelings of love for my children and wife because I love my life. My competitive creations have brought me a life that is bigger than life to me -- something as a teen and as a young man I'd only see and dream about in the movies. The business I've built makes my every day a thrill to be alive. My emotions are alive; I love myself for what I've done for myself, my family, and for society, and that gives me the go-power to love my children and wife the way I do. ...I know about the other way, you know. I remember my father. He hated himself for what he did to himself and to society. He had no source of happiness and felt no love for his children, and eventually I didn't feel anything back for him."

It dawned on Jake what he was observing and what Natasha was trying to understand: He was observing the next level of emotional existence of the God-Man. The God-Man, with deep and swirling happiness, felt family love and romantic love beyond anything previously known. He also felt genuine love and compassion for his fellowman because of the wonderful values he received from his fellowman, just like the members of the God-Man Group felt pure love for each other. God-Man was the next mentality of man. The emotional jump from ancient bicameral man to conscious man was similar to this emotional jump from today's conscious man to God-Man. Jake knew from his recent studies that the famous spiritual leaders Lao-Tzu, Buddha, and Jesus had broken through, too, and had tried to show humanity the love after our final evolution.

Jake knew now what Al was getting at and why the timing was right to introduce the Association for Curing Aging and Death to the public. For, as more and more people rose into this whole new emotional existence at the next level of happiness and love -- at Rico's level -- the thought of dying would be appalling, just as it was for Rico. In their old emotional existence of stagnation and emotional estrangement, death was an integral part of rescuing people from boredom and misery at the end. It was the final escape. But all that reverses in the new emotional existence of the God-Man -- the value creator -- at the next level of happiness and inseparable love.

Jake never before so clearly understood what the God-Man Group had been doing these past four years: By curing humanity of the bicameral mind disease -- of needing external authorities -- they had created a world in which everyone's natural emotional desire was for man's greatest possible achievement: biological immortality. The world was ready.

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